Batista, Brock, and Ken Shamrock
Wrestlers with a mma connection
You forgot Bart Gunn.
Batista, Brock, and Ken Shamrock
Wrestlers with a mma connection
My Table for 3:
Fuck the rest of you, this is my table, none of y'all are invited
And All of Los Boricuas
¡HarlequinPanic!;180374710 said:you don't like monday niiiigggghhht raw even a teensy bit? :[
how about when mizTV is on?
You make it your own table, you get your own special menu.
WrassleGAF has come to terms with the release of Octoman, who has been banned.
We wish you the best of luck in your futu--who are we fooling, you had terrible opinions. Enjoy your time off. I know we will.
Bayley is ugly.
WrassleGAF has come to terms with the release of Octoman, who has been banned.
We wish you the best of luck in your futu--who are we fooling, you had terrible opinions. Enjoy your time off. I know we will.
EDIT: my god Dbry comes off as the dirty hippy that he is
WrassleGAF has come to terms with the release of Octoman, who has been banned.
We wish you the best of luck in your futu--who are we fooling, you had terrible opinions. Enjoy your time off. I know we will.
What happened to bring nice to all members? What happened to FnP, Sunny?
Some motherfuckers always trying to ice skate uphill.
The day is almost done, and I wanted to wait until the sun set in your world of selling flooring to wish you a happy birthday. Because I wanted you to THINK I didn't care. I hope it worked. Enjoy your birthday! You're old as shit!
Some motherfuckers always trying to ice skate uphill.
The day is almost done, and I wanted to wait until the sun set in your world of selling flooring to wish you a happy birthday. Because I wanted you to THINK I didn't care. I hope it worked. Enjoy your birthday! You're old as shit!
Summer Rae and Eden took to Instagram to defend Renee Young after she was harassed by fans online for a picture she posted. Young posted a picture with a male friend on her account and found herself being trolled by fans who werent happy that she was posting a pic of a guy that wasnt her boyfriend, Dean Ambrose.
Okay. I want to say this and be 100% honest, here.
The internet ruined wrestling.
Okay. I want to say this and be 100% honest, here.
The internet ruined wrestling.
In many ways yes. Spoilers are pretty much next to impossible. We don't really enjoy the ride anymore.
Just buying time until so and so wins the rumble, or so and so headlines wrestlemania.
There are exceptions like D. Bry where the internet actually helped that.
That's just celebrity culture bruh
Par for the course of being a reality star in any line of business, wrasslin or no.
You could have found out the results to Lucha Underground months ahead of time.
It is still the best wrestling show of the past 5 years. So no excuses.
No one has to tell you Drago isn't actually a Dragon. Kayfabe exists in our hearts and minds.
Same thing with NXT. People care about what is going on, despite it being a taped show.You could have found out the results to Lucha Underground months ahead of time.
It is still the best wrestling show of the past 5 years. So no excuses.
Wrestling is fun in part because of surprises. Surprises barely exist anymore, therefore wrestling sucks
WrassleGAF table for 3
Stro, brisk tacos and Bronx-Man
It must feel awful, being a bunch of aging midcarders getting shown up by the rookie on the rise. You can politic all you want but nothing stops this train.
WrassleGAF Table for 3 :#SnitchLife
Beef, Ply, Sunny
It must feel awful, being a bunch of aging midcarders getting shown up by the rookie on the rise. You can politic all you want but nothing stops this train.
What am I doing in there? I've never snitched.
I just bought a mask. Guess whose?
It's really me in a Sunny mask
That would be like when fake Undertaker was like 6 inches shorter than real Undertaker