Wait, why would I want earbuds? Do people like earbuds?
Touch December 6th
Did I black out for a second, or did he not confirm that a second sensor comes with Touch?
Did I black out for a second, or did he not confirm that a second sensor comes with Touch?
It does, they confirmed it.
The third sensor thing is odd to me. Maybe you need three sensors if you don't want to mount the trackers to your wall, but two Oculus trackers at high positions (Vive basestation style) seems to do the job fine.
Ok good. Too bad you need three apparently!
The third sensor thing is odd to me. Maybe you need three sensors if you don't want to mount the trackers up high? Two Oculus trackers at high positions (Vive basestation style) seems to do the job fine.
Ok good. Too bad you need three apparently!
The third sensor thing is odd to me. Maybe you need three sensors if you don't want to mount the trackers up high? Two Oculus trackers at high positions (Vive basestation style) seems to do the job fine.
I'm sure 2 suffices for small areas, but maybe to match the quality of the Vive's roomscale you need 3.
Don't think you need it. Some guy on youtube was doing roomscale with 2 with his dev kit touch.
How muchs Touch?
How muchs Touch?
200 bucks. Preorders in 4 days, shipping Dec 6th apparently.