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NYT: Should 15,000 Steps a Day Be Our New Exercise Target?

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I've been tracking my steps with this new phone. At first I managed about 6k per day just by walking to the bus and a short walk at lunch, lately only hitting 5k as I haven't been lunch walking as much. I reckon I could easily get to 8k if I got off the bus two stops earlier so I'm going to try that starting next week, and if I add my lunch walk in again then I'll make the 10k. 15k would probably need a bit more persistence though.

Be all you can be:
15k is about average for me. 30k is heavy. Of course, I work in an environment that requires me to be on my feet all night and we run 8-12 hour shifts, so.
Everything is achievable if we change the malign 40-45 hours work per week

10k plus not eating shit all the time is a great way of life.
Who the hell has 3+ hours every day to do ANYTHING once they're out of college, and especially if they're in a relationship or have a family?

You can do about 3-4k steps in 30-45 minutes.

A half hour walk before work, during lunch and in the evening will easily get you over 15k when every day movement is factored in.

I do this with a full time job, wife and kid.


I've been tracking my steps with this new phone. At first I managed about 6k per day just by walking to the bus and a short walk at lunch, lately only hitting 5k as I haven't been lunch walking as much. I reckon I could easily get to 8k if I got off the bus two stops earlier so I'm going to try that starting next week, and if I add my lunch walk in again then I'll make the 10k. 15k would probably need a bit more persistence though.
My iPhone 7 consistently underreports my steps. My Fitbit, which has my exact stride length set, will say 15,000. My phone might say 6,000 or 8,000. I can watch the Fitbit tick up with each footfall, but the phone is always off.


My iPhone 7 consistently underreports my steps. My Fitbit, which has my exact stride length set, will say 15,000. My phone might say 6,000 or 8,000. I can watch the Fitbit tick up with each footfall, but the phone is always off.

My old iPhone overestimated my steps by about 20% while my new iPhone seems to be pretty spot on.

So yeah, test your phone to see how much it might over or underreport.


thats fucking ridiculous. I have been trying to hit 10,000 steps the past six months and have only gotten to 7k once.

I walk every day during lunch and hit 10K no problem. ~7K steps during the lunch hour and the other 3K account for my walk to and from the train station.


My iPhone 7 consistently underreports my steps. My Fitbit, which has my exact stride length set, will say 15,000. My phone might say 6,000 or 8,000. I can watch the Fitbit tick up with each footfall, but the phone is always off.

Yeah, I've worn a Fitbit for a few years and have never found the iPhone to be remotely reliable in terms of counting steps. It also requires you to actually carry your phone everywhere if you want an accurate count.


According to my Fitbit, my average over the past year is 17,016 steps a day. I have an office job but I workout at least once a day and run or do other cardio a lot.


The design of our cities is the one killing us all in America. Walking when you don't have to think about it is the best way to do it and it's hard to do in most of America's city.

Mark my words that it will be the future focus of obesity science. I mean, we have cut fat, we have cut carbs and cut calories but heart disease risk and metabolic syndrome are still up. Obesity science is focusing on the wrong causes of being overweight. The solution is simple but it will take tons of political will.

Agreed. We have an entire generation that now works in an urban area and travels there by car from the suburbs, or worse works in the suburbs and lives there. Most of these places require commute to work by car and don't have sidewalks connecting neighborhoods to anything. Not only has the lifestyle shifted to transportation primarily by car, but we've also removed a ton of walking paths in the process.

I usually get out and walk a few times a week at work, but still rely on trips to the gym for most of my steps. One of the biggest factors in choosing my next home is going to be neighborhood layout and what's accessible on foot.
I'll be getting a wrist counter thing shortly so will get a better reading of my steps since I guess I don't carry my phone everywhere. I did just check my history though and found a couple of weeks back where I had 3 minutes of activity all day. That was when I was sick as a dog and slept for about 22 of the 24h lol

How can I get a GearFit 2 to talk to other devices like a Fitbit if I want to share my steps or join a club do they have step clubs?
I always do cardio on my work out days, but if I can't and I can spare the time, instead of using the train stop next to work, I will walk to another stop in the route, usually doing the grocery shopping in the middle. I won't reach the 15.000, but I usually make the 10.000 a day. A miband is not the most accurate thing, but it can give an estimate.


I averaged about 20k in New York. I got in much better shape. Much less after I moved away. It's a city planning and convenience thing, and long hours in an office certainly aren't helping.
Desktop tech here for a big company.

My record so far is about 13k and that was when shit was crazy and I was walking around from building to building all day. I can't imagine squeezing out an extra 2k every day. Wow.

Also: I'm still out of shape. Walking has its limits as far as how beneficial it is.

Edit: my normal average day is about 10k-11k.
thats fucking ridiculous. I have been trying to hit 10,000 steps the past six months and have only gotten to 7k once.

1/2 hour on the treadmill + walking everywhere at work plus taking the stairs every time should get you there pretty easily.

I know from experience.

According to my Fitbit, my average over the past year is 17,016 steps a day. I have an office job but I workout at least once a day and run or do other cardio a lot.



Usually turns out: if I don't use my car to go everywhere I need to go on a given day, I hit my step goal. It's kind of hard not to if you go... anywhere.

I have a Charge HR and it awards some steps on bike but isn't consistent. It definitely rewards me with tracked "exercise" but I like to see the step # go up more.


Who the hell has 3+ hours every day to do ANYTHING once they're out of college, and especially if they're in a relationship or have a family?

That's not even close to 10000 steps. 5 miles is about 10000 steps. You would need to run a 10k every day and then some to hit 15000 steps. But a 5k a day is a great goal for everyone.

Well.. it varies a bit. I actually just did a 9k run, was 51 minutes, and just under 10k steps.

So if you ran on a lunch hour (know lots of people who did this, when I worked an office job) then you'll pick up the other 5k steps just doing regular day-to-day stuff, I would think. Then again you sort of need a shower facility available to pull this off.

I imagine it seems pretty hard if you are one of those folks who drives in from the suburbs, from a garage, into another garage at work.

Myself, I have to get my run / hike / whatever exercise in first thing in the morning. If I let it go, I might run at noon, but after that my willpower just falls apart :)

Some of you have probably hit 10k steps at PAX or Comic-con, or an amusement park, and not realized it.


Even though my average is 8000, I would like to think my 2 hour workout counts for a little extra more.

Just wondering about intensity vs length/steps.

Edit: want steps? Go to disneyland!

Edit: I take about 35 flights of stairs a day. Must count for something too.
i prob average around 9k per day based on my fitbit, but a couple weeks ago i was in san antonio for a conference and was walking like 15k+ every day, i think i just need to walk maybe a couple extra subway stops per day

i do go to the gym like 4-5 days per week though, so i'm not sure if i particularly care to get up to 15k


I hate running. It's just overall too painful, for my feet and joints.

I much prefer getting my heart rate up doing functional training and weights. I feel muscle fatigue and elevated heart rate, but not my body breaking apart.


Isn't a less elevated heart rate over a longer period of time more beneficial?
Different schools of thought on all of this. It depends on what your goals are and how much time you have. Walking at 3 MPH at an incline for 1-2 hours is probably best for fat burn. Or, you can get very close to the amount of fat burned by doing HIIT for 15 minutes.


My target is 12k and I hit it most days, 18k if I go for a run. 15k is a lot to hit on a daily basis.

If you have a commute of more than ~3 miles walking starts becoming impractical just in terms of time spent.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I just checked the health app on my phone, says I'm averaging 10K steps a day. I guess it helps I walk for most of my groceries and my office is very big not in height/floors but eh, horizontally?

But 15K, that would take an additional effort.

For those that don't know it already, the app 'Human' can be a fun way to achieve activity goals.
Cake for me. On average I do 10K a day at work. Fuck, the other day I did 22k. Pretty much the only reason I'm in decent shape is cause of work.

Golf course life.


Random rant note.

If you have to wrap yourself from head to toe with Kiniseo tape to do your exercises , why do it?

I know injuries happen but at least to me exercise is supposed to keep your body together, not tear it apart.


For those that don't know it already, the app 'Human' can be a fun way to achieve activity goals.

Nice design... not sure what this is doing that the Fitbit software doesn't though. Or Strava for that matter.

I ran 12 miles this morning (which is pretty average). My watch says I'm at 18,190 steps. It's 9:40am.

How long did that take you though? At least 90 minutes I would guess? 12 miles is 19 kilometers, that's almost a half-marathon. Not exactly typical but good for you.

hom3land said:
This right here. Ran a 5k last week with fucked up groin and still finished in 31 minutes.
Don't think 5km is enough frankly. I mean it's good but i can't actually hit my 3k calories-burned goal in a day, if I only ran 5km as part of my 10k steps. I'd be under until I was closer to 14-15k steps.
Eh, I'll just stay fat thanks. I could get hit by a bus tomorrow. Although that is less likely if I'm not walking 3 hours a day.


Junior Member
Lol. This is painful to hear because I sit down for at least 10 hours a day. This is what happens when you study a highly academic degree. I imagine once I graduate I'll be on my feet all the time though, assuming I want to pursue a career in the hospital. However, I think I would prefer being a GP because of the hours. But the fact that I'll be sitting down all day is just so fucking unappealing.

I gym 5x a week though, and I'm always moving my legs (even when sitting). Whether it not this does anything as far as health goes I haven't got a clue, but there is some research which suggests it helps burn calories. Perhaps I should just do 20-30 squats and 30 pushups every 60 minutes.


Can someone recommend a good tracker? I see Fitbit mentioned. Is that a wristband thing? I need something that can track regular workday walking (of which I barely do any) and to track my attempt at getting back on the elliptical.
Fitbit says I average 16000 a day. That's a 20 min walk to the train, 30 min walk at lunch and 20 min from the train at night. Also go for a 10km+ run 2-3 times a week before work. Have a desk job 8.30-5pm.

I don't see how people struggle to get over 5k even driving to work. It seems like something you should make a priority (exercise in general not specifically steps).


I walk 20k+ steps every day and can still gain weight if I eat bad or don't do real excercise. I've never seen any real relation between the amount of steps I do and my weight. I only lose weight if I do real cardio like running or cycling or specifically diet.

I lost 15KG after going from a hugely sedentary lifestyle to simply walking 30 minutes, 3 times a day for my new job. Adds a little to my commute but not too much - about 10 minutes slower than taking the tube

But the weight loss has definitely flatlined (annoyingly just above the 'technically overweight' line) but my BMI is way down


Can someone recommend a good tracker? I see Fitbit mentioned. Is that a wristband thing? I need something that can track regular workday walking (of which I barely do any) and to track my attempt at getting back on the elliptical.

I have a Fitbit Blaze, which I really like, but the main advantage of it is push notifications and music control. The Alta or Charge 2 (which my wife has) are probably the best all-rounders. They're all watches/bracelets.

Lots of fitness trackers out there, but the Fitbit software is hard to beat, it's quite comprehensive and has a bunch of fun graphs and data.

There's also modes for elliptical. Some people attach the tracker to their ankle I think? I don't to elliptical so not sure. I know if I put it in "Biking" mode it will cancel out the handlebar vibrations so you don't register false steps, which is cool, but then you need to track with Strava or some other app.

Hardcore runners are more about the GPS watches like the Garmin VivoActiv which is also cool, but there's no way in hell I'm running without music/phone on me, so the "connected" GPS of Fitbit is totally ok with me.


Apparently I average 4k-6k each day. I live in Manhattan too lol. I tend to walk much more on weekends though.

I go to the gym 5-6 times a week for about an hour each time. Then I promptly spend the majority of the rest of the day sitting on my butt at my office. Hopefully I'm not already dead.
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