If LKD is right (and by the sudden change in her expectations i have no reason to doubt her), not counting VC titles and 3rd party non-exclusive titles, this is what i tjink the 1st party line-up for the year is going to be:
-Zelda BotW (JP, US)
-Mario&Rabbids RPG
-Splatoon Remaster (pack-in title)
-Nintendoland Switch (downloadable)
-Mario Kart 8+ or Smash Bros Remastered
-Monster Hunter Generation Ultimate (JP)
-Xenoblade Chronicles X Remastered (JP)
-Pikmin 4 (April)
-Zelda BotW (May, EU) *but i reaaaaally hope it's launch in EU too
-Mario Kart 8+ or Smash Bros Remastered (May)
-Mario Switch (June)
-Monster Hunter Stories Ultimate (June, JP)
-Xenoblade Chronicles X Remastered (July)
-Monster Hunter Generation Ultimate (August)
-Animal Crossing (September)
-Pokémon Star (October)
-Retro New IP (November)
-Mario Sports? (December)
-Monster Hunter Stories Ultimate (December)