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Oculus Rift Launch Thread: Ballpark 2016

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Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Touch at 199 comes with two controllers, right?

They have to drop the price of the Rift. Oculus+Touch+Extra Sensor is more expensive than the Vive.
While that's not good for competition, I would argue that the hardware itself is superior.

Having used Touch quite a bit, I do think they are superior controllers to the Vive wands and I also feel that the headset itself is more comfortable and produces an overall better image (unless you can't stand the lens artefacts which can be an issue for some).


Touch at 199 comes with two controllers, right?

They have to drop the price of the Rift. Oculus+Touch+Extra Sensor is more expensive than the Vive.

Why? Oculus + Touch is $800 so it's price parity. People have demoed it with only 2 sensors, but maybe they recommend 3 just to be on the safe side since Roomscale was not something they intended on doing.


Truth is the vast majority of folks are not going to have the room to need a third sensor. The most important thing here is that they are officially supporting 360 degree sensor setup.


Cool Smoke Luke
With the third sensor it is. How much that third sensor is really needed is up in the air. Really interested in what their use case for it is.

I don't know, why would they specify roomscale with 3 if it isn't the minimum?
if it showed 2 and 3 with a larger space sure
but it seems pretty clear its 2 for forward facing touch and 3 for roomscale
I don't know, why would they specify roomscale with 3 if it isn't the minimum?
if it showed 2 and 3 with a larger space sure
but it seems pretty clear its 2 for forward facing touch and 3 for roomscale

Probably because there's more potential for occlusion or tracking issues with two, plus it might mean the stuff designed for front facing won't work as well. Easier to just say it needs three to avoid people complaining about it not working well.
Saying room scale needs three doesn't mean it won't work with two opposing cameras, just that it's not their official recommended way to do it. Same way that not meeting the minimum spec hardware doesn't stop you, but flags it up, having two and launching a room scale game will likely just give a warning saying the recommended setup is three cameras.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Truth is the vast majority of folks are not going to have the room to need a third sensor. The most important thing here is that they are officially supporting 360 degree sensor setup.
Yeah, I suspect two sensors will provide a very good room scale style experience. Even with just one sensor, you can walk around a fairly large space without losing tracking.


Cool Smoke Luke
Probably because there's more potential for occlusion or tracking issues with two, plus it might mean the stuff designed for front facing won't work as well. Easier to just say it needs three to avoid people complaining about it not working well.
Saying room scale needs three doesn't mean it won't work with two opposing cameras, just that it's not their official recommended way to do it. Same way that not meeting the minimum spec hardware doesn't stop you, but flags it up, having two and launching a room scale game will likely just give a warning saying the recommended setup is three cameras.

ya i don't agree..i think them keeping their price below their competitors for roomscale is a big enough issue that if they could say only 2 is required they would.


ya i don't agree..i think them keeping their price below their competitors for roomscale is a big enough issue that if they could say only 2 is required they would.

They showed the 360 degree setup with just 2 sensors. We also already have plenty of actual use of Rifts in this setup and how they perform space wise. So really what remains to be seen is what size space they consider "room scale" because it's kind of a nebulous term as it stands.


The real question is do they provide a USB hub with the third camera? ;) The Rift will be up to 4 USB ports consumed for that setup.
ya i don't agree..i think them keeping their price below their competitors for roomscale is a big enough issue that if they could say only 2 is required they would.

I don't think room scale is going to matter too much. Motion controls are the transformative part that far more people will be able to use, whereas room scale has far more demanding space requirements many can't meet.


If you add the third sensor it's $880. I am still holding out they drop the price of the Rift by $100.

Not quite parity when it comes to features either. Vive still has the external camera for tracking your room, the chaperone system and lighthouse technology.


Not quite parity when it comes to features either. Vive still has the external camera for tracking your room, the chaperone system and lighthouse technology.

Oculus has Guardian which is the same thing as chaperone. The only thing Vive will still have over Oculus is the camera and Touch will arguably have more features than Vive's controllers are capable of.


Not quite parity when it comes to features either. Vive still has the external camera for tracking your room, the chaperone system and lighthouse technology.

Oculus will have a chaperone equivalent. Trade the lighthouse benefits for the Touch features. Camera... well that's something that they can't duplicate. Still, the systems are more similar in capabilities than they are different. Which is a good thing, because interop between the two systems is important.


I don't think there is any better definition of why someone choose a Rift + Touch than Robo Recall, Lone Echo, and Arktika. They pretty much are what many gamers were looking for. The other reason is simply that Oculus is funding cool stuff! oh and SteamVR supports the Rift yet not the other way around except through Revive, which is unofficial. Stuff like ASW might see the light of day in SteamVR some year...some year.
I don't think there is any better definition of why someone choose a Rift + Touch than Robo Recall, Lone Echo, and Arktika. They pretty much are what many gamers were looking for. The other reason is simply that Oculus is funding cool stuff! oh and SteamVR supports the Rift yet not the other way around except through Revive, which is unofficial. Stuff like ASW might see the light of day in SteamVR some year...some year.

I'm someone that owns both a Rift and Vive and I'm really excited about the games they've shown today :D

As much as I enjoy seated experiences I'm excited to see where things go once Touch is out and more games are able to make use of it.
Oculus announcement threads outside this one going exactly as expected :p

Yup. Why bother.

A lot of it is the usual drive by bullshit from people who clearly don't know what they are talking about. Then we have someone claiming that Palmer is literally on stage when he's nowhere to be seen.

There are like three or four of the usual people (durante etc) who bring relevant criticism and that's about it.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Watched the whole thing, lot of great stuff. I was really hoping Touch would launch this month though :/

Price is pretty much what was expected.
Yup. Why bother.

A lot of it is the usual drive by bullshit from people who clearly don't know what they are talking about. Then we have someone claiming that Palmer is literally on stage when he's nowhere to be seen.

There are like three or four of the usual people (durante etc) who bring relevant criticism and that's about it.

Yeah it's disgusting already.


There doesn't seem to be a thread on this...any good roundups? Any games we can look forward to?

If you're looking for quality discussion, you'll have to look outside of GAF. Otherwise, check out UploadVR, they seem to have good coverage.
Kinda regret selling my Rift considering the promising looking Touch titles, that 4A one particular looks great and the Lone Echo visuals and animation quality were kinda blowing my mind for a VR title. Wish Touch could be used with Vive but afaik it needs the hmd for tracking functionality.

Oh well, here's hoping Revive can be made to work with the wands without too much jank. Kinda agitates me that HTC and Valve haven't tried to help fund more titles for first year releases, I get Oculus likely spent more time setting up these relationships and contracts with devs but damn, the dearth of bigger budget content (especially with psvr around the corner) is a glaring hole on the Vive side. Hope year two gets better :/


How is the average user even going to get the second camera to the other side of the room? Are they going to include an active USB extension cable/dongle? Or sell one? These cameras are finicky as fuck about proper spec USB ports (a lot of 3.0's don't even work) and presumably consume lot of bandwidth. Official 3.0 spec maxes out at like 10' for passive extensions if I'm not mistaken, that's not going to cut it. Surely your garden variety $5 passive Chinese USB extension is not going to work and will require a pretty specific cable. I'm assuming it'll have to be a powered/active variety to extend it the 20'+ most moderate rooms will require for permanent installs (i.e. baseboard runs).


How is the average user even going to get the second camera to the other side of the room? Are they going to include an active USB extension cable/dongle? Or sell one? These cameras are finicky as fuck about proper spec USB ports (a lot of 3.0's don't even work) and presumably consume lot of bandwidth. Surely your garden variety $5 passive Chinese USB extension is not going to work, it's going to require a pretty specific cable. I'm assuming it'll have to be a powered/active variety to extended it the 20'+ most moderate rooms will require for permanent installs (i.e. baseboard runs).

They do work with passive cables, but yeah, doing it right now you need to mind what you buy because USB cabling is all over the fucking place. I would assume that either they are going to offer the USB extensions, or partner with some particular company (or companies I guess) and say to only use those extensions.


I use this: https://amzn.com/B00C7SA21U with my sensor now and it works fine.

Yea that's the problem, 10' or even 15' is not sufficient for doing a real permanent install for even small to moderate rooms. Maybe if you want to run it across the middle of your floor (which is a hilariously ridiculous tripping hazard), but the most common solution of running along the baseboard would at the very least double or triple those lengths.


Just stick your PC in the center of the room. Problem solved. ;)

Seriously speaking, it's kind of a pity that USB isn't daisy-chainable like FireWire. Having the cameras able to plug into one another would go a long way into making placement easier and reducing the port count used on the PC side.


Kinda regret selling my Rift considering the promising looking Touch titles, that 4A one particular looks great and the Lone Echo visuals and animation quality were kinda blowing my mind for a VR title. Wish Touch could be used with Vive but afaik it needs the hmd for tracking functionality.

Oh well, here's hoping Revive can be made to work with the wands without too much jank. Kinda agitates me that HTC and Valve haven't tried to help fund more titles for first year releases, I get Oculus likely spent more time setting up these relationships and contracts with devs but damn, the dearth of bigger budget content (especially with psvr around the corner) is a glaring hole on the Vive side. Hope year two gets better :/

afaik, Revive already supports Touch emulation. How well it works, we'll have to see when Touch games get released
It could be that the standalone camera has a longer cable. They're promoting is being for room scale, it's a stupid oversight of them if they don't make it longer.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
afaik, Revive already supports Touch emulation. How well it works, we'll have to see when Touch games get released

Vive controllers lacking an analog stick gives me big doubts. Sure you can emulate a stick on the touchpad, but the result is pretty garbage.
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