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November Wrasslin |OT| Ask Not The Jobber How John Cena Wins


I've never actually bought a wrestling game. Just mooched off my friends during the N64 days, rented Pro Wrestling and Wrestlemania during the NES days, and played a lot of Wrestlefest at the convenience store. Also rented Warzone for the PS1 a few times.


So I have been listening to LAW and is this the most unnecessary replay ever?

Do not click if you don't want to see Leslie Smith's ear explode during UFC 180: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLDjDgqXdRY&feature=youtu.be

Along time ago, probably 18 months or so, I mentioned something about wanting to create a Wrestling RPG. Well, I've decided that 2015 will be the year that I actually attempt to make it happen.

I'm currently pre-planning, I guess, looking at which program would be best to use. I have to 'commercial' game engines I can currently use:

RPG Maker
GameMaker Studio Pro

While I appreciate that neither one is extremely amazing, they both seem to be fairly decent for a beginner such as myself. I'll keep you updated with my efforts as they happen.


Go for it, I have more faith in you as a beginner than I have in Yukes.


So not worth it
Why is there someone white knighting WWE 2K15 in the OT? I mean, I understand if you like the game and I understand defending it's better features, but this guy seems like he's in complete denial of how the games have been made for the past 6 or 7 iterations and how much this version has been butchered before release.

So why? Is he a 2K employee or something?


Why is there someone white knighting WWE 2K15 in the OT? I mean, I understand if you like the game and I understand defending it's better features, but this guy seems like he's in complete denial of how the games have been made for the past 6 or 7 iterations and how much this version has been butchered before release.

So why? Is he a 2K employee or something?

Who are you referring to?


Why is there someone white knighting WWE 2K15 in the OT? I mean, I understand if you like the game and I understand defending it's better features, but this guy seems like he's in complete denial of how the games have been made for the past 6 or 7 iterations and how much this version has been butchered before release.

So why? Is he a 2K employee or something?

Is it a Bobo alt-account?
Why is there someone white knighting WWE 2K15 in the OT? I mean, I understand if you like the game and I understand defending it's better features, but this guy seems like he's in complete denial of how the games have been made for the past 6 or 7 iterations and how much this version has been butchered before release.

So why? Is he a 2K employee or something?

He was doing it in the WWE 2k15 glitch thread too, but there were other people doing it too so it stuck out less.


DoctorWho seems like good people. He's already called out the parts he thinks are actually shit, he's just excited for the game.

Not like that Joel guy.


Watched an amazing Mexican Death Match with Psicosis and a young Rey Mysterio Jr. from one of the new Hardcore TV eps on the Network last night.

I loved that they had to get a three count in order to initiate the ten count to end the match. WWE needs to implement that to spice up their last man standing matches. Move -> ten count, move -> ten count, big spot -> ten count gets old. In that match, they booked a whole sequence before going into a pin and the flow was much much better.


So not worth it
His last post is much more sensible, yeah, that's just fine.

I honestly don't mind if you like a game and defend it, but you have to be realistic when it comes to WWE games and call it like it is.

There is not a single WWE game where I haven't had a game breaking bug within the first 10 matches I played ever since Smackdown vs. Raw 2009. All of them after that one I had to restart a match because the game broke somehow. So complaining about gif's of glitches in 2K15 in the OP seems a bit unnecessary, its pretty much what half the people come in there for and I don't think it's an inaccurate representation of the game.


I'm not going to get 2k15 till I have a next gen system. I imagine there will be aspects I find fun, like My Career mode, but that isn't on current gen. So I'm waiting till at least April and I'll likely find it for $40 or so.
Why is there someone white knighting WWE 2K15 in the OT? I mean, I understand if you like the game and I understand defending it's better features, but this guy seems like he's in complete denial of how the games have been made for the past 6 or 7 iterations and how much this version has been butchered before release.

So why? Is he a 2K employee or something?

It's funny how anytime people on GAF are interested in a game other people are shitting on it's assumed they must be working for the company making the game.

I'm calling out the OT for not being factual and obviously portraying just the shitty parts of the game.

One line dedicated to 2k showcase. One line dedicated to my career. 30+ lines dedicated to matches that were cut. And some of that isn't even accurate.

Hell, he/she didn't even get all the bad shit right. Not enough info about no Diva CAW or the 25 CAW limit. No info about editing wrestlers or that they take up CAW slots.

Then the OT had New Match types that aren't even new match types in the game. They're just featured in showcase.

The OT sets the tone for discussion in a thread. Make a shit OT and you're probably going to end up with a shit thread. It's obvious that OT was made for people who have no interest in the game.

Hell, I have a ton of issues with the game. This news killed a lot of my excitement and I even created a thread for it.


So not worth it
It's funny how anytime people on GAF are interested in a game other people are shitting on it's assumed they must be working for the company making the game.

I'm calling out the OT for not being factual and obviously portraying just the shitty parts of the game.

Repeatedly calling out the OT for providing factually true .gif's of glitches that have been occurring, mind you.

But I made my post before you made the more sensible approach, so as said, fair game there and I can appreciate that, but there was no reason to call out the OP for posting a few funny gif's of actual glitches. That floating belt gif in particular was OP-worthy, we can all agree.

Now, you can say the OP isn't factual correct in game modes that were promised, but then pulled, but OP can be wrong since 2K has pulled out certain things rather last-minute. Point it out and he can fix it, no need for anything else.
Repeatedly calling out the OT for providing factually true .gif's of glitches that have been occurring, mind you.

But I made my post before you made the more sensible approach, so as said, fair game there and I can appreciate that, but there was no reason to call out the OP for posting a few funny gif's of actual glitches. That floating belt gif in particular was OP-worthy, we can all agree.

The gifs are fine if you balance that out with some decent stuff from the game.

It's great to poke fun at the Yukes games.

The thing is there are still a lot of people picking up the game tomorrow and that thread isn't made for them. It's made for the same people who jump in every year and shit on the latest Yukes game.


So not worth it
I rest my case.

It's a parody OT.

Aside from the gif's it's a standard OT, shows the game modes, shows the roster, shows review scores and screens.

Even the gif's are pretty much standard fare for GAF.

Anyone playing the new WoW expansion? They added SimCity.

Pre-ordered the game for the 90s boost, but I'm gonna wait a few months and then jump in. I get bored with WoW after a month anyways, so I'm just gonna level my chars and run some BWL and MC and then quit :D
Aside from the gif's it's a standard OT, shows the game modes, shows the roster, shows review scores and screens.

Even the gif's are pretty much standard fare for GAF.

The gifs just feature glitches from the game. We could do that with GTAV, Last of Us or any other game, but we don't.

I posted the Triple H intro from the game but I don't think the people in the OT are looking for anything that might make the game look good.

It's unfortunate because I could talk about the problems from the game all day, I just don't like seeing an OT created that isn't for people who may actually want to play the game. Most of it is going to end up being drive by posts shitting on it based on the gifs.


This argument is going to be mute as reviews roll in if they're anything like the first. If there are 5's all around, no one is going to want to play it bar those that are going to buy it anyway.
This argument is going to be mute as reviews roll in if they're anything like the first. If there are 5's all around, no one is going to want to play it bar those that are going to buy it anyway.

Pretty much.

I think it's going to score better though. But I do think they need to give it harsh marks for the cut features.

I say it hits 7-7.5 on average.

No Diva or create an arena still hurts.


Pretty much.

I think it's going to score better though. But I do think they need to give it harsh marks for the cut features.

I say it hits 7-7.5 on average.

No Diva or create an arena still hurts.

I actually kind of want it to go down into the 5's and 6's for the average. Maybe that will wake them up and get them to get their shit together.


So not worth it
Watching House of Hardcore VII, for a second I thought Alberto got to keep his name as RR still did the normal intro, but he was careful and just said Alberto and let the crowd yell Del Rio and then Matt Striker referred to him as El Patron, so there's that.

Can't wait for him to show up in LU, if they made me care about Chavo, I don't even want to know what they can do with someone like Del Rio.
I think I would like modern WWE games if they weren't so boring after like a month. Especially compared to the older ones. It's like the developers decided to play things super safe starting from svr


Pretty much.

I think it's going to score better though. But I do think they need to give it harsh marks for the cut features.

I say it hits 7-7.5 on average.

No Diva or create an arena still hurts.

Having played it I can easily see it go down lower.
Along time ago, probably 18 months or so, I mentioned something about wanting to create a Wrestling RPG. Well, I've decided that 2015 will be the year that I actually attempt to make it happen.

I'm currently pre-planning, I guess, looking at which program would be best to use. I have to 'commercial' game engines I can currently use:

RPG Maker
GameMaker Studio Pro

While I appreciate that neither one is extremely amazing, they both seem to be fairly decent for a beginner such as myself. I'll keep you updated with my efforts as they happen.

Yeah I'd play that. Best of luck to you


Well I need to vent for a second. I know this is neogaf but holy fuck I'm close to abandoning ship on the Master Chief Collection thread. It's a massive hive of negativity and hyperbole at this point and everyone no sells anything good that comes from the game right now just because they have to wait a few minutes to get into a multiplayer game.

I'm starting to wonder if either I'm extremely lucky or if everyone else is just horrible at following instructions because once I gave match making a few minutes to try and find a game (per 343's temporary advice) I've had relatively no issues getting into games and have put in almost 200 multiplayer matches since launch.


It's Monday!

time for me to not watch raw again!

seriously though, not watching raw the last few weeks has been liberating as fuck. 3 hours is simply too much, it sucks the life out of my monday nights - and it's all for a show that sucks right now. WWE is so obviously in their "phone it in until the rumble" phase right now. Thursday nights are the real night to watch WWE.


Well I need to vent for a second. I know this is neogaf but holy fuck I'm close to abandoning ship on the Master Chief Collection thread. It's a massive hive of negativity and hyperbole at this point and everyone no sells anything good that comes from the game right now just because they have to wait a few minutes to get into a multiplayer game.

I'm starting to wonder if either I'm extremely lucky or if everyone else is just horrible at following instructions because once I gave match making a few minutes to try and find a game (per 343's temporary advice) I've had relatively no issues getting into games and have put in almost 200 multiplayer matches since launch.

Best way to enjoy games is to stay the fuck out of games threads. Works for me.

It's not like here where we juice every ounce of entertainment possible out of the product. Hell we'll make it entertaining.


I was finding new WWE 2k15 videos when I saw that someone has started uploading music from Dead or Alive "with arena effect for WWE 2k15."

Should... Should we break it to him?


Someone on Reddit made this:

I admittedly laughed at the Phil Brooks and The Miz portions of that

Best way to enjoy games is to stay the fuck out of games threads. Works for me.

It's not like here where we juice every ounce of entertainment possible out of the product. Hell we'll make it entertaining.

This is truth. WrassleGAF enhances the WWE experience. WWE Network's second screen experience should just load GAF.



Sounds weird, how did they do that?

Each character now has their own phased area called their Garrison. You work on upgrading it to create space for buildings that you build and upgrade as well. There are a bunch of different buildings and you have to choose what you want in your Garrison. Each building is a hub for a profession. For example; I have a Enchanting building in my garrison. Even though I'm not an enchanter I can bring items back to this building and disenchant them for mats. I can then give the mats to someone in the building to enchant my gear. Only the top of the top end will require your character to have the profession skilled up, everything else can be done from the appropriate building with time. That's just the tip. There are lots followers to obtain that all have different stats and bonuses that you can then level up by sending out on missions from your Garrison, mines and herb gardens to tend to, even if you don't have the collection skill, banks, vendors, flight hub, new hearthstone directly to your garrison on it's own shortened timer... It's a one stop shop to make everything easier will baking in time sinks that will keep you chasing that high.



Del Rio in ROH? I...would be so down for that, but I'd be kind of shocked at the same time. TNA would probably pay better, I'm assuming.

Del Rio's style would get over with an ROH crowd, and he's currently got the AJ Styles cool factor going for him after parting ways with a company.

What are the chances that the other company is not ROH or TNA, but New Japan?
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