Well I've got about 4 boss battles left and NMH 2 has a left me with a puzzled feeling.
On one hand this sequel improves the graphics and the action seems perhaps a tad more chaotic. On the other hand there is just other things that I just don't sit well on.
So far, the game has been crazy, as a matter of fact, just as crazy as the first. The cutscenes are great and add to the characters. Though I appreciated in the first game how Travis didn't really even give himself too much credit and that he seemed more goofball. In this one he now seems very sure of himself and is much more serious then in the first. Granted he still has his moments and they are great. Also is it just me but I actually miss the overworld and driving with the bike to new locations, but thats a minor issue for me.
The 8 bit games are fun for sure, though its interesting that one of the side missions is in 3D like the first. That threw me for a loop.
Though I think the most dissapointing things to me are some of the bosses and the levels. What happened to the creative side scrolling part like in the bus? What about the boss on that same level that had you dodging back and forth between the areas to avoid a blast. Or what about the school, where the fire alarm went off and shocked you? I mean imo the first game had more interesting level set ups. Aside from one level so far (the level in the prison) there hasn't really been anything to mix up the gameplay in the levels at all. Also the bosses, they are cool and some are pretty neat but I find that some of them just lack really much character and so far the death sequences have been pretty typical. How many times am I going to
I mean don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the game but something was lost in the process of making this sequel. I don't know if its the fact that Suda was only executive producer (did he only do that in the first? I swear I just saw his name in the intro for exe producer on this one, if I'm wrong please correct me). I mean the game is keeping my attention and its a fascinating game, and one that has made me laugh out loud a few times. The universe of No more heroes is definetly here in spades, but I just feel for a sequel, the core gameplay hasn't been that altered or altered enough to feel fresh I should say, the level design is pretty static, and really with all the latest sequels (Mass Effect 2, Uncharted 2, Army of Two, etc) definetly surpassing the originals, I'd have thought there might be a bit more to DS then whats offered.
Unless the game takes off extremely with these last 4 battles, I feel I will still prefer the original to this one, though at the end of the day I'm still enjoying DS and really, more of a good thing is never a bad thing. Would I play a third No More heroes? You bet your ass I would. The world could stand for a little more Travis Touchdown.