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Obama Administration Announces Massive Piracy Crackdown

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listen to the mad man
kevm3 said:
Awesome... Obama doesn't have the resources to go after a war criminal like Bush or to go after the bankers who blew up the economy... or even BP who is causing the worst manmade disaster we've had, but he'll magically have the resources to get people who download a cd. Another corporatist. Hard to believe all those speeches, every single bit of it were lies and he's just a tanned Bush.



Dead Man said:
What? They are almost the same.
Are they almost the same because the policies are ACTUALLY the same?

Or are they the same because the ideas that you support aren't being implemented?


New page, and another repos:

So, I know ACTA is horrifically bad, and that's what most of the posts in this topic are about.

But what about the actual thing that the administration announced.

According to the release:

First, we will lead by example. Specifically, we will work to ensure that we do not mistakenly purchase or use illegal products.

Boring. Not about "my torrents".

Second, the strategy underscores that this Administration supports transparency. That includes transparency in our development of enforcement policy, information sharing, and reporting of law enforcement activities at home and abroad.

Still not about "my torrents".

Third, we will improve coordination and thereby increase efficiency and effectiveness of law enforcement efforts at the Federal, state and local level, of personnel stationed overseas and of our international training efforts.

Also not about "my torrents".

Fourth, we will work with our trading partners and within international organizations to better enforce American intellectual property rights in the global economy. In that regard, we will initiate a comprehensive review of current efforts in support of U.S. businesses that have difficulty enforcing their intellectual property rights in overseas markets, with a particular focus on China.

Once again...

Fifth, we must secure our supply chain. To achieve this most important goal, we will take a close look at the unique problems posed by foreign-based websites and other entities that provide access to counterfeit or pirated products, and develop a coordinated and comprehensive plan to address them. We will make sure our law enforcement has the authority it needs to secure the supply chain and also encourage industry to work collaboratively to address unlawful activity on the internet, such as illegal downloading and illegal internet pharmacies.

Finally something about "my torrents"! But this kinda sounds hand wavy, like "sure we'll encourage something about torrents blah blah give us campaign money RIAA!"

Sixth, and finally, we will make sure we spend your money wisely, a process we have already begun. To do that, we have, and will continue to collect and track the amount of money we spend on intellectual property enforcement per year. We will use this information to map out the most effective way to fight this theft.

Case in point, the next thing is about money.

So yeah, what's actually written here doesn't look like anything bad... yet. The real problem is still ACTA, which deserves all the contempt it can get. Anyone who votes yea on that sham should be immediately evicted from office. We'll see how Obama & co. play it.

Dead Man

Door2Dawn said:
Are they almost the same because the policies are ACTUALLY the same?

Or are they the same because the ideas that you support aren't being implemented?
They are the same because they are the same! :lol Can you please tell me the unmoveable points of difference between the Republican and Democrat parties in terms of policy? Not vague statements of ideal, but concrete, long standing, and strongly worked towards.

I find that both just oppose for the sake of opposition, so none of them ever take a stand, and when they do it is usually for a financial interest.


The Lamonster said:
Okay, I'm about to be done with the Obama administration.

not that i'm defending anything else besides this topic, but maybe you should look beyond a random blog post at a site to see if anything that is being written was talked about... because... it hasnt

Dead Man

Elfforkusu said:
Some rambling about torrents
You do realise both the statement, and the ACTA are about more than just 'my torrents', right?

Comments from Joe Biden, strongly opposing piracy, could link to information about the ACTA? Who would have thought it?! :lol


Dead Man said:
You do realise both the statement, and the ACTA are about more than just 'my torrents', right?

Comments from Joe Biden, strongly opposing piracy, could link to information about the ACTA? Who would have thought it?! :lol

my dick could also be 4 feet long... but neither is from this statement


Dead Man said:
:lol Eh, whatever, I don't think it is a stretch to talk about both in one thread.

its not, but its a stretch to say from this speech/press release from Biden that the Obama administration is going to begin prosecuting thought crime

Dead Man

gcubed said:
its not, but its a stretch to say from this speech/press release from Biden that the Obama administration is going to begin prosecuting thought crime
Well, that may or may not be a stretch, we will need to wait and see. I don't think it makes it less worthwhile to discuss, given that the text of the ACTA is available, and Bidens remarks seem to side with corporate interests, as does the ACTA.

Thunder Monkey said:
Fuck you guys that last joke was funny.
Yes, yes, it was very clever. I was just impressed that you were actually posting some seemingly fiery rhetoric for at least 5 posts in a row without resorting to a dick joke! :D
gcubed said:
not that i'm defending anything else besides this topic, but maybe you should look beyond a random blog post at a site to see if anything that is being written was talked about... because... it hasnt
Oh...well that's good. Sorry, it's 8 in the morning and I'm hungover. I just can't stay mad at Bams anyway.


Dead Man said:
They are the same because they are the same! :lol Can you please tell me the unmoveable points of difference between the Republican and Democrat parties in terms of policy? Not vague statements of ideal, but concrete, long standing, and strongly worked towards.

I find that both just oppose for the sake of opposition, so none of them ever take a stand, and when they do it is usually for a financial interest.
They're the same because they're the same. Alright.

It's a no brainer that both parties oppose for the sake of opposing, it's politics, and it's also a no brainer that a lot of them are influenced by money, but it dismiss them as "the same" purely out of frustration just isn't the way to go.The democratic and republican parties have clear differences in policy, just look it up. It's just that congress is so flawed that good ideas either die, or get watered down. You try your hardest to vote the shitty senators and congressmen out and vote the good ones in.

But if you choose not to vote because you're angry, the country will move forward even slower, not faster.

Dead Man

Door2Dawn said:
They're the same because they're the same. Alright.

It's a no brainer that both parties oppose for the sake of opposing, it's politics, and it also a no brainer that a lot of them are influenced by money, but it dismiss them as "the same" purely out of frustration just isn't the way to go.The democratic and republican parties have clear differences in policy, just look it up. You try your hardest to vote the shitty senators and congressmen out and vote the good ones in.

But if you choose not to vote because you're angry, the country will move forward even slower, not faster.
So you can't? And I do vote, and I'm not even living in the country at the moment. Shitty parties are still shitty.


Let's make everyone criminals, great idea you dumb fuck. Someone should hack all the administration and their families' computers and publish their downloading habits. I'm sure you'll find at least several instances of copyright infringement, if not many more.
perfectchaos007 said:
Well one party always votes the fiscal conservative route no matter what the bill is and the other always votes tax and spend. hell 90% of politicians don't even read the bills anymore! They may read the cliffnotes from the one guy who did read it and then just vote on party lines. How about we just vote for whats best for our country, instead of whats best for a political party?

We don't have a party that's fiscally conservative.

Correction: There is no political party in power that is fiscally conservative. And if any party suddenly became conservative they would be voted out at the next election. You have to change the mindset of this country. They don't want fiscally conservative. They don't want higher taxes or lower benefits.

Candidate 1: We need to cut spending or increase taxes
Candidate 2: Don't listen to #1, I'm going to lower taxes and increase spending.

#2 gets elected. This will repeat itself until it's too late.

Dead Man

SloppehSlawlz said:
He really shouldn't have to do it for you. But go ahead and believe that they're no differences between the parties.
He doesn't have to 'do it for me'. He doesn't have to do it at all. There are differences between individual candidates and obviously the parties will disagree with one another, but major, fundamental differences between the parties? No.


Neo Member
Dead Man said:
He doesn't have to 'do it for me'. He doesn't have to do it at all. There are differences between individual candidates and obviously the parties will disagree with one another, but major, fundamental differences between the parties? No.
There is, but ok.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Well there can be no valid argument against this. Anyone arguing for torrenting/distributing copyrighted material is making a dumb argument.

I work in broadcast so I may be biased. However, it is, indeed, stealing.


i_am_ben said:
as an Australian there's a degree of schadenfreude in this.

Then i remember Australia will undoubtedly follow suit :(
They're probably smacking their heads wishing they thought of it first :lol
Dead Man said:
Yes, yes, it was very clever. I was just impressed that you were actually posting some seemingly fiery rhetoric for at least 5 posts in a row without resorting to a dick joke! :D
Really had to bite my tongue to get something real out.


He states, "This is theft, clear and simple. It's smash and grab, no different than a guy walking down Fifth Avenue and smashing the window at Tiffany's and reaching in and grabbing what's in the window."
I'll bet the MPAA/RIAA lobbyists are all ^_______^ yummmmmm more lawsuits


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
I don't understand what most people in the thread are mad about. If it was your content, wouldn't you be mad if people were copying and distributing it without your consent? It doesn't sound like they outlawing filesharing. They are protecting copyrighted works.
otake said:
Well there's can be no valid argument against this. Anyone arguing for torrenting/distributing copyrighted material is making a dumb argument.

I work in broadcast so I may be biased. However, it is, indeed, stealing.

otake said:
I don't understand what most people in the thread are mad about. If it was your content, wouldn't you be mad if people were copying and distributing it without your consent? It doesn't sound like they outlawing filesharing. They are protecting copyrighted works.
My posts were barely about the topic actually.:lol

I don't mind torrenters getting fucked... because well I don't torrent. My posts were about the amount of shocked people getting pissy over this.

It's a useless fight and just wastes money... but that's what our government does in America.

It wastes money on arbitrary "wars". Democrats or Republicans. Neither is innocent of fighting stupid wars for no reason.

Those so pissed about this that they will no longer support Obama, aren't too bright (sorry guys) because it was going to happen no matter who was in office. Even the Libertarian starchild Ron Paul would probably be convinced it's necessary, and Dems would be bitching about him exploding the deficit.:lol

The problem isn't the people, it's the system.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Thunder Monkey said:
My posts were barely about the topic actually.:lol

I don't mind torrenters getting fucked... because well I don't torrent. My posts were about the amount of shocked people getting pissy over this.

It's a useless fight and just wastes money... but that's what our government does in America.

It wastes money on arbitrary "wars". Democrats or Republicans. Neither is innocent of fighting stupid wars for no reason.

Those so pissed about this that they will no longer support Obama, aren't too bright (sorry guys) because it was going to happen no matter who was in office. Even the Libertarian starchild Ron Paul would probably be convinced it's necessary, and Dems would be bitching about him exploding the deficit.:lol

The problem isn't the people, it's the system.

Well, to be honest, the Obama administration hasn't done anything yet. Right now, they're just playing the political game, stating the obvious, making it clear that these people are committing crimes. All I see here is a game of politics. Till I see someone get prosecuted by the government, it's all smoke and mirrors.
gcubed said:
so a random blogger on daily tech takes a press release and makes the mental leap that said press release will be enforcing ACTA. GAF rages, sun sets.

to repost from another poster...

this is akin to a fox news blog story saying Jesus will arrive in 2 weeks... or the oil spill was god's punishment and we need to pray to end it...

the utter stupidity in this thread is astounding
GAF likes to overreact.


The political power of big corporations is scary as hell. I seriously wonder where the path we're on will take us.
moniker said:
The political power of big corporations is scary as hell. I seriously wonder where the path we're on will take us.

Probably down the path where people either choose to buy the product or don't buy it and don't steal it.

I'm not a fan of all the stuff in this law, but there does need to be better enforcement and/or prevention of illegal activities such as unfettered access to copyrighted materials without the owner's consent.


keep your strippers out of my American football
dIEHARD said:
I miss Bush.

I am not going to go that far, but OBama campaigned on "Change" and I have seen nothing but "Status Quo". Obama has for the most part continued the exact trajectory that Bush was going in. Still in Iraq, even deeper in Afganistan, siding with big business at every chance, slow to react to disasters but quick to go make a fund raising speech! He is your typical politician, say what you must to get elected and then do wtf you please when you get there. But I do think it may be a symptom of a simple fact, it doesn't really matter who is president. Big business runs this country, period.

Spending a bunch of money to go after a college kid who is downloading the Eminem album illegaly is going to help this country? Look, I am all for going after people who have a closet full of pirated DVDs and CDs to sell at the flea market. I am all for going after sites where you can view pirated movies for free. But going after the individual doesn't work. Just like busting a dude with 5 joints doesn't stop the drug problem, going after a dude with 2,000 downloaded songs isn't going to stop the piracy problem.

But this kind of shit gets more money in campaign funds from big business.


Man this is some serious bullshit Obama. How about legalizing weed first and then cracking down on fools who actually make money by selling pirated games/cd's/movies etc.

I certainly dont agree with attacking people who try to circumvent the retarded DRM that is used these days.
dskillzhtown said:
I am not going to go that far, but OBama campaigned on "Change" and I have seen nothing but "Status Quo". Obama has for the most part continued the exact trajectory that Bush was going in. Still in Iraq, even deeper in Afganistan, siding with big business at every chance, slow to react to disasters but quick to go make a fund raising speech! He is your typical politician, say what you must to get elected and then do wtf you please when you get there. But I do think it may be a symptom of a simple fact, it doesn't really matter who is president. Big business runs this country, period.

Spending a bunch of money to go after a college kid who is downloading the Eminem album illegaly is going to help this country? Look, I am all for going after people who have a closet full of pirated DVDs and CDs to sell at the flea market. I am all for going after sites where you can view pirated movies for free. But going after the individual doesn't work. Just like busting a dude with 5 joints doesn't stop the drug problem, going after a dude with 2,000 downloaded songs isn't going to stop the piracy problem.

But this kind of shit gets more money in campaign funds from big business.

Change=status quo plus mayonnaise


otake said:
Well there can be no valid argument against this. Anyone arguing for torrenting/distributing copyrighted material is making a dumb argument.

I work in broadcast so I may be biased. However, it is, indeed, stealing.

Not everything is stealing though.. watching newest episodes of a tv show that is only broadcasted there is not piracy is it?


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
MMaRsu said:
Not everything is stealing though.. watching newest episodes of a tv show that is only broadcasted there is not piracy is it?

If the owner of the copyrighted material is not allowing it, it is stealing.

What exactly do you mean? If Dr. Who isn't broadcast here and I go download it through bittorrent, it's still illegal.
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