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No Man's Sky Review Thread: The Scores Have Arrived (read OP)


Score doesn't reflect the writing for many of these. 7/10 should be reserved for games that aren't considered to be mechanically baren.


Frankly the fact that it's doing so well disgusts me. There are better Early Access games out there with more content that cost half as much. The game runs like shit on PC, and technically isn't a looker on either PS4 or PC.

Proves that we really are a bunch of sheep being pushed around by marketing, ugh.
So people here just pretending to enjoy the game here?

I really don't get this at all.


I'm willing to stick with it; you're not. That's fine. In my experience the great moments make up for the less great moments tenfold. They also make it feel more holistic.

(And five hours was an exaggeration really - in my 30 hours playing I've probably had two hours total of dull stuff - and that's common in any big game. I had the same thing in the Witcher and that was almost my GotY 2015.)
I get you like it, I get that opinions vary, but I do find it a little odd that people are willing to accept that the game is designed in such a way that the good stuff is bookended by hours of dull stuff.

If the mechanics in between were deeper, so that they could carry the dullness, I might agree, but they are not, they are just too shallow to carry the hours of palette swaps and copy and paste structures in between.

In space, no one can hear you yawn.


I get you like it, I get that opinions vary, but I do find it a little odd that people are willing to accept that the game is designed in such a way that the good stuff is bookended by hours of dull stuff.

If the mechanics in between were deeper, so that they could carry the dullness, I might agree, but they are not, they are just too shallow to carry the hours of palette swaps and copy and paste structures in between.

In space, no one can hear you yawn.

this game is made by 12 people and it shows

its one of hundred other procedurally generated games out there but without the depth some of them have

just wait till people see that awful ending they hyped up jeez id feel robbed if i bought this for 60$

its a 15 dollar arcade game at best


I get you like it, I get that opinions vary, but I do find it a little odd that people are willing to accept that the game is designed in such a way that the good stuff is bookended by hours of dull stuff.

If the mechanics in between were deeper, so that they could carry the dullness, I might agree, but they are not, they are just too shallow to carry the hours of palette swaps and copy and paste structures in between.

In space, no one can hear you yawn.

It's not designed that way man. It's not intentional. Obviously the developers want you to have a good time all the time.

The universe is designed to have a compelling balance of interesting and functional planets. But the developers can't control which planets or systems you will visit. It's a dice roll. THAT'S the thing. I'm not "willing to overlook" boredom. I simply accept that probability and chance figure into the game in a big way. If the system I'm in bores me I plan for warping out of it STAT, and I always find great experiences moving forward. It's the same in roguelikes, just in a different scale and with a different ethos.

The mechanics are definitely not great but they serve the adventure and that's all I really needed from this game.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
On the plus side, I hear the Neo version is going to be great.

Handy Fake

Aye, tons of PC players are loving it too

Six hours in on PS4 and I can tell it's going to eat my life away. Need to sit and take stock of all the blueprints we've picked up like.

Seen the 4K screenshots from the PC version and thinking of double dipping too. Presumably a 980 and an i7 should be able beast its way through the generation.
i'm with jim here peeps..
game ain't bad..
but ain't exactly good either..
oh well, at least they tried..
for me, it's a 30 eur top game, and that's with all the sense of novelty.. :/
pity i payed it full price...


My opinion of this game within the first few hours of playing is that it's not worth the £23 Gog price I paid.
Yes the game is running ok but not perfect,but it's looking very limited in what you do.
The inventory is driving me mad due to not enough space and the flight system needs to be inverted but I can't see an option to do that.

Enough to say I will carry on with it, but if I'd of paid the forty or fifty quid it costs in PSN or Steam I'd of been very unhappy.

Would be more suited to a £15 price tag imo.


Keep on trucking if you can stomach it. The nature of the game means you might not get wow moments for a while, but when they come they are always amazing and worth it. I had a good five hours of dull systems and planets there then suddenly found an atmospheric mushroom planet with giant 70-foot bears roaming it and literally all I want to do is explore it even though there's no gameplay incentive at this moment.

Plus there's a surprising amount of story and you only really see it as you progress through more systems. At 25 hours in I'm still finding out cool things about the backstory.

This game is "actually really good". Brutal crashes aside, it's great quality. It's just so different, an incredibly niche piece of design.

... madness

I don't see the purpose of exploring planets with no meaning to the content, just procedurally generated messes.

Then again maybe I'm not getting it because the game consistently drops to sub 10 fps for me.
I don't see the purpose of exploring planets with no meaning to the content, just procedurally generated messes.
you're not alone..
it's just like jim said.. the procedural generation is a crutch to sustain a crafting/survival game that is else sadly empty of anything worthwhile.. :/


Scores are all over the place. Looks like it might be a love it or hate it type of game. Still looking forward to playing it myself.
So people here just pretending to enjoy the game here?

I really don't get this at all.

Someone somewhere enjoys sticking pins in their feet.

I've never seen you criticise anything Sony related, and you rarely make your own points. You make one-line comments on the posts of others, and repost PR. What I'm saying is your opinion on things like this has to be taken with a massive pinch of salt.

Juicy Bob

I'm still enjoying the game a lot. I haven't felt a desire to play something else yet and I'm turning it on and playing whenever I get the chance.

However, I can accept that there are fundamental things about the game that are disappointing and shallow and I do personally wish I had realised that the flora and fauna of planets wouldn't vary all that much except for colours and climates before I pre-ordered. But because I've spent a good number of hours in the game and still feel like I'm starting out, I feel like I'm going to get my money's worth over my lifetime of playing the game - however long that will be.

It is what it is.


Scores are all over the place. Looks like it might be a love it or hate it type of game. Still looking forward to playing it myself.
Definitely seems that way.

I've been playing it a ton on PS4 and have really enjoyed my time with it, but I can 100 percent understand the complaints about this game.


I think if this game becomes more iterative, it can do well long term.

The fact that the game was hyped for years and never had alpha or beta releases to the public really hurt it.
Never understood the massive hype behind it, but I've also never been a huge fan of minecraft/terraria. Hope those that enjoy those types of games like it, but it doesn't look like it's for me.


But will it? If you mean performance wise, then I'd hope so. If you mean with more content? That would be awesome but tbh I don't see it happening unless they go the paid DLC route. Which tbh is bullshit. Content for this should be put in free updates given how little content there actually is.

This really is an early access game sold as a complete game. It was way too overhyped too early on.

I'd love if they added in building. Base building, ship building, etc. Like, a combination of NMS and Space Engineers.

Yeah I think the only chance they have is to go the Minecraft route and continuously update and add things.


Gold Member
Scores are all over the place. Looks like it might be a love it or hate it type of game. Still looking forward to playing it myself.

I am too. I ALMOST pulled the trigger last night but I know I'll grow bored of it quickly. I'm gonna wait for a price drop and content updates.

I do like what they're going for and it's incredibly unique as far as jumping from planet to planet and exploring on foot. Even if NMS never gets the content updates needed to make it truly worthwhile to play I hope it inspires other developers to make more games like it.

In the meantime I'll just continue playing Starbound and suggest anyone else on the fence or not enjoying NMS to give it a try as well. It's similar in a sense, only 2D.
"A mile wide but only an inch deep"

that quote really cuts down to the bone of the matter

Yeah. I was super excited for this game, but as time went on I think I started to realize that it wasn't extremely deep, but after playing it for myself I'm honestly pretty shocked at just how shallow the actual gameplay is. And exploring planets gets old quick when they're all so similar.


After straying off the path and getting too many shit worlds, the gameplay loop is starting to wear on me a bit. But that is to be expected after about 15 hours. I am going to head straight for the center now.


Gold Member
After straying off the path and getting too many shit worlds, the gameplay loop is starting to wear on me a bit. But that is to be expected after about 15 hours. I am going to head straight for the center now.

What defines a shit planet exactly? Lack of resourses or just a barren and ugly planet?


What defines a shit planet exactly? Lack of resourses or just a barren and ugly planet?

Both, lol. But it's always nice when a unique one pops up. I mainly just find myself in this endless loop of gathering resources for credits, fuel and life support over and over as well and am ready to head on to the center and give it a break until I need to scratch that exploration itch again. It's a game that I am going to love in small doses.


At least they promised any Dlc to be free. I wouldn't be surprised of it's a better game in a year from now (hoping that they continue to support it)

Yeah, the potential is huge. I already love what is here. But it does need more variety, more things to see and do and better design for the aliens.


this game is made by 12 people and it shows

its one of hundred other procedurally generated games out there but without the depth some of them have

just wait till people see that awful ending they hyped up jeez id feel robbed if i bought this for 60$

its a 15 dollar arcade game at best
I don't feel robbed at all.

But, I'm over thirty. Even if I spend only a few hours with a full priced game, games are fucking cheap.

In any case, I find it well worth the price.


This may not be the right place for this, but I see many people say the mine-sell loop is satisfying, what is the use of the mine-sell loop when the end goal, credits, actually have little use?

OK, you can buy a new ship or suit or tool, but apart from maybe a few preinstalled blueprints that you can already find elsewhere, or a slot or two extra inventory space, how are these incentives?, there is nothing to inspire me to trade.

In elite all the ships are markedly different, in Destiny the weapons are important and make a big difference to the game.

In NMS they generally perform the same way & you could say they are just cosmetics, but no one else can see them, I just don't get it.


This may not be the right place for this, but I see many people say the mine-sell loop is satisfying, what is the use of the mine-sell loop when the end goal, credits, actually have little use?

OK, you can buy a new ship or suit or tool, but apart from maybe a few preinstalled blueprints that you can already find elsewhere, or a slot or two extra inventory space, how are these incentives?, there is nothing to inspire me to trade.

In elite all the ships are markedly different, in Destiny the weapons are important and make a big difference to the game.

In NMS they generally perform the same way & you could say they are just cosmetics, but no one else can see them, I just don't get it.

I just bought a new ship that was 1.2 million, which was a long overdue upgrade. Now that I finally have that, I am only going to mine for fuel and life support as I make my way to the center. It was addictive as can be for awhile, but such a limited loop eventually gets to you.


I don't feel robbed at all.

But, I'm over thirty. Even if I spend only a few hours with a full priced game, games are fucking cheap.

In any case, I find it well worth the price.
Me either, and frankly, I've already enjoyed it more than a large number of AAA games I bought, played for a couple of hours and got bored with.

It could certainly be better, and I hope it gets better, but I've really enjoyed the time I put in once I got the graphics working a little better. Running around learning Korvax, naming animals after moderators, hunting down bases, crashes, etc. So far it's pretty close to what I expected.


NMS shouldn't have priced the way it is. It didn't help to level expectation. Sony should have priced it around $30 and all would be more okay than now.


I just bought a new ship that was 1.2 million, which was a long overdue upgrade. Now that I finally have that, I am only going to mine for fuel and life support as I make my way to the center. It was addictive as can be for awhile, but such a limited loop eventually gets to you.
So did I, but I quickly realised that it didn't actually make any difference to the experience.


So did I, but I quickly realised that it didn't actually make any difference to the experience.

What I am saying is that I was content, but grinding so much just to get the ship kind of wore on me. Were there more things to do in between all of that it would help, but now I am just ready to head to the center and give it a break. I do love the game and the framework of what they are going for, but some of the criticism is indeed warranted. A few more updates to help flesh it out should help quite a bit.
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