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NYT: A Year of Hype; Some of it Actually Justified

BenjaminBirdie said:
Why do so many people feel the need to detract these sorts of articles.

Some people expect articles to be 'fair and balanced'. In 2004, Bush supporters complained that there were more postive articles about Kerry and more negative articles about Bush. I guess if Mother Theresa were running for president against Adolph Hitler, the latter should have as many 'positive' articles as the former. :lol

It is inherently 'unfair' to compare a launch system against a 1-year-old system, but readers will expect comparisons regardless. Realistically you have to recommend the 360 to people who want a system to play games, and who want to do it right now.

We'll see how the articles are in a year.


they call me "Man Gravy".
speculawyer said:
Uh . . . I got a PS2 at launch and there wasn't much negativity. Dreamcast is the one that had more negativity since it followed the Saturn which bombed as bad as the Atari Jaguar, 3D0, and CD-I.

Sony was coming off the successful PS1 and had some great games at lauch such as SSX.

exactly, I remember a dormmate of mine picked up a ps2 when it was first released and everyone was excited to play it. SSX was mind-blowing and Madden was a significant upgrade over the 2k series graphically. It really was "next-gen". The current climate of negativity is in no way comparable to what happened in 2000.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Besides releasing a demo of a game called GTHD, what exactly didn't it do?

Check out some of the pics in the GT thread.

I'm not bitching that they said that in the article-- just bemoaning the fact that some really great PS3 news has to compete with yet another rehash of the mainstream opinion that we all know about already. I get back on GAF after some GT and a night out and already the news is bad again. :lol

I wouldn't recommend a PS3 with today's library over a 360 and I don't expect the NYT to take the long view of a probable better future for PS3 software support over the 360 (which isn't even a certainty, but how I am betting).
Ignatz Mouse said:
Check out some of the pics in the GT thread.

I'm not bitching that they said that in the article-- just bemoaning the fact that some really great PS3 news has to compete with yet another rehash of the mainstream opinion that we all know about already. I get back on GAF after some GT and a night out and already the news is bad again. :lol

I wouldn't recommend a PS3 with today's library over a 360 and I don't expect the NYT to take the long view of a probable better future for PS3 software support over the 360 (which isn't even a certainty, but how I am betting).

So you're not even talking about functionality or even gameplay experience ("check out some of the pics..."). You want the New York Times to take a moment to engage in a screenshot fight.

It could be argued that the reason "some really great PS3 news" is getting lost in a sea of bad news is that you need to deliver on the basics before the little things like particular games can be appreciated. My local Digiplex might have the best sound system, most comfortable seats, and widest screen in town, but if the digital projector wont display the green channel correctly, no one's going to be talking about what a great movie Casino Royale is.

If you catch my meaning.


Ignatz Mouse said:
Check out some of the pics in the GT thread.

I'm not bitching that they said that in the article-- just bemoaning the fact that some really great PS3 news has to compete with yet another rehash of the mainstream opinion that we all know about already. I get back on GAF after some GT and a night out and already the news is bad again. :lol

I wouldn't recommend a PS3 with today's library over a 360 and I don't expect the NYT to take the long view of a probable better future for PS3 software support over the 360 (which isn't even a certainty, but how I am betting).

Why not just avoid the thread if you not interestd in mainstream opinions?
BenjaminBirdie said:
So you're not even talking about functionality or even gameplay experience ("check out some of the pics..."). You want the New York Times to take a moment to engage in a screenshot fight.

It could be argued that the reason "some really great PS3 news" is getting lost in a sea of bad news is that you need to deliver on the basics before the little things like particular games can be appreciated. My local Digiplex might have the best sound system, most comfortable seats, and widest screen in town, but if the digital projector wont display the green channel correctly, no one's going to be talking about what a great movie Casino Royale is.

If you catch my meaning.

I'm not faulting the NYT (or anyone) here. Read my post again. I'm lamenting the state of the PS3 news, but not absolving Sony for the situation. At this point (and well before the launch) the anti-hype was snowballing, and this is just more of it. It's Sony's problem to fix. However, it's too bad that we get iteration #317 of the same story the same day as a demo of a game that's generally regarded to be REALLY REALLY GOOD and would otherwise be major news.

I don't have the agenda you think I do.

Your analogy is full of shit, by the way. There's no problem like that with the PS3-- if anything, it's the little stuff it's getting reamed for most. It plays games just fine.

n/m. I think you're just soapboxing what you think is wrong with the PS3 at this point.
Monk said:
Why not just avoid the thread if you not interestd in mainstream opinions?

Because I'm killing time while my non-backgrounded downloads go on. :)

(Yes, I think that's something they should fix.)
mj1108 said:
Game of the Year: Wii Sports. What is gaming supposed to be all about? How many pixels are on the screen? Technical mumbo jumbo like memory throughput and high dynamic-range lighting? No. Gaming is supposed to be about fun, and Wii Sports delivered more fun more quickly than anything else I played in 2006. (Helping kill the evil god C’Thun in World of Warcraft was pretty cool too, but that took dozens of hours of practice.) Within minutes of picking up the Wii controller, you and your most game-phobic friends and relatives are laughing and smiling while playing tennis, sinking birdies and trying to bowl that elusive 300 game. Good times.
Ignatz Mouse said:
I'm not faulting the NYT (or anyone) here. Read my post again. I'm lamenting the state of the PS3 news, but not absolving Sony for the situation. At this point (and well before the launch) the anti-hype was snowballing, and this is just more of it. It's Sony's problem to fix. However, it's too bad that we get iteration #317 of the same story the same day as a demo of a game that's generally regarded to be REALLY REALLY GOOD and would otherwise be major news.

I don't have the agenda you think I do.

Your analogy is full of shit, by the way. There's no problem like that with the PS3-- if anything, it's the little stuff it's getting reamed for most. It plays games just fine.

n/m. I think you're just soapboxing what you think is wrong with the PS3 at this point.

I'm not soapboxing at all, dude. As you've seen, my main point is that non of this going to matter in the long run. I'm soapboxing that there's no point in getting worked up over this stuff. You've clearly read my posts. There's no trace at all of me bashing the system. At all. I'm discussing the futility of consistently coming down on mainstream coverage of the PS3 launch.

Re: Agendas. I didn't actually think your agenda was to get the New York Times to look at screenshots of Gran Turismo HD. Yeesh. I don't think you have an agenda at all.

And yeah, the analogy could use some work.


Fafracer forever
ethelred said:
Why don't you go on Lexis and find some of these articles, because I certainly don't recall the larger, mainstream media saying anything like you're suggesting they are. Call that selective if you will, but why not prove it if they were so common?
Memory refresh anyone?

Time said:
First, however, a reality check. PS2 can't actually use any of those connections yet. It can't go online (that's supposed to happen next year). For now PS2 is a fancy game machine, mixed with a lot of hype.
"Sony is a dinosaur,"
says Kimihide Takano, an analyst at Dresdner Kleinwort Benson in Tokyo. "PS2 is like a bud growing out of the dinosaur, but it's not big enough to save the dinosaur."

CNN said:
Chris Gilbert, an executive vice president at Sega of America Inc., said Sony's diminished PS2 shipment was terrific news -- for the Dreamcast manufacturer.

"Once the cheering subsided, we wanted to hammer home our message with retailers and consumers," Gilbert said. "You can have it all in one place with the Dreamcast and you don't have to spend the whole weekend looking for it."

Time said:
Developers say the standards and software in both GameCube and Xbox have chopped in half the time it takes to program a game--at least compared with the PlayStation 2, whose "emotion engine" system is so arcane that it has left a lot of developers badly burned. "PlayStation 2 is like a Maserati: looks great, but every time you take it in for an oil change, they have to take out the radiator," says Lorne Lanning, CEO of Oddworld Inhabitants, who led his Oddworld game from PlayStation to Xbox in mid-development. "The Xbox is more like a BMW."


So some people here choose to stand by the 'this is just like last gen' argument? Despite all sorts of differences in the competitive landscape and a significantly discredited Sony strategy post PSP.

riiiight. I saw a black cat when the PS launched, and saw one again when the Wii launch. Wii = PS confirmed?
BenjaminBirdie said:
I'm not soapboxing at all, dude. As you've seen, my main point is that non of this going to matter in the long run. I'm soapboxing that there's no point in getting worked up over this stuff. You've clearly read my posts. There's no trace at all of me bashing the system. At all. I'm discussing the futility of consistently coming down on mainstream coverage of the PS3 launch.

Re: Agendas. I didn't actually think your agenda was to get the New York Times to look at screenshots of Gran Turismo HD. Yeesh. I don't think you have an agenda at all.

And yeah, the analogy could use some work.

Well, peace. I'm not worked up, I'm tired. As you can see, I agree that a PS3 *now* is not the choice to make, unless you're in for the long haul (as the free network and games that aren't out yet, and the as-yet-uncertain BluRay don't come into play in the immediate timeframe).

At this point, I figure PS3 is soon to be offically the underdog and start getting all the passes from the gaming press that Nintendo did for so long. ;)

And my ps1-on-psp download is nearly done so I'll have no more reason to click links liek this for a while. :)
Ignatz Mouse said:
Well, peace. I'm not worked up, I'm tired. As you can see, I agree that a PS3 *now* is not the choice to make, unless you're in for the long haul (as the free network and games that aren't out yet, and the as-yet-uncertain BluRay don't come into play in the immediate timeframe).

At this point, I figure PS3 is soon to be offically the underdog and start getting all the passes from the gaming press that Nintendo did for so long. ;)

And my ps1-on-psp download is nearly done so I'll have no more reason to click links liek this for a while. :)

Total peace. I've got no beef. You've got good taste. Not a lot of people can rock an Ignatz Mouse avatar and pull it off.
This is serious thread drift, but the PS2 comparisons are neither dead right or wrong. There are some similarities, and some differences. The biggest difference is not in the gaming press (which sounds similar both times) but in the mainstream, where PS2 was the wonderbox supercomputer and the competition barely existed. This time, it's Wii-this and Wii-that.


The PS2 hype in 2000 was insane, especially in the mainstream press. Anyone claiming otherwise is seriously deluding themselve. There is nothing even remotely comparable in the current situation.

You could compare PS3 with the Xbox/Gamecube in 2001 I suppose - except even there the level of skepticism regarding the PS3 is much higher.


Fafalada said:
Memory refresh anyone?
What a horrible choice of quotes to try to prove that the PS2 was bashed by the mainstream press as much as the PS3 has been lately.

The first Time quote was a financial analyst who was actually sort of praising the PS2. He said that Sony was a dinosaur and that the PS2 was a positive step for Sony, but that it might not be a big enough positive to save Sony all by itself.

The CNN quote was from the VP of Sega. Of course the VP of Sega would give a negative quote about the PS2. But CNN wasn't bashing the PS2.

The other Time quote was nothing more than the Oddworld team talking up the XBox, which makes sense since they had just moved their game to the XBox.

You need to try again with some better examples.


Fafalada said:

Er... you're trying to claim that there was mainstream media opposition to the PS2 by showing one article which quotes Sega of America and one which quotes a developer for the Xbox (which, by the way, immediately puts it outside of the PS2 launch, which was the point of this debate)?

Yes, hurrah, you found an article where someone said that the PS2 just does what the Dreamcast does -- and that someone worked for Sega. Wow.

The first article is incredibly positive about the PS2. I guess if you can find a single negative line in an article (which is, again, quoted by someone else and not an opinion of the writer) that makes it equal to a flood of negative mainstream media coverage.

Wow. Just wow.

Rhindle said:
The PS2 hype in 2000 was insane, especially in the mainstream press. Anyone claiming otherwise is seriously deluding themselve. There is nothing even remotely comparable in the current situation.

You could compare PS3 with the Xbox/Gamecube in 2001 I suppose - except even there the level of skepticism regarding the PS3 is much higher.

Thank you. Jesus, I remember the media articles back then, and they were incredibly positive. Even the articles Fafalada just posted admit right up front that the hype for the PS2 is incredible.


This is an article that's supposed to prove the mainstream media had it in for Sony during the PS2 launch?

Analysis: Sony competitors try to counter PlayStation 2 hype

As the countdown to the release of Sony's PlayStation 2 enters its final frenzied hours, the three rival video game console competitors aren't taking it lying down.

Regardless of the spin, console companies agree that the PlayStation 2 launch marks a significant turning point in the video game marketplace.

Wow, how vicious they were back then! These guys were out for Sony's blood!

All over Tokyo this month, gargantuan billboards have been announcing the arrival of a device its makers think will change the world. PlayStation 2, the Sony game machine that promises nothing less than to revolutionize the way we entertain ourselves, has generated so much attention that thousands of consumers lined up outside a convention center last month to get a sneak peak. One Sony website crashed only seconds after it started to take pre-orders. And though the company had promised to ship 1 million of the black boxes on March 4, the day they went on sale, people jammed into Akihabara, Tokyo's humming electronics district, before the stores even opened. The machines were sold out within minutes of the launch. "Everybody wants PS2," says Madoka Sato, who, like a groupie chasing a rock star, dashed to a Sony showroom several weeks ago when she heard rumors of a secret PS2 demo. The news turned out to be true, and the Tokyo teenager spent hours gripping the machine's joystick, playing a karate game.

And these are the articles people point to as being negative!

Hooking game addicts like high-schooler Sato is the easy part. PS2's graphics are excellent: just watch the perspiration drip down the karate fighter's face, the palm fronds rustling in the wind, the crimson blood spurting from a shootout victim. But Sony has far bigger plans. "PS2 will be more important than Beta, Trinitron and Walkman combined," says Mike Morimoto, a Sony vice president. "Financially, it will be a big burden for us at first, but eventually the influence of the PS2 will be more important than that of any other product Sony has produced."

And nary a reference to the Dreamcast to be found...
Sony is betting big
The possibilities are huge.
If PS2 does rescue Sony from extinction in the digital age, the company can thank a small group of maverick engineers who have been working beneath the radar screen of their corporate honchos.
entrepreneurial zeal that contradicts stereotypes of Japan
Kutaragi, a brash and confident man with an infectious personality
And to get there, the company will need to ride on his dream machine, the PS2.
Sony's stock has doubled over the past six months, and shares in ventures making games for PlayStation have performed even better.
Kutaragi scored with his last big gamble: the original PlayStation, released in 1994.
PlayStation became a stunning success.
That freedom of initiative has continued with the development of PS2
Sony is known for giving its engineers and designers that kind of latitude.
If there's a metaphor for Sony's new architecture, it is PS2 itself.

Amazing. Just look at these nattering nabobs of negativity.


Pretty good summary of the year. Some stuff for everyone to complain about, but on the whole I agree with their assesment. Nice to see Gears get its due credit.
_leech_ said:
Replace "Playstation 3" with "Playstation 2" and "Xbox" with "Dreamcast" and you basically have late-2000 all over again.

Hunter D said:
Replace "Playstation 3" with "SNES" and "Xbox" with "Genesis" and you basically have early-1990 all over again.

This gen mirrors the 16 bit gen much more.

Why does this generation have to run its course like any generation preceding it since every one up to this point has been different anyway? And let's stop bringing up the ****ing DC/PS2 parallels since X360 is in a much different and much better position. Unlike the PS2 situation, the PS3 isn't getting its dick sucked in the mainstream news and gaming media every other day and the system has current and successful competition upon entry into the market. Not to mention the massive price differences involved here between competing systems and the pretty equal third party support for all involved this time.
Adam Blade said:
Links backfire total...

I was already chuckling when I noticed that myself, but somehow your pointing it out immediately after that post made me burst out laughing. :lol

What an amusing thread. God I love this forum.


I still cannot believe that someone tried to prove this...

Not saying that at all, just saying the general tone of the system (the PS3) is pretty much the same as the PS2 when it launched. It faced a Dreamcast that cost half the price, had better games, and did things equally as well or better (online).

... by quoting a Sega executive VP.


GAF delivers once again.

Seriously, though, I agree with the other poster who wanted to know why we must compare this generation to others. This generation differs from all others in that there are 3 potential victors and really, none of us have any idea for sure who will be "victorious," or if there will even be a victor. I for one find that exciting. It will be an intriguing year for sales-age.


HomerSimpson-Man said:
I got to wonder though...at what context was it even lost especially considering gaming has gotten bigger the last few generations?

Near 40 million PS2s and another 20 million between Xbox and GC, with 30+ million with GBA out of an entire generation....how much "more to the masses" are we getting here?

Stop looking at consoles sold but at household penetration of consoles. When you factor out population growth (which everyone seems to forget over these thirty years of consoles), the household penetration of consoles is around 33% in America today... the same amount the NES reached.

Most of the 'growth' in the industry has come from multiple console ownership. When people make stupid marketshare pie charts, they don't factor in that *gasp* people might own more than one console which means the wedges are more on top of each other.

Industry growth has been rather stagnant in America for the last couple years. The number of gamers were shrinking in Japan for years until the arrival of the DS.

Striek said:
I agree with alot except Wii Sports GOTY. GTFO. I finally played it, and a new and arguably better control scheme does not excuse it for being a turd. 2006 had plenty of awesome games and that is not one of them.

You sound just like a hardcore computer gamer in 1986 after playing Super Mario Brothers. And, yes, this was said back then. There was lots of hate of the NES back then from some computer gamer geeks. I know because I was one of them. :(

Wii Sports is not just Game of the Year, it is really Game of the Decade. It is the Pong of our era in that it is the one of the most accessible video games ever made. It has one of the purest game designs around which revolves, of course, around the motion input. No glittering FMVs, no bad dialogue of soap-operas from the characters, none of the garbage that bloats the game from the non-gamer and lapsed gamer viewpoints.

There are many landmarks this game is doing which isn't praised today but will be... soon:

-The definitive game that popularizes motion control.
-The game that popularized real-life influenced avatars (i.e. Miis).
-One of those very few games made that can reach all demographics.
-Bundles with the new Wii consoles which means it is responsible for the hardware sales.

Many people bought NES because of Super Mario Brothers. For Gameboy, people bought it for Tetris. Hardcore gamers need to realize that regular people are not actually looking for a Wii, they are really looking for Wii Sports. They are buying a Wii to get to Wii Sports. (Core gamers, of course, want a Wii for Zelda.)

Most people's perspective on video games begins the day they pick up a controller. For many, it was Super Mario Brothers or Atari. Consider that the new gamers will think back to Wii Sports as being their 'first' game. The future reporters of this industry will consider Wii to be the start of a new timeline, just as today's reporters consider the NES as one or Playstation Generation as the PS1 as one.

You may call it a 'tech-demo'. But so was Pong. So was Super Mario Brothers. So was Tetris. Wii-Sports is in good company. Look at Japan sales where the game is sold seperately to see its huge demand.

Effulgence said:
That's a blatant lie. In the NES days only the most hardcore nerds played video games; big glasses, greasy hair, etc. Its simply that retro gaming has caught on lately because in part that most of the games require pressing only one or two buttons. Sloshed at a party? Play some super mario.

No. The nerds were with the more hardcore personal computers and many hated the NES at the time. Computers were going 16-bit and the NES was 8-bit and played SIMPLE and CASUAL orientated games. All the hardcore games WITH DEPTH were on computers at the time. The big RPGs and adventure games were on the computers due to their keyboards and disk drives. As the NES grew beyond any analyst's imagination (they thought Nintendo would go third party and put their games on computers since console market was dead), more of the Western 'hardcore' games came to the NES.

Many adults played the NES (just as many adults played the Gameboy). When the kids went to sleep, the adults would play. Many of the games that were popular with adults then, NES's Pinball, Soccer, Tennis, etc. were mocked when hardcore gamers moved to the system. Twenty years later, those same exact games, now on the Virtual Console, are still mocked on GAF and certain short-sighted reporters. "Why are they putting this shovelware on the Virtual Console!? I think the Virtual Console should have nothing but hardcore games and Fire Emblems, LOL!" Consider that games like Pinball, Tennis, etc. are not shovelware to parents of the NES era. I'm amazed so many older adults played Legend of Zelda back then.


Water is not wet!
Lapsed said:
*Lots of stuff*

I'm amazed so many older adults played Legend of Zelda back then.

Your summation reminded me of something. When I was 9 or 10, I remember I used to hang out at my friends house watching his mom play Zelda. In reality, I was more of a friend to his mother than him (yeah, I used him for his NES lol). To this day I remember his mom and I opening Links Adventure and being awed for weeks on end.

It may just be me but I don't see as many adults playing video games anymore. In the 80's almost every household that I knew (with or without children) had some kind of Atari or at least a Sears Breakout machine. They were as common as Trivial Pursuit or Pictionary.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
My aunt kicked our asses in Super Mario Brothers. We were in awe of her jumping skills and ability to gain 1up's. :lol Good times.
_leech_ said:
Selective memories?

...or perhaps they simply remember the fact that comparing Microsoft to Sega is asinine. The Dreamcast was in trouble before the Playstation 2 ever came out; Sega's management was terrible, they were bleeding money that they didn't have, and the Playstation 2 was immediately accepted (By critics and consumers alike).


Lapsed said:
You may call it a 'tech-demo'. But so was Pong. So was Super Mario Brothers. So was Tetris. Wii-Sports is in good company. Look at Japan sales where the game is sold seperately to see its huge demand.

Your post is high quality as usual. I wish you would post more.

I wish you would not tempt the usual suspects to make the same argumentation as they could be predicted with near certainty whenever someone mentions Japanese sales of a product that doesn't agree with someone's western consensus opinion on that product.

There's certainly some gamers who finds it necessary to point out how Japan is so different from their perception of reality that the data is somehow irrelevant or less important. It's as if 1 sale in Japan doesn't count as 1 sale on their ledger.

These comments, although never overtly racist, has implied ethnocentric undertones that certain markets are worth more than others, and thus, certain populations and their opinions are worth more by virtue of ethnicity, culture and race.

On the subject of Wii sports, Since it is a pack-in game here in the west, there won't be sales data for wii sports, independent of hardware, to show that western gamers would have purchased the game independently, and Nintendo might very well have reason to doubt this themselves hence the pack-in to guide new owners to the game by default.

That said, when Nintendogs did well in NA and even better in Europe than in Japan, a lot of the initial criticism about it being a Japanese aberration disappeared.


the thing about threads such as this are: it's the same argument/discussion over and over, to the point were the more "adult" posters avoid it, or sit out on the sidelines and just let the "children" participate. That's why these threads suck. Nothing new's ever learned. It's pretty much the same type of people fixating/arguing on the same subject bringing the same old same old to the table, ad nauseam until the thread's locked and/or a bunch of peeps are bannzord. Though, it is a great way to "clean house" so to speak.

as for my contribution to the discussion:

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Lapsed said:
Stop looking at consoles sold but at household penetration of consoles. When you factor out population growth (which everyone seems to forget over these thirty years of consoles), the household penetration of consoles is around 33% in America today... the same amount the NES reached. ..

wow, awesome post :)

wii sports is the ONLY game i have seen in memory that has been (willingly) played at my house by most, if not all, of my friends. the only people who haven't played on mine either already own a wii, or are getting one as a christmas present from their wife/gf.


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
Lapsed said:
I really do <3 your posts.

Wii sports is my game of the year because it's a game my mom plays with me that doesn't actually bore me out of my mind. Not to mention my dad freaking out whenever his mii comes up.


Not saying that at all, just saying the general tone of the system (the PS3) is pretty much the same as the PS2 when it launched. It faced a Dreamcast that cost half the price, had better games, and did things equally as well or better (online).

But with a reliable trademark to behind (Microsoft) instead of a company that backstabbed their consumers twice (Mega CD & Mega 32) and while back then the PS2 offered a highly valued non gaming fuctionality (DVD playback) of a stablished format, now we have instead a wildcard (the bluray). History repeat just in people's minds.

And Lapsed is the finests poster that have ever wrote in Neogaf. And without needing to rely on funny photoshops.


I agree Wii Sports has potential to become a huge phenomenon, but right now it's November/December, console launch, lots of hype going around. May be a bit too early to call.

Also, concerning the part about a more diverse group of people (in age for example) playing games during the NES days: are there any numbers available on this, or is it more like anecdotal evidence being thrown around?


Ignatz Mouse said:
Because I'm killing time while my non-backgrounded downloads go on. :)

(Yes, I think that's something they should fix.)
What happened to your tag?

Lapsed: a good read, as always - thanks. Very positive outlook for the Blue Ocean strategy, as usual. We'll see how it turns out in the coming months/years. :D

I can see where the article comes from and it's really nothing to get worked up about. The praise for Nintendo and Epic is well deserved, the criticism of Sony is their own fault, really. After reading ridiculous PR statement after statement they simply under-delivered and there's nothing Sony fans can say to erase that - just live with it, maybe the tide will turn again in the future, who knows? I doubt that will happen anytime soon, though.
Haunted_One said:
What happened to your tag?

Lapsed: a good read, as always - thanks. Very positive outlook for the Blue Ocean strategy, as usual. We'll see how it turns out in the coming months/years. :D

I can see where the article comes from and it's really nothing to get worked up about. The praise for Nintendo and Epic is well deserved, the criticism of Sony is their own fault, really. After reading ridiculous PR statement after statement they simply under-delivered and there's nothing Sony fans can say to erase that - just live with it, maybe the tide will turn again in the future, who knows? I doubt that will happen anytime soon, though.
um, i dont know about you but i'm enjoying playing motorstorm, gthd demo, just finished resistance, one of the best looking games ever. i downloaded crash bandicoot on my psp and reliving the glorious past, i'm watching some amazing bluray movies on my ps3 and typing this straight from my ps3 on my glorious 40 inch 1080p bravia. plus some amazing games coming by the end of next year.
so no, i dont agree with your assesment of sony underdelivering, in fact its the opposite. i couldnt be happier with my ps3 and i really dont need any other console thank you very much.:D


provides useful feedback
I'm beginning to think of Lapsed as some being from the ancient world, like the Simurgh. Most of us (including myself) cower in his presence.

Lapsed said:
No. The nerds were with the more hardcore personal computers and many hated the NES at the time. Computers were going 16-bit and the NES was 8-bit and played SIMPLE and CASUAL orientated games. All the hardcore games WITH DEPTH were on computers at the time. The big RPGs and adventure games were on the computers due to their keyboards and disk drives. As the NES grew beyond any analyst's imagination (they thought Nintendo would go third party and put their games on computers since console market was dead), more of the Western 'hardcore' games came to the NES.

Holy jeez, they were making the third-party assumptions back in the NES days?!


The PS3 does nothing that the Xbox 360 does not accomplish at least as well (and in some cases far better) and for less money

You mean like watching blu-ray movies, downloading a decade's worth of the best PS1/PS2 games and/or playing them on your PSP, or maybe downloading a next-gen Gran Turismo demo for free? Gooo Seth.


Lapsed said:
You sound just like a hardcore computer gamer in 1986 after playing Super Mario Brothers. And, yes, this was said back then. There was lots of hate of the NES back then from some computer gamer geeks. I know because I was one of them. :(

Wii Sports is not just Game of the Year, it is really Game of the Decade. It is the Pong of our era in that it is the one of the most accessible video games ever made. It has one of the purest game designs around which revolves, of course, around the motion input. No glittering FMVs, no bad dialogue of soap-operas from the characters, none of the garbage that bloats the game from the non-gamer and lapsed gamer viewpoints.

There are many landmarks this game is doing which isn't praised today but will be... soon:

-The definitive game that popularizes motion control.
-The game that popularized real-life influenced avatars (i.e. Miis).
-One of those very few games made that can reach all demographics.
-Bundles with the new Wii consoles which means it is responsible for the hardware sales.

Many people bought NES because of Super Mario Brothers. For Gameboy, people bought it for Tetris. Hardcore gamers need to realize that regular people are not actually looking for a Wii, they are really looking for Wii Sports. They are buying a Wii to get to Wii Sports. (Core gamers, of course, want a Wii for Zelda.)

Most people's perspective on video games begins the day they pick up a controller. For many, it was Super Mario Brothers or Atari. Consider that the new gamers will think back to Wii Sports as being their 'first' game. The future reporters of this industry will consider Wii to be the start of a new timeline, just as today's reporters consider the NES as one or Playstation Generation as the PS1 as one.

You may call it a 'tech-demo'. But so was Pong. So was Super Mario Brothers. So was Tetris. Wii-Sports is in good company. Look at Japan sales where the game is sold seperately to see its huge demand.

There's a problem with your posts - and most of those patting you on the back and fellating themselves for the new pinnacle of gaming everywhere - and that's this implication that people who aren't fans of Wii Sports are simply afraid of change, that they're the same types of people that will be left behind like those who didn't enjoy SMB or Tetris. The problem with your argument, and again the argument of all who try to parade this perspective, is that in the cases of SMB and Tetris there was no regression. It was, by any standard, and evolution of everything in games AT THE TIME. Regardless of what the argument was from the geeks at the time, You can't claim it was a simplication, SMB was amazingly deep compared to other titles at the time. Tetris could conceivably go on forever, if you're fast enough and talented enough to keep playing. It's a game of hardline skill. It's simple, but only before you consider the complexity came in the actual fitting of the blocks together at progressively higher speeds. It's a hardcores game, just as it is a casuals.

Wii Sports, even if you consider some parts are new standard, is a regression in so, so many areas. Being accessible is all good and well - but when you do that at the expense of many critical elements of gameplay, you regress. Wii Sports is a regression in visuals, it's a regression in depth, it's a regression in gameplay. The only part that isn't is the fact that you can stand up and pathetically mime real-life sports activities with motion. That this is its sole selling point says enough to its gimmickry, regardless of it catches on or not, but it's obvious. In Tennis, you can't move your character. In baseball, all fielding is done for you.

In bowling, there are dozens of different ways to just plain out abuse the system and break it due to limitations of the Wiimote motion. My sister, who doesn't follow game news at all, almost always gets strikes and that's by launching the ball all wrong (she releases it when here swing is all at the top which sort of plops the ball on the lane like a loose turd). She beats those who bowl correctly (like my Dad), even though that defeats the purpose of the motion controls in the first place. It REMOVES elements of gameplay and simplifies it. And how? By holding your hand as if you're a ****ing retard. And perhaps that is how some people enjoy gaming. Boxing is a complete mess, sensing punches half the time and the other half ignoring entirely the position of the wiimote. If you punch too fast, uh-oh the game stops sensing your punches. Punch Out was more fun, AND deeper.

All this before you factor in the lack of modes and other features.

But it is not the same as SMB. It is NOT the same as Tetris. These were, by any standards, staples that enhanced gaming in every way and regressed in none. Wii Sports is precisely the opposite. It's gaming that regresses gameplay in almost all ways. It is nice that in real life you can point your bat in a specific way and hit it to the stands. That's nice, if you needed that I could reccomend any number of plug n play games that do the exact same thing. But the fact that in order to do this, it needs to essentially rape all the important elements of the game which are ****ing essential to the actual sports is no compliment.

It's nice that Grandma can play, but she still don't know shit about games. And this one sucks. And just the fact that she CAN play now is not some positive for the game.
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