I think the next few days will determine how exaggerated these date windows are. Like I mentioned last night, people who saw their Rifts ship last night had seen their window as April 18th to 28th before receiving their tracking number.
I am hoping for the best.
I probably sound like a total asshole saying this right now - but when you guys get your Rifts I think you'll change your mind. It really is a fantastic product. Just played 40 minutes of Lucky's Tale and I'm more and more astounded by how comfortable the headset is. The headphones are so awesome. I'm starting to forget they are even there. I was bitter until last Friday that I didn't have either of my VR kits and no signs of shipping, and was still feeling kind of deflated with my hype even when picking up my Rift from UPS this morning.
But damn now that I'm actually using this thing and I'm jumping from app to app seemlessly, it's what I was waiting for all this time. Real, polished game experiences. A sleek and comfortable headset that I can wear for extended periods without any issue. Even without Touch it's awesome. There's no way people will be unhappy when it arrives - unless you are super prone to motion sickness or it just straight doesn't fit your head or something like that. Don't give up now!
Nah, you don't sound like an asshole, I do. I realize that and it's venting. But I now don't view Oculus as a company I would go out of my way to support. I don't think this is how you should treat customers (the silence, not the delay, thats out of their hands and I understand that).
You're right, they may make it up to us somehow and some goodwill will go a long way, but damn ... Palmer's "give a mouse a cookie" comment coupled with zero info and last second announcements aren't traits of a company I want to support right now.
First, I get a email from HTC on Easter Sunday that my Vive is being processed and my card charged, only for the charge to disappear and no shipping email. I have received zero updates from HTC regarding what is going on.
Then my rift order gets pushed to the middle of May though at least they told me to expect a delay.
What an awful launch. I don't get why anyone is saying "I will cancel the rift and buy the Vive because it will get here sooner!" Really? Based on what?
What an awful launch. I don't get why anyone is saying "I will cancel the rift and buy the Vive because it will get here sooner!" Really? Based on what?
I just got the email, 5/23-6/2. FUCK THEM. If I order a vive now when do I get it?
I just got the email, 5/23-6/2. FUCK THEM. If I order a vive now when do I get it?
First, I get a email from HTC on Easter Sunday that my Vive is being processed and my card charged, only for the charge to disappear and no shipping email. I have received zero updates from HTC regarding what is going on.
Then my rift order gets pushed to the middle of May though at least they told me to expect a delay.
What an awful launch. I don't get why anyone is saying "I will cancel the rift and buy the Vive because it will get here sooner!" Really? Based on what?
Current estimates for new orders are June for Vive and August for Oculus. Unless HTC is also crazy wrong it seems their supply is much better. And it seems best-case current-preorder dates for Oculus (that haven't been delivered) match Vive's "order now" date. That's...yeah I can totally see jumping at that point.
And anyone who bought Oculus only because they wanted VR as fast as possible has no reason to get it over the Vive either.
But why have faith that HTC's estimates are correct? HTC's launch has not been any better. I am not seeing orders being fulfilled timely by either company. My own experience with both have been terrible.Current estimates for new orders are June for Vive and August for Oculus. Unless HTC is also crazy wrong it seems their supply is much better. And it seems best-case current-preorder dates for Oculus (that haven't been delivered) match Vive's "order now" date. That's...yeah I can totally see jumping at that point.
I don't see what's 'embarrassing' or '90s' about mail order. If anything, a retail release is the more dated concept. They simply wanted to offer them as soon as possible. They could have launched in retailers, but you'd be waiting the same amount of time, if not longer. And they're all coming to retailers eventually anyway.
In the old day, some products are mail order only with slow high shipping cost. Kind like a TV shopping channel.
Wonder if this ultimately ends up destroying Oculus?(considering HTC can get units out ASAP)
Wonder if this ultimately ends up destroying Oculus?(considering HTC can get units out ASAP)
I got stuck there too. You went too far too early. Head back down the elevator, and you'll figure it out.![]()
This may seem like a drive by OT comment but one of the most traumatizing parts of the oculus news has been re-ordering dates back into the proper format...i.e. day/month/year.
I don't know why anyone would choose the month/day ordering as a way to present information?
Wonder if this ultimately ends up destroying Oculus?(considering HTC can get units out ASAP)
Mine was delivered today. Can't believe they are pushing so many out so far.
Are they making three Rifts a day or something? I don't understand how they could not have known about this months ago. I am no shipping expert, but to fulfill all of the orders when they said they would initially, wouldn't they have to have a huge stockpile of ready to go rifts on day one?
If so, then on release day, one of these two options would be true:
A. Enough Rifts have already been produced and we can meet the orders in the timeframe specified.
B. Not enough Rifts have been produced. Some component shortage means there is a massive gap between what Oculus said would be shipping, and what they actually have on hand.
If B is right, then Oculus should have pushed back the launch date and explained why. "Releasing" it like they did just looks amateurish.
Not in the slightest. It probably won't even hurt them, beyond a brief and very temporary loss of public image. This kind of thing happens all the time, but people forget almost immediately after they get their hands on the product.
Remember the PS4 launch? Remember how impossible it was to get your hands on a PS4 for almost half a year after launch? How you had to pre-order almost half a year in advance to even have a chance of getting one on release date? Do you remember how upset people were here on NeoGAF and other places? Guess which company came out the winner of that particular console generation launch.
Odds are you've already experienced a bunch of problematic product launches, but you've forgotten most of them.
Pretty big difference between this and the PS4, for obvious reasons. For one, VR is a completely new platform. Second Rift doesn't have the years and years of goodwill built up that the PlayStation brand had. No one has any feelings of loyalty to Rift/Oculus. Third, there is a viable alternative, Vive, and right now is a critical time for them both to establish beachheads with the market. It's probably pretty likely that a person's first VR will be their main VR platform for years to come. People tend to be loyal like that. I think it's a pretty big deal that they are falling so flat on their faces, tbh. Time will tell the overall impact. Perhaps, in the long run, it won't matter at all.
The headphones are probably a major contributing factor to this. The Vive doesn't have to worry about that, but it also doesn't benefit from what is a considerable advantage the Rift currently has.
You don't need 7 USB ports just to get it running, what are you talking about? Oculus Rift needs one USB 3.0 port for the headset, one USB 3.0 port for the camera, one USB 2.0 port for the gamepad. Then in the future when Oculus Touch comes out, if you get that it'll require one more USB 3.0 port for the second camera. Now compare that to Vive, which has *6* cables going into a box, and two lighthouses that need to be mounted higher than all the players, in opposite corners of a room, and plugged into power outlets. No, it's not extremely difficult to install, but it's a hell of a lot more work than the Rift, especially for people who can't mount things to their walls (most apartment renters).
As for games, let's count the games Valve has announced for the Vive. Zero...um...I guess you could count the collection of test tech demos they shipped with it as half a game. Oculus on the other hand has paid for the development of 20 high quality games to make sure VR wouldn't die due to a lack of real games. They didn't want there to just be a bunch of 10 minute demos, they wanted real meaty games and they paid up for it. They didn't even require that all the games they helped come into being be exclusive - games like Eve Valkyrie and Adr1ft will eventually make it to other platforms, the only true exclusives are ones that Oculus paid a significant amount of the game's development costs, like Lucky's Tale or Edge of Nowhere. They've also said they would be fine with users hacking those games to run on other headsets.
Not in the slightest. There are much larger plans for what Oculus wants to do and they have they money to do it because of Facebook. This is just a bit of a disaster of a launch.
HTC on the other hand is still a company that is struggling. There stocks have fallen $44 again from $125 per share to $81 per share between March 14th and today. They also can't get units out ASAP (see this thread).
I agree that there are significant differences between the two launches, but my point stands.
Finally got my rift!
I've set it up in both SteamVR and Oculus home, but I can't seem to get it to work in SteamVR as when ever I put it on, Oculus home just takes priority.
I'm sorry but this sounds like Oculus fanboy hyperbole. It can't be that much more uncomfortable than the Oculus.I feel the worst for the 5:52-6:50 timers. They got up to 5:51ish yesterday. To be so close and then tell those guys that the 1-3 week email they sent is bullshit. When they were already expecting a March date. And then to get a new email that they have to wait from late April to early May.
Oh man! Burn! I feel for you guys. The way Oculus has played it was not cool. Before you cancel I would consider one thing. Comfort. It is a big deal. I love my Vive but I can only use it for 30 minutes at a time before it gets too hot and heavy on my face. If I soldier through it I can last at max an hour.
I'm sorry but this sounds like Oculus fanboy hyperbole. It can't be that much more uncomfortable than the Oculus.
Your point is invalid
PS4 and Wii launches didn't have these issues
People that pre ordered those units on day 1 of got them with in the first several weeks. It's people that wanted walk in units that waited months and months(plus those launches were around holiday season)
This is completely different, plus there is a direct competitor this time. If HTC can produce units fast enough it's bad news for Rift
I'm sorry but this sounds like Oculus fanboy hyperbole. It can't be that much more uncomfortable than the Oculus.
But they're saying the Vive gets too hot to use after 30 minutes? That seems like complete hyperbole. Literally no one else has had the same complaint. Sure reviews mention Oculus is more comfortable, but to say the Vive is unusable after 30 minutes is straight up fanboyism. Valve wouldn't ship a broken product.There are a lot of reviews/comparisons that have favoured the comfort of the Oculus over the Vive. In those same reviews Vive has been praised for including touch controls out of the box. This has nothing to do with fanboyism.
I've actually read as much from user impressions. I've ordered them both (not sure which to go forward with), so I'm not quite the fanboy, and I will reserve judgment until I've tried them both myself. But it's a pretty common complaint, even if 30 minutes is a bit exaggerated.