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Nintendo Switch Discussion Thread (Question of the Day, Countdown, etc)

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I just lurked at Laura Kate Dale's twitter account and, did this get discussed here ?

Laura heard that Koei Tecmo was working on a Nintendo IP that isn't Zelda nor Starfox.

I think they'll show 2018 games at E3, and new trailers for already announced holiday games.

I think that youtuber obe1plays may have earned some credibility here. So far his Assasnins Ceed rumor was corroborated by Luara, Liam reported there existing a VR shell for the Switch days after ob1 reported it, and now this tecmo rumor is exactly what he reported in his newest video. It seems he may share a source with these guys, and to be fair, he hasn't said anything outlandish thus far. Not saying he's necessarily 100% accurate, but he might be worth keeping an eye on leading up to the event.
I think that youtuber obe1plays may have earned some credibility here. So far his Assasnins Ceed rumor was corroborated by Luara, Liam reported there existing a VR shell for the Switch days after ob1 reported it, and now this tecmo rumor is exactly what he reported in his newest video. It seems he may share a source with these guys, and to be fair, he hasn't said anything outlandish thus far. Not saying he's necessarily 100% accurate, but he might be worth keeping an eye on leading up to the event.

Yes, but let's not forget one of his hot leaks was "LOL THE SWITCH DOESNT ACTUALLY MAKE THAT CLICK WHEN IT DOCKS"

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
I think you forgot Killzone needs 8GBs. And you couldn't play it without a 16GB card.

Other then that. We need to wait and see what Switch has planned. At least SD cards are easier to get then what the Vita did. That's a start.
It was only a 4gb download and had a big patch on top that added to it, but it didn't reach 8gb. Plus a later patch after that actually somehow cut the file size which was weird. But in any case that's one game.

I don't care if it comes from Nintendo or some third party. As long as there's a memory solution to get a good chunk of my library on there at one time I'm happy. And as a Vita 64gb card owner, I think you know I don't care how much it costs...


Yes, but let's not forget one of his hot leaks was "LOL THE SWITCH DOESNT ACTUALLY MAKE THAT CLICK WHEN IT DOCKS"

Well tbh that is a pretty big deal. In a few years the default line for a Nintendo concern troll will go from "Nintendo should make a powerful home console or else they're doomed!" to "Nintendo needs to add that click sound to the Switch 2 or they're doomed!"


I wouldn't be surprised if it ended on Zelda but showing actual dungeons, boss fights, and the plot.

Is there a non-confirmed IP big enough to pull a surprise ending off? I don't think Eternal Darkness, F-Zero, or Metroid could. Maybe Kid Icarus Uprising 2 or maybe it'll be Smash showcasing more new characters than we could possibly imagine.

Metroid could do it, depending on the scale and ambition of the project and the footage.


El Capitan Todd
Yeah I cant see retro new game being unveiled on january 13
I think monolith game has more chances and this come from someone who bet that soraya tweet is for the XCX port
Well tbh that is a pretty big deal. In a few years the default line for a Nintendo concern troll will go from "Nintendo should make a powerful home console or else they're doomed!" to "Nintendo needs to add that click sound to the Switch 2 or they're doomed!"

I've said it before and I'll say it again--have the CLICK come from the speakers!

I'm not kidding


After replaying Tropical Freeze.

I think Retro could do a 2D Metroid. They can nail level design on DK. I'm sure they can adapt that to 2D Metroid with is more connected world.

2D Metroid wouldn't make the necessary returns. Nintendo would likely have to develop it for the 3DS, and allocate a tight budget for it.

Retro Studios would likely be tasked with an IP that brings some medium returns at the least, considering they aren't a small budget studio.


Yeah I cant see retro new game being unveiled on january 13
I think monolith game has more chances and this come from someone who bet that soraya tweet is for the XCX port

I love that this woman's Twitter account has become this faux-official tool to determine whether Xenoblade will be mentioned or not.


Yeah I cant see retro new game being unveiled on january 13
I think monolith game has more chances and this come from someone who bet that soraya tweet is for the XCX port

Why ? The opposite is far more likely. Retro's game is in the works since more than three years. It could even be a launch title at that point.


Retro did in fact pitch a 2D Metroid for 3DS to Nintendo. I remember reading about the leaked design documents. Something about exploring a ship controlled by an AI with multiple personality disorder.

It looked cool but it was rejected.
Retro did in fact pitch a 2D Metroid for 3DS to Nintendo. I remember reading about the leaked design documents. Something about exploring a ship controlled by an AI with multiple personality disorder.

It looked cool but it was rejected.

What LOL? A ship controlled by an artficial intelligence with multiple personality disorder lol????
Yeah I cant see retro new game being unveiled on january 13
I think monolith game has more chances and this come from someone who bet that soraya tweet is for the XCX port
No surprise you said Retros game can't be there. Why can't it? It's been too long. They can easily show a trailer for everyone to see. They know people want to see it. They can shown a trailer and do a full reveal at E3.

This is a worldwide Direct for a brand new console coming worldwide not only Japan.

No, I'm 100% sure it was Retro.
No. 100% it was Next Level Games.


I hope that this kills the Vita, 3DS, and Wii U off. Like 80% of the games I buy hits one of the three; be nice for a one stop shop to finally appear.

Also, I kinda want Nintendo to do Sony and Microsoft dirty and start funding remasters of exclusive third party games from previous gens. Like a Devil May Cry 1-4 remaster and more along that line.


No surprise you said Retros game can't be there. Why can't it? It's been too long. They can easily show a trailer for everyone to see. They know people want to see it. They can shown a trailer and do a full reveal at E3.

This is a worldwide Direct for a brand new console coming worldwide not only Japan.

It's not a direct. It's a live presentation. But Nintendo doesn't distinguish its games by the development team's location. Metroid Prime premiered at SpaceWorld 2000.


Does anyone else think that the Switch could potentially be the Gaming community's version of Trump & Brexit? What I mean by this is that most, if not all, criticism so far has been assumptions, assuming people don't want the basic concept, assuming people only care about power, assuming that 3rd party support will be at the same level as the Wii U; it's exactly the same as those two situations I pointed out as before they happened most of GAF and the left-wing simply assumed that neither could win.

Every time the topic of 3rd party support comes up, for example, we hear the tired "same old song and dance" lines trotted out despite their being so much different between the Switch now and the Wii U at the same time before launch. Much the same way people wrote off Brexit before Trump won, people are writing off Skyrim, NBA, From Software, etc as either "old ports" or "unprecedented partnerships" without any critical thinking about what even having those around means for the machine. On the first party side we have people decrying MK8, Splatoon, etc as "just Wii U ports" even though remasters and remakes have been incredibly prevalent, and overall successful, this generation. We live in a world where GTAV; a two year old port of a three year old game, is still in the Top 10 Sales Charts often, for example. Many even write off any benefits it could have from being a handheld because it's also a console and vice-versa, all whilst focusing on the negatives both form factors bring instead.

Now, of course, the Switch and Nintendo have a very big uphill battle if they want the thing to be a success; and no I am not saying it will come anywhere close to the Wii, but I just think that the general concensus that the thing won't set the world on fire is inherently misguided.

Should I make this a thread? It could potentially be interesting but I fear it's a bit of a stupid topic and it might get overridden by console wars.


No. 100% it was Next Level Games.

I know about that, but again, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about Retro's pitch.

What LOL? A ship controlled by an artficial intelligence with multiple personality disorder lol????
It sounded neat.
AI Construct Personality Document

The intent of this document is to illustrate the four distinct personalities of the AI construct and how it will affect game play. Personality types, and their unique traits will break down the list. In addition, the AI personality type ”The Fool" has been replaced with ”The Mother" due to the fact that ”The Child" and ”The Fool" were too similar. The AI and its four personalities would appear at certain intervals of the game in a form of a hologram that although appears to have depth from a forward view, but is actually paper thin, imagine a Sprite that is always facing you, but occasionally, you catch a glimpse of its side, and you'll get the idea. Although the AI is Alien, it appears in human form and ”speaks" using English in order for Samus to understand it.

The Killer:

• Combat heavy game play style, larger number of enemy spawns than usual, less drops for killed creatures. Security systems (turrets, for example) would be more deadly than normal. The more players involved in the game, they heavier the amount of enemies

• Atmosphere of the environment when ”The Killer" AI is in control would consist of strobing lights, red lights, and lots of fog. Camera function would distort at times or fish eye, causing the player to become disoriented, similar to Silent Hill and Eternal Darkness. In addition, there would be darkened areas of the ship that would play into the fear factor of the player, and force them to use their visor mode.

• The Killer would taunt the player with a voice similar in tone and inflection to Hannibal ”The Cannibal" Lecter, and ”Alex" from A Clockwork Orange.

For all intensive purposes, ”The Killer" is much more combat oriented than the 3 other personality types. The feeling the player should get from ”The Killer" is that they are being stalked like prey. It has a serial killer mentality and will stop at nothing to end its victim's life.

The Child:

• Puzzle heavy game play style, more emphasis on puzzle solving and scanning, and less combat. Since ”The Child" is Playing, it will occasionally react by reactivating security systems, re-locking doors, and trapping the player where necessary, all in the name of (deadly) fun. Possible ”Simon Says" like sequences, for example.

• Atmosphere of the environment when ”The Child" AI Construct is in control would consist of softer and warmer light values. (Similar to night-lights?) Not too many shadowed places due to the fact that children for the most part, are scared of the dark. Another way we could describe the lighting, would be carnival like, sort of a ”Dark Disneyland."

• ”The Child" would communicate with the player in a child's voice as well as communicate in rhymes and songs. The voice of this AI construct would be similar in tone and inflection to Damien from the Omen, and the kid from that movie, the 6th sense. Interestingly enough, ”The Child" becomes scared when the player enters a dark room or area heavily cast in shadow.

”The Child" AI construct is the exact opposite of the ”The Killer". Its focus is puzzle based and relies less on using physical enemies to stop the player. At times, perhaps ”The Child" AI construct could be used as a hint system to guide the player when they become lost. Although the ”The Child" AI construct thinks its playing and having fun, its puzzles and games are still deadly. Imagine a crazed child swinging around an Axe, it's having fun, but doesn't realize he/she could really hurt someone.

The Mother:

• ”The Mother" is the ”core" as well as the helper AI. Out of all four personality types, this one is the most friendly of the bunch. ”The Mother" AI could be used as a crucial Plot device which gives Samus and other bounty Hunters technological upgrades when completing a puzzle. Game play wise, ”The Mother" is a helper, while the action going on around the players is a combination of The Child and The Killer, 50% combat, and 50% puzzle.

• Atmosphere of the environment when ”The Mother" AI Construct is in control is womb-like, orange and yellow lights fill the area and a heartbeat can be heard in the background.

• ”The Mother" Knows something is wrong with either her or the ships computer, (it has become detached from it self) but feels overwhelmed and helpless. When the Bounty Hunters arrive, she senses that they could possibly right the situation.

”The Mother" construct would communicate with the players in a soothing voice, ‘ala SAL (2010) and EVE (Command and Conquer)

”The Mother" AI, is used as the core and helper though out the game. It can be used for item acquisition, technological advancement, relay back story and offer clues and hints, almost like a redundant hint system but with personality. Another interesting factor regarding ”The Mother" it will always pick a favored bounty hunter, much like a favored son or daughter. This could be randomized, so every time the game is started from the beginning, it chooses a bounty hunter at random.

The Martyr:

• ”The Martyr" is one of the boss battles in the game, and perhaps is the most deadly of all of the AI constructs due to the fact that ”The Martyr' has the burden of successfully completing its mission. (The mission could be ramming into a planet, if it was the brains for a gigantic spaceship, or self destructing if it were the main operations for the base, for example) Fighting this boss could go a few different ways. Destroy the main reactor/CPU? Shut down the system based on teamwork along the lines of mission impossible? Perhaps the AI manifests itself in physical form. There are a lot of options we can explore.

• Atmosphere of the environment when ”The Martyr" AI construct is in control would be one of decay and ruin. Sparks are flying off machines, tons of smoke, auxiliary lights being only light source, machines failing left and right, camera shakes and toppling geometry are the norm.

• ”The Martyr" has a personality that is a cross between the MCP from Tron, Shodan from System Shock 1 and 2, and Col. Kurtz from Apocalypse Now. It fully believes in its mission and will stop at nothing to complete it. It also is righteous in its beliefs and has a tendency to scream at the top of its lungs, spewing out all sorts of nonsensical diatribes and riddles.

”The Martyr" is the Head Honcho of the AI construct; this is what the AI eventually will eventually turn into, as opposed to its other forms. ”The Martyr" also has master control over every aspect of the ship, its security system, and can use anything at its disposal to try and stop the player.

Concept drawings


One of the ideas we had was to just render the face instead of the entire body. Clockwise from left: The Child, The Martyr, The Killer, and The Mother.


Again, ”The Child" with a heavy Anime Influence.


More concepts of ”The Killer" and ”The Child"


Please, I do know the difference.

Isn't that Mama Robotnik's post on "Metroid Prime 1.5" which was rejected prototype. But it was an FPS not a 2D game.

Retro Studios pitched Metroid Prime 1.5 and Next Level games pitched a 2D Metroid. Both were rejected by the producer Kensuke Tanabe and NCL.


Retro did in fact pitch a 2D Metroid for 3DS to Nintendo. I remember reading about the leaked design documents. Something about exploring a ship controlled by an AI with multiple personality disorder.

It looked cool but it was rejected.

That wasn't meant to be a 3DS game, though. It was one of the ideas they had for/before Metroid Prime 2.


It was intended to be a 2.5D game. And I was very clear that it was rejected.

You said it was a 2D game for the 3DS, and it wasn't. It was prior to Metroid Prime 2, for the GameCube, and it seemed to be an FPS. But we don't need to argue about vaporware semantics though.
Does anyone else think that the Switch could potentially be the Gaming community's version of Trump & Brexit? What I mean by this is that most, if not all, criticism so far has been assumptions, assuming people don't want the basic concept, assuming people only care about power, assuming that 3rd party support will be at the same level as the Wii U; it's exactly the same as those two situations I pointed out as before they happened most of GAF and the left-wing simply assumed that neither could win.

Every time the topic of 3rd party support comes up, for example, we hear the tired "same old song and dance" lines trotted out despite their being so much different between the Switch now and the Wii U at the same time before launch. Much the same way people wrote off Brexit before Trump won, people are writing off Skyrim, NBA, From Software, etc as either "old ports" or "unprecedented partnerships" without any critical thinking about what even having those around means for the machine. On the first party side we have people decrying MK8, Splatoon, etc as "just Wii U ports" even though remasters and remakes have been incredibly prevalent, and overall successful, this generation. We live in a world where GTAV; a two year old port of a three year old game, is still in the Top 10 Sales Charts often, for example. Many even write off any benefits it could have from being a handheld because it's also a console and vice-versa, all whilst focusing on the negatives both form factors bring instead.

Now, of course, the Switch and Nintendo have a very big uphill battle if they want the thing to be a success; and no I am not saying it will come anywhere close to the Wii, but I just think that the general concensus that the thing won't set the world on fire is inherently misguided.

Should I make this a thread? It could potentially be interesting but I fear it's a bit of a stupid topic and it might get overridden by console wars.
Could be an interesting thread.


Can't see how Fire Emblem Musou wouldn't be redundant. DLC characters, sure, but a crossover? Mario with his items would be a good fit.

Imagine knocking armies over with red shells.


El Capitan Todd
No surprise you said Retros game can't be there. Why can't it? It's been too long. They can easily show a trailer for everyone to see. They know people want to see it. They can shown a trailer and do a full reveal at E3.

This is a worldwide Direct for a brand new console coming worldwide not only Japan.

No. 100% it was Next Level Games.

You are correct, it was Next level Games
About retro, it seems that even the more optimistic are passing the message that they will primarly focus on launch games and launch window games, so I dont see them teasing with other projects

It is funny because when I am worried about them not going all out, many said me that they dont need to, wait for E3, useless to tease projects far away

Now that I say "dont expect this approach ", I am critiziced because obviously they suddenly will give us exactly what I was saying (glimpses of many many games in different development status)


Maturity, bitches.
Does anyone else think that the Switch could potentially be the Gaming community's version of Trump & Brexit? What I mean by this is that most, if not all, criticism so far has been assumptions, assuming people don't want the basic concept, assuming people only care about power, assuming that 3rd party support will be at the same level as the Wii U; it's exactly the same as those two situations I pointed out as before they happened most of GAF and the left-wing simply assumed that neither could win.

Every time the topic of 3rd party support comes up, for example, we hear the tired "same old song and dance" lines trotted out despite their being so much different between the Switch now and the Wii U at the same time before launch. Much the same way people wrote off Brexit before Trump won, people are writing off Skyrim, NBA, From Software, etc as either "old ports" or "unprecedented partnerships" without any critical thinking about what even having those around means for the machine. On the first party side we have people decrying MK8, Splatoon, etc as "just Wii U ports" even though remasters and remakes have been incredibly prevalent, and overall successful, this generation. We live in a world where GTAV; a two year old port of a three year old game, is still in the Top 10 Sales Charts often, for example. Many even write off any benefits it could have from being a handheld because it's also a console and vice-versa, all whilst focusing on the negatives both form factors bring instead.

Now, of course, the Switch and Nintendo have a very big uphill battle if they want the thing to be a success; and no I am not saying it will come anywhere close to the Wii, but I just think that the general concensus that the thing won't set the world on fire is inherently misguided.

Should I make this a thread? It could potentially be interesting but I fear it's a bit of a stupid topic and it might get overridden by console wars.

Nintendo games for Nintendo gamers. Third parties should go back home.


Too much switch threads.

Trump and Brexit won because people ignored the dangers of normalizing xenophobia.

If the switch wins he will win because the lack of handhelds to compete with him...Or because Nintendo never lost a handheld battle.


Does anyone else think that the Switch could potentially be the Gaming community's version of Trump & Brexit? What I mean by this is that most, if not all, criticism so far has been assumptions, assuming people don't want the basic concept, assuming people only care about power, assuming that 3rd party support will be at the same level as the Wii U; it's exactly the same as those two situations I pointed out as before they happened most of GAF and the left-wing simply assumed that neither could win.

Every time the topic of 3rd party support comes up, for example, we hear the tired "same old song and dance" lines trotted out despite their being so much different between the Switch now and the Wii U at the same time before launch. Much the same way people wrote off Brexit before Trump won, people are writing off Skyrim, NBA, From Software, etc as either "old ports" or "unprecedented partnerships" without any critical thinking about what even having those around means for the machine. On the first party side we have people decrying MK8, Splatoon, etc as "just Wii U ports" even though remasters and remakes have been incredibly prevalent, and overall successful, this generation. We live in a world where GTAV; a two year old port of a three year old game, is still in the Top 10 Sales Charts often, for example. Many even write off any benefits it could have from being a handheld because it's also a console and vice-versa, all whilst focusing on the negatives both form factors bring instead.

Now, of course, the Switch and Nintendo have a very big uphill battle if they want the thing to be a success; and no I am not saying it will come anywhere close to the Wii, but I just think that the general concensus that the thing won't set the world on fire is inherently misguided.

Should I make this a thread? It could potentially be interesting but I fear it's a bit of a stupid topic and it might get overridden by console wars.



Square Enix is onboard for Switch, right? Anyway, I'm putting out positive vibes for a 3D remaster of FF VI. It's got to happen...Right?


Make it and you will see why.

Too much switch threads.

Trump and Brexit won because people ignored the dangers of normalizing xenophobia.

If the switch wins he will win because the lack of handhelds to compete with him...Or because Nintendo never lost a handheld battle.

Nintendo games for Nintendo gamers. Third parties should go back home.

I think you're misunderstanding. I use Brexit and Trump not because the Switch is anything like them, but because of the expectations surrounding the three beforehand. The two are examples of "things will be the same" arguments shown to be completely wrong. It could be anything else, but those two are just the most fresh in people's minds

Though I think a thread be better if I just said "Will the Switch defy our expectations?"
Too much switch threads.

Trump and Brexit won because people ignored the dangers of normalizing xenophobia.

If the switch wins he will win because the lack of handhelds to compete with him...Or because Nintendo never lost a handheld battle.

They hype is becoming too much. People are breaking.



Does anyone else think that the Switch could potentially be the Gaming community's version of Trump & Brexit? What I mean by this is that most, if not all, criticism so far has been assumptions, assuming people don't want the basic concept, assuming people only care about power, assuming that 3rd party support will be at the same level as the Wii U; it's exactly the same as those two situations I pointed out as before they happened most of GAF and the left-wing simply assumed that neither could win.

Every time the topic of 3rd party support comes up, for example, we hear the tired "same old song and dance" lines trotted out despite their being so much different between the Switch now and the Wii U at the same time before launch. Much the same way people wrote off Brexit before Trump won, people are writing off Skyrim, NBA, From Software, etc as either "old ports" or "unprecedented partnerships" without any critical thinking about what even having those around means for the machine. On the first party side we have people decrying MK8, Splatoon, etc as "just Wii U ports" even though remasters and remakes have been incredibly prevalent, and overall successful, this generation. We live in a world where GTAV; a two year old port of a three year old game, is still in the Top 10 Sales Charts often, for example. Many even write off any benefits it could have from being a handheld because it's also a console and vice-versa, all whilst focusing on the negatives both form factors bring instead.

Now, of course, the Switch and Nintendo have a very big uphill battle if they want the thing to be a success; and no I am not saying it will come anywhere close to the Wii, but I just think that the general concensus that the thing won't set the world on fire is inherently misguided.

Should I make this a thread? It could potentially be interesting but I fear it's a bit of a stupid topic and it might get overridden by console wars.
I definitely think you should make this thread. Don't listen to the naysayers.
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