If we get a metroid tease next week then we have to wait 6 months for more I might explode.
I have Metroid hunger! I need a new Metroid!
Hope we get some news next week. At least a hint for E3.
If we get a metroid tease next week then we have to wait 6 months for more I might explode.
I have Metroid hunger! I need a new Metroid!
Hope we get some news next week. At least a hint for E3.
So the 6 Wii U ports will be:
- Smash
- Splatoon
- Mario Kart
- Xenoblade
- Mario Maker
- Pokken
So no Hyrule Warriors port?
8 Days People.
8 Days.
There better be Majora's Mask countdowns once we're 3 days away.
Hopefully soonSo when can I play Eternal Darkness and the new Metroid
So the 6 Wii U ports will be:
- Smash
- Splatoon
- Mario Kart
- Xenoblade
- Mario Maker
- Pokken
So no Hyrule Warriors port?
Just look at what people expect of the Switch in general:
1. All the graphics
2. Super cheap price
That's not happening. That is physically impossible (it's a handheld) and from a business perspective. And also they want:
3: All the games
Which is also an unrealistic expectation. Yes, if Switch is a mega hit games will follow, no question. But at this point in time Switch is a giant question mark and it makes sense for 3rd parties to not invest too heavily in it. I'm sure many people get that so they expect:
4: All the Nintendo games
This event won't deliver that. Nintendo will focus on the 3-5 games they'll release on launch, maybe give some hints for the future (I fully expect we'll see a 3D Mario trailer, saying it's coming Holidays 2017) but other than that it will be a modest event with tons and tons of play time and I'm sure loads of positive reactions by the people who'll play it at the event.
In other words, people on the internet are going to be angry.
Valid point.When are people not angry tho
Wait, has Pokken been rumored to received a Switch port?
A friend of mine loves that game. I hope it will come to Switch.No, wishful thinking.
This last week will take longer than the last ten week combined.
I had a dream I was watching the live reveal event.
It started with the music from the reveal trailer playing over the speakers while Reggie appeared on stage wearing shades, a Hawaiian shirt and a pair of shorts.
So the 6 Wii U ports will be:
- Smash
- Splatoon
- Mario Kart
- Xenoblade
- Mario Maker
- Pokken
So no Hyrule Warriors port?
No, wishful thinking.
No, wishful thinking.
Or binge-watch JoJo Parts 1-4.Time to enter the stasis chamber.
Do you really think all those arcade characters will remain exclusive on arcade forever?
I would assume over lifespan of Switch, that it gets Wii U ports every year. I expect star fox, pokken, #FE, paper Mario, twilight princes hd all to be ported also at some point. Probably 2018.
I would assume over lifespan of Switch, that it gets Wii U ports every year. I expect star fox, pokken, #FE, paper Mario, twilight princes hd all to be ported also at some point. Probably 2018.
StarFox with re-worked controls and a bit of extra development time could be interesting.
No offense but I'd rather have Funky Barn: Game of the Year Edition.All I want is TankTankTank definitive edition.
Switch has so much potential to create a local multiplayer renaissance. The launch lineup has to have a BIG 4p MP game.
Switch has so much potential to create a local multiplayer renaissance. The launch lineup has to have a BIG 4p MP game.
I accidentally bumped an old thread. But does anyone know what Human Head Studios are working on?
I am just hoping with the talk of so many ports of wii u games that Us Wii u owners will get discounts on previously bought wii u games I think this will encourage wii u owners to become early adopters and thus make a bigger user base initially.
I really think this could be done with the MY Nintendo rewards system and hope that is part of Nintendo's master plan.
Well no, but there's been no hint or rumour of a Switch port as of yet.
The new Metroid game for Switch that evolved from a 2013 prototype.
This information was brought to you straight from my ass.Or maybe not?
The new Metroid game for Switch that evolved from a 2013 prototype.
This information was brought to you straight from my ass.Or maybe not?
Wouldnt it also make sense to port the Fire Emblem-game from 3DS considering its basically three games in one and could all be fitted on one Switch cart?
Wouldnt it also make sense to port the Fire Emblem-game from 3DS considering its basically three games in one and could all be fitted on one Switch cart?
Wouldnt it also make sense to port the Fire Emblem-game from 3DS considering its basically three games in one and could all be fitted on one Switch cart?
Twilight Princess port, of a port... ?I would assume over lifespan of Switch, that it gets Wii U ports every year. I expect star fox, pokken, #FE, paper Mario, twilight princes hd all to be ported also at some point. Probably 2018.
I also think that if 3ds is going to have any hd remakes fire emblem will probably be the first choice.
Why haven't I thought of this?
Call it Fire Emblem Fates: Complete.
Yeah, I can see this happening.
So the 6 Wii U ports will be:
- Smash
- Splatoon
- Mario Kart
- Xenoblade
- Mario Maker
- Pokken
So no Hyrule Warriors port?
Twilight Princess port, of a port... ?
If there's something they shouldn't do, it's that.
Why haven't I thought of this?
Call it Fire Emblem Fates: Complete.
Yeah, I can see this happening.
Why haven't I thought of this?
Call it Fire Emblem Fates: Complete.
Yeah, I can see this happening.
Easier to swallow I guess.They should. But they should include Wind Waker HD in the package.