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Nintendo to exhibit Christmas Titles "GameFront"

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
29.09.04 - Nintendo communicates that in Japan to 13.10.04 and 14.10.04 conferences for the trade in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya will take place. On the meeting hard and software of the coming Christmas business are presented. Nintendo DS should be playable, whereby the titles are still unclear. For the Gamecube Mario party 6 and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat are shown, for the Game Boy Advance Yoshi NO Banyuuin Ryoku. Furthermore speaks Nintendo of 'vielen further new Spielen', in addition, calls here no names.

** Looks like Jungle Beat and Yoshi GBA will hit Japan this Christmas. USA is looking for early Spring :( Some new games too.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Hopefully they show off the new Custom Robo for GBA soon too. I really want to more about that one.
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