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No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle |OT| of Ultimate Vengeance (loli too)


Sad_Panda said:
Currently stuck on Rank #7 fight : any good tips
for knocking Ryuji
off the cliff ? The
controls are incredibly sloppy.
Aside from that, I'm surprised by the fact my playthrough on Mild has pretty much been a total cakewalk so far. Bosses in NMH1 gave me far more trouble.
Just try to immediately boost him off. Otherwise, try to keep your back against the wall/cliffside at all times.


Junior Member
I saw that u were talking about jobs.

I personally thinks that "Man The Meat" is the best rewarding minigame.
Cuz it takes around 4minutes to play (all the levels).

If you perfect the levels and get Delicious you will be rewarded with:

Level 1: 7800
Level 2: 29000 (or something like that)
Level 3: 64000 (if i remember correctly)

So íf you play good you will get over 100.000 LB$ for 4 mins.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Dascu said:
1. About Takashi Miike's involvement: Bishop's video store is called Beef Head. Suda has said in an interview that this name was inspired by a Japanese film named Gozu. Guess who the director of that one is? Yep.
2. Regarding final boss:
Jasper refers to the previous 3 Pizza Bat/Butt CEOs whom Travis slaughtered in the first game as part of the assassination missions. Funny how these generic, forgettable thugs from the original who didn't even have their own unique models now turned out to be the brothers and father of the main villain of this game. I really love that. It's one of those reminders that everyone you kill actually has a family or friends who want to take revenge on you.

He's not related to Skelter Helter and Helter Skelter. They just had a common enemy so they made a deal.

It's true. They dropped a chance there to flesh out the story regarding Travis' revenge a bit more.

Clearly they are generic if even I forgot killing 2 of them :lol
But yea, as I said, I agree: it perfectly fits the motif of the game that JBJ is the last boss. This game over the first is way more about the consequences of your actions, something we're both told at the first and last fights. You can't just go around killing without reparations; or at least, regardless of who it is, when someone dies... people get hurt. Travis even begins to learn about the sanctity of life toward the end, that people are human regardless of how fucked up they are. And taking lives like this is senseless... even no name nobodies that Travis's kills in the first game end up having repercussions that cost him greatly. After Margaraet this transformation in him is complete and he vows to end the UAA. Which I imagine, he ultimately does, since after an undisclosed amount of time Sylvia is working a stripper booth in another town, obviously a bit destitute.

That's another thing I really enjoyed about NMH2... the characters actually demonstrate notable growth over the course of the two games. In the 2nd one, Travis has obviously grown up a bit. It's less than a game for him, he doesn't go around 'fucking by killing' his enemies. He takes this more seriously, he's passionate and not bored. He actually begins to care about who he's fighting, he understands at the end that he's not stuck in some game as much as caught in an emotional cycle of dependency that's being exploited and needs to end. The Margret fight really is a big turnaround for him. And he comes to terms with his feelings for Sylvia in that they aren't just lustful, he's sees her as also trapped, a kindred spirit. Sylvia as well, you can subtle tell, she cares deeply for Travis in this title. She mourns his loss throughout all the phone conversations and yearns to hear his voice. She kills Ryuji not because of her job, but because she doesn't want him getting stronger to come back and kill Travis. She's being overtly defensive and it's her way of protecting him. She obviously calls in Shinobu since she feels Travis is getting worn out and needs rest and displays signs of jealousy around her. And at the end, she's very world weary and ready to rest. Shinobu is an interesting case, she left a high school student to prove herself and comes back at the age of 21 and in a confused state... rightfully she had a screwed up childhood so she doesn't entirely know how to deal with her feelings for Travis, she throws herself at him like she's still a teenager as she finally starts 'catching up with the curve' so to speak emotionally. Henry had very little screen time, but you can see even he doesn't care about petty vengeance anymore. He's not burnt by his divorce with Sylvia, he comes to help his brother, and goes on his way (without losing his playfulness).

I'm not sure that was all cohesive, but yea, it's all in the game if you look for it
how many Bizarre Jelly videos are there, and how do you unlock them? I got one for playing the Bizarre Jelly game, but haven't gotten anymore since. I've tried several different characters and difficulty levels, but am pretty early in the game still (Rank 24). Do I just need to wait til later and continue to play the Bizarre Jelly game?
ninj4junpei said:
I started up No More Heroes again today and the controls feel a lot better to me than the sequel, especially when you lock on. Also the camera reset is a lot better too.

ninj4junpei said:
True, but something about the original is just more visually appealing to me, now that I look at it.

Couldn't disagree more.

Having an emergency evade forward in 2 is such a great thing. Plus the high low attacks actually seem to be much different this time around. I could never see how they were different in the first game. I also had zero problems with Shinobu's platforming.

And the NMH looks pretty bad sometimes. It's very inconsistent, the surges and dips in framerate are so distracting. 2 had more effects going on and managed an even framerate during gameplay.

I just beat the magician character in NMH, really surprised how easy this game is, I remember it being much harder.

ColdSoup said:
However I've noticed a few issues with the game. The camera in No More Heroes 2 is awful, just horrible. It is far worse than the original. What were they thinking? Recharging the beam sword is an absolute pain. Especially when your beam sword gets depleted by projectile or melee attacks that leave you defenseless almost instantaneously in the middle of a mob or against projectile spamming enemies. Its bad design plain and simple.

I don't even know what your talking about. The camera was one of the worsts parts of the first game and is dramatically improved in the sequel. It almost always stays behind the main character now. And hitting c or holding it down makes sure it stays that way.

And if your sword is getting depleted so rapidly then you just plain stink at the game, it was never a problem for me. It recharged pretty fast too.
I personally prefer the space trash mini-game for hoarding cash. I get a lot out of it in a few minutes.
And I finally manned up and maxed out my muscle before the second ranked fight, it was annoying at times but I managed to get over it.
And an odd death glitch happened to me during the second ranked fight,
I got downed by the water tank near the corner of the rooftop, and Alice kept throwing those beams at me and I couldn't move. I had nearly all of my life at the time while she had one slot of green health left.
And downward f*cking dog.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Would ya look at that. The woman who voices Sylvia did LuLu in FFX. Who knew? She's talented, that's some good range.

Finished the game last night, and I got to admit I enjoyed the game for what it was. And it was a sequel that didn't try to do all the little things that its predecessor did, it was new and enjoyable. I don't know if I prefer it to the original though, and there were many missed opportunities for further exposition. Of course if you don't take the game that seriously it's more enjoyable. Fun game and if there ends up being a third game in the series I'll be on board.


dragonballjoseph said:
I personally prefer the space trash mini-game for hoarding cash. I get a lot out of it in a few minutes.
And I finally manned up and maxed out my muscle before the second ranked fight, it was annoying at times but I managed to get over it.
And an odd death glitch happened to me during the second ranked fight,
I got downed by the water tank near the corner of the rooftop, and Alice kept throwing those beams at me and I couldn't move. I had nearly all of my life at the time while she had one slot of green health left.
And downward f*cking dog.

I agree with you 100% on "Getting Trashed" for farming LB. "Man the Meat" may be the fastest, but trash collecting yeilds the most cash overall.
Also, I've had something similar happened to me during that fight on Bitter (except Alice got stuck in that corner). She stayed in that corner throwing swords and never descended, so that worked in my favour.


Neo Member
VistraNorrez said:
I don't even know what your talking about. The camera was one of the worsts parts of the first game and is dramatically improved in the sequel. It almost always stays behind the main character now. And hitting c or holding it down makes sure it stays that way.

And if your sword is getting depleted so rapidly then you just plain stink at the game, it was never a problem for me. It recharged pretty fast too.

:lol You have absolutely no idea what your talking about. I just completed NMH 1 on bitter yesterday and instantly jumped into NMH 2 and the camera is far worse. All the reviews state that the camera is shit and it factually is. I plain stink at NMH 2, yeah right? Thats why I can complete games like Godhand, DMC and Ninja Gaiden on their highest difficulty settings. Don't even try playing the "you suck card" with me. :lol
Just finished it. And atm, I think the bosses in the original had much more character than those in this one, as I personally didn't care for some of them in the game. But despite that, I felt that contributed more to the story element of the game, especially those near the end of the game.
I loved how the game moved more towards a sequel. I had a feeling that the man was Travis, but the girl being Sylvia was quite the surprise.

And in regards to the first ranked fight,
I fought the first form of Batt for about 7 minutes, not knowing that I was supposed to do a QTE with his car.:lol Then when I got to the second form, on my first try, I had him at one health bar when he knocked me out of the window. (I love how Henry chilled in the corner during the fight. I died about 3 times on the last form, but right before I killed him with my full ecstasy, I found out that I could do a QTE with the lasers...

Overall, amazing game. Can't say if I like it more than the original yet, I have to play through it again on bitter to find out
Not looking forward to doing the fights before Margaret again though...


I found it interesting how
henry actually did have some soundfiles for health up
. Makes me think they actually did have more planned for him from the start.
Jenga said:
I found it interesting how
henry actually did have some soundfiles for health up
. Makes me think they actually did have more planned for him from the start.
There was a pizza chest in his one boss fight, no one needs it though, but yeah I think it was kind of weird that you play shinobu rank kills while Henry's rank kills get skipped. Feels like this game was rushed at points like the beginning of rank three

Jaded Alyx said:
Good to see tapping B during loading screens still does something. :p
You going to make me turn on this game again. You guys just figured out the 5 kill guys in the revenge mission are bishop killers, I thought everyone knew that.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Alright, so after letting the game sink in for about a week and recapping my memory on some of the original game's bosses, I've decided to make a list, ranking every boss from most to least favorite. I've ranked it based on numerous factors, from the mechanics to the fight, to the character design, to the pre/post-fight cutscenes.

And here... we... go!

1. Bad Girl
2. Shinobu
3. Margaret
4. Henry
5. Destroyman
6. Nathan Copeland
7. Alice
8. Captain Vladimir
9. Jeane
10. Holly Summers
11. Dr. Peace
12. Dr. Letz Shake
13. Mimmy
14. Ryuji
15. New Destroyman
16. Speed Buster
17. Harvey
18. Charlie McDonald
19. Death Metal
20. Kimmy Howell
21. Jasper Batt Jr
22. Chloe Walsh
23. Skelter Helter
24. Matt Helms
25. Millionaire Gunman

The end result? NMH has better bosses on average, but NMH2 didn't actually fair as bad on my list as I might have initially predicted. There's still several really good bosses in NMH2 that can hang with the best from the first game. Feel free to agree or disagree with my list.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
yankeeforever2 said:
Damn we have the same top 5 but your six would be near the bottom of my list. I will post my list later.

Throwing hoes is great. Scottish accent is great. His pseudo-worship of Travis is great. As for the fight itself, there's lots of stuff going on so you really have to be on your toes. It builds on itself, so it had great progression I thought.


Wow. So much more awesome than the first game, which was pretty high on the meter already. I like the new overworld map too (reminds me of killer 7).
The List!
1. Bad Girl
2. Shinobu
3. Henry
4. Margaret
5. Destroyman
6. Jeane
7. Alice
8. Dr. Peace
9. Ryuji
10. Captain Vladimir
11. Holly Summers
12. Dr. Letz Shake
13. Harvey
14. New Destroyman
15. Charlie McDonald
16. Speed Buster
17. Kimmy Howell
18. Matt Helms
19. Nathan Copeland
20. Skelter Helter
21. Mimmy
22. Death Metal
23. Jasper Batt Jr
24. Chloe Walsh
25. Millionaire Gunman

I don't like Nathan because he is all projectiles, hate those bosses, anyways now you can laugh at my list.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
yankeeforever2 said:
I don't like Nathan because he is all projectiles, hate those bosses, anyways now you can laugh at my list.

The only one I fundamentally disagree with is Nathan, but I'll accept your explanation. I also find it strange you ranked Skelter Helter above Death Metal? Skelter Helter seemed like he was only in there to make up for the fact that you didn't fight Helter Skelter in the first game. Plus he's a tutorial, so the mechanics weren't that strong. Death Metal at least had the cool gimmick with Travis's inner monologue.
ZealousD said:
The only one I fundamentally disagree with is Nathan, but I'll accept your explanation. I also find it strange you ranked Skelter Helter above Death Metal? Skelter Helter seemed like he was only in there to make up for the fact that you didn't fight Helter Skelter in the first game. Plus he's a tutorial, so the mechanics weren't that strong. Death Metal at least had the cool gimmick with Travis's inner monologue.
fight him on bitter it is actually a half way decent fight(only bitter fight I did), never liked death metal myself, also surprised you ranked Harvey so low, I thought the fight was good


I can't even list them...its too hard.

All I would say is Shinobu is the #1 boss fight for me, and
Matt Helms, Ryuji, and Batt Jr.
are definitely up there. Also,
Destroymen in 2 > Destroyman in 1

I would agree that
Million Gunman
is the worst fight in the series. Terrible.
Threi said:
I can't even list them...its too hard.

All I would say is Shinobu is the #1 boss fight for me, and
Matt Helms, Ryuji, and Batt Jr.
are definitely up there. Also,
Destroymen in 2 > Destroyman in 1

I would agree that
Million Gunman
is the worst fight in the series. Terrible.
Don't believe someone likes
bat jr. only boss cheaper then nathan to me, also million gunman is so damn bad, he is easy, worst boss fight area in both games, his attack is he shoots a gun and runs through a door(that's it), and you have to do horrible platforming to finish him off


yankeeforever2 said:
Don't believe someone likes
bat jr. only boss cheaper then nathan to me, also million gunman is so damn bad, he is easy, worst boss fight area in both games, his attack is he shoots a gun and runs through a door(that's it), and you have to do horrible platforming to finish him off
I guess I like challenging bossfights, although his
second form
was borderline cheap, but still I enjoy it when I have to work for the win, makes it more satisfying.
Matt Helms
I like because of the first few seconds of the fight when you realize you have barely anywhere to run, hes MUCH stronger than you are, looks like a complete psychopath, and can take off large chunks of your health.


Threi said:
I can't even list them...its too hard.

All I would say is Shinobu is the #1 boss fight for me, and
Matt Helms, Ryuji, and Batt Jr.
are definitely up there. Also,
Destroymen in 2 > Destroyman in 1

I would agree that
Million Gunman
is the worst fight in the series. Terrible.
Jeez that's a tough decisions.
Destroyman has more attacks but New Destroymen has the awesome double battle thing going for it.

In regards to
Million Gunman's
fight, while the execution was horrible it did have a more unique level design.
Both of Shinobu's boss battles have more interesting level designs but the controls really ruin it, sadly.

Also I find it funny that
Shinobu doesn't know what moe means.

But one thing's for sure:


Really liking the soundtrack. Of course, im just at Rank 51, but still. Camera does seem alot better since you have a wider view of whats around you. Fighting feels smoother too.

EDIT: Pizza with a Vengance = fun.


I want to replay No More Heroes again before I can really rank the assassins so far but I would to compare similar character between the two games.

Death Metal < Skelter Helter

Dr. Peace > Million Gunman

Destroyman ? New Destroymen

Holly Summers > Alice

Letz Shake > Dr. Letz Shake

Bad Girl < Margaret

Jeane/Henry > Batt Jr.

Well I've already said how I feel about the Destroyman/New Destroymen debate.

I know Holly and Alice aren't really comparable but they both have accents and they're standout characters (along with Margaret and Bad Girl) for being female assassins. I'm ignoring Speed Buster because she's really unique and Jeane is also pretty special. Oh and they both really have serious cutscenes related to them. Anyway I liked Alice more but yeah Holly had a more varied moveset while Alice is pretty easy and predictable.

Sadly I chose Letz Shake over Dr. Letz Shake. The Letz Shake cutscene was my favorite within the entire game. While it was fun to fight Dr. Letz Shake after not getting a chance in the original his fight wasn't that varied.

I'm sorry to all the fans of Bad Girl but outside of her theme I never really found the appeal of her. I think what I enjoyed more about the original was the absurdity of the game which bosses like Speed Buster and Destroyman offered. Because of this she wasn't as appealing. I just like Margaret in general too especially when comparing her to the bosses in NMH2.

Obviously Jeane/Henry were cooler end bosses compared to Batt Hr but I am fan of bosses with multiple stages so I don't really hate Batt Jr as much as GAF seems to.

Dr. Peace is obviously better than whatever-face. Million Gunman is such a throwaway character.


Forgot one thing.
Shinobu > Holly

I think it works as a good comparison. Travis spares both. Shinobu's just cooler and a more interesting boss battle. Although I was a bit distracted because I enjoyed the original Holly design and I disliked her final one. Her name is Holly right? The fangirl with the recorder katana?


yeah I don't get the Bad Girl love...at all. Only that she was a bit more psycho than the other assassins, but her fight wasn't really that memorable at all.


Threi said:
yeah I don't get the Bad Girl love...at all. Only that she was a bit more psycho than the other assassins, but her fight wasn't really that memorable at all.

Her batting gimps at you during the fight isn't memorable? :lol


My boss rankings
Fav to least fav

Bad Girl
Alice Moonlight
Holly Summers
Sir Henry Motherfucker
Skelter Helter
Matt Helms
Captain Vladimir
Dr. Letz Shake
Charlie MacDonald
Kimmy Howell
Speed Buster
New Destroyman
Dr. Peace
Nathan Copeland
Death Metal
Cloe Walsh
Million Gunman
Jasper Batt Jr
man, everyone loves margaret....but to me, she was really annoying the first time i fought her and predictable the second time...and her design is just a gothic lolita, so I prefer some more original stuff, but, then again, that's just me


deadmuffin said:
man, everyone loves margaret....but to me, she was really annoying the first time i fought her and predictable the second time...and her design is just a gothic lolita, so I prefer some more original stuff, but, then again, that's just me
She had the music and insanity comparable to the original's bosses that the bosses from NMH2 seemed to lack. At least that's how I felt.
Threi said:
yeah I don't get the Bad Girl love...at all. Only that she was a bit more psycho than the other assassins, but her fight wasn't really that memorable at all.
Yeah, I didn't find her fight to be all that interesting either.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
dragonballjoseph said:
Yeah, I didn't find her fight to be all that interesting either.

Batting clones at you was pretty fucked up. Pleather for Breakfast is one of the best tracks in the game. And she has one of the best one hit KO's ever.


SecretBonusPoint said:
Any word on the Euro release or am I going to have to fire up the import engines?
Game was rated by the OFLC (Australian board) yesterday, so it's coming. It got an MA15+ if you're interested (First game was an M, so this game is likely uncut).



Great character design, fun fight, great music, but
could have said more to be more memorable

had more depth


Wii said:
Great character design, fun fight, great music, but
could have said more to be more memorable

had more depth
I was really hoping Travis would adopt
Margaret's theme
to respect and keep
legacy. I can just here the
whistle whenever Travis would meet a new assassin.
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