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NPD Sales Results for November 2009


Shock 360 > PS3. Thought Microsoft was crazy to keep price same as PS3. They prove me wrong.

What happen to all "I'll buy PS3 after being banned because offer better value, free multiplier and so on..."

Mod Abuse
Dragona Akehi said:
Alright here comes the one and only warning you're all going to get:

Anyone else who makes the claim that the 360 outsold the PS3 because of "the mass bannings" after this post is going to get a six month ban.

It's fucking ridiculous: it's the same stupid argument that PS2 sold because people kept rebuying them because they broke. So knock it off.
/Mod Abuse


Well I work for Comcast inside a Best Buy store (basically have a kiosk in Home Theater). Anyway the 360 was selling pretty well. Lot's of Mommy's buying their kids 360 with that crappy 6 game bundle.

The parents don't really know any better. They see a 360 with 6 free games and their like holy shit I'm done shopping, Thats 7 presents. Although way more PS3 seem to be selling with older shoppers say (21-30). Christmas though is more about parents buying for kids and thats why I think 360 sold better.

Plus people underestimate the power of Xbox Live in my opinion. PS3 is actually the better deal right now, but gamers (from 13-18) are going to go with the system their school buddies are playing online. If their friends are going into school everyday talking about what games they played last night on live then of course they are going to get a Xbox even if PS3 gives you more tech packed in the box.
December number should be interesting,i think the xbox 360 beat the PS3 do to the ban wave,which like always force pirates to buy a new unit.


Where does Forza 3 fall into this? Microsoft just announced that it sold 1 million, i'm taking thats World Wide which still isn't too bad. They probably just messed the cut off of getting on the top 10???


knitoe said:
Shock 360 > PS3. Thought Microsoft was crazy to keep price same as PS3. They prove me wrong.

What happen to all "I'll buy PS3 after being banned because offer better value, free multiplier and so on..."



MikeE21286 said:

This is interesting. Despite MW2's mammoth sales, it appears overall software was down in units and in revenue. Possible explanations:

1) Wii software is down drastically YoY, despite the increase in user base. Wii software was down 35% last month compared to the same month last year. That's a horrid drop for a system supposedly in its prime.

2) Software sales -- particularly on the PS3/360 -- are becoming increasingly hit-focused. They'd always been hit focused in general, but are now even more so, with the big hitters (CoD, L4D, AC) pulling in huge numbers, and everyone else being left in the dust.


Bundles are a very attractive options. A brand new console with two good games. Cheaper than the competition ? As a cheap ass parent it sounds very good as a Christmas gift.

That is in response to the trap post.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Should be interesting to see the average purchase price for the 360 this month. Since it is usually closer to 300 than 200. But, everyone seems to think the Arcade is doing all the sales.


Bizzyb said:
Anyone else realize that Wii numbers no longer matter?
The only games that sell are Nintendo games
The only games (usually) worth charting/selling are Nintendo games
3rd parties aren't going to give any real effort (and probably never planned to) when they can just bank on a million selling HD game (with blood and guns of course) esp with no Mario to compete against

What good does them not competing with Mario if they have to skip the holidays because they are afraid to compete with MW2?!

Good fucking planning right there.


Seda said:
The PS2 numbers. Wow. Still in there.

See, this is what I've always said. How can any console maintain that kind of shelf presence and monthly unit sales for as long as the PS2 has?

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
omg rite said:
I just want to say that I have been calling ever since the PS3 price drop that 360 would STILL outsell it in November!

And it did by even more than I thought it would, when most people were POSITIVE PS3 would outsell 360.

Yes, I'm being cocky. Look at my tag. Just let me have this one moment. :lol
omg rite
omg rite???
(Today, 03:40 PM)


Tormentoso got clipped :lol

This thread is a perfect illustration of seeing the lie of the land before even dreaming of commenting.


I think the number of new GAF members next month will be much higher than expected, because of all the bannings.


This is like making popcorn in the microwave. It's slowing down, but there's still those last few kernels popping. :lol


Mrbob said:
Doubtful. CoD4 sold for months and months and months, even up to the release of MW2.
And New Super Mario Bros DS sold more than all of the COD4 skus combined by millions of units. So did Mario Kart Wii.


Speevy said:
I'd like to know what's the biggest ban minefield in neogaf history. Has to be the Epic Mickey thread.

Really? What was the thing everyone was getting banned for? I never entered that thread...


Dabanton said:
Tormentoso got clipped :lol

This thread is a perfect illustration of seeing the lie of the land before even dreaming of commenting.

That's too bad as that is probably the best sentence structure he has ever managed to put together in his history on GAF.


I don't understand why everybody expected the PS3 to sell better than the Xbox 360. Was there a cool new game coming out?


Lord Helmet said:
Since 24 is around the corner...



what the hell :lol

anyone got a youtube link for this?


Salami Inferno said:
Whats with all the bannings? Are people just acting crazy, or did people make ban bets on which console would sell best in November?

They're all trying to guess why the 360 sold so much. So far no one has gotten it right.


Business press surprisingly positive on Nintendo this month:


A new blockbuster videogame and a strong performance by the Nintendo Co. Ltd. Wii couldn't help the U.S. videogame industry shake off its malaise in November, providing more evidence the full-year performance would likely contract amid a muted future.


Nintendo products accounted for roughly half of all consoles sold in November, making it the biggest selling game hardware of the month based on units. It sold nearly 1.3 million Wiis, and 1.7 million portable game devices, NPD said.

Microsoft Corp. sold 819,000 Xbox 360s, which exceeded some analyst expectations. Meanwhile, Sony Corp. sold 710,000 PlayStation 3s, a middling performance based on analyst projections.

Bloomberg (not NPD-specific, but from 30 minutes ago):

Nintendo Sees Strong Demand for Year-End Game Sales in U.S.
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By Mariko Yasu and Adam Satariano

Dec. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Nintendo Co., the world’s largest maker of handheld video-game players, said it expects year-end U.S. demand to rebound after early holiday-season sales of its flagship Wii console tumbled and industry-wide receipts fell.

“Our read on the consumer is very strong,” Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime said in an interview yesterday. “What we are seeing today is a strong momentum for hardware and software.”
Salami Inferno said:
Whats with all the bannings? Are people just acting crazy, or did people make ban bets on which console would sell best in November?
There was a ban rule put in place that is buried deep in this thread. All who break it get a 6 month ban. Look at the people banned to figure out what it is because im not even going to mention it. :lol


Dragona Akehi said:
Alright here comes the one and only warning you're all going to get:

Anyone else who makes the claim that the 360 outsold the PS3 because of "the mass bannings" after this post is going to get a six month ban.

It's fucking ridiculous: it's the same stupid argument that PS2 sold because people kept rebuying them because they broke. So knock it off.

An aside: those MW2... that has to be at least 25% of the overall 360 userbase, no?
How about adding this to the first post. You know, the only post that users are required to read on this board? Banning users because they didn't read the 24th post on the 12th page is ridiculous. Stop making up rules to ban people by. It's impossible to keep up with all the rules you come up with. No other admin or mod does this to as large an extent as you do.


Salami Inferno said:
Whats with all the bannings? Are people just acting crazy, or did people make ban bets on which console would sell best in November?

Look at who is banned and look at what they all mentioned in their posts...


Salami Inferno said:
Whats with all the bannings? Are people just acting crazy, or did people make ban bets on which console would sell best in November?

Look at all the bannings they all have a theme see if you can decipher it. :lol


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
gkrykewy said:
Business press surprisingly positive on Nintendo this month:


Bloomberg (not NPD-specific):
Strange really, since the Wii really is the source of the decline.
Since it is cheaper and sold less.


KuwabaraTheMan said:

The king is back, baby.

A mediocre Mario Kart selling like this means a) we won't see another Mario Kart this gen and b) when we do get another, it will likely be mediocre.


i mean really, all these people getting banned because they click on the 1st page of the thread, sees the numbers, and then post.

They're not going to browse to page 18 or wherever the warning is on and see it.

Can we at least edit the first page and put the banning warning.


Firestorm said:
How about adding this to the first post. You know, the only post that users are required to read on this board? Banning users because they didn't read the 24th post on the 12th page is ridiculous. Stop making up rules to ban people by. It's impossible to keep up with all the rules you come up with. No other admin or mod does this to as large an extent as you do.



When can we expect top 20 software? Curious to see what happened to Uncharted 2 and Forza 3.

Firestorm said:
How about adding this to the first post. You know, the only post that users are required to read on this board? Banning users because they didn't read the 24th post on the 12th page is ridiculous. Stop making up rules to ban people by. It's impossible to keep up with all the rules you come up with. No other admin or mod does this to as large an extent as you do.

Do you really want someone to stick around that makes such a weak case? What are we losing?


Firestorm said:
How about adding this to the first post. You know, the only post that users are required to read on this board? Banning users because they didn't read the 24th post on the 12th page is ridiculous. Stop making up rules to ban people by. It's impossible to keep up with all the rules you come up with. No other admin or mod does this to as large an extent as you do.

1. Open thread to first page. Read OP. Go to last page. Back up a couple of pages.

2. Notice people laughing about bannings.

3. Read the banned Users last posts.

4. Deduce trend.

5. Post for first time in thread.

6. Skip straight to step 5 at your own risk.

EDIT: I forgot the most important step. DOH!

Mod Abuse
Dragona Akehi said:
Alright here comes the one and only warning you're all going to get:

Anyone else who makes the claim that the 360 outsold the PS3 because of "the mass bannings" after this post is going to get a six month ban.

It's fucking ridiculous: it's the same stupid argument that PS2 sold because people kept rebuying them because they broke. So knock it off.
/Mod Abuse
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