I changed my username budWait, I'm I going crazy? What happened to Rodya Raskolnikov? He was one of the more active users in this thread but I don't see him here....
I changed my username budWait, I'm I going crazy? What happened to Rodya Raskolnikov? He was one of the more active users in this thread but I don't see him here....
How did you enjoy them all? Was there one you preferred over the others?I played through all 3 last year. My only issue is with the screen size though where you'll be forced to make blind jumps. Other than that, all 3 are great Sonic games. My main takeaway from Sonic Advance 2 though is that Techno Base is the worst Sonic 2D level in the series. It's ugly as hell visually and just really poorly designed.
D'oh! Should've put 2 and 2 together, serves me right for noticing during work hours.I changed my username bud
NoNo love for "PlayStation" in your new name?![]()
Maybe I'm misreading you (I hope), but... OK, "bud"
I think you are misreading me. I didn't mean anything maliciousMaybe I'm misreading you (I hope), but... OK, "bud"
My bad bro... FYI you're one of my favorite posters on this forum, so I found the terse responses out of character, and I got thrown off.I think you are misreading me. I didn't mean anything malicious
I didn't mean anything by it. I should have elaborated why I didn't put Sony in the name. I've come to enjoy sega and nintendo the best, that's about it really. You're one of my favourite too. No need to apologizeMy bad bro... FYI you're one of my favorite posters on this forum, so I found the terse responses out of character, and I got thrown off.
Again my apologies![]()
How did you enjoy them all? Was there one you preferred over the others?
I will be playing all 3 as well. I kinda liked Techno Base. It was hard though, for me at least. My least favourite zone was the second one (the crater). Just less visually appealing to me. Man, using Cream made the game a lot easier
Neat. Sounds like Advance 1 is the best. I'm playing Sonic Colors (DS) at the moment. When I'm done with that I'll move onto Sonic Advance 3. I don't have Advance 1 yet. CheersI would rank them 1 > 3 > 2
I think 1 has the most consistent level design and boss fights. 2 is faster, but I think the level design is worse. I remember dying quite a bit more in that one. I'm not a fan of the boss fights in 2 either. 3 feels closer to 1 than 2, but not as good.
As far as Sonic games go, they're all really fun and carry the spirit & feel of classic Sonic. These should have been the proper sequels to the mainline series.
I still have this game and my PSP. Might be the best game on the system. You might wanna try Tactics Ogre Let us Cling Together and Jeanne d'Arc as well.Final Fantasy Tactics is so great !
I had a hard time the first couple of hours. It was so punishing. I was feeling so dumb xD
Then after careful thinking about gears, party composition, jobs combination, abilities to get, in battle strategy... it's way better.
I really feel rewarded by the game for thinking carefully before and during battles.
Experimenting with jobs and abilities is really cool.
Love the game so far. Story is also a strong point so far. I love the medieval political plot it has.
These 2 are on my list of "must play". Alongside Yggdra Union.I still have this game and my PSP. Might be the best game on the system. You might wanna try Tactics Ogre Let us Cling Together and Jeanne d'Arc as well.
Not playing as much anymore as I did during the pandemic for obvious reasons, but I still got some of it in me. I finished the original Doom a little while ago earlier in the thread an hour ago I finished it's sequel: Doom II: Hell on Earth. It was certainly a mixed bag. Very good fundamentals like it's predecessor, fast paced and such. Still really fun to shoot and kill these demons, but man are some of the levels a pain to traverse. So many freaking portals, hidden passages, and so many enemy traps, and some of the new enemies are horrendous. Especially those Arch-vile creatures. I have no idea how you were supposed to dodge their almost insta kill attacks. Felt very RNG when I tried to run away from it. Every problem I had with the first game felt diled up in this, and even though they're both really short games, I had to take several breaks due to how repetitive they are. Ok, I want to end on a more positive note; The super shotgun is amazing. Fantastic inclusion to this sequel!
No plans in the near future. I watched this review again just now and it seems like you can't even save scum which was crucial for me to get enjoyment out of the first two games. Unless you can in the remastered HD version?Doom 2 feels like they got overambitious with the level design. Some levels are an over-complicated mess and flat out not fun. I've never gotten lost in an FPS like with that game. Have you played Doom 64 or do you have plans to?
No plans in the near future. I watched this review again just now and it seems like you can't even save scum which was crucial for me to get enjoyment out of the first two games. Unless you can in the remastered HD version?
Nice. I might give it a try sooner or later. But I still haven't played the two reboot games. So I wanna do that first.Pretty sure you can in this new version.
Edit: Just confirmed you can.
No plans in the near future. I watched this review again just now and it seems like you can't even save scum which was crucial for me to get enjoyment out of the first two games. Unless you can in the remastered HD version?
Did you play the Episodes as well or just Half Life 2 by itself? I'm playing Half Life 2 Episode One right now. I'm on the last chapter. I think it holds up reasonably well, but I preferred Half Life 2 to Episode One. I really like shooters from the mid-2000s, prior to Call of Duty 4 MWKnocked Half Life 2 off my list. I did not enjoy it as much as I expected. The game drags in spots, especially the last few areas. Ravenholm was really the highlight for me though. That section feels more like a horror fps. I wish there was more of that style/tone and less of what we got in the last half of the game. Also, the vehicle controls killed some of the fun for me. The loose controls make maneuvering through tight spots or making jumps frustrating as hell. These sections are pretty long too or at least they felt like it. I didn't really care for the guns in this game either. I mostly found myself using the shotgun and the gravity gun. Barely touched the revolver or the machine guns. Wasn't really invested in the story either. I think I expected too much out of this game and set myself up for disappointment. It feels outdated in a way that I can't forgive or look past. I'm not totally sure why as I enjoy older FPS games like Unreal, Doom, Heretic, etc. It has me questioning whether or not I should play the original Half Life.
Did you play the Episodes as well or just Half Life 2 by itself? I'm playing Half Life 2 Episode One right now. I'm on the last chapter. I think it holds up reasonably well, but I preferred Half Life 2 to Episode One. I really like shooters from the mid-2000s, prior to Call of Duty 4 MW
RTCW is basedJust HL2. I have the episodes as well and I'll probably play them eventually. I've got my eye on No One Lives Forever and Return to Castle Wolfenstein next.
I finished Castlevania: Rondo of Blood 100% a few days ago on the PS4 through. Great game. Really hard at times when playing as Richter, but the game is actually a bit on the easy side when playing as Maria. So naturally, I just played as Richter with the exception of when I wanted to breeze through a few levels because I didn't know what I was missing to get to 100% completion. This game surprised me because to begin with, I was a bit iffy on it, but once I learned the mechanics and how to work around the limited mobility in movement and combat, it became a great experience. This is the first "Classicvania" I've ever played, which is why it took me time to adapt. I also wish I could have played this on a CRT, but the scanline smoother which was included in this collection does a lot of good on an LCD TV.
I also want to highlight a great underrated track from this game. We all know Bloodlines and Bloody Tears and the likes, but this is even better. Just pure greatness
It's in my backlog. I see it's short and easy for Castlevania standards, so I might do it over the summer.If that's your first traditional Castlevania game, you need to play Castlevania 4 next. Equally impressive game that outdoes Rondo in some ways. Both are GOATS in the action-platformer genre.
Wow, great writeup!My challenge :
No 2022 games (or as low as possible). I can buy older games. If I buy a game, I play it immediately avoid growing my backlog.
Physical Backlog* :
*doesn't include PSplus free games
- The Legend of Heroes : Trails in the Sky (PSP)
- Rogue Galaxy (PS2)
- Baldur's Gate : Siege of Dragonspear (PS4)
- Baldur's Gate 2 : Shadows of Amn (PS4)
- Baldur's Gate 2 : Throne of Bhaal (PS4)
- Zelda Ocarina of time (N64)
- Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
- Project X Zone (3DS) Ongoing !
- Brigandine : The legend of Runersia (Switch)
- The Mark of Kri (PS2)
- Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor 2 : Record Breaker (3DS)
Demon's Souls (PS5)Done !- Divinity : Original Sin (PS4/5)
- [2021] The legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess (Wii)
[2021] Final Fantasy Tactics : The War of the Lions (PSP)Done !
I bought Final Fantasy Tactics ! I am thinking to dive in the strategy RPGs of my backlog but I set this weird rule that I should first play the classic of the genre that is Final Fantasy Tactics before playing any other Strategy RPG...
Games completed :
What a amazing classic !
- Demon's Souls (PS5) (Started the 13th of December , finished the 3rd of January, 25h20)
- [Replay] Sekiro : Shadows Die Twice (PS5) (Started the 6th of January, finished the 1st of February, NG/NG+/NG++ done in 91h40)
- [2021] Elden Ring (PS5) (Started the 25h of February, finished the 22nd of April, 190 hours)
- [Replay] Elden Ring (PS5) (Started the 23rd of April, finished the 16th of May, 52 hours)
- [2021] Final Fantasy Tactics : the War of Lions (PSP) (Started the 18th of May, finished the 4th of June, 51 hours)
25 years old and this game is still relevant today !
The art design and graphics (pixel art) are so stunning. I am in love with the whole esthetic of the game.
Medieval fantasy world with a kind of old english for text. It's so sweet even if a bit tricky sometimes for a non native speaker like me.
I will not go too much on the story to avoid spoilers but the base is a medieval political plot. A lot of different players : family house, templar, church, dukes, ...
Honestly, I didn't follow 100% the story due to the english being sometimes tricky and the portable format sometimes made me played small chunk where my attention was not really there.
I got majority of it but didn't get some details.
Battles are very strategic and enjoyable for the most part. Some boss battles are too unfair for me and led to lot of frustration. And some it was just relying on nuking the boss as fast as possible because it was not possible deal with all the powerful enemies in the fight.
You have to take elevation and terrain into consideration. Lots of spells and abilities have charge time and so you have to plan or place them well on the battlefield, because by the time they are launch, the enemies might have moved or heal themselves... This goes for your characters as well and you can take advantage of that.
Positioning is also important as you have less chance to hit (or get hit) if you attack an unit from the front instead of the side or back.
Then the true hero of the game : the Job system.
Basically any unit can switch job anytime. In battle they gain XP (for unit level) and Job points (JP) that allow to learn abilities of your choice in this job and also level up this job. Levelling up job allow to unlock new job.
Most unit start with 2 jobs : Squire and Chemist. If you reach lvl 2 Squire you unlock the Knight job. If leveling up Knight, you unlock Archer etc... The Chemist job will unlock the magic Jobs.
Then later some job will required different level in several jobs to unlock them.
Abilities are classified in 4 categories :
Each unit has 2 slots of Active abilities (one being locked into your current job) and 1 slot in each of the other 3 categories. Then you can put whatever abilities you have unlocked with this unit in these slots.
- Active : your main battle actions
- Reactive : chance to trigger automatically when meeting the condition (like counter an enemy if receiving a physical attack)
- Support : various passive abilities from Increase physical power or Allowing equipping some gear in any job (each job has some restriction of weapons and type of armor)
- Movement : various passive related to movement (more range, healing when moving, ignore terrain elevation....)
So you can customized your units at will. Would like a white mage with sword ? Go Knight and unlock the "Equip sword" support ability and go back to White mage. Want more healing on your Ninja ? Go Monk to unlock the movement ability "Lifefont" (heal each time you move) and switch back to Ninja and equip it in your movement slot.
So you often switch job to unlock the abilities you want. Also Party composition play a role since you also gain Job point for job that your teammates currently use.
The gear (weapons, shield, armor and head pieces, 1 accessory) is also playing a big part in the customization.
The Job system alone offers a huge replayability. I already have some job combination I want to test on my next run. Because yes I will for sure replay this game regularly in the coming years.
Then there is also some secrets linked to side content to unlock that I just touched the surface.
I can now say by experience, that Final Fantasy Tactics is a cult classic and deserves its reputation.
What to play next :
Well Project X Zone is still there but after Final Fantasy Tactics, it will be hard to go back it. This game can't be call Strategy RPG xD. I'll leave it on my list but might drop it at one point.
I already restarted a run of Elden Ring... (I knew this year would not be prolific for backlog clearing with this game coming out). I want test a Strengh build revolving around Roar abilities, axes and a weapon of a certain endgame boss (best of the serie for me). I also want to do some lore digging on some characters and event. Plan to take a lot of note on the way
The main character was a Monk/Geomancer. (Monk is OP xD really high damage and lot of utility skills : healing, revive, clear debuff)Wow, great writeup!
What jobs did you end up with in your unit by the time you beat the game?
Were the boss fights just hard, or were they also unfair?
Glad you enjoyed the game!
Finished Arkham Asylum. 84% complete with all Riddler trophies, character bios, etc.. This game really captures the feeling of being Batman in a way other games haven't. Gliding around the map and grapple hooking to ledges feels so good. All of the gadgets feel useful. The combat is simple, yet satisfying. Every punch, kick, throw, has a weight and impact to it. Batman just feels strong as fuck in this game. Most importantly though, Arkham Asylum nails the look and tone of the actual comics more than any other Batman game I can remember. I didn't really care that much about the story, but it's not bad by any means. It was sort of boilerplate Batman. Still, this doesn't feel like a cheap tie-in for a movie or cartoon. They even got the voice actors from the 90s animated series.
There are technical limitations though that stand out and remind you this is a game from 2009. The hub and other areas are small and feel linear. They get some mileage out of it by requiring some backtracking, especially if you want all the collectibles. The animations and graphics look dated, even in the updated HD version. Still, none of this ever takes you out of the experience because everything else is so well done. My guess is the devs were trying to make a more focused, tighter experience instead of a bloated, technical mess of a game. It benefits from this more than hinders it. What your left with is the best game in the franchise and probably the best comic game ever made imo.
I heard the sequels improve on this one and I'm looking forward to finding out for myself.
I played the Arkham Trilogy 3 years ago. I really enjoy them a lot. For me Asylum is the best of the three.
As you said the aesthetic is top notch in this one. It's a welcome focused experience on Batman. I think it's rather an unpopular opinion but I also think it has the best combat of the series. You need really precise timing and input if you want big combos. The sequels made it more forgiving on this side.
City and Knight are also amazing game. I personally prefer Knight between these 2 despite all its flaws.
Anyway this trilogy is an outstanding tribute to the dark knight.
It reminds me I should play Origins at one point.
Damn all your post makes me want to try this game. I loved DMC 1 and 3. I haven't touch much the recent entry.I've had a lot of gaming accomplishments over the years. But... getting Pure Platinum rank across the board with Jeanne on Hard Mode (in my humble but very educated opinion, the hardest way to play the first Bayonetta, for reasons I already explained in a previous post) might be in the top 5 of my gaming achievements.
I have certainly mastered this game. If the game had better camera (which remains its only major issue), it would be practically flawless; as it is, it has entered into the Top 10 of my favorites of all time.
Yeah, I know I've been talking about Bayonetta a lot. That game has consumed (pretty much monopolized) my video game playtime for the past month, month and a half or so.Damn all your post makes me want to try this game. I loved DMC 1 and 3. I haven't touch much the recent entry.
I couldn't stand the character of Bayonnetta so I didn't touch these games.
I should give it a try I guess
Out of curiosity, what version did you play? I know that the PC release on Steam (and no doubt Gamepass now) was actually updated and had changes to the difficulty etc to some of the later levels (meat circus mostly) whereas most of the Console versions were left untouched. I played through it on PC personally and found it not too bad to complete, but I agree the combat was never really great.. I just loved how varied and inventive the game wasFinished Psychonauts last night. It started off pretty good and had amazing voice acting all the way through, but the later levels were pretty frustrating and overall I feel like the game hasn't aged all that well, the platforming is serviceable at best, the combat and boss battles feels pretty barebones. It has a lot of creativity going for it with a lot of ultra nerdy references which definitely went over my head, but as an overall game it's just ok imo. Still want to play the sequel as that one looks much better from videos I've seen of it.
I played the Steam version. I knew of the infamous Meat Circus level beforehand due to it always showing up in 'worst levels in good games' type of lists. But to be honest, I thought the levels beforehand were way more frustrating due to their longer length. The Spanish level is insanely annoying due to the Bull which always runs you over forcing you to restart the corridor, aswell as the fact that you have to money grind a lot to aford those paintings. The milkman level is really clever, but at the same time it gave me a headache. You also have to get the invisibility badge before entering which I didn't know as I did not revisit the professor. Funnily enough, my biggest problem with the game was at the end when you gotta get that turtle out of the glass bowl. You have to be like pixel precise otherwise you have to retry. Took me like 50 attempts...Out of curiosity, what version did you play? I know that the PC release on Steam (and no doubt Gamepass now) was actually updated and had changes to the difficulty etc to some of the later levels (meat circus mostly) whereas most of the Console versions were left untouched. I played through it on PC personally and found it not too bad to complete, but I agree the combat was never really great.. I just loved how varied and inventive the game was