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NPD Sales Results For November 2010 [Update 6: PSP, PS2, Move Games]


test_account said:
I wonder if Sony would still have contunied to produce PS2 consoles even if PS3 was selling much more. I think that there is a chance that they would have done it since the PS2 seems very popular anyway, not just because of all the games, but also because of the $99 pricetag :)
I think it they would have kept selling it, because of the losses PS3 brought them in the beginning.
Kafel said:
I think it's what will likely happen. Because of the games support mainly.

Some people on GAF have to be kidding us by saying Sorcery is the flagship title for Move.

It's way too early for such predictions. Sony is yet to launch the real Move assault in the coming months. But if after 2011 it doesn't generate some impressive numbers, yeah, then it's going to slowly fade into obscurity.


TTP said:
By that logic I guess you believe Kinect is DOA.

Just for reference, Move vs Kinect supporting games is about 70 vs 40

You won't sell Move because some games have an option for it. You won't sell something as pricy as one or two games because in some games you own there's a little bit of this here and a little bit of it there you can take advantage of.

Sony needs a big AAA flagship title only playable with Move. And a half dozen of "AA" to cover all the genres and make its accessory essential.

They don't have the hype the Wii and Kinect benefit from already, it's high time to announce something really exclusive to Move and that people want to play.

Everything else will fail.


test_account said:
Wow, 80k for the PS2? Amazing! I wonder how long the PS2 will be for sale.

I wonder if Sony would still have contunied to produce PS2 consoles even if PS3 was selling much more. I think that there is a chance that they would have done it since the PS2 seems very popular anyway, not just because of all the games, but also because of the $99 pricetag :)
Almost definitely, they made the PS1 until March 2006.


Kafel said:
You won't sell Move because some games have an option for it. You won't sell something as pricy as one or two games because in some games you own there's a little bit of this here and a little bit of it there you can take advantage of.

Sony needs a big AAA flagship title only playable with Move. And a half dozen of "AA" to cover all the genres and make its accessory essential.

They don't have the hype the Wii and Kinect benefit from already, it's high time to announce something really exclusive to Move and that people want to play.

Everything else will fail.

True Ape Escape PS3. Berieve.

But seriously, there was a lot of hype around a new Ape Escape title (the hype didn't sound like it was for the mini-game compilation) that was to the Move, as the original was to the Dual Shock.

Which makes me think Move should've launched in 2011 for a solid lineup rather than the scraps that exist now. But I imagine they didn't want to be last to the party, especially when next year is a year where your sister will launch a gaming themed phone, and you're about the launch your second handheld.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Kafel said:
You won't sell Move because some games have an option for it. You won't sell something as pricy as one or two games because in some games you own there's a little bit of this here and a little bit of it there you can take advantage of.

Sony needs a big AAA flagship title only playable with Move. And a half dozen of "AA" to cover all the genres and make its accessory essential.

They don't have the hype the Wii and Kinect benefit from already, it's high time to announce something really exclusive to Move and that people want to play. Everything else with fail.

Oh you meant future support. I assumed you meant current. Sorry.

Well, I agree it's not an easy sell (I have stated this since it was unveiled), but it's easy to support for sure. Of course Sony needs an AAA exclusive Move title (which can't be expected from a third party), but it doesn't change the fact that the support is there already and will continue to be because it's easy to fit in standard games and because that's where we are all headed (motion gaming).

Sure Kinect has hype and money behind it, but needs some more serious and necessary exclusive commitment from publishers compared to the Move.


TTP said:
Oh you meant future support. I assumed you meant current. Sorry.

Well, I agree it's not an easy sell (I have stated this since it was unveiled), but it's easy to support for sure. Of course Sony needs an AAA exclusive Move title (which can't be expected from a third party), but it doesn't change the fact that the support is there already and will continue to be because it's easy to fit in standard games and because that's where we are all headed (motion gaming).

Sure Kinect has hype and money behind it, but needs some more serious and necessary exclusive commitment from publishers compared to the Move.

The hype comes from the novelty and the games.

Move's novelty well ... doesn't exist. The wiimote is already well known around.

By its nature and also the lack of a balance board, it's already missing on obvious titles that are hot nowadays and that can greatly help the sales : dance and fitness games. The Move only gets multi-platform titles, no really dedicated titles.

It also has a big drawback for the casual crowd that can't create cute/funny avatars to easily get into the games. I'm always surprised Sony greenlit Sports Champions with such a cold, almost bland, art direction.

What's the next dedicated Move title that will sell the accessory ? MS for example kept Brain Training for February/March when they obviously didn't even need it for the holidays.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Kafel said:
The hype comes from the novelty and the games.

Move's novelty well ... doesn't exist. The wiimote is already well known around.

By its nature and also the lack of a balance board, it's already missing on obvious titles that are hot nowadays and that can greatly help the sales : dance and fitness games. The Move only gets multi-platform titles, no really dedicated titles.

It also has a big drawback for the casual crowd that can't create cute/funny avatars to easily get into the games. I'm always surprised Sony greenlit Sports Champions with such a cold, almost bland, art direction.

What's the next dedicated Move title that will sell the accessory ? MS for example kept Brain Training for February/March when they obviously didn't even need it for the holidays.

They are not dedicated, but perhaps both LBP2 and Killzone 3 can sell some. I dunno. That's beyond the point I was making.
I repeat, I understand the Move needs an exclusive AAA Move-required title, but not as much as the PS Eye did. I don't see it doomed to fail like the PS Eye / EyeToy.

For you it's all now or never. For me it's more like going forward. And going forward (beyond PS3) I can only see it evolving into the new standard in control interfaces.
FoneBone said:
I'm not talking about "a Bond game". I'm talking about GoldenEye. Yesterday's GoldenEye players are today's Halo/Call of Duty players, and there's not a chance in hell that Activision made it a Wii exclusive because they thought there was no audience for it on PS3/360.
While I don't believe Nintendo's influence as the publisher of the original game can be discounted, there are probably some other important factors here:

1) If yesterday's Goldeneye players are today's COD players, well, Activision is already selling them a COD game each year and they probably don't want to compete with themselves

2) Related to 1, Activision has never put in the effort into their Bond games as they have in their COD games. Even Quantum of Solace, which used the COD engine, was clearly a lower budget effort than COD in terms of development and marketing. The multiplayer was definitely low-effort compared to Treyarch's work in WAW or BLOPS.

3) In addition, the even lower-effort Wii port of Quantum of Solace somehow sold the best. Could it have been the exclusive local multiplayer? This might have led Activision to believe that whatever audience there was for a hot manshooting FPS Bond game with local multiplayer, it was largest on the Wii.

4) Given all of that, you can see how Activision might want to minimize its risk and only make a lower budget non-HD Goldeneye remake and put it on the Wii.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
A new Hot Shots Golf game supported only by Move would have been a perfect game to release to entice people to buy the Move controller. It was a colossal mistake NOT to have a game like that available at launch.


beelzebozo said:
all kidding aside, i think playstation home could really turn the tide on this.
Nah, it's just the price. Once the PS3 gets a cut down to 499, or even 399 dollars, it'll easily pull away from the other two, you'll see.

I already used up the eternal software lineup troll card earlier in the thread. :(


Strap on your hooker ...
Speevy said:
80K for the PS2.

Here's to another 10 years.
It could be doing even better if Sony made any effort at all to maintain a nice library on shelves. PS2 game sections at major retailers are just sad, sad affairs; A few copies of Aragorn's Quest and Secret Agent Clank, maybe a lingering GH copy of God of War 2, some old Guitar Hero games, and a spotty mess of horrific shovelware.

I don't understand why Sony doesn't do something like their $9.99 PSP Essentials initiative with PS2. It's a travesty that a system with such an amazing library is represented by the anemic leftovers above, people shouldn't be forced to trawl through Gamestop bins for incomplete copies of a system's best games while that system's still on the market.


sparkle this bitch
Haunted said:
Nah, it's just the price. Once the PS3 gets a cut down to 499, or even 399 dollars, it'll easily pull away from the other two, you'll see.

I already used up the eternal software lineup troll card earlier in the thread. :(
Fall back to the retail musings line!

Next year is definitely going be juicy either way the coin lands.


Fafracer forever
Kafel said:
It also has a big drawback for the casual crowd that can't create cute/funny avatars
Neither can the 360 users, but that doesn't hurt MSs sales.

TTP said:
For you it's all now or never.
Well it's been now or never in NPD threads for 8 years or so now, can't buckle the trend.


crazy monkey said:
we never got number for Golden eye, sonic colors and epic mickey right?
For the 500th time Epic Mickey was released in the NPD's December tracking period.

All we have for GoldenEye is "not bad".


Unconfirmed Member
Hammer24 said:
EyePet probably is, according to this graph. But this doesn´t solve the SportsChampion mystery.


Well, Ubisoft themselves said that R.U.S.E tanked pretty badly, and that was on 3 platforms. And all the top 3 are old games, specially the last 2. The bulk Sports Champions probably aren't counted since they are part of the bundle. I guess is safe to assume that Move wasn't a good software mover...


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
PS2's going to keep selling for WAY longer than Gamestop keeps stock of the platforms games, I feel. PSX rode on five or so years of Mary Kate and Ashley (Age: 5-12) games over those years and like three or two years after Gamestop/EB/etc. dropped support for the platform outside of new games at Wal-mart.

Lonely1 said:
I guess is safe to assume that Move wasn't a good software mover...

It isn't a good mover because:

-No one on the PS consoles cares about motion controls (outside of the die-hard Sony fanboys, same thing for 3D)
-The price for the controller by itself is a joke in comparison to the Wii's prices for the controller.
-There is no appealing games on it outside of a few sports and old titles (Time Crisis 4 with "HD supportable" motion/lightgun controls is the only damn thing on the system I care about. But I ain't paying $120 + $40-60 for TC4 just to play the damn thing), and the old titles may/may not play better on a controller (I never played Bio 4: Wii with the motion controller, FFS. I'm fine with the Gamecube controller same for Bio5: I'm fine with the 360/PS3 DS3 controller)

Unless Sony gives us something like Trauma Center/something out of left-field and fixes the laughable "if you already have a cheap-o PSEye due to Burnout Paradise" price, I can't care about Move and I think a bunch of other PS3 owners are feeling similar.


Fafalada said:
Sure. But I just meant they are neither cute or funny :p
Heh to add to Kafel's point, the avatar character designs in general are just more visually appealing and I have to applaud Rare for not only creating something that's highly customizable, but for also designing Kinect Sports entirely around the idea of an avatar-filled world as it adds a certain goofy charm to the game.


adelante said:
Heh to add to Kafel's point, the avatar character designs in general are just more visually appealing and I have to applaud Rare for not only creating something that's highly customizable, but for also designing Kinect Sports entirely around the idea of an avatar-filled world as it adds a certain goofy charm to the game.

In other words, you're giving Rare credit for taking Nintendo's idea and simply changing it a bit. I don't have an issue with them doing that, FWIW, just found it odd to give them such emphatic praise for it.
Thanks guys.

The Sony statement is laughable, as expected.

Patrick said:
We’re pleased that consumers continue to look to PlayStation for innovative and unique entertainment experiences...

Really? The Kinect sales suggest otherwise.
Opus Angelorum said:
It may have been lost in the thread, but have Sony released any form of statement?

They are trying to convert their losses into any other currency which will actually show growth YoY, MoM, Day over day, hour over hour, etc.


Vinci said:
In other words, you're giving Rare credit for taking Nintendo's idea and simply changing it a bit. I don't have an issue with them doing that, FWIW, just found it odd to give them such emphatic praise for it.

They did take Nintendo's idea for creating an avatar but they definitely improved upon the idea tenfold. Everything from Kinect chat, your avatar picture, party chat, netflix parties, microtransactions, and avatar awards have been added. Nintendo has a 3d avatar creator/user login.


see5harp said:
They did take Nintendo's idea for creating an avatar but they definitely improved upon the idea tenfold. Everything from Kinect chat, your avatar picture, party chat, netflix parties, microtransactions, and avatar awards have been added. Nintendo has a 3d avatar creator/user login.

Again: I don't have a problem with them taking an idea and changing it / improving upon it. Hell, that's what companies have been doing forever. I just don't think taking an idea and moving it to the next most logical step is anything really impressive, especially regarding the examples given in the original post - which are exactly the same as what Nintendo did. The others areas you mentioned? Those, I could see celebrating.


Vinci said:
Again: I don't have a problem with them taking an idea and changing it / improving upon it. Hell, that's what companies have been doing forever. I just don't think taking an idea and moving it to the next most logical step is anything really impressive, especially regarding the examples given in the original post - which are exactly the same as what Nintendo did. The others areas you mentioned? Those, I could see celebrating.

To this day I still haven't bought a piece of clothing, it's more the execution of the whole change that has impressed me. A lot of the stuff they are doing now with Kinect really isn't different at all from what Wii was doing years ago. But games like Pinball FX2 with the awesome leaderboard and the Super Meat Boy pet award really force me to appreciate the whole thing. It took a while to get avatar awards proper, but at this point I think it's pretty damn cool.


see5harp said:
To this day I still haven't bought a piece of clothing, it's more the execution of the whole change that has impressed me. A lot of the stuff they are doing now with Kinect really isn't different at all from what Wii was doing years ago. But games like Pinball FX2 with the awesome leaderboard and the Super Meat Boy pet award really force me to appreciate the whole thing. It took a while to get avatar awards proper, but at this point I think it's pretty damn cool.

Awesome. Hope Nintendo and Sony learn from it for next generation while each doing new things.
Wow, those move software numbers are depressing. After the surprisingly high shipment numbers Sony reported I figured software would be selling too. Given, the low number of bundles being sold, clearly Move isn't expanding their audience much. Hopefully it's only a software quality issue that Sony can address instead of a lack of enthusiasm for the platform.

Also, I'm not sure agree with the belief devs will support Move because it's easy to implement. Didn't Heavy Rain's DLC get canceled because they had to devote resources to add Move support? That sounds like a significant effort to me.

I'll stop short of calling Move DOA, but this isn't good.
Haunted said:
Damn Kobun, you're such a troll.


Feels like early 2007 up in this bitch!

Doesn't seem like a troll, it's just reality; so tired of every negative opinion on someone's favorite multi billion dollar company being considered a "troll." The PS3 has been a disaster for Sony, and they've botched nearly every aspect of it. From the launch to the games to the gimmicks (remember how the gyro shaking controller was going to change everything, alongside Lair?). They've essentially given the young male/college kid demographic to MS. MS is making some headway into Wii's casual market, but ultimately that demographic isn't reliable. In a few years the Kinect, like the Wii, will mainly come out of people's closets for Thanksgiving and Christmas parties. People who aren't interested in videogames remain that way; they'll jump on the latest fad or big electronic device because that's what casuals do.

Sony is essentially in no man's land right now.
FoneBone said:
For the 500th time Epic Mickey was released in the NPD's December tracking period.

All we have for GoldenEye is "not bad".

sorry for trouble. I hope epic micky, golden eye and sonic colors all sell very good by end of December.


Haunted said:
Damn Kobun, you're such a troll.


Feels like early 2007 up in this bitch!

Heh, anyone want to refresh us on the last 3k NPD thread eh.

PS3: I've physically seen one person buy a PS3 in the last week, and that's because we have some sort of package deal going on with it if you buy a Sony Bravia television. We have piles and piles of PS3s and accessories sitting around that no one wants to buy.

Ice cold bro or what EL said early on in this thread.


PhoenixDark said:
Doesn't seem like a troll, it's just reality; so tired of every negative opinion on someone's favorite multi billion dollar company being considered a "troll." The PS3 has been a disaster for Sony, and they've botched nearly every aspect of it. From the launch to the games to the gimmicks (remember how the gyro shaking controller was going to change everything, alongside Lair?). They've essentially given the young male/college kid demographic to MS. MS is making some headway into Wii's casual market, but ultimately that demographic isn't reliable. In a few years the Kinect, like the Wii, will mainly come out of people's closets for Thanksgiving and Christmas parties. People who aren't interested in videogames remain that way; they'll jump on the latest fad or big electronic device because that's what casuals do.

Sony is essentially in no man's land right now.
Not to disagree with your overall point, but re: the usage of "troll" in my post:

dude, you should know me better than that. :p

Sony definitely seems to be caught somewhere in between. Not a good spot to be in.
Kafel said:
I think it's what will likely happen. Because of the games support mainly.

Some people on GAF have to be kidding us by saying Sorcery is the flagship title for Move.

It's a good looking game that's built for Move and uses it in innovative ways. Don't see why people shouldn't be excited for it. The Move launch window isn't filled with killer software and I don't think Move will ever become the "must have" sweep-the-nation experience, but if Sony can make it a viable control option for titles like KZ3 and line up some enjoyable experiences like Move Heroes than it doesn't have to fade away. I don't think moms will ever run out to buy it like they do for Kinect, but I think Move can be a success as long as Sony gets hardcore gamers looking for something fresh (or pc gamers) wanting to use it for other games.

The core issue is Move is essentially Wii Motion Plus and Sony didn't bother trying to impress anyone with the launch games. The tech there is still amazing. I hope they find a way to put it to use sooner than later.
I just watched a Sorcery video on youtube. If that's the flagship Move title then, it's time to abandon ship. It doesn't look bad, but IMO that's not going to convince anyone to buy Move.


duk said:
im lost for words... so is sony PR it seems
The "troll" from Kobun's twitter (which was just taken from the article he linked) was right - the NPD was unspinable. Sony pushed and shoved a bit, but it didn't muster a slow twirl, much less spin. My favorite line is about how the strong debut of Move (a few months ago) will set the stage for a strong 2011 - skipping over the present results entirely. Nothing to see here, move along.
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