Check your order page. Should be there.
No email yet (I think). You have to check the shop on the Oculus website.
Just got the email
5/23/2016 - 6/2/2016
Original estimate was April. Oh well...
Check your order page. Should be there.
No email yet (I think). You have to check the shop on the Oculus website.
We've updated your Order History with a new shipment window for your Rift.
This window may be later than your original estimate, due to the early component shortage.
As a reminder, we'll send you an email when we charge the payment method on file for your purchase and prepare your shipment. We'll also cover all shipping and handling costs for orders placed through 11:59 PDT on April 1, 2016.
Don't hesitate to reach out to the Oculus Support team if you have any questions. Thank you for supporting the future of virtual reality.
The Oculus Team
I ordered 3 hours after the opening of pre-orders: 5/2/2016 - 5/12/2016Estimated Ship Date
6/13/2016 - 6/23/2016
lol. Guess that's what ordering at the 29 minute mark will do for you.
So they just updated with estimated shipping windows tonight.
My April estimate order is now estimated to ship 5/16 - 5/26.
Uhhhh, yikes.
Kickstarter Backers, we're changing your Order History to show "TBD" instead of the date as that date was applicable to the time in which we imported the orders. We've already fulfilled a large number of the orders and more are being fulfilled on a regular cadence. Your Rifts are from a different allocation.
Hahaha my March order that went to 1-3 weeks, to maybe a few more days, is now 4/25-5/5.
Fuck this. If I get my vive first I'm cancelling this.
I am pretty disappointed with every move they have made so far. These delays are insane, $30 free shipping is a joke at this point.
What if your Vive gets delayed 9 weeks?
Jesus.. lol Ordered 6 minutes in. My estimated shipping date is now 4/18/2016 - 4/28/2016 and I was supposed to be a March order.. I was really hoping to get this before I went out of the country for vacation.
Both Oculus and HTC have really fucked up these launches. This shit would never happen with Sony.
I really wish they would just explain what the hell is going on.
Huh? Mine was 5:05 min in and I'm pushed to May?? Wtf oculus???
Really hope this is case of under promise over deliver. Though with their track record lately..
Really hope this is case of under promise over deliver. Though with their track record lately..
Component shortage.
Based on their shipping recently this estimates are a little surprising.
I am at 6:04 and they shipped up till 5:58 today and I am getting an April 18th to April 28th window. People who had their orders charged and shipped today saw the same window before the shipping updated on their order.
I was also having a constant juddering every 20 seconds or so. It was really bothering me, I tried to search for it, turns out f.lux is the cause for this. I just uninstalled it and voila. No more issues.
the halo effect is pretty bad, it was really surprising since DK2 didn't seem to have this at all.
Just saw those rift user am I glad I went with the Vive. Vive looks a million times more fun anyway. I want to be fully immersed.
My updated shipping date is 3-4 weeks from now, but I'll live. I get that people are upset, but calm down everyone!Sometimes you get dealt a shitty hand, but that's just how it is.
For those talking about this being the worst launch ever, and other such hyperbole, take a few steps back. This isn't unusual at all. Due to me backing a lot of Kickstarter projects, the vast majority of stuff I get sent is delayed, sometimes significantly (over a year).
Also, I live in Europe and have tried to buy Harmonix games at launch. That'll make you jaded, trust me.
Don't be daft. This isn't a Kickstarter. It's a retail launch from a major company, not a couple of guys in their garage.
This is a mess, through and through, and a paper launch for the Rift at best.
Ok damn just did some passive content, super cool. Started with dream deck. Spent some extra time on top of the skyscraper. Walked toward the edge and fiddled with stepping off. Was surprisingly hard to get myself to conpletely step off. Also crawled on hands and knees and peered over the ledge. So trippy. Could see myself doing stupid stuff like this for way too long. Tracking is so much better than dk2 my God.
Sitting around the fire with polygon animals is really fun too. The mini city diorama is ridiculously cool and cute at the same time. Even though i couldnt interact i found myself giggling.
Light leakage not nearly as noticeable as earlier, the morning light made it much more apparent and its still very good to have while walking blindly.
Speaking of which the only other thing i got to try was farlands. Messing around in the cockpit with tracking i was able to walk all the way back to the ladder, turn around, and walk up to the canopy and controls. Easily a good 10 feet. Taking full steps in VR is something ive dreamed about for a long time. Finally being able to do that is a godsend, even if i still cant touch yet.
Anyway just taking a bathroom break, going to hop back in and try aome Luckys Tale.
I feel sorry for the developers tied to Home, I really don't want to spend my money there at all and I was gung-ho about this.
At this point my biggest dissapointment is Touch. It's not launching this year. And if it does it will be a clusterfuck with 9 people getting it December 31st.
I'm keeping my preorder because I believe in VR and a Vive would come late... but I have zero faith in Oculus as a company now and will be going out of my way to NOT purchase games on Home. This has shown me that they don't value me as a customer. No transparency, no communication (I have to read fucking twitter and reddit to get official statements?!), and a feeling of general disregard for their customers.
I'm really curious where they go with official statements from here on out. This had been a joke.
I feel sorry for the developers tied to Home, I really don't want to spend my money there at all and I was gung-ho about this.
Some kickstarter backers are apparently getting a range of 7/25/2016 - 8/4/2016
Oh fuck what?? The only reason I didn't preorder was because it was suggested we'd get them early. I'd have tried to get an early preorder if I though I'd be waiting four fucking months to get one. On the plus side, we might have a view of what touch will do by then..
I hope you haven't read the Steam user agreement then.