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NYT: Should 15,000 Steps a Day Be Our New Exercise Target?

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meaningful exercise
pick one


I'm still using the Nintendo DS game Personal Trainer Walking, and my daily goal is 17K in that. Has been since 2010 or so. Can't remember the last time I missed my target, but I live in NYC. I also bike 25-30 miles a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year... so I might not be normal.


I'm still using the Nintendo DS game Personal Trainer Walking, and my daily goal is 17K in that. Has been since 2010 or so. Can't remember the last time I missed my target, but I live in NYC. I also bike 25-30 miles a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year... so I might not be normal.

30 miles a day all year in NYC?

good for you, if it's true. that is super not-normal.

i can basically circumnavigate Toronto proper in 50km (30 miles) on my bike but i certainly can't do it all year.

if you are doing 17k steps in addition to the 50km bike ride then idontbelieveyou.gif
meaningful exercise
pick one

What do you mean by meaningful exercise?

Meaningful would be stamina and endurance training to allow you to chase prey all day until they exhaust.

All people need to do is to keep their cardio going while working on stretching / posture. No one's going for that Greek God bod.
I thought I read something recently about how doing a few minutes of Tabata-type exercise is as good as anything. For the time-strapped, maybe that's a good alternative?


According to my phone, I walked 15000 steps on July 30 last year. I covered 7.5 miles and burned 730 kcal.

Not sure how to fit that into my daily routine


9k steps and higher are easy to achieve for me depending if there's an incentive. Such as going on a foraging hunt for fresh fruit, especially figs and citrus when in season.


According to my phone, I walked 15000 steps on July 30 last year. I covered 7.5 miles and burned 730 kcal.

Not sure how to fit that into my daily routine

since it's 90 min of walking we are talking about, i think it's more do-able than people suppose. calculate getting to a gym, changing, working out, getting home vs just a walk for an hour and a half.

the secret is a deep bench of podcasts. plus my head clears, i find, if i can take a path through some nature. park, woods etc.


i don't get this. look up the calories. walking burns a lot.

Yeah I just roll my eyes at the people who act like walking is pointless (several of which have already posted)

Having lost over 150 pounds in the last 18 months, with walking being my main source of exercise until I started lifting a few months ago, walking was great when I was heavier since it is low impact; jogging would have destroyed my knees when I was starting my diet at around 425 pounds. My first few months dieting, an hour walk would burn 700+ calories; you obviously won't burn that much at lower weights, but walking is fantastic especially for overweight/obese people.

Sure, walking is not as efficient as running or jogging in terms of burning calories, or as helpful as lifting for building muscle, but it still helps create a decent calorie deficit to lose or maintain weight. Especially if you can find ways to fit it during your day, like walking to the bus or light rail instead of driving to work, if those are options in your area.
Today I had around 8.000 steps on my counter which is probably a medium number.

Back during exam I had days with around 120 steps. Getting up, to the bathroom, eating and straight to the desk for the rest of the day...
I barely met 15000 steps a day when I went to Disney World, heh. Can't even imagine doing that all day every day. I'd rather run and do high intensity work outs if possible.
15k is a large number of steps per day. It's almost 6pm and I only have 3800 today so far. Usually hit around 7.5-8k if I don't hit the gym.


since it's 90 min of walking we are talking about, i think it's more do-able than people suppose. calculate getting to a gym, changing, working out, getting home vs just a walk for an hour and a half.

the secret is a deep bench of podcasts. plus my head clears, i find, if i can take a path through some nature. park, woods etc.

I actually already walk 90 minutes a day, it's just nowhere close to getting me to 15K. It's closer to 8 or 9K a day, at best. My phone might be underestimating me to be honest (especially at work, I think it needs a GPS signal), but still. You'd have to walk at 5 MPH to cover 7.5 miles in 90 minutes, that's some intense power walking.
I'm still using the Nintendo DS game Personal Trainer Walking, and my daily goal is 17K in that. Has been since 2010 or so. Can't remember the last time I missed my target, but I live in NYC. I also bike 25-30 miles a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year... so I might not be normal.

Did you really bike 25 miles last Tuesday?
15,000? :(

Right now I have 7k as my baseline and aim for 10k+, but even taking the kiddo out every day for a walk I scrabble to reach it. On one hand I think it skimps me when I'm using the stroller, but it also counts arm movements when doing chores, so maybe it evens out? At any rate, 15k will definitely take some concentrated effort. At least I get ~75 squats a day in, too.
Dear noobs.

I lost about 30 pounds in 4 months with a combination of calorie count ting and daily doing around 15k steps average per day.

My wife started with me and lost around 12 pounds.

A 45 minute walk at a good pace can burn 400 calories (for a tall, heavy set guy like me anyway).

People can kill thems3lves on a treadmill for 20 minutes for the same burn.

Get up and walk.

Just do a hard 30 minute workout. Walking is barely effective as exercise.

This. The prolonged walking/greater activity is likely more effective at reducing insulin resistance leading to better outcomes. The amount of extra calories burned by more steps is trivial.


Dear noobs.

I lost about 30 pounds in 4 months with a combination of calorie count ting and daily doing around 15k steps average per day.

My wife started with me and lost around 12 pounds.

A 45 minute walk at a good pace can burn 400 calories.

People can kill thems3lves on a treadmill for 20 minutes for the same burn.

Get up and walk.


He's right.

Here's me, last little while (love my Fatbit):


totally do-able. noobs.

(looks like i need to go for a hike now, heh.)

Shy Fingers

My health insurance plan costs are tied to how many steps you get a day.

Needless to say I went from about 6k to 13k steps a day on average. This is an office job, but they give us walking breaks as well some treadmill desks.


I can do 10-12k during the week but that's 90 minutes of walking (to office, at lunch, to train station). Not sure I could fit much more in. 3 hours is nuts. Maybe treadmill desks will become as popular as standing desks?



and intentional ;)

I tried out my buddy's treadmill desk, but even though it is quite slow (much slower than walking), I can't see myself masking something in PS/AE while doing that. too weird.

plus much better to actually get outside, y'know?

I am gonna go for a 2h hike right now!


For weight personally we need to change foods to not be so damn centered around sugars.

But as for mental health and bodily health walkings good. I used to sit and operate a forklift all day, now I work in metal fab. Standing and walking all day. The difference in how I feel is profound
I walk around 9-15k steps a day, depending on what day it is.

It's not hard people, I just walk to work, walk to lunch and walk home most days. Three days a week I go to the gym, and some days of the week we go out after work, and some days I go to the store that's 20 minutes away.
That won't solve the problem. Inactivity is its own devil. Overeating is an entirely different thing.

The 2 things are actually interrelated. From a biological perspective, not moving slows your metabolism, which tricks your body into thinking food is not available or that its availability is on the wane (because mobility and energy expenditure are limited in cold months when food is not readily available in natural environments). Your body compensates for this perceived lack of availability by craving food and then overeating as a result due to wanting to store up calories as fat before food availability becomes scarce or non-existent.
Yeah, desks with treadmills, watching TV while on a treadmill, using every opportunity not to drive but walk instead are essential to getting your steps in. I work on a large kitchen and 15000 steps are easily reached, then my hobby is dancing. my diet is not good though so it cancels out.


The 2 things are actually interrelated. .

Of course they are; I think the poster you quoted is just saying that you can't make up for sitting for long periods by doing exercise.

Even if you work out all night every night, sitting all day every day is terrible for you.


After reading the OP I went out and did a little walking experiment/exercise.

After 1 hour & 35 minutes I walked 10, 287 steps which accounts for 4.94 miles and (supposedly) 428 calories lost. I'm ok with that. 15,000 steps isn't difficult but a bit too monotonous for my tastes....Perhaps I'll shoot for that in the future even though today I sort of lost patience lol.


Oh only 2 hours of brisk walking huh

jks I have dogs in a apartment you fuckers I walk all got damned day

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
I do more than that most days. Eminently achievable.

Although, of course, factor in other workouts and the number doesn't have to be so high.
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