Black Republican
and Trump's having a cnn townhall in 8 hours, gonna be fun!
Most of the Christians I know claim that the Pope and Catholicism as a whole isn't Christian, so...
Amazing reactions. Trump supporters calling the Pope an asshole and unChristian.
Amazing reactions. Trump supporters calling the Pope an asshole and unChristian.
You know, the anti-Papist vote is probably pretty strong in South Carolina. Trump's tactical genius strikes again.
Amazing reactions. Trump supporters calling the Pope an asshole and unChristian.
From the Eternal Sea, He rises, creating armies on either shore, turning man against his brother, till man exists, no more
Amazing reactions. Trump supporters calling the Pope an asshole and unChristian.
and Trump's having a cnn townhall in 8 hours, gonna be fun!
Do you know who else wasn't Christian? Jesus. Trump is like Jesus. Trump2016
I doubt he is either. The way he speaks and represents himself, I wouldn't be surprised if he was religious at all. Lets not forget he said this is a different persona he is using than the one he would have as President.
He is doing and saying "anything" to get votes. Even if its pretending to be religious.
to sane people, the pope saying someone is not a christian should be a compliment.
Trump should tread carefully because lots of Blue Collar Catholics are ripe for the taking
if he pisses them off, it is a lost demographic
Today in Trump: "No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man's religion or faith."
Last week in Trump: "How can Ted Cruz be an Evangelical Christian when he lies so much and is so dishonest?"
(Condensed from tweet by @sinderbrand)
hahahaha it's HILARIOUSToday in Trump: "No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man's religion or faith."
Last week in Trump: "How can Ted Cruz be an Evangelical Christian when he lies so much and is so dishonest?"
(Condensed from tweet by @sinderbrand)
Amazing reactions. Trump supporters calling the Pope an asshole and unChristian.
If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISISs ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been President because this would not have happened. ISIS would have been eradicated unlike what is happening now with our all talk, no action politicians.
The Mexican government and its leadership has made many disparaging remarks about me to the Pope, because they want to continue to rip off the United States, both on trade and at the border, and they understand I am totally wise to them. The Pope only heard one side of the story - he didnt see the crime, the drug trafficking and the negative economic impact the current policies have on the United States. He doesnt see how Mexican leadership is outsmarting President Obama and our leadership in every aspect of negotiation.
For a religious leader to question a persons faith is disgraceful. I am proud to be a Christian and as President I will not allow Christianity to be consistently attacked and weakened, unlike what is happening now, with our current President. No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another mans religion or faith. They are using the Pope as a pawn and they should be ashamed of themselves for doing so, especially when so many lives are involved and when illegal immigration is so rampant.
Watch out Trump - Francis spits holy fire
no true scotsman
Doesn't the Vatican have a wall? How many immigrants do they let in?
no true scotsman
They are using the Pope as a pawn and they should be ashamed of themselves for doing so, especially when so many lives are involved and when illegal immigration is so rampant.
Please excommunicate him
Pls. Pope, pls.
Doesn't the Vatican have a wall? How many immigrants do they let in?
Who is using the Pope as a pawn? Mexico?
Don't all the candidates want to close the border though? So I can't see how they could use the popes words against trump.
Who is using the Pope as a pawn? Mexico?