if it goes federal / medical, they can't do shiat
Come on Australia its easy money!
It's one of the easiest plants in the world to grow. People in legal states are wasting a lot of money.
Up here in Alaska it's legal to posses, but the taxed stores haven't happened yet. Not even sure if it's going to happen in 2016
Once it's legalized in Florida, I'm retiring to the Everglades
Smoke weed every day on my airboat, with my frog legs, and alligator mcnuggies
Let's build a gaf compound, and live there forever, building upon automation and exploring dank memes inside our third eye
LolI'm curious about how this changes the landscape for hemp based clothing. Didn't the cotton industry play a part in criminalizing it?
Funds are considering the ethics of investing in marijuana. Parents are even debating whether to allow their children to buy the stocks.
Legalize everywhere- Rake in serious dough. Government controlled, taxed. That massive pool of money could help pay for the re-vitalization of the infrastructure. Tens of thousands of bridges, dams and highways needs to be fixed, rebuild or improved.
At the same time, America is behind on equipping their big cities for bicycles, and many cities don't have good public transportation system.
This is important because the rise of people demands it, and traffic jams cost America billions in profits. A more mobile workforce, also reduces pollution.
I think there is an opportunity here to give illegal a path to citizenship by asking them to work on these jobs, while learning their trade professionally. There are a lot of jobs in America that requires people in trades that are not taught much anymore.
It could be a productive way to integrate many illegals, and reduce unemployment among American citizens.
Legalize everywhere- Rake in serious dough. Government controlled, taxed. That massive pool of money could help pay for the re-vitalization of the infrastructure. Tens of thousands of bridges, dams and highways needs to be fixed, rebuild or improved.
At the same time, America is behind on equipping their big cities for bicycles, and many cities don't have good public transportation system.
This is important because the rise of people demands it, and traffic jams cost America billions in profits. A more mobile workforce, also reduces pollution.
I think there is an opportunity here to give illegal a path to citizenship by asking them to work on these jobs, while learning their trade professionally. There are a lot of jobs in America that requires people in trades that are not taught much anymore.
It could be a productive way to integrate many illegals, and reduce unemployment among American citizens.
if it goes federal / medical, they can't do shiat
$4.6 billion not going to the drug cartels.
Why is marijuana not already legalized? The cartels would be hobbled faster than James Caan in Misery and the Mexican people could start getting their country back. Seems like a win-win.
Just imagine if it was legal in the entirety of the United States.
keyword: "Legal"
I imagine it would be like 10x more otherwise. lol
I don't have to tell you that undocumented immigrants aren't all subsistence farmers, or willing to work as farmers, right?
$4.6 billion not going to the drug cartels.
Why is marijuana not already legalized? The cartels would be hobbled faster than James Caan in Misery and the Mexican people could start getting their country back. Seems like a win-win.
The myth is powerful. Like the anti-GMO, Anti-Vaccine, Anti-Global Warming, Anti-Immigration, beliefs die hard.
Is there legitimate concerns about legalizing weed? I think so. I think there are millions of idiots who could mix it irresponsible with alcohol (particularly young people desiring to get fucked up) or people getting themselves or others hurt by thinking it's okay to drive and do dangerous shit while high.
I think these are the same people who would do other dangerous stuff, but there might be an argument that we need to prepare the masses. Maybe, a weed license should be a thing- One where you need to go to your doctor, or some sort of introductionary weed-information meeting and be told.
I'd also be in favor of people having to be test weed before they are deemed to be safe. My ex girlfriend was scared of weed because her aunt had become a schizophrenic from it. It seems to be incredible rare, like people with nut allergies, but never the less, we're talking about getting stimuli through psychedelics, and being how irresponsible some people can be, I think it could be a good idea.
Of course it's a pain in the ass. more bureaucracy, but maybe there could be good things in it too! Maybe a weed ID could be an ID that allows you vote- bypassing voter ID laws. That would be an interesting alternative to only having your drivers license as authentic identification.
What is also important to talk about, is prisons. More than 2 million people are in prison. Around 25% of those are in for non-violent drug offenses. Having a person in jail costs society a lot of money and resources. So if you could get 500,000 people to have their cases re-appealed, and sentences reduced, as well as giving them a means to get back on their feet- For example, not having it show up that they have went to prison for pot use.
I know many people will still get caught due to racism, and fake charges being applied, but it could help a significant amount of people, save billions.
Plus, it would be a good boost to get prison privatization closed, which is the fucking devil. Fortunately both Hillary and Bernie are for closing private prisons. It's very important that this gets done.
More than 6,8 million Americans are supposedly struggling with some sort of drug addiction or dependency (includes alcohol, pharma drugs and so on) and so, I think not just America, but everyone could learn something from Portugals decriminalization. From what I have heard it sounds like a good system, but I have not read too much about it.
The idea, that instead of sending someone to jail for having taken heroin or hard drugs, they are put before a judge, have to do community service and get clean.
You must be high right now. If weed is fully legal they aren't going to test you for it. The downside is your weed costs more than it used to but that is a minor concern when quality can be tightly controlled.So I'm a huge stoner and I want to know what are the negatives to this.
The only one I can thing of is their is now way to tell if you have it in your system for when you get pulled over. The only way of testing is piss and that stays positive for like 2 months after smoking. Their is no breatlixwr for weed and that's the only negative I can think of.
Sure- But those that want. Ain't it worth giving them a chance, and in return, let them work to rebuild America?
IMO, there is a fundamental problem with how countries exercise GPD and GNP. Growth and how rich your country is, should not only reflect how much you build and expand (China) but also the quality of your infrastructure.
I think it's important to think of having high quality roads, bridges and dams as a sign of wealth, stability and prosperity.
I just don't think the alternative of trying to hunt them all down is a battle they can win. It will be one of those like the war on drugs that ends in a lot of racial profiling. But I think the idea that illegals who really want to try, work and assist America should get a shot.
I think there should be a lot more to it than just working on highways, and then you're in.
They have to learn the language, learn a trade so they have a job and everything. And some people won't do it, and they have to live as illegals, and that's too bad. The main thing is that we try to give some good people a shot. We struggle with this in Europe too. Some governments don't want refugees to learn anything, to integrate or work. They just want to well them down, and make them miserable so they will leave, but I think that when you're running from genocide, be it in Syria or Honduras, you're willing to accept awful conditions if it's better than where you came from. A change of tactic is needed I think!
5.4 billion in just 4 states. Just imagine if it were sold in all 50 states. $67.5 Billion dollar industry
Hype Train HazeWhat would be a good name for a strain of Neo gaf?
Hype Train Haze
This, I feel this is more important than anything. Flood the fucking market, kill at least one of their heads. Also set up harm reduction for hard drugs, and help people instead of imprisoning them... who am I kidding, where there's money to be made$4.6 billion not going to the drug cartels.
Come on Wall Street, use your pathological greed for good once.The promises and headwinds of the industry are potentially far-reaching and attracting notice on Wall Street.