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No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle |OT| of Ultimate Vengeance (loli too)

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
EzLink said:
For those talking about a sequel... I'm almost positive that suda said this was the last nmh game on the wii (and judging by how sucky the classic controller is, I'm not going to get my hopes up high for an amazing sequel)

I remember reading it on IGN a while ago

Yeah, he said that. But then he later clarified his quote and said that the next NMH would be on the Wii's successor.


Yeah, I miss getting cool T-Shirts out of the dumpsters and the clothes are pretty crappy so far compared to the first game. It was cool to look at your trading cards, etc in your house as well.

The training is pretty evil compared to the first game, when those were fun and used the motion controls.

I think people are remembering the awesome parts of the first game (mainly the beginning and end), so that may be way there was disappointment. There's no innovation now to slicing someone in half with a beam katana and blood spraying to a comical level


I really cant believe how this sequel has scored much higher than the first game. The 8-bit training and side-missions are cool, but you get bored quickly and I liked going on a killing-spree in the first game. I dunno, some things are improved but also some things are very disappointing.
I love the game. I'm only a few hours into and just became rank 25, but I think it's the perfect sequel for NMH.

The most important thing to keep in mind going into this game is that it's a Suda 51 game. Which is to say your expectations should only go so far as to expect anything. They took nearly everything from the first game and turned it on its head, it's sort of a mirror game. You can't explore the barren overworld anymore, you just choose places. This is in contrast to the places you visit which you can now move around in, instead of just choosing an action. The bosses no longer have the visual name introduction, instead you see there name after you kill them. You no longer receive cell phone calls before a boss battle, instead you see someone making a call at random times in the game. There are plenty more examples of the game makers completely switching what we expect from a game called No More Heroes, which is exactly what we should expect from Suda.

I can understand someone not liking it as much as the first game, but as a Suda fan I don't see how one could be displeased. I personally think it's a more fun game. The side jobs are definitely improvements. They are in no way downgrades. Each side job from the original had some flaw with it. But personal taste will of course create a preference.

I seems to me disappointment would be inherent in Suda sequel, but it also is probably intentional. Why would Suda just want to create the same exact game again but with different characters? A Suda sequel is going to change up a lot the formula from the first game. He wants to fuck with you. So in that regard NMH2 seems to be resounding success.

I'm sure my opinion will change somewhat when I finish the game.


darkwings said:
I really cant believe how this sequel has scored much higher than the first game. The 8-bit training and side-missions are cool, but you get bored quickly and I liked going on a killing-spree in the first game. I dunno, some things are improved but also some things are very disappointing.
It's a better game, by the average reviewer's standards.

Also :

I seems to me disappointment would be inherent in Suda sequel, but it also is probably intentional. Why would Suda just want to create the same exact game again but with different characters?

It's his first "real" sequel. I would have been disappointed if it was just NMH +.
sdornan said:
I kind of want to get the second one, but I never beat the first one, should I go back or not bother?
Though I am only 2 hours into the sequel, I would definitely reccommend playing the first as it is an awesome, awesome game.
G.O.O. said:
It's his first "real" sequel. I would have been disappointed if it was just NMH +.

Definitely. I already have NMH, and I love to replay it, but I'm so glad they shook it up quite a bit. Suda is a subversive game maker, and he's delivered on that in spades with the sequel. So I can't complain.

I think it is important to play and beat the first NMH before playing the sequel, but not because of the story. It's important just to see how differently the games are designed and executed. They have a great complementary nature. There's certain things that each game has over the other, so unlike most sequels NMH2 doesn't make the first game seem obsolete, just different.
Urban Scholar said:
I sincerely hope the OST will become available soon. I can't stop listening to Skelter Helter's theme song on youtube.

The music is what I think the biggest improvement over the first is.
So many good tracks.

The Hermit

G.O.O. said:
It's his first "real" sequel. I would have been disappointed if it was just NMH +.

Thinking about it, maybe this game is a parody of sequels... like all of the gimmicks and lack of charisma (especially the last boss). I mean its Suda we are talking and the final boss being THAT lame makes it a bit too obvious.

on the other hand I loved some references from other games/movies, being Star Wars his fav. source :

The way Henry was frozen in Letz Shake reminds Solo in ESB
New Destroyman as in New Super Mario
THe MGS-esque stage, with the radar and all that.

Those are from the top of my head...
Well I've got about 4 boss battles left and NMH 2 has a left me with a puzzled feeling.

On one hand this sequel improves the graphics and the action seems perhaps a tad more chaotic. On the other hand there is just other things that I just don't sit well on.

So far, the game has been crazy, as a matter of fact, just as crazy as the first. The cutscenes are great and add to the characters. Though I appreciated in the first game how Travis didn't really even give himself too much credit and that he seemed more goofball. In this one he now seems very sure of himself and is much more serious then in the first. Granted he still has his moments and they are great. Also is it just me but I actually miss the overworld and driving with the bike to new locations, but thats a minor issue for me.
The 8 bit games are fun for sure, though its interesting that one of the side missions is in 3D like the first. That threw me for a loop.

Though I think the most dissapointing things to me are some of the bosses and the levels. What happened to the creative side scrolling part like in the bus? What about the boss on that same level that had you dodging back and forth between the areas to avoid a blast. Or what about the school, where the fire alarm went off and shocked you? I mean imo the first game had more interesting level set ups. Aside from one level so far (the level in the prison) there hasn't really been anything to mix up the gameplay in the levels at all. Also the bosses, they are cool and some are pretty neat but I find that some of them just lack really much character and so far the death sequences have been pretty typical. How many times am I going to
cut someones head off?

I mean don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the game but something was lost in the process of making this sequel. I don't know if its the fact that Suda was only executive producer (did he only do that in the first? I swear I just saw his name in the intro for exe producer on this one, if I'm wrong please correct me). I mean the game is keeping my attention and its a fascinating game, and one that has made me laugh out loud a few times. The universe of No more heroes is definetly here in spades, but I just feel for a sequel, the core gameplay hasn't been that altered or altered enough to feel fresh I should say, the level design is pretty static, and really with all the latest sequels (Mass Effect 2, Uncharted 2, Army of Two, etc) definetly surpassing the originals, I'd have thought there might be a bit more to DS then whats offered.

Unless the game takes off extremely with these last 4 battles, I feel I will still prefer the original to this one, though at the end of the day I'm still enjoying DS and really, more of a good thing is never a bad thing. Would I play a third No More heroes? You bet your ass I would. The world could stand for a little more Travis Touchdown.
silverbullet1080 said:
That didn't do anything =(

I don't know how you are doing this fight but what you are supposed to do is
when he dashes across the middle of the room, attack him and you'll start a clash. You then have free reign after winning the clash to beat him up a little. Do this a couple of times and eventually you automatically lose the clash and it starts the next part of the fight


Urban Scholar said:
Indeed good sir, indeed. Was Masafumi Takada really not involved this go around sans darkside tracks?
I just found out Akira Yamaoka contributed a few songs
like that bitchin rock track during the matt helms fight


Baiano19 said:
Thinking about it, maybe this game is a parody of sequels... like all of the gimmicks and lack of charisma (especially the last boss). I mean its Suda we are talking and the final boss being THAT lame makes it a bit too obvious.
I'm currently assembling a few thoughts on what the game is about. There's indeed something satirical into, say, putting a
mech fight
so early in the game and making it so clumsy. Or giving Naomi a huge pair of breasts and quickly making her useless.

I also noticed that the most interesting characters in this game are females. Mots of the males are bland cunts.
Wow, people are actually saying the music in NMH2 is better?

Stack up the entire OST of NMH2 against Pleather for Breakfast, Samurai Summer, We are Finally Cowboys, etc...and it fails, hard.

Music in NMH2 is like, 60% recycled from Darkside, and the new tracks sound pretty flat and boring for the most part. Nowhere near the variation and sheer otherworldlyness of the first game.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Baiano19 said:
Thinking about it, maybe this game is a parody of sequels... like all of the gimmicks and lack of charisma (especially the last boss). I mean its Suda we are talking and the final boss being THAT lame makes it a bit too obvious.

You know, I'm as much of a Suda fan as anyone (I have the man's autograph!), but seriously, how many free passes can he get? I understand he has his own unique style, but to believe that everything bad in every one of his games is intentional/meant to be a parody is pretty foolish. :lol


Mayor Haggar said:
Music in NMH2 is like, 60% recycled from Darkside, and the new tracks sound pretty flat and boring for the most part. Nowhere near the variation and sheer otherworldlyness of the first game.
It only took like, maybe 5 tracks from darkside :lol

But yeah, Takada's absence is really, really noticeable.
Seraphis Cain said:
You know, I'm as much of a Suda fan as anyone (I have the man's autograph!), but seriously, how many free passes can he get? I understand he has his own unique style, but to believe that everything bad in every one of his games is intentional/meant to be a parody is pretty foolish. :lol

I dunno about EVERYTHING bad being a parody, but that's the thing with his games.
It's impossible to tell because of how he makes games.


Seraphis Cain said:
You know, I'm as much of a Suda fan as anyone (I have the man's autograph!), but seriously, how many free passes can he get? I understand he has his own unique style, but to believe that everything bad in every one of his games is intentional/meant to be a parody is pretty foolish. :lol
I'm pretty sure the lame final boss with the
was fairly damn intentional.

Also, a lot of the bosses reminded me of
MGS for some reason. The chick that spat out poison, Captain Vladimir, and Alice.
Jenga said:
It only took like, maybe 5 tracks from darkside :lol

But yeah, Takada's absence is really, really noticeable.

Yeah, but they keep playing the jazzy "No More Heroes" track like every cutscene, so with my unbeatable logic, that equals up to 60%.


It's a low budget game. You have to be ready for some clunkiness. The beauty is that even when it's clunky it doesn't stop being fun.

Lets be honest most of what you're playing for is to see the next cut scene.

EDIT: We are lucky we got a NMH2. I certainly never expected it.


Seraphis Cain said:
You know, I'm as much of a Suda fan as anyone (I have the man's autograph!), but seriously, how many free passes can he get? I understand he has his own unique style, but to believe that everything bad in every one of his games is intentional/meant to be a parody is pretty foolish. :lol
The first one was already satirical about what gamers want, why wouldn't this one also be ?

And the first's OST is like 60% of the same track remixed... but I agree, you can feel that Takada isn't there. Tracks are still incredibly fitting.


I'm ranked 5th. I'm maxed out on strength and stamina (thank god) and I finished up all the Revenge Missions. Most of the Revenge Missions were pretty weak, especially the ones that forced you to kill everybody. There were quite a few times when I'd be close but I'd run out of time. I always have and always will despise timed segments in games (unless its used very sparingly and effectively, like, say, the end of Metroid).

Also, the only mini game I can stand playing now is Man the Meat (because of how easy it is once you get the timing down). This morning when I woke up I just zoned out with my iPod on and played it for about thirty minutes, I got around 500K.

One quick question about the beam swords...
how many can you buy from Naomi? She's only had two available so far and I've bought them both; does she sell anything else throughout the rest of the game? Also, which beam katana is best? I'm really digging the dual ones right now, but since there are no stats attached to any of them I'm not sure if they just seem like the best ones or if I'm just imagining it because of how badass they are
I've tried to read as many posts as I can but I didn't see it mentioned. Can anyone break down what I should be doing with the fucking stamina treadmill thing at the gym? I know hit z and b alternatively, every time I do that I seem to fall off the front of the fucking treadmill. I've blown a shit load of cash on it trying to figure it out and at this point its just annoying the fuck out of.
Shin Johnpv said:
I've tried to read as many posts as I can but I didn't see it mentioned. Can anyone break down what I should be doing with the fucking stamina treadmill thing at the gym? I know hit z and b alternatively, every time I do that I seem to fall off the front of the fucking treadmill. I've blown a shit load of cash on it trying to figure it out and at this point its just annoying the fuck out of.

Try changing directions?


G.O.O. said:
I'm currently assembling a few thoughts on what the game is about. There's indeed something satirical into, say, putting a
mech fight
so early in the game and making it so clumsy. Or giving Naomi a huge pair of breasts and quickly making her useless.

I also noticed that the most interesting characters in this game are females. Mots of the males are bland cunts.

Yeah I was thinking that. At least in the original both genders were pretty interesting. What's sad here is that one of the interesting males was a
returning character. New Destroyman was quite the personality despite the little screentime, but it helps that he was developed in the first title


The best bosses in the first game are bad girl, Shinobu, and Holly Summers so I don't see where you guys are coming from.


Gino said:
The best bosses in the first game are bad girl, Shinobu, and Holly Summers so I don't see where you guys are coming from.

Outside of Dr. Peace (mainly for the song he sings) and Henry I can't think of any memorable male boss characters in the first game.
AceBandage said:
Try changing directions?

It is really amazing how many times this has been brought up. Do people even play video games anymore? Do they need every single motion spelled out for them. If you are running in the same direction the treadmill is moving, I can't comprehend how a person would try the thing 30 times and not once decide, "hey, maybe I should try turning around"


thefro said:
Outside of Dr. Peace (mainly for the song he sings) and Henry I can't think of any memorable male boss characters in the first game.
Destroyman? Letz Shake with BOWEL CONTROOOLLLLLLLL or Harvey's awesome magic show?

Yeah no. Just Destroyman for a serious retort.


kiryogi said:
Yeah I was thinking that. At least in the original both genders were pretty interesting. What's sad here is that one of the interesting males was a
returning character. New Destroyman was quite the personality despite the little screentime, but it helps that he was developed in the first title
He's the same woman-mistreating fucker as rank 50 and 25, not an interesting character.
He was in the first though

I point that out because I believe the game isn't about vengeance, but about manilness. Which makes sense since the first was about maturity.
robotzombie said:
It is really amazing how many times this has been brought up. Do people even play video games anymore? Do they need every single motion spelled out for them. If you are running in the same direction the treadmill is moving, I can't comprehend how a person would try the thing 30 times and not once decide, "hey, maybe I should try turning around"

Dude I've tried holding right on the nun-chuck during the entire fucking thing and it doesn't change his direction. So how about you not act like shit wasn't tried.

*edit* awesome to change directions is on the fucking d-pad when in ever other 8-bit style game for the jobs and everything else its on the fucking nun-chuck. Lack of consistency in controls is fucking retarded.


Shin Johnpv said:
Dude I've tried holding right on the nun-chuck during the entire fucking thing and it doesn't change his direction. So how about you not act like shit wasn't tried.

*edit* awesome to change directions is on the fucking d-pad when in ever other 8-bit style game for the jobs and everything else its on the fucking nun-chuck. Lack of consistency in controls is fucking retarded.

I use the nunchuck for it. Works just fine for me.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Shin Johnpv said:
*edit* awesome to change directions is on the fucking d-pad when in ever other 8-bit style game for the jobs and everything else its on the fucking nun-chuck. Lack of consistency in controls is fucking retarded.

Uh, I very clearly was able to change directions with the nunchuck. You're doing something wrong.

kiryogi said:
On side note, anyone really using dark step at all? They really nerfed it in this game.

Yeah I can't get it to work on a consistent basis.
Shin Johnpv said:
Dude I've tried holding right on the nun-chuck during the entire fucking thing and it doesn't change his direction. So how about you not act like shit wasn't tried.

*edit* awesome to change directions is on the fucking d-pad when in ever other 8-bit style game for the jobs and everything else its on the fucking nun-chuck. Lack of consistency in controls is fucking retarded.

How about you calm down and buy a new nunchuck, because yours is obviously broken.
And no, you didn't try until you read our suggestions
Shin Johnpv said:
Dude I've tried holding right on the nun-chuck during the entire fucking thing and it doesn't change his direction. So how about you not act like shit wasn't tried.

*edit* awesome to change directions is on the fucking d-pad when in ever other 8-bit style game for the jobs and everything else its on the fucking nun-chuck. Lack of consistency in controls is fucking retarded.

You can't be pushing B or Z or any other buttons when you change direction when pushing the control stick.

for example, if the tread mill is going to the left, just push the control stick to the right, THEN start hitting B and Z, if you're tapping B and Z, and flicking the control stick at the same time, it won't do fuck all.
kiryogi said:
On side note, anyone really using dark step at all? They really nerfed it in this game.

Yeah they really did. You can only use it during the block.

If you try to move the nunchuck stick around before they even hit you, you begin to move which makes you vulnerable.

Shin Johnpv said:
Dude I've tried holding right on the nun-chuck during the entire fucking thing and it doesn't change his direction.... ...Lack of consistency in controls is fucking retarded.

no problems with the nunchuck on my end either. But I did fail alot at first.
FlashbladeGAF said:
Yeah they really did. You can only use it during the block.

If you try to move the nunchuck stick around before they even hit you, you begin to move which makes you vulnerable.

no problems with the nunchuck on my end either. But I did fail alot at first.

This I do not like!

and remember kids if you ever hear a woman tell you
"you better not leave me if I'm preggers!"
GTFO! lol
kiryogi said:
On side note, anyone really using dark step at all? They really nerfed it in this game.

It doesn't really seem necessary this time. So they probably didn't bother making it work well.

Seraphis Cain said:
You know, I'm as much of a Suda fan as anyone (I have the man's autograph!), but seriously, how many free passes can he get? I understand he has his own unique style, but to believe that everything bad in every one of his games is intentional/meant to be a parody is pretty foolish. :lol

Some of the stuff is so obvious though. It's seems stranger to me that time and time again he just happens to "poorly" design something, and that no one else would pick up on it.

It's clear to me that he did a lot to make this game noticeably different from the first. As I brought up in my other post there are so many things purposefully opposing the design of the first game.
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