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November Wrasslin |OT| Ask Not The Jobber How John Cena Wins


Worked from three until 12:30. Did I miss anything good tonight? I gotta go to work at 10am tomorrow so my free time tonight is few and precious.


These CARNY MOTHER FUCKERS decided about a minute before show time to dim the lights and play Sting's new music and tron video. Then just stop and the show started about 30 seconds after. No one was happy. There were WE WANT STING chants before Superstars even started.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
What's the word on Bo Dallas, Curtis Axel, R-Truth, or Darren Young's recovery? I'd ask about Ryder, too, but I remember him being out for an injury.

Also who are the next the predicted NXT call-ups not named the Ascension?


These CARNY MOTHER FUCKERS decided about a minute before show time to dim the lights and play Sting's new music and tron video. Then just stop and the show started about 30 seconds after. No one was happy. There were WE WANT STING chants before Superstars even started.

Sting wasn't going to be on Superstars
These CARNY MOTHER FUCKERS decided about a minute before show time to dim the lights and play Sting's new music and tron video. Then just stop and the show started about 30 seconds after. No one was happy. There were WE WANT STING chants before Superstars even started.
Sounds like you had the time of your life!
These CARNY MOTHER FUCKERS decided about a minute before show time to dim the lights and play Sting's new music and tron video. Then just stop and the show started about 30 seconds after. No one was happy. There were WE WANT STING chants before Superstars even started.
I'm sorry but that is hilariously shitty
These CARNY MOTHER FUCKERS decided about a minute before show time to dim the lights and play Sting's new music and tron video. Then just stop and the show started about 30 seconds after. No one was happy. There were WE WANT STING chants before Superstars even started.



These CARNY MOTHER FUCKERS decided about a minute before show time to dim the lights and play Sting's new music and tron video. Then just stop and the show started about 30 seconds after. No one was happy. There were WE WANT STING chants before Superstars even started.

That's just fucked up

and sounds very Vince
They sure know how to kill any buzz they get in just a 24 hour period and top it off they bring back the "anonymous GM" that they turned even more into a joke when they revealed it who supposedly was behind it, but of course I guess we're not supposed to remember that. >_>


Nah, that'd be Del Rio and Sheamus since they're basically worthless and were pretty much glorified midcarders.

At least Big Dave got that legendary status.
Those two weren't midcarders at the time. Only the booking post-Mania made it that way. They fucked up.
is Crazy Mary Dobson in a tryout period or something, this is like the third time she's played a random role on Raw (this time as Kane's manager)



WWE Raw 11/24/14: Carny Mother Fuckers

The show starts promptly at 7:30 PM, just like the tickets say. Curiously, there is no singing of the national anthem. I should point out that from my seats, I'm unable to see what is going on on the stage or see the Titan Tron. This will be a blessing later on. My area is filled mostly with children, minorities, and a somewhat alarm number of mentally handicapped adults. To just get the luck of the draw and have that many in one area seems...odd. Whatever. The crowd is hot. Before the show even starts, loud WE WANT STING chants have started.

Todd Phillips and Renee Young are introduced to the NXT theme. Renee high fives all the security guards around ringside.

Jack Swagger vs Curtis Axel

WE THE PEOPLE is still over as fuck. I think Swagger in general is, too. No one cared about El Hijo del Perfecto. The match was very short. Maybe 4 minutes. Swagger easily wins with the ankle lock. Dirty Dutch can barely walk. He moves worse than Hogan did when Hogan's back stuff was at its worst. It's quite a bummer.


Slater Gator theme live is incredible. You can feel it in your soul. Slater is great and definitely works for the cheap seats. He's so animated and stupid. If you think the Usos sound bad on TV, they're completely indecipherable live. And that fucking pyro is loud as shit. The Usos are really over and I don't get it. I get it even less live. All the do is slide on the mat a lot and slap their legs on the kicks so obviously that you can see it in the god damn balcony. They did the dive and the splash and all that shit. The real story of this match is the little girl sitting next to me. Couldn't have been more than 4. All decked out in Cena gear. Booing the SHIT out of the Usos and cheering for Slater Gator.

Lilian lets us know that Raw will go live in about a minute. Then, the lights go out, camera men head up the ramp, and STING's music plays! His tron video is playing. Everyone is marking out, bros. Even this little girl who was about 10 years away from being born the last time Sting was on a real wrestling show. Then it stops and the lights come back up. Lilian counts us down. Then The Authority come out. EVERYONE is pissed. These CARNY MOTHER FUCKERS just SWERVED everyone for cheap heel heat that will look good to start the show. It wasn't even like, HHH has Sting's music played to piss everyone off. It was off screen intentional fuck you to the audience just so they could get some heat on TV at 8PM. MOTHER FUCKERS. YOU FUCKING CUNTS. YOU MOTHER FUCKING CARNY MOTHER FUCKING CUNTS.

HHH and Steph talk about how terrible their absence will be for WWE. They are the glue that holds everything together. We'll be begging them to come back. Little Girl Beside Me: Sorry 'bout ya, Atority. This girl is dope. Then a wild gnome appears OUTTA NOWHERE. My god, it's Daniel Bryan! This place is loud as FUUUUUUUUUCK. Loud enough to make everyone forget about Sting for a bit. Everyone is so happy to see Bryan again. I don't know how much of it was on TV, but Bryan YESed HHH and Steph all the way to the back.

Then he talks for 20 minutes. And people were getting a bit worn out, but everyone was still happy to see Bryan that they let it slide. Koncesions Kane was pretty dope. Also dope was J&J Security being pumped that they might get to be in a match again.

Ryback vs Mark Henry

Mark laid on the floor the entire break. How they do their breaks are somewhat confusing. For some breaks, they dim the lights and show ads on the video screens. Espcially the fucking slammer jammers and bootleg LEGO ones. They showed both of those at least 5 times each. I think they showed them more than Network ads. Match was super short and then Ryback awkwardly stood over Mark for what seemed like much too long, seeming like he was going to hit him with the Shellshock or something, but nope. FEED ME MORE was pretty over.

. I think this was next anyway. Vince, looking OLD AS FUCKING SHIT HOLY CHRIST, shits on his daughter and son-in-law. Vince looked AWFUL.

Dean Ambrose vs Luke Harper WWE Intercontinental Championship

Dean was super over until about 3 minutes in and the heat seemed to vanish because all he was doing was punching and then Luke slapped on a chin lock for what seemed like a solid 5 minutes. Once they got past that, it picked up and got pretty fun. During the break (were there multiple?) Dean was goofy as shit with the ref. Like praying and appologizing to the ref by bowing to him when he would break the 10 count. I liked the rebound lariato variant on the floor. That was pretty cool. Also marked for the Tenryu tribute spot. And the BronsonLee special from Luke. Looked nasty from my seat. Bray showing up OUTTA NOWHERE meant I didn't have time to get my phone recording for Sister Abigail. Little Girl Beside me marked for Dean and Bray.




TO THE BACK. This seems right. Kane getting brow beaten by his new manager. Hate to break kayfabe for y'all, but those are not the containers they sell nachos in at Bankers Life. They use the clear plastic ones, not white ones. Nor are there any random stands out in the open like that that sell anything besides chips and peanuts. They have specific beer/nacho/snow cone stands, but not just a random one like that.

I think Larry the Cable Guy and Santino were next. Luckily, they did everything on the stage, which means I didn't have to see it. Everyone groaned when he came out. I laughed when Lilian botched his name. Or maybe that was later. Middle Aged Black Man Behind Me: Why they gonna make Jingle All the Way 2 with Larry the damn Cable Guy instead of Arnold?

Gold and Stardust vs The Miz/Damien Mizdow WWE Tag Team Championships

Stardust's theme is TRUTH live. That bass gets in your soul. Mizdow is the 3rd most over person behind Bryan and Sting. He was only half into doing the stunt double stuff, though. He seemed to be a lot more into the match than usual. Crowd popped big for the random nip up. I'm going to assume commentary was miserable during this, as Cole was extremely animated, flapping his arms a lot and doing the, "John, do you know what you just said" gesture a number of times. I can only assume this was the match where they went completely off the rails and argued about stupid shit and made references to a bunch of 80s/90s stuff and didn't pay attention to the match at all. Crowd died when it seemed like Miz was injured and then nothing happened for a long stretch of time. The disaster kick looks pretty dope live. Little Girl Beside Me was 1000% behind Goldust. Not even Stardust. She just loved Goldust. This little girl is pretty rad. Especially since she's 4, is a mark for Goldy, Slater Gator, and hates the Usos.

A NEW DAY aired somewhere around here. Now, I tell you there was a middle aged black couple behind me for this reason. When the video started, the woman said, "Oh lawwwwd" and seemed disgusted. But by the end of the video, she was clapping along. She got The Spirit, friends. A New Day is coming, no doubt. They heard The Word and The Word was Good.

Rusev and Lana come out to do the flag thing. Now, I was kind of expecting a battle royal here. Let me tell you, Lana has a great ass even from the cheap seats. That thing is no joke. The pyro thing for the flag was SO FUCKING LOUD. Jesus Christ. Once the flag dropped, half the crowd in the second level and balcony can't see most of the ring, so I just got to hear Sarge spit everywhere. Then Swagger comes back out and Middle Aged Black Man Behind Me says: Rusev already beat that fool's ass. Also behind me is a Hispanic father and young daughter and he was translating all the promos, which was kind of cool to hear.

Fandango vs Justin Gabriel

Even from the balcony, Gabriel's tights look disgusting. This had ZERO heat. No reaction for either guy. The most heat it had was a brief CM Punk chant. Rosa is a terrible dancer. She looks like an old lady in pain. I don't know why you'd take away the one thing that people liked about Fandonger. His new music sucks.

TO THE BACK. I'm mixing them up, but Ryback returns to being THE BIG GUY BULLY, which is dope. Kane sprays mustard on Santino. No one gave a fuck. It's also about 10PM and they show that Big Show is up next. There is a collective sigh in the arena and a pretty large amount of people all got up at that time.

Then Big Show comes down and more people get up to go do anything else. NO ONE is interested in anything to do with him. It was by far the biggest piss break of the show. And then that fucking promo would not fucking end. Who the fuck thought, "at the top of the 10PM hour, we should have Big Show cut a 15 minute promo about his feelings as a human"? I don't know if it made it to TV, but on the screens in the arena, the patented Dunn Zoom Effect got used a few times during this promo. Rowan comes out and people seem to like him since he got a chant going. I don't know why they didn't go with Rowan vs Harper after SS, but I guess I should be happy that it isn't another Cena/Show feud.

TO THE BACK. I believe this was about the time when Ryback BOWLIED Koncesions Kane and sprayed ketchup and mustard on him, and Kane just straight bitched out and gave up. This show absolutely killed what extremely little threat there was in Kane. He looked bitch made as fuck every time he was on screen.

AJ Lee vs Brie Bella

HOLY FUCKING SHIT Brie Mode is the worst thing I've ever heard live. However bad it sounds on TV, you can not imagine how awful it sounds in an arena. It's like someone put a bass in a blender and then someone threw beer cans at it to a generic dance beat. It's the worst. I take that back. AJ is the worst. BOTH promos were fucking terrible. Everything she did in the ring was terrible. Lesbianist. SKANK. Talent isn't sexually transmitted---with no hint of irony that she's married to CM Punk. The Punk chants lasted exactly 5 seconds before dying out completely. The Little Girl Beside Me asked her mommy what AJ meant. Way to be a fucking role model.

I think the NEW DAY IS COMING NEXT WEEK video aired. So hyped.

Tyson Kidd/Natalya vs The Bunny/Adam Rose

The Bunny was the most over person in the match. He was also the most over person in the show since Sandow was out there.

Dolph Ziggler/John Cena vs Seth Rollins/Jamie Noble/Joey Mercury

The triumphant return of Jamie By God Noble! In the main event! And he's still got it. He even got a chant.

Post show segment had Cena/Ziggler/Bryan/Rollins/Noble/Mercury in a "battle royal", which Bryan obviously did absolutely nothing in. Crowd started chanting for Sting, so Cena decided he'd give us Sting...but chopping the stooges. Then once he's done picking on them, he gets the crowd to heel on Mike Chioda and then the trainer. Then he drags Michael Cole into the ring, makes fun of him, has Dolph super kick him, makes fun of his man boobs, then ends the show without letting Dolph or Bryan say anything. He most certainly was not BingA*.



3 hours is too long. It's actually a 4 hour show. So many commercials. Didn't seem like much back stage stuff, but a fuck load of commercial breaks. Not the miserable experience it was in 2013, but mother fuck them for that Sting bullshit. They also showed a long ad for his DVD in the middle of the show, after already pissing everyone off at the start of the show. And focusing on Sting signs. CARNY FUCKS.
Gold and Stardust vs The Miz/Damien Mizdow WWE Tag Team Championships

Stardust's theme is TRUTH live. That bass gets in your soul. Mizdow is the 3rd most over person behind Bryan and Sting. He was only half into doing the stunt double stuff, though. He seemed to be a lot more into the match than usual. Crowd popped big for the random nip up. I'm going to assume commentary was miserable during this, as Cole was extremely animated, flapping his arms a lot and doing the, "John, do you know what you just said" gesture a number of times. I can only assume this was the match where they went completely off the rails and argued about stupid shit and made references to a bunch of 80s/90s stuff and didn't pay attention to the match at all. Crowd died when it seemed like Miz was injured and then nothing happened for a long stretch of time. The disaster kick looks pretty dope live. Little Girl Beside Me was 1000% behind Goldust. Not even Stardust. She just loved Goldust. This little girl is pretty rad. Especially since she's 4, is a mark for Goldy, Slater Gator, and hates the Usos.

You're pretty much bang on, King even said like "hey John there's a championship match going on" while they were all arguing about the Authority being out of power. JBL continued going on about The Authority. It was bad.
the first 2/3rds of that RAW were pretty decent but that last hour was pretty much straight garbage outside of J&J. I'm enjoying face Rowan though?!


Frankly, I don't want an authority figure at all.
Just give me wrestlers that hate each other's guts and challenge each other to matches for titles.
Is that so much to ask?

In the past the problem wasn't with authority, because we always had great matches and okay storylines whether it was Vince, Michaels, Foley, Bischoff or Stephanie to run the show.

The problem is that people won't believe in a feud unless there's titles at stake, and the creative has made that gold meaningless. Even Benoit vs Angle, long before the RR2003 match, at one point had literally gold on the line.

Rock and Austin beating each other all over raw, IC title on the line. Nation vs DX, Summerslam 98, IC title. When Kane got his arm "broken" in 2001, there still was the IC title on the line. Again vs HHH, with the whole katie vick thing, world title on the line. Same PPV, other roster, it's Undertaker being bullied by Lesnar, WWE title. We can go on and on for hours about this. Even SCSA vs Bret Hart, they somehow got the title involved in a smaller amount.

Why am I supposed to care about Wyatt vs Ambrose? Once Ambrose gets rid of Wyatt, will he go back chasing Rollins? Will he take the briefcase for the title? No, he will probably be stuck in another filler feud, and it goes on and on.
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