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Oculus Rift Launch Thread: Ballpark 2016

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Man I just want to get back home and play some more Lucky's Tale, Chronos, or Farlands.

I also must give Technolust a try. It launched on Oculus Home yesterday and I downloaded last night but ran out of time to launch it.

Haven't done Henry yet either. Lost was cool if not a bit short. The blacks weren't really dark enough to sell the whole along in the woods in the middle of the night, it was plainly obvious that I was instead looking at a dark grey screen. But once things started happening it became much less prevalent.


There are no good Fly to Kuma impressions online and it bugs me. I'm only seeing, like, pre-launch expo impressions from Polygon.

Does it have a fast-forward button? Do the puzzles get hard? buh
Does anyone else who has a CV1 have an issue with the headset where it causes too much pressure on your forehead, right above your eyebrows? I've never had an issue with the DK2 at all, but the CV1 is super super uncomfortable. I'm trying to adjust it as much as I can, to make sure it's not too tight, but man, I might pull straps off my DK2 and throw them on the CV1, because it's not pleasant at all for some reason.


Neo Member
Try putting the part on the back of your head further down, maybe? Reports I've seen are that you want that part lower than you'd think and the straps overall to be looser than you'd think.
I'm still trying to find the balance between it being as comfortable as can be while having the clearest image. While playing Lucky's Tale I found I had to lower my headset or tilt it up more to get back some clarity. I'm hoping soon I can just be completely immersed without these little issues that make me conscious of the thing on my face.


After even more mulling, I decided to not actually pull out my pre-order. I still really want to A/B test both HMDs, and I figure it will not be hard to sell on if I don't want to keep it.

Still pretty unhappy about the whole thing, though. Doesn't inspire a lot of faith that Touch is going to have a smooth launch.
In the devices section of Oculus home, I have errors for both the headset and sensor saying that I need to update the driver for the USB, even though I'm using the pcie to USB hub that oculus recommend, with the latest drivers that they supply. Everything works and is connected, it just says that I may experience tracking errors because the drivers aren't updated.


In the devices section of Oculus home, I have errors for both the headset and sensor saying that I need to update the driver for the USB, even though I'm using the pcie to USB hub that oculus recommend, with the latest drivers that they supply. Everything works and is connected, it just says that I may experience tracking errors because the drivers aren't updated.

Frankly, I'd only worry about that if tracking errors actually happen. If everything works, who cares what the software says might happen?
Thread title is almost starting to sound overly optimistic for some. I got my shipping email today, should get mine in August if there are no more delays. At least maybe Touch will be out by then.


That may be true but that is not what AgeEighty's post said. He said many reviews noted vive being less comfortable. That is completely different than being unusable after half an hour.

No, I was definitely calling out the "literally" thing.


In the devices section of Oculus home, I have errors for both the headset and sensor saying that I need to update the driver for the USB, even though I'm using the pcie to USB hub that oculus recommend, with the latest drivers that they supply. Everything works and is connected, it just says that I may experience tracking errors because the drivers aren't updated.
Is this the Inateck USB card? Microsoft's generic Win 10 drivers are working perfectly for me.


I'm not sure whether I actually like it as a platformer or not, but Lucky's Tale is gorgeous. The graphical style does a great job of masking pretty much all the limitations of the headset. I was a bit skeptical of a 3rd person camera, but it is a great showpiece for the hmd. Simple stuff like being able to look behind environmental obstacles and creatures reacting to you leaning into them really make the world feel alive. Hopefully the difficulty ramps up a bit in the later levels, this could really be something special if the gameplay becomes more interesting.

Is anyone a heavy Virtual Desktop user? I kind of regret getting it at the moment. So far I've used it to play Destiny on a giant screen and make this post, but the image quality isn't really good enough to make me want to keep using it. Maybe I just need to mess with the settings some more.
Saw this linked on Reddit:


"The hardware is almost identical. The software and APIs [application program interface] are almost identical. The specs are almost identical," Moore continued. "The Vive can do seated and standing and the Vive you can mount both your lighthouses on one wall. And on the Oculus you can move one of the cameras to the back corner and get room scale."

For context, Fantastic Contraption is bundled with the Vive. Just further evidence that claims to the contrary are nonsense.

The only thing preventing room scale on the Rift is the lack of a system standard chaperone system. And since Steam VR has chaperone, and will work with Touch controllers... it's really not an issue for those of us playing the waiting game for Touch.

Which hopefully won't be like the waiting game for the Rift. But given that I'm apparently in the same place I was in the queue for the Rift... well. I'll be pre-ordering my Touch controllers as soon as Oculus let me.
It wouldn't be surprising to see Oculus come up with their own type of chaperone system by the time Touch is out. In fact, I'd pretty much be surprised if they didn't.
Will Smith's The FOO Show was the first experience I had where I forgot I was wearing my Rift. I ended up hitting my face on my closet door when leaning in to look at an item in the Firewatch scene. Pretty cool!

I think I found the right fit for the headset. It really does need to feel looser than what you would initially think, but now I have optimal clarity and comfort.


Saw this linked on Reddit:


For context, Fantastic Contraption is bundled with the Vive. Just further evidence that claims to the contrary are nonsense.

The only thing preventing room scale on the Rift is the lack of a system standard chaperone system. And since Steam VR has chaperone, and will work with Touch controllers... it's really not an issue for those of us playing the waiting game for Touch.

Which hopefully won't be like the waiting game for the Rift. But given that I'm apparently in the same place I was in the queue for the Rift... well. I'll be pre-ordering my Touch controllers as soon as Oculus let me.

don't think many people are saying oculus touch can't do room scale volume tracking (slightly smaller than vive and with more difficult setup notwithstanding). Doesn't matter if it can track - if oculus only officially state support for forward facing, then devs will have to support that.


Everytime I use PayPal on my computer, my virus software tells me that the Oculus app is running and doing something.

Anyone know what's going on here? Every single time I use PayPal or go to the PayPal website, I get this notice from my virus software (360 Total Security) that the Oculus Rift software is doing something...


Epic just put the classic "Showdown" demo up on Oculus Home's store. Fucking mesmerizing.

I was never able to run it properly on my old computer with the DK2 when they finally released it for that, but sweet Jesus is it good on CV1 with a decent rig (I'm "only" rocking a 970 atm and it runs flawlessly). Fuck me we really need some AAA VR games stat. That was the most amazing visual effects demo I think I've ever seen.


Epic just put the classic "Showdown" demo up on Oculus Home's store. Fucking mesmerizing.

I was never able to run it properly on my old computer with the DK2 when they finally released it for that, but sweet Jesus is it good on CV1 with a decent rig (I'm "only" rocking a 970 atm and it runs flawlessly). Fuck me we really need some AAA VR games stat. That was the most amazing visual effects demo I think I've ever seen.
Oh, neat. Is it free?
Also, does it include shadows? Apparently it used to when it was first shown but it no longer did when they released it for DK2. Maybe it would require a monster pc or something.


I just received an email saying my Rift has been delivered at home. Signed by a name I don't recognize.
Its probably the name of the doorman or something. I'm okay, not worried at all.😑
don't think many people are saying oculus touch can't do room scale volume tracking (slightly smaller than vive and with more difficult setup notwithstanding). Doesn't matter if it can track - if oculus only officially state support for forward facing, then devs will have to support that.
Aside from a few control differences I don't really see why I can't just buy room scale experiences on Steam, in that case, which is exactly what Valve would want anyways.
I just got a processing email, even though my expected delivery date is 9th - 16th May.

Makes sense. Those delivery dates are based on order time. The thing is that they are shipping by region so in Europe there are less total orders to go through regardless of order time. There are 11min orders going out in that region.


Aside from a few control differences I don't really see why I can't just buy room scale experiences on Steam, in that case, which is exactly what Valve would want anyways.

They still have to be updated to support rift - they don't automatically work unless the dev puts that in. Hopefully they'll leave in the option for full tracking but I would expect most to update for 'official' front facing touch support


Yesteday I got the email with the estimated delivery date at 5/19/2016. Today I got the VISA charge from oculus (I am from Spain).

In summary, I do not understand anything.
Yesteday I got the email with the estimated delivery date at 5/19/2016. Today I got the VISA charge from oculus (I am from Spain).

In summary, I do not understand anything.

What is your preorder time? I'm from Norway with a preorder time of 8 minutes past, and I haven't been charged yet.


So the best thing to do is own both

Yeah, if you can handle the thought of one more VR solution most likely going extinct within a few months.. I ended up canceling one of my pre-orders because while I can afford two, I can't really defend buying a third and better VR solution (with eyetracking/foveated f.ex.) most likely coming sooner rather than later..
Very quick impressions from about 3.5 hours with my Rift which arrived yesterday:

-Very nice finish
-Easy to put on and off
-IPD adjustment is probably the only thing that felt cheap
-Headphones are awesome!
-Slightly less SDE compared to Vive
-Slightly smaller FOV compared to Vive
-GodRays, when they are there they are very annoying, I'd say worse than Vive
-Easy setup, and home system works well. I liked that they have a calibration screen.
-Tracking worked perfectly
-*** Comfort is great once I adjusted it. I played for hours without a problem. For me this is as big a positive for the Rift as roomscale and motion controllers are for Vive. I did have to fidget with it from time to time. Sweet spot seemed a bit larger than Vive.

-Luckys Tale is breathtaking. Platform fans will lose their minds. I love how when you go underground similar to a warp pipe it changes to this diorama mode.
-Eve Valkyrie. Also jaw dropping for me. I was in the Alpha on the DK2 and really like this game. Looking for some wingman to team with.
-Dreamdeck is a great intro to VR. I still can't walk off the edge of the skyscraper. And for those looking to relive their crescent bay experience, showdown. Is now available separately and is also awesome.
-Lost is a great way to experience the scale that VR can deliver
-Henry was really cute and worth giving a try. Looking forward to more of this kind of immersive animation
-Video app was not impressive with Facebook video. Poor quality and poor scale. Ditto for Jaunt and pictures.
-Porn VRP video quality and player and fanf&@king tastic. Feels like cheating.
-Also tried the Pokemon snap like alien game. I liked it, and will revisit it for 5-10 minutes a few times a week. Graphics are amazing.

Tonight I will try Chronos, Elite, and Project Cars.

Overall I am super psyched. Easily worth 600 for this thing.
Few other folks on Reddit are saying the same, updated May estimates but just got "order processing" e-mails. Maybe those estimates were pretty conservative after all?

Not getting my hopes up. They have constantly been shipping randomly since 3/28. It's volume that gets me my Rift sooner, not a few lucky people with late estimates.

Reading all the impressions Dreamdecks seems to be the go to introduction for people, really excited about that.


Neo Member
There are some general things we've come to understand from impressions and reviews:

- The Rift is more comfortable for long gameplay sessions.
- The Vive is better for those that wear glasses.
- The Vive's controls provide a far more immersive VR experience out of the box.
- The Rift currently has the better selection of complete games.

Personal feelings on these sorts of impressions is going to vary from person to person. But the general vibe has remained the same on the above points.

As someone that only owns a Vive, I'll add that it still isn't that great with glasses (at least with the pairs I own).
Getting my Rift today and planning to take it and my PC over to show it to a few friends tomorrow. We plan to project the PC screen to a TV and play in a living room, so hopefully there will be enough space to walk around a bit for demos. Showing it to at least one non-gamer as well so will be interested to see their reaction. (I've never experienced VR myself so prepared for it to be a complete dud or awesome, who knows)

Are there any 2+ player experiences worth getting for Rift? I saw Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes already but didn't notice anything else when browsing the store.

What are the best demos and things to show off? I already downloaded dream deck and all the free stuff, plus EVE Valkyrie and Elite Dangerous.

Edit: wondering if it's worth getting Project CARS if I don't have a wheel.


As someone that only owns a Vive, I'll add that it still isn't that great with glasses (at least with the pairs I own).

No VR headset is ever going to be great with glasses. By virtue of having to block outside light, it has to create a seal against the face. The frames of glasses have a natural gap between them and the face up until around the ears. Thus there's always going to be some level of inward pressure on the frame which is less than desirable. At best, you'll have something that's acceptable. At worst, something that wont even physically fit the frame.

Any way you cut it though, you're sacrificing FoV by wearing them. VR and corrective glasses are two pieces of technology inherently at odds until they're merged into one. The closest we'll get to that from the current gen is by affixing prescription lenses to the existing optics. Still would be sacrificing a small bit of FoV, but less than glasses proper, and it wouldn't come with the comfort/fitting issues.
That reminds me of something. The DK2 has a particular smell, and after all my experiences with that headset, just the smell alone makes my stomach prepare for whatever may come, which is not a good thing. Does the CV eliminate the smell problem?
It seems there is a smell, but different and much less harsh than DK2:


Hopefully the fact it is an entirely different smell, combined with more refined hardware and software, means there won't be any initial sim sickness to start a new association with smell that could be triggered later on.


There are some general things we've come to understand from impressions and reviews:
- The Vive is better for those that wear glasses.

Relatively speaking, the Vive is more comfortable with glasses in the sense that the overall comfort doesn't go down as much.

But even with glasses, the Rift is still the more comfortable headset.

So long as you put it on and take it off right. Which of course means it has a bit of a learning curve with glasses (it involves putting the front on first then bringing the back down, as opposed to hooking the headset around the back of the head then bringing it down in front).

Also on both headsets, you can push the bridge of the glasses forward a bit once the headset is on so that the spacers aren't pushing into your nose/eye socket area.
From what I read, the big difference for glasses people is that the Vive offers a slide to move the lenses and have more space for the glasses. But I remember how the Tested guy said the Vive has the same problem as the Rift being a glasses user: both pinches on the side of the temples, pressing the arms of the glasses to the head too much.


Yeah, it is. Does Oculus Home say they need to be updated?
Not with the generic Win 10 drivers for me. The actual Inateck drivers were super-old, and I believe that I got that message with them before I nuked them and switched over to the new generic driver.


Oh, neat. Is it free?
Also, does it include shadows? Apparently it used to when it was first shown but it no longer did when they released it for DK2. Maybe it would require a monster pc or something.

Yes it is free, and no it doesn't have real time shadows. Totally forgot about that. I remember reading that before. How did I not notice that the first time I ran the demo? I guess I was so enamored by the models and particle effects combined with the tracking that I wasn't paying attention. But yea it's plain as day when I run it now lol. Still lovely in motion. Will absolutely show to first timers directly after Dreamdeck.


Does anyone else who has a CV1 have an issue with the headset where it causes too much pressure on your forehead, right above your eyebrows? I've never had an issue with the DK2 at all, but the CV1 is super super uncomfortable. I'm trying to adjust it as much as I can, to make sure it's not too tight, but man, I might pull straps off my DK2 and throw them on the CV1, because it's not pleasant at all for some reason.

The headset has a tilt mechanism, just tilt the bottom more to your cheeks and the top off your forehead. They really should do an official adjustment video with tips and tricks cause most people probably aren't aware of half the adjustments they have on this thing.


The UE4 "Showdown" demo was put on the Oculus store last night under the free "Concepts" section.

Website blurb for the entry says this:

Showdown is a VR action cinematic that takes you through a guns-blazing scenario in slow motion. This version uses the experimental Oculus fast forward renderer to enable significantly higher pixel density and 4x MSAA. The result is a razor-sharp, high-definition experience at full frame rate.

I have never heard this experimental renderer mentioned before, but I watched it in the DK2 last night (before I knew that website entry existed) and immediately the first thing I commented on was the image quality. Should download and watch this scene for yourself if you have a DK2 or CV headset because it is fuckin' neato.
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