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November Wrasslin |OT| Ask Not The Jobber How John Cena Wins



imagine BronsonLee at a wrestling event throwing money (singles, let's be realistic here) all the way up to the ankles of various women in attendance


Rivalries series with Flair vs Rhodes was great to watch. But not sure why as segments were talking about the two and their feud, the documentary would talk about how around them the landscape was changing and that the WWE was the top dog now, daddeh. I feel like that is pretty off topi... oh well. Would have been nice to add all the matches the two had together in a playlist to accompany the series, but... oh well. Hopefully WWE has the rights to the GAB 1986 event...
Matt Striker is great on LU. Even Vampiro isn't terrible, at least he keeps his mouth shut most of the time and avoids fucking stupid jokes or stories.
Great to actually hear someone explaining moves and just generally paying attention to the match.
Helps that the matches are enjoyable and the character writing is really defined, really impressed with what they have built so far.

Main Event was pretty good this week, especially Sami vs Tyson. I loved when Tyson had Sami to the ground and asked the ref to check if Sami was going to quit. Ref said he already checked. And Tyson yelled "Ask him again in French!!"

Hilarious. I love Tyson so much.
Yeah that match made me a Tyson fan, hadn't seen much of him but all 3 did an awesome job. Kept things moving and entertaining.

Cool, I'll just jump on the Network on my PS4 and check out WWE.com's Top 100 matches playlist....

Pretty good list.

Now why not advertise one of these matches on every Raw and Smackdown? Instead of "999 999 999 FREE FREE FREE" why not show like 20 second highlights of the Jericho HHH match from Fully Loaded 2000 and direct people to the Network?

I know they're not into advertising their Network with... the actual content it provides, but come on.
Yeah it seems insane how little effort they are putting into the Network. They need to really pimp it as something you could get lost in for hours and hours but that would require effort to make up some playlists.

Would love to just see a fucking historical calender in there with every match selectable.

That way you can cross off days up to a PPV and get the full story, etc.

I think commentary screwed the pooch on the sharpshooter/crossface spot

I took it to mean that Kidd wanted all the glory for himself, and if Cesaro also made the champ tap...
Commentary was pretty shit. Really could have pushed Kidd being hungry for all the glory like you said.

The impact is insane, seriously makes the viewer cringe in a good way. Damn good.

Weird that Rollins isn't on any of the WM promotional stuff despite being the lead heel since Summerslam since Bork is never around.
Maybe they've booked him a movie during WM. Wouldn't shock me if they thought they could earn more using him that way.

'Rise and Fall of ECW' on the network looks like it completely glossed over the Mass Transit incident. Heyman talks about it for like a few seconds and goes on to the next segment. Doesn't even show the dude being there or anything. That's odd.
Heyman got taken to court over that didn't he? Maybe they are too worried about using some of that stuff.

Alright I'll watch Impact.


Oh dang this Backlund promo


lol dang

1994 was real as fuck in WWF. Assholes see Doink and go "lol circus" but the shit is dope.

'Rise and Fall of ECW' on the network looks like it completely glossed over the Mass Transit incident. Heyman talks about it for like a few seconds and goes on to the next segment. Doesn't even show the dude being there or anything. That's odd.

There may be some kind of legal stuff where they can't say much of consequence.

Random question - What is this thread's big beef with shit on the back of a shirt? Do you look at the back of a shirt after you put it on? Every time there's some decent design, even if there's something small on the back, this thread acts like the shirt is below their standards. In a thread about pro wrestling.
WWE Network will be airing a preview of the new Randy Savage DVD that is set to release later this year. Below is what the synopsis reads:

“A first look to watch exclusive content from WWE Home Video’s latest release, Macho Man: The Randy Savage Story.”

HOF induction 2015 for sure.



Alberto Del Rio made a surprise appearance at Tommy Dreamer's House of Hardcore VII event in Philadelphia on Saturday night.

Following Christian York's win over Brian Myers (Curt Hawkins), Myers cut a promo and refused to leave the ring. Ricardo Rodriguez made an appearance and introduced Del Rio to a huge reaction.

Del Rio talked about being excited to be in the ECW Arena for the first time and how just one week ago he thought he wouldn't be able to wrestle in the United States for one year. Del Rio said he was invited to House of Hardcore by Dreamer and that in HOH they aren't sports entertainers, they're wrestlers. Myers tried to attack Del Rio but caught kicks from Ricardo and Del Rio, who then applied the cross armbreaker.

In other news from the show, Bobby Roode replaced an injured Ethan Carter III and defeated Tommy Dreamer in an Old School Extreme Rules Match. Roode put the TNA World Heavyweight Title on the line and said he got the call from Dixie Carter to replace her nephew. The match saw appearances from Thea Trinidad, Velvet Sky, CW Anderson, Spike Dudley and The Sandman. There was a great post-match segment with Dreamer and wife Beulah McGillicutty as this was her last time accompanying Dreamer to the ring. Dreamer, his daughters and the fans gave Beulah her farewell.

House of Hardcore VII also saw the return of Team 3D to the ECW Arena. The Wolves were scheduled to face Lance Archer and Harry Smith but Davey Richards had to miss the event due to a medical issue related to his paramedic job. This led to Team 3D making their big return to defeat Archer and Smith.

After the main event, Bully Ray did a promo about how Dreamer is for the fans and how House of Hardcore always delivers. Bully mentioned that HOH sold out the arena in its debut. Dreamer also spoke and said his goal was to do 4 shows this year and fans make him want to do maybe 4-8 shows next year. He also teased getting on TV. The event ended with the roster in the ring drinking beer as The Sandman's music played.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK640nPslAM
Meltzer went to the Wrestlemania Party and saw Daniel Bryan

"One thing I'll say about Daniel Bryan... his right arm was pretty big... didn't even look imbalanced to me... he must be able to train it... it's big enough... it's not like it was before... he's able to train, he hasn't had surgery."


You know when Alexa fucked up her enose during the match it really bothered me how all cameras basically ignored here from then on, or tried to totally miss any face action. It's was so obvious and lame. Without loser reaction match also just felt off.
You know when Alexa fucked up her enose during the match it really bothered me how all cameras basically ignored here from then on, or tried to totally miss any face action. It's was so obvious and lame. Without loser reaction match also just felt off.

I'm not sure what you expect them to do here. They can't shoot it normally in that instance. I'm surprised they even showed the damn match.


I'm not sure what you expect them to do here. They can't shoot it normally in that instance. I'm surprised they even showed the damn match.

Can't they technically do whatever on the Network? Also it's ridiculous that they have to do these gymnastics just because someone got a nosebleed by accident.
I hope that Philly crowd watches their dirty filthy mouths because all it takes is a nationalistic slur to open up old wounds for Dicardo and Del Rio. I'd like to see Gabe try to sign them, speaking of which the EVOLVE reboots DVDs should be on sale next week.
Can't they technically do whatever on the Network? Also it's ridiculous that they have to do these gymnastics just because someone got a nosebleed by accident.

No, NXT is shown internationally and on Hulu as well. PG is across the board.

It's doubly so when it's a Diva that is bleeding. Sasha wrecked her really bad with some elbows. It was pretty bad.

What's this "ROH spoiler" you guys were talking about on the previous page?

Likely what happened last night.
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