What would be a good name for a strain of Neo gaf?
Purple Hendrix Mario Lush.
It's one of the easiest plants in the world to grow. People in legal states are wasting a lot of money.
Not going to pass ever in NH with Hassan in office. She's super opposed to it in all forms, even medical.
The only thing holding it back is republitards.
Like Hillary Clinton?
To grow medical grade cannabis, no, not easy at all.
I think it's going to be harder to not legalize marijuana in new england once Massachusetts legalizes it. It's going to be on the ballot in 2016 for Mass. and it's highly likely it's going to pass. NH time will come.
The only thing holding it back is republitards.
He's almost done
As far as I know she said that it's great that states are experimenting with legalization. Not that I'd vote for her, but just saying.
I would think states would be rushing to legalize it, how much money could they put into their coffers by taxing such a profitable item?
Thought Repubs were about that bank
People on both sides of the aisle oppose it to varying degrees.
By Robert Mikos of the Law Professor Blogs Network said:The Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. section 811 delegates authority to the Attorney General, working in consultation with the DEA and the Secretary of HHS, to reschedule marijuana or (possibly) even to remove it from the list of controlled substances altogether. Moving marijuana to schedule IV or V, or removing it from the list altogether, would make the drug legal under federal law. There would be no more threat of criminal prosecution, of preemption, of tax penalties, of the loss of federal benefits, and so on.
It is important to note, however, that President Obama could not simply order the Attorney General to reschedule marijuana tomorrow. The CSA requires the Attorney General to follow certain, notoriously cumbersome procedures when rescheduling drugs (hold hearings, etc.), and it seems to require the Attorney General to adhere to any treaties governing the drug regardless of what those hearings might reveal. For these reasons, the President could probably order only limited legalization of marijuana (say, for certain medical purposes), and then, only after months if not years of formal hearings
No, they're all about the status quo. It's why they're typically labeled as conservatives.
That's always been the case, but the majority of the opposition has always come from republican conservatives.
Obama is against legalization for recreational use. I don't see it as "republitards" (very classy btw) holding it up, might just be a generational thing.
Obama is against legalization for recreational use. I don't see it as "republitards" (very classy btw) holding it up, might just be a generational thing.
Obama is against legalization for recreational use. I don't see it as "republitards" (very classy btw) holding it up, might just be a generational thing.
Come on Trudeau, just legalize it already. Flip the political switch
They've been holding it up for decades. It's not even close to being a generational thing.
Come on Australia its easy money!
What would be a good name for a strain of Neo gaf?
Purple Hendrix Mario Lush.
Legal marijuana is a really good example of institutional racism right? Minorities have been disproportionately going to prison for years for selling weed, yet now that it's legal it's a giant multi-billion dollar industry that is lining the pockets of white people.
what a ridiculous notion. if weed is legal, nobody is going to prison for it. and it's also not just white people making money here.
it's mostly white people making money here, if you're referring to people who run stores
Won't matter if it's legal if jobs still frown upon it.
That's a lot of money not going to Mexican drug cartels.
The weed stores around here are pretty damn fancy. They're definitely making a lot.
What would be a good name for a strain of Neo gaf?
Purple Hendrix Mario Lush.
Virgin KushWhat would be a good name for a strain of Neo gaf?
Purple Hendrix Mario Lush.