Pre-conference I felt like I was 100% going to be running to the store to pre-order tomorrow, but now I don't think so.
I'm okay with the price but I'm just really dissapointed with the launch window, not just the launch. I was kind of expecting around 4 notable games in the first 3 months but it really looks like Zelda and MK only, along with a party game -- which could be enough but 1,2, Switch needs to be a Wii Sports level party game for that to be the case. Basically, they were a couple first-party games shy -- and, hey that's a lot for a company that drives their hardware based on first-party not someone like Sony or MS who sells new machines by being your main third-party console for everything, which the Switch can't promise.
On a personal note, which I don't feel matters too much since most people don't own a Wii U -- but as a day 1 Wii U owner the fact that a cross-gen release (I still think it's a huge launch game and its my most anticipated title of 2016, but as I said this is just my personal situation) and an upgraded port are the two big launch window games is extra disappointing. I really thought there would be more, especially considering the Wii U hasn't done good in terms of first-party releases for a while.
One last thought. I really am happy with SM Odyssey, but it kind of reminds me of the 3DS, where I waited until the first holiday and the 3DS was price cut and there was a SM3DL bundle. Right now the Switch seems like something I want by holiday 2017 because they have one full exclusive that would probably rank as my 2nd or 3rd most anticipated game of the year now -- but I really was hoping they'd make a stronger case for launch or launch window and not waiting until holiday 2017 because they can't afford a 3DS situation again.