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No Man's Sky Review Thread: The Scores Have Arrived (read OP)


Its sad but not unexpected, lot of people here had serious doubts about the game, they never showed too much about the game cause honestly , what did they had to show besides traveling and more traveling?

The idea of exploring is cool but if there isnt unique planets with unique objectives and life to meet, then theres only an idea!

Hype won, the same way people see a cgi trailer for a new game and the next thing they say its : "pre order done"


Also, another drag was that the 3 planets I visited were all lifeless and uninteresting, but that's the luck of the draw I guess.

I'm going to keep playing for some hours, maybe my overall feeling of the game will change, but my first impression wasn't the best.
I've only started it once, can the starter planet be lifeless? I love the game but I might've had luck with the starter planet, radioactive on the surface but safe in caves and full of weird wildlife, small, big, flying and LOTs of trading spots. Don't know what I'd think about the game with only lifeless planets tbh.


Gold Member
Amazing diversity of reviews. The Guardian reviewers words are quite moving.

I am happy for the studio for the positive reviews of which there are several very good ones, (amidst the others which are not so much)
Its sad but not unexpected, lot of people here had serious doubts about the game, they never showed too much about the game cause honestly , what did they had to show besides traveling and more traveling?

The idea of exploring is cool but if there isnt unique planets with unique objectives and life to meet, then theres only an idea!

Hype won, the same way people see a cgi trailer for a new game and the next thing they say its : "pre order done"


A massive play area with nothing of consequence to do except perform the same basic actions over and over? Sounds right up there with Skyrim and Dragon Age Inquisition to me, both "games of their years".

It isn't hype when people simply like this style of game. The review scores might be actually appropriate for a change. But just like someone giving skyrim 10/10 doesn't make me like it, many people will still love this at a 5.

The only failing would be from people who couldn't understand exactly what type of game this is. This seems pretty unlikely, given the game even had a AAA price tag to tip them off.

The people asked for it, they delivered. A success.

Endo Punk

Gotta say the warning signs were always there. Hype machine doesn't care about facts or real life consequence, it's cold and heartless that lifts games and devs only to crash them back to the ground.

Hello Games didn't deserve this, NMS should have released without all the shitstorm fanfair and grew organically over weeks and months.

Gamers should have realised that maybe we shouldn't hype this game up by a tiny group of people to a level that is normally reserved for the Bathesdas and EA's of the World. Now the perception of NMS is tainted.
Amazing diversity of reviews. The Guardian reviewers words are quite moving.

I am happy for the studio for the positive reviews of which there are several very good ones, (amidst the others which are not so much)

Pay no attention to anything that comes out of The Guardian since about 2005.


Well after 3 hours of playing, I can say that I'm somewhat disappointed, still want to play it since it's my type of game, space and exploration. But I just wanted a more populated space, it feels so empty but I keep coming back. I'm just going to reach the center and call it done.

I love the language hunt part, I'd be dismayed if I paid 60$ for it but luckily a friend got it for me as a gift, he bought a copy for himself and boy is he pissed since he hates the shit out of it. Then again I warned him that if he hated Elite he will hate this as well.

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
Gotta say the warning signs were always there. Hype machine doesn't care about facts or real life consequence, it's cold and heartless that lifts games and devs only to crash them back to the ground.

Hello Games didn't deserve this, NMS should have released without all the shitstorm fanfair and grew organically over weeks and months.

Gamers should have realised that maybe we shouldn't hype this game up by a tiny group of people to a level that is normally reserved for the Bathesdas and EA's of the World. Now the perception of NMS is tainted.

Maybe if they wanted the game to release without all the shitstorm fanfair, they wouldn't have ridden the hype train themselves,charged $60 and rushed the game out of the door, while being deceptive about certain features being in.
$79.99 CAD for this on the PSN store is laughable and there's no refunds. I feel bad for anyone who was duped into buying this disgustingly overpriced "game".
Gotta say the warning signs were always there. Hype machine doesn't care about facts or real life consequence, it's cold and heartless that lifts games and devs only to crash them back to the ground.

Hello Games didn't deserve this, NMS should have released without all the shitstorm fanfair and grew organically over weeks and months.

Gamers should have realised that maybe we shouldn't hype this game up by a tiny group of people to a level that is normally reserved for the Bathesdas and EA's of the World. Now the perception of NMS is tainted.

To the bolded, how could you not feel hyped by it's spectacular debut trailer? NMS is basically the Suicide Squad of gaming.


$79.99 CAD for this on the PSN store is laughable and there's no refunds. I feel bad for anyone who was duped into buying this disgustingly overpriced "game".
I pre-ordered on psn for 79.99 CAD as soon as it was available. I was a part of the hype train, waited until midnight, played for a few hours and then realised the unfortunate truth that it was a "mile wide and an inch deep". Maybe I'll try again in a year when HG has added some depth related content. Until then it has been uninstalled from the hard drive. This was a good life lesson about not getting carried away.
I see many people saying how bad this game is.
Then, there are dozens of gamers just enjoying it as hell <3

You put yourself in one of these categories.

Xbox owner that is salty.
PS4 owner that is enjoying the shit out of it.
PS4 owner that expected something different.
PC owner.......lol, rekt
To the bolded, how could you not feel hyped by it's spectacular debut trailer? NMS is basically the Suicide Squad of gaming.

Maybe if they released it within a couple months of that trailer instead of debuting it literally years before it was ready it would have helped with the hype and expectations.. I remember when it was first announced, nobody saw it as anything but a very interesting looking indie title, and that's exactly what it is.


I was so waiting for this. As rude as it is to state such a thing, I'm actually happy that it's scoring "low". Not that it was ever going to live up to the hype some people, the press and Sony built (and Sean sometimes..) but I was worried that reviewers would go soft considering the small team and its indie nature.. I guess the $60 price point changed their minds.
E3 demos never captured my interest as it all looked empty and sameish with poor interaction and gameplay.. in a word: boring.

It sounds like my worst fear about the game was realized, which was that the devs would misunderstand the appeal of procedural generation in popular games.

An elephant with a dog's head and rabbit legs is an amusing diversion for a few minutes, but if it behaves exactly the same as a cow with a lion's head and frog legs, who will continue to give a shit once the novelty has worn off? Endless aesthetic variation only counts for very little if you don't have the core gameplay variety to back it up.

Also this.
I'm sorry for Hello Games guys but they have ridden a dangerous hype train. They'll do better next time.


We found the multiplayer.


I love this game. It is exactly what I'm looking for. I wouldn't have given it a 10 though.

It has consistent crashes and the gameplay design isn't extremely striking, so I would give it an 8/10. I really find it hard to believe that most of these journalists even gave No Man's Sky a proper chance, even going through at least a few jumps.

Xbox fans haven't even seen the best of it yet:


Wait til they see the planets...
or lack of anything on the planet LOL


I was under the impression that the PC version was a train wreck, at least that's what the comments on this forum imply.
Do they? these are the last 3 posts mentioning performance numbers in the PC perf thread right now:
Just disabled the shader cache. Everything maxed out at 1440p and keeping above 60fps
Yep, turned it off. Buttery smooth 1080p60 now with shadows and reflections on medium. Rest is maxed out.
Runs locked @60 1080p now without stuttering as expected with this hardware

It seems to me like a game which needs a bit of tweaking, not like a "trainwreck".
You put yourself in one of these categories.

Xbox owner that is salty.
PS4 owner that is enjoying the shit out of it.
PS4 owner that expected something different.
PC owner.......lol, rekt

There's also the PS4 owner that will defend the crap out of any console exclusive on the platform regardless of the quality. :) You have to be fair here and capture everyone.
There's also the PS4 owner that will defend the crap out of any console exclusive on the platform regardless of the quality. :) You have to be fair here and capture everyone.

As well people who have no bone in this race but could see a mediocre game when they see one.

They are laughed at, shouted down and ignored but eventually their concerns are proven vaild. Case in point:the order 1886.

Next up:- scalebound.


I see many people saying how bad this game is.
Then, there are dozens of gamers just enjoying it as hell <3

I think the important lesson is to know what you prefer as far as game design goes, wait til you have enough information and make an informed decision. The only wrong decision is to do what someone else tells you.

Personally I won't get the game yet because it looks like it has a lot of resource gathering and mgsv taught me that I don't enjoy that so much any more. I'll try a demo if I can though. But the other consideration is whether I have the free time for it. Toddlers are hard work so probably not.


Played 4 hours this morning and i'm already burned on the game

Goddamn it's repetitive, after the first hour there was not a single "woah" moment

Su damn dull

The reviews are sad because Sean Murray surpass Shigeru Miyamoto in creativity and gameplay innovation.



Its sad but not unexpected, lot of people here had serious doubts about the game, they never showed too much about the game cause honestly , what did they had to show besides traveling and more traveling?

The idea of exploring is cool but if there isnt unique planets with unique objectives and life to meet, then theres only an idea!

Hype won, the same way people see a cgi trailer for a new game and the next thing they say its : "pre order done"

There are countless unique planets and countless unique creatures. That isn't one of the game's weaknesses.

Weaknesses are more in the gameplay structure and loop which many reviewers can't see past. Which is fair enough.

I'm playing it as an experience and it will certainly be in my GotY list.


Played 4 hours this morning and i'm already burned on the game

Goddamn it's repetitive, after the first hour there was not a single "woah" moment

Su damn dull


Keep on trucking if you can stomach it. The nature of the game means you might not get wow moments for a while, but when they come they are always amazing and worth it. I had a good five hours of dull systems and planets there then suddenly found an atmospheric mushroom planet with giant 70-foot bears roaming it and literally all I want to do is explore it even though there's no gameplay incentive at this moment.

Plus there's a surprising amount of story and you only really see it as you progress through more systems. At 25 hours in I'm still finding out cool things about the backstory.

Such a big step down in quality from the Joe Danger games, those were actually really good.

This game is "actually really good". Brutal crashes aside, it's great quality. It's just so different, an incredibly niche piece of design.

The reviews are sad because Sean Murray surpass Shigeru Miyamoto in creativity and gameplay innovation.

... madness


Depends how you like your volume
All the way up to 11.

Keep on trucking if you can stomach it. The nature of the game means you might not get wow moments for a while, but when they come they are always amazing and worth it. I had a good five hours of dull systems and planets there then suddenly found an atmospheric mushroom planet with giant 70-foot bears roaming it and literally all I want to do is explore it even though there's no gameplay incentive.

This is where the game falls to pieces for me, I still maintain that having to 'truck' through 5 hours (if you're lucky) of dullness to get to some 'meat' points at terrible game design.


Gotta say the warning signs were always there. Hype machine doesn't care about facts or real life consequence, it's cold and heartless that lifts games and devs only to crash them back to the ground.

Hello Games didn't deserve this, NMS should have released without all the shitstorm fanfair and grew organically over weeks and months.

Gamers should have realised that maybe we shouldn't hype this game up by a tiny group of people to a level that is normally reserved for the Bathesdas and EA's of the World. Now the perception of NMS is tainted.
Maybe the problem always was that this game appealed enormously to a lot of peop!e, who actually do love this game, but made other people wonder why they couldn't see the attraction and thus think there "had to be more to it"?

There wasn't, and it wasn't supposed to either.
NMS isn't a FPS, a story driven linear adventure game, a puzzle game, a Space sim, a RPG or a MMO. Never was going to be, except perhaps in the minds of many who just couldn't see what the hubbub was for that subset of people who were (and still are) excited at the idea to cross that next procedural horizon or hill, get to that next system with perhaps a slightly different planet and more elements to mine/ craft/ lore to reveal/ weird creatures to catalogue.

That is why even when it was rather clear what the game was going to be that we still had dozens of people askng what the game was about, if it was multiplayer, asking why guardians would prevent you from FPSing everything in sight on planets, and why there wasn't discussion trees.

I' m still not sure why NMS was burdened with the crux of being everything for everyone. Maybe the fans whose imagination was set ablaze by what they saw originally and ever since (and reading the OT these people, like me, enjoy the game tremendously) were "too" excited and made people not into Exploration/ Survival think there -had- to be more to it...

What I do know is that I am loving the game, that it is everything I was hoping it would be and then some (with a few rough patches to be sure, PC version and crashes notwithstanding), and that to this day (and probably will for a long time) I still wonder why No Man's Sky and Sean Murray were subjected to the kind of Vitriol we have seen in the past few days.

Many say it's about the Price. Or that Sean Murray is the new Peter Moyneux (and then putting out lists of missing features that, for whatI've seen) are more than 80% BS)...

Surely there has to be more to it than this.


All the way up to 11.

This is where the game falls to pieces for me, I still maintain that having to 'truck' through 5 hours (if you're lucky) of dullness to get to some 'meat' points at terrible game design.

I'm willing to stick with it; you're not. That's fine. In my experience the great moments make up for the less great moments tenfold. They also make it feel more holistic.

(And five hours was an exaggeration really - in my 30 hours playing I've probably had two hours total of dull stuff - and that's common in any big game. I had the same thing in the Witcher and that was almost my GotY 2015.)


Frankly the fact that it's doing so well disgusts me. There are better Early Access games out there with more content that cost half as much. The game runs like shit on PC, and technically isn't a looker on either PS4 or PC.

Proves that we really are a bunch of sheep being pushed around by marketing, ugh.

Genuinely mind boggling that you are a) disgusted by people enjoying something you do not and b) that you believe the only reason they could be enjoying it is because they're brain washed by marketing.

a 68 metacritic score is not divisive

It's almost as if sometimes an average doesnt give you an accurate view of the general feelings on a game, a game thats all 7's is very different from a game thats all 5's and 9's
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