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NPD September 2011 Sales Results [Update 3: FIFA 12, Madden 12, Dead Island]


Truth101 said:
Hyberbole, the games look fine on the 3DS
Depends on the game. Okamiden I thought looked great (better even). I think Golden Sun DD looks kinda ass.

But this is kind of off-topic for the thread.


Rush2thestart said:
Roughly 130k for Star Fox 64 3D?

If that number is exactly 130k, then that means Command only outsold it by 7k in its month of release.
Well, there are 1.5 million 3DS in the US vs. like 30 million DS when Command was released.

Ocarina of Time 3D is the best selling 3DS game in the US at a little over 500k.


Everything where it belongs.

I wonder if 360's dominance will last in the holiday months when Wii usually becomes a beast. Also interested to see if Halo CE, Kinect Sports 2 and Dance Central 2 make any impact whatsoever.


fernoca said:
Well, there are 1.5 million 3DS in the US vs. like 30 million DS when Command was released.

Ocarina of Time 3D is the best selling 3DS game in the US at a little over 500k.
I think this is a pretty good example of how a lot of IPs are notably more sellable if you A.) time them well and B.) actually advertise them.

If Nintendo really wants to keep the brand going, following up with a new, very high production value Star Fox game within two years would be a great choice.

If they just let the series languish or put out a low key game however, I suspect they'll go back to where they were.
At first it looked like the PS3 price cut didn't have impressive results but 250 turns out to be a pretty great price in the long run. Pretty great numbers for the HD consoles.
I would love for nintendo to actually make a new SF in the vain of the snes and 64 versions. They have let this series stagnate for too long and it can fill a void in their library that none of their other IP's currently can.
Truth101 said:

I'll give you battery life

Hyberbole, the games look fine on the 3DS
Regular DSi has a larger bottom screen than the 3DS'

AdventureRacing said:
I would love for nintendo to actually make a new SF in the vain of the snes and 64 versions. They have let this series stagnate for too long and it can fill a void in their library that none of their other IP's currently can.
Sin & Punishment?
Jaded Alyx said:
Sin & Punishment?

I see this comparison a lot but it's a very different game. It doesn't really satisfy my desire to fly around in a ship like in lylat wars shooting shit (i know that sounds simple but it's the easiest way i can think of describe my feelings).

Also from nintendo's standpoint i get the feeling that star fox has a much greater potential for sales.


AdventureRacing said:
I would love for nintendo to actually make a new SF in the vain of the snes and 64 versions. They have let this series stagnate for too long and it can fill a void in their library that none of their other IP's currently can.

I thought Star Fox Assault was pretty good on GC. The on-foot missions kind of sucked but the space gameplay was there.
I gotta say the HD consoles did pretty well.

I thought the 360 would see a nice bump this month, but wasn't predicting as much of a bump for the PS3. Software numbers just have to be abysmal on the Wii right now.

Wonder how this will trend over the rest of the holidays, and what impact games like Zelda SS, Mario Kart, and Super Mario 3D will have on the Nintendo products.

Also, is this the holiday DS kinda dwindles away? Stay tuned...!
Decent numbers for the PS3 but I have to admit I thought it would surpass the 360 the first month at $250. 360 Numbers are really impressive given what I just mentioned about the PS3.

I find it hard to believe MS hasn't cut KINECT down to $99, but I guess they still have time to do it before holiday shopping kicks into high gear. Bundle it up with Kinect Adventures and Kinect Sports, slap on that $99 price tag and watch it dominate holiday sales.

As far as software goes are people really that shocked with multiplatform Madden outselling 360 exclusive GEARS 3? Second I don't care for DEAD ISLAND personally, but I will always root for new IP to be successful.


bobbytkc said:
more people need to buy resistance 3. Overlooked gem IMO.

They took out all the inventive unique awesome things about R2 multiplayer and catered to all the whiners about r2s single player resulting in a boring mess.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Mizzou Gaming said:
Decent numbers for the PS3 but I have to admit I thought it would surpass the 360 the first month at $250. 360 Numbers are really impressive given what I just mentioned about the PS3.

I find it hard to believe MS hasn't cut KINECT down to $99, but I guess they still have time to do it before holiday shopping kicks into high gear. Bundle it up with Kinect Adventures and Kinect Sports, slap on that $99 price tag and watch it dominate holiday sales.
As far as software goes are people really that shocked with multiplatform Madden outselling 360 exclusive GEARS 3? Second I don't care for DEAD ISLAND personally, but I will always root for new IP to be successful.

Oddly Kinect currently doesn't interest me in the slightest, but a $99 Kinect with the right pack in games and I'd think about it.


LuchaShaq said:
They took out all the inventive unique awesome things about R2 multiplayer and catered to all the whiners about r2s single player resulting in a boring mess.
Extremely true. Miss the 8-player co-op.


Kills Photobucket
Far as software goes

Wii has Kirby, which is always a solid seller, and then of course Zelda.

Third party, they have Just Dance 2, which will do great.

They could also do well if Skylanders is as big as some think it could be, as I'd imagine the Wii would be the dominate platform for it.


Kills Photobucket
Mizzou Gaming said:
Decent numbers for the PS3 but I have to admit I thought it would surpass the 360 the first month at $250. 360 Numbers are really impressive given what I just mentioned about the PS3.

I find it hard to believe MS hasn't cut KINECT down to $99, but I guess they still have time to do it before holiday shopping kicks into high gear. Bundle it up with Kinect Adventures and Kinect Sports, slap on that $99 price tag and watch it dominate holiday sales.

As far as software goes are people really that shocked with multiplatform Madden outselling 360 exclusive GEARS 3? Second I don't care for DEAD ISLAND personally, but I will always root for new IP to be successful.

At this point I'd like to see how many single Kinect units they are selling vs. full system bundles to new Xbox owners.


360 numbers are still really solid but its still good to see the PS3 bump up a bit more due to the price drop.

I wonder if Dark Souls will make the next NPD's?


Brettison said:
Oddly Kinect currently doesn't interest me in the slightest, but a $99 Kinect with the right pack in games and I'd think about it.

I fully expect to see some aggressive moves next year to send the 360 out with a bang and ride that brand momentum right into Xbox 1080 (or whatever it's going to be called) in 2013.
Mizzou Gaming said:
Decent numbers for the PS3 but I have to admit I thought it would surpass the 360 the first month at $250. 360 Numbers are really impressive given what I just mentioned about the PS3.

I find it hard to believe MS hasn't cut KINECT down to $99, but I guess they still have time to do it before holiday shopping kicks into high gear. Bundle it up with Kinect Adventures and Kinect Sports, slap on that $99 price tag and watch it dominate holiday sales.

As far as software goes are people really that shocked with multiplatform Madden outselling 360 exclusive GEARS 3? Second I don't care for DEAD ISLAND personally, but I will always root for new IP to be successful.

I think a price drop for kinect coupled with a $50 price drop for the console itself could really work wonders for MS. I still don't think they are going to do any of that this year.

They are finally making some profit and i don't think they want to lessen that (even though i think it would work out well for them).
DrForester said:

At this point I'd like to see how many single Kinect units they are selling vs. full system bundles to new Xbox owners.
You really don't think they sold 10 million news systems that quickly do you?


MrCookiepants said:
Of course it will. Demon's Souls only just missed it in the same month 2 years ago. I'd expect around 350-400k.

I hope it does well. I am sure it will do better than Demon's Souls and I really hope its another good IP for From Software.
fortified_concept said:
At first it looked like the PS3 price cut didn't have impressive results but 250 turns out to be a pretty great price in the long run. Pretty great numbers for the HD consoles.

HD twins (which I always argue to be essentially the same console for hardcore vs casual sales purposes) outsold Wii more than three to one (~800k>240k). This is why Wii U is coming...

I'm still on the 360 to overtake Wii lifetime in the USA and worldwide bandwagon. +200k this month, it's slow going (last I had Wii just under 8 million lead).

360 gained 198,000 this month.

Current Wii lead over 360= 7,673,121


specialguy said:
HD twins (which I always argue to be essentially the same console for hardcore vs casual sales purposes) outsold Wii more than three to one (~800k>240k). This is why Wii U is coming...

I'm still on the 360 to overtake Wii lifetime in the USA and worldwide bandwagon. +200k this month, it's slow going (last I had Wii just under 8 million lead). Did anybody post life to date's?

Post 401 already addressed this.

And "hardcore vs casual sales"? Really? Not this shit again ...


ADD New Gen Gamer
LuchaShaq said:
They took out all the inventive unique awesome things about R2 multiplayer and catered to all the whiners about r2s single player resulting in a boring mess.

R2 really wasn't all that awesome.


specialguy said:
I'm still on the 360 to overtake Wii lifetime in the USA and worldwide bandwagon. +200k this month, it's slow going (last I had Wii just under 8 million lead). Did anybody post life to date's?

200k for ten months, plus say a solid million gap for the holidays puts it at 3m over the wii for the year. for the 360 to overtake the wii in the us at that pace, it would need to average that for the next 3 years. that's a probable scenario, especially if the 360 keeps on truckin' through 2013 and into 2014 while the wii is killed off at some point in 2013 and has a poor 2012.

worldwide? the wii's at a good 30-35 million lead. the 360 outselling the wii worldwide is possible, but not very probable. the wii would have to essentially stop selling completely and the 360 would have to average more than 10m a year through its 7th, 8th, and 9th year on the market.


LuchaShaq said:
They took out all the inventive unique awesome things about R2 multiplayer and catered to all the whiners about r2s single player resulting in a boring mess.

It's far more polished and fun than R2's single player.
Kazerei said:
Post 401 already addressed this.

And "hardcore vs casual sales"? Really? Not this shit again ...

Well he already addressed it but he's wrong. Imo it's almost a certainty eventually. But there are a lot of variables. The key thing is that once Wii U comes out Wii sales are likely to drop to near zero (especially considering they're not just all that strong now).

However November and December sales will tell a lot, as Wii was actually able to win Dec last year and regain some ground. This year I would expect 360 to win, and it could possibly erase large numbers of the deficit.


user_nat said:
Gears won't match that in NA. Worldwide maybe, but obviously Madden sells the vast majority of its sales in NA.

I think if we had numbers it would be evident that Madden probably beat Gears by a slim margin, also judging by the huge launch Gears had (3 mill in 1 week) and the previous two games I can say quite confidently Gears 3 over its lifetime will pass the 5 million mark in NA alone.

Also I'm pretty sure people in Europe don't buy Madden but they sure as hell love them some Gears of War 3.
Exclusives do matter. Their worth has diminished, but they do matter. If the PS4 launches with Uncharted 4 (I think this is very possible) then many people will pick up a PS4 just in order to play it. The same thing goes with Halo or Gears or other huge titles.

Sony has gambled on the wrong games this generation. They have several IPs that have done good, but not great numbers. Uncharted is really the only new IP that has turned into a giant franchise for them. Resistance? Not so much. Infamous? Not really. Little Big Planet? I wouldn't consider it to be a huge franchise. I'm beginning to wonder if they should have funneled some of that cash into an exclusive IP from some huge third party dev.


Well, today I learned EA is still releasing Madden for PS2. A part of me thinks we'll get close to seeing Madden on PS2, 3, and 4 in the same year.


I much rather they broaden out and try different things (like Sony) with wide variety of games that sold OK, then like Microsoft who only focus on few shooters that will guarentee success but dull and narrow in variety.

ThisWreckage said:
Exclusives do matter. Their worth has diminished, but they do matter. If the PS4 launches with Uncharted 4 (I think this is very possible) then many people will pick up a PS4 just in order to play it. The same thing goes with Halo or Gears or other huge titles.

Sony has gambled on the wrong games this generation. They have several IPs that have done good, but not great numbers. Uncharted is really the only new IP that has turned into a giant franchise for them. Resistance? Not so much. Infamous? Not really. Little Big Planet? I wouldn't consider it to be a huge franchise. I'm beginning to wonder if they should have funneled some of that cash into an exclusive IP from some huge third party dev.
Paco said:
Everything where it belongs.

I wonder if 360's dominance will last in the holiday months when Wii usually becomes a beast. Also interested to see if Halo CE, Kinect Sports 2 and Dance Central 2 make any impact whatsoever.

I wouldn't really call 54k, "dominance".

A month with Gears of War and it only outsells the PS3 by 54k?

That is not dominance.
seady said:
I much rather they broaden out and try different things (like Sony) with wide variety of games that sold OK, then like Microsoft who only focus on few shooters that will guarentee success but dull and narrow in variety.

That's a good point and that's what a lot of people do not realize about Sony exclusives. Microsoft exclusives do huge numbers out of the gate, but Sony exclusives eventually sale pretty decently. I think a lot of people don't see Sony games chart in the 1-5 positions of the NPD and automatically assume failure. That's not the case whatsoever.


Deadly Joker said:
I wouldn't really call 54k, "dominance".

A month with Gears of War and it only outsells the PS3 by 54k?

That is not dominance.

360 28,841,373
PS3 17,896,921

So how long will it take them to catch up?

Sorry. Couldn't resist.
ThisWreckage said:
That's a good point and that's what a lot of people do not realize about Sony exclusives. Microsoft exclusives do huge numbers out of the gate, but Sony exclusives eventually sale pretty decently. I think a lot of people don't see Sony games chart in the 1-5 positions of the NPD and automatically assume failure. That's not the case whatsoever.

You got some numbers to share with the rest of us?
IoCaster said:
360 28,841,373
PS3 17,896,921

So how long will it take them to catch up?

In the US, never.

Worldwide? Well, that's not for this thread.

I assumed he was talking about this month's sales, my mistake.


They shall be my finest warriors,
these men who give of themselves to me.
Like clay I shall mould them,
and in the furnace of war forge them.
They will be of iron will and steely muscle.
In great armour shall I clad them
and with the mightiest guns will they be armed.
They will be untouched by plague or disease,
no sickness will blight them.
They will have tactics, strategies and machines
so that no foe can best them in battle.
They are my bulwark against the Terror.
They are the Defenders of Humanity.
They are my Space Marines
and they shall know no fear.

-The Emperor of Mankind, on the Creation of the Space Marines
bigtroyjon said:
You got some numbers to share with the rest of us?

Little Big Planet, for example, has sold over 4.5 million copies worldwide.

A greater example would be GT5. I remember people labeling the game as a failure and it has moved 6.3 million units as of March 2011.


Deadly Joker said:
In the US, never.

Worldwide? Well, that's not for this thread.

I assumed he was talking about this month's sales, my mistake.

I was just kidding. I'm not a Sales-Age guy so I don't really follow this stuff closely.


sparkle this bitch
ThisWreckage said:
Little Big Planet, for example, has sold over 4.5 million copies worldwide.
Yeah, self-reported shipped numbers are like that. Even after all the bundles, contests, and giveaways.
seady said:
I much rather they broaden out and try different things (like Sony) with wide variety of games that sold OK, then like Microsoft who only focus on few shooters that will guarentee success but dull and narrow in variety.

Yeah as a 360 owner I'd love to see Microsoft broaden their first party offerings but I completely understand why they are not going that way. From a business perspective Microsoft has been brilliant at combining their first party software with their third party software releases.
Mizzou Gaming said:
From a business perspective Microsoft has been brilliant at combining their first party software with their third party software releases.

Not really. They got exceedingly lucky that Gears took off like it did and they're even luckier that the 360 is essentially the casual gaming Call of Duty machine. Sony priced themselves out of any competition in North America.


ThisWreckage said:
Not really. They got exceedingly lucky that Gears took off like it did and they're even luckier that the 360 is essentially the casual gaming Call of Duty machine. Sony priced themselves out of any competition in North America.

Getting an exclusive from Epic wasnt just lucky, it was smart. I mean this wasnt a developer that was new to the scene.


AniHawk said:
200k for ten months, plus say a solid million gap for the holidays puts it at 3m over the wii for the year. for the 360 to overtake the wii in the us at that pace, it would need to average that for the next 3 years. that's a probable scenario, especially if the 360 keeps on truckin' through 2013 and into 2014 while the wii is killed off at some point in 2013 and has a poor 2012.

worldwide? the wii's at a good 30-35 million lead. the 360 outselling the wii worldwide is possible, but not very probable. the wii would have to essentially stop selling completely and the 360 would have to average more than 10m a year through its 7th, 8th, and 9th year on the market.
And that's probably not going to happen. The 360 after this year is going to be on the decline, and while both consoles will continue to sell units, the 360 won't be able to overcome that 7.6million gap plus the continuing sales of the Wii. Plus we don't know if Microsoft will kill off the 360 when the next console launches, they might to spur their next consoles sales numbers.

Worldwide the 360 will end up in third place.
DatBreh said:
Getting an exclusive from Epic wasnt just lucky, it was smart. I mean this wasnt a developer that was new to the scene.

It was the right game at the right time. Period. Gears kicked off next gen. There wasn't a game on the market at the time that had that wow factor.
ThisWreckage said:
Not really. They got exceedingly lucky that Gears took off like it did and they're even luckier that the 360 is essentially the casual gaming Call of Duty machine. Sony priced themselves out of any competition in North America.

Yeah its all subjective, some might see it as luck, others might see it as strategy but they continue to have tremendous success with the Call of Duty franchise. But you also have to consider other success third parties have seen on the 360 platform.
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