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Oculus Rift Launch Thread: Ballpark 2016

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Impressions can shift from person to person simply because well, we have different faces (cheek bones, face width, nose shape, etc). I'm sure comfort will indeed be reported differently, and on the occasion to an extreme level, from some.
A month and a half. By the time I get it I feel VR is old news and we have moved on to holograms. Well all of you get to test it for me. I expect a huge report of what and what not to play/do.


I wonder how much of the heat thing is due to physical activity.

How is rift going to be heat wise when you're flailing around in Audioshield with Touch in 6 months?

I've heard comments about it being hot too, possibly due to it being more sealed - the rift has a hole at the bottom around the nose, which has also drawn criticism for not blocking out light.

I think we are likely to see quite a few mods for vive from the community once there are more out in the wild. Less so for the rift as it seems well made from a comfort point of view.

mr stroke

You're actually proving my point now because of the fact that you seem to have forgotten certain important details about the PS4 launch, details that were considered disasters at the time. Why don't you remember them? Well, see my post above and you'll have your answer.

A couple of examples:

- Scandinavian countries got a mere fraction of their promised shipments, leaving the vast majority of pre-orders unfulfilled for a long time. No information was provided for a long time.
- There was no information about when someone could expect to get a new PS4.
- There was no indication that those who had pre-ordered might not get a PS4 during the first few months until close to launch.
- Stores could not inform their customers of when they'd get stock back in. They kept guessing. Sometimes stock would appear briefly, and then be sold out or delivered to pre-orders. People were enormously frustrated.

So no, the PS4 launch wasn't as smooth and predictable as you remember it. It was pretty damn shitty, and it generated a huge amount of negativity at the time, here on NeoGAF included. But we don't remember it, because that's how people work. Figures.

Maybe we're in different countries

Because AFAIK everyone that PRE ORDERED PS4's and Wii's on "pre order day 1" at game stop, Best Buy, etc. got theirs. It was release day walk ins that had issues. Rifts problem is they can't even fulfill first minute preorders. If I walked into a game stop on day 1 of pre oders to place a deposit (which I did) I got my PS4 on release day


I've heard comments about it being hot too, possibly due to it being more sealed - the rift has a hole at the bottom around the nose, which has also drawn criticism for not blocking out light.

I think we are likely to see quite a few mods for vive from the community once there are more out in the wild. Less so for the rift as it seems well made from a comfort point of view.

I also heard one person, I think it was a review but I can't be sure because I've read so god damn much about this crap, mention the hole in the oculus as a negative because it doesn't block your breath (and some heat as a result) from coming up through that hole.


The Birthday Skeleton
I've heard comments about it being hot too, possibly due to it being more sealed - the rift has a hole at the bottom around the nose, which has also drawn criticism for not blocking out light.

I think we are likely to see quite a few mods for vive from the community once there are more out in the wild. Less so for the rift as it seems well made from a comfort point of view.

The heat part is bullshit. Unless it comes as a result of the physical exercise. You can go through Apollo 11 for example without any significant difference in temperature.

Now, if you play Audioshield on hard for 30 minutes it will burn your soul at the first run, but not because the temperature of the screen.


so mines now over 2 months away and they still want £30 shipping, i'll pass and cancel, definitely not paying the ridiculous £60 shipping on the vive either

what's this i've been hearing about the vive being available at UK retail next month? that true? will buy if it is


so mines now over 2 months away and they still want £30 shipping, i'll pass and cancel, definitely not paying the ridiculous £60 shipping on the vive either

what's this i've been hearing about the vive being available at UK retail next month? that true? will buy if it is

Oculus should be handling the shipping fees now actually.
Maybe we're in different countries

Because AFAIK everyone that PRE ORDERED PS4's and Wii's on "pre order day 1" at game stop, Best Buy, etc. got theirs. It was release day walk ins that had issues. Rifts problem is they can't even fulfill first minute preorders. If I walked into a game stop on day 1 of pre oders to place a deposit (which I did) I got my PS4 on release day

I must admit that while I'm aware of the phenomenon that causes us humans to forget problematic launches, I'm also just as susceptible to it as anyone else. I barely remember the details, but it's slowly coming back to me as we have this conversation.

The situation for the PS4 was pretty acceptable in the US, I'm starting to recall. The reason for this was that Sony, experiencing major shipment issues that meant they had far less stock at launch day than they had expected, decided to more or less abandon Europe. They took the stock that had been promised (in public) to European retailers and sent it to the USA instead. The results were miserable. Entire countries received a couple hundred PS4s each in the worst cases. Scandinavia got hit hard. We had been officially promised more than enough stock to both fulfill pre-orders and to let people wander into a store and buy a console on day 1, but when release date came closer, they quietly went back on their promise. The company that is responsible for Scandinavian distribution of Sony products received a mere fraction of the stock they had been promised for each of the countries... and this fraction of one country's stock had to be divided across the entirety of Scandinavia.

My local store got one of the largest shipments in Norway because they required deposits for pre-orders, which gave them clout in negotiations with the distributor. They received a little more than 30 consoles for launch day. They had to inform people who had pre-ordered months in advance that they wouldn't get a console on launch day, and there was no available information about when they would be able to get one. Norway as a whole had only a couple hundred consoles to get by with. There's one number rolling around in the back of my head, but I can't vouch for its accuracy. I believe Scandinavia got roughly 3000 consoles to divide among the countries.

It was like this for most of Europe, as I remember it. Horror stories came out of Germany in particular, possibly Europe's largest market. Promises Sony had made in public were broken, no reasons were given, no information was provided, and all we could do was watch Americans get pampered with in comparison. It was a disaster in every way possible.

Yet here we are, 3 years later, and we barely remember any of it because that's the way it works. I had completely forgotten about it myself until this Rift situation stimulated my memory. This despite NeoGAF being a clusterf**k of whining and complaining at the time, at a scale that makes the Rift and Vive launches come off as hugely successful from a PR perspective.

Oculus will be fine. Valve will be fine. Sony will be fine too after they also fuck up their PSVR launch somehow. The world will continue to revolve, and people will continue to forget. It's the natural cycle of being a hardware enthusiast. Woe is us.

Edit: I seem to recall that not even USA got the PS4 shipments that had been promised, but the difference was smaller than Europe's, so it wasn't as noticeable. Someone correct me if I remember wrong.
But they're saying the Vive gets too hot to use after 30 minutes? That seems like complete hyperbole. Literally no one else has had the same complaint. Sure reviews mention Oculus is more comfortable, but to say the Vive is unusable after 30 minutes is straight up fanboyism. Valve wouldn't ship a broken product.

It could be a defective unit. It could be a situational problem for a specific user.

Edit: comparing the Oculus/Vive launches to something like PS4 doesn't make much sense. It's a completely different type of launch.


I've actually read as much from user impressions. I've ordered them both (not sure which to go forward with), so I'm not quite the fanboy, and I will reserve judgment until I've tried them both myself. But it's a pretty common complaint, even if 30 minutes is a bit exaggerated.

Most if not all impressions I've read/watched cite the Rift as the more comfortable headset. It's the main factor driving my choice at this point. I fully recognize that the Vive offers more diversity out of the box right now, but I hope the Rift makes up some ground with Touch later in the year. All in all, I don't think you can go wrong one way or the other.

I'm still hoping for some major announcement from Oculus today. That was confirmed to be happening right?
I'm sorry but this sounds like Oculus fanboy hyperbole. It can't be that much more uncomfortable than the Oculus.

You can think what you want, but I dont even have my Rift yet. So we will see. The vive at its best produces an amazing experience that at least for now the Rift can't beat (based on my experience with CBay, and the lack of motion controllers and room scale). If that statement helps you feel better? I have a DK2 and it has the same problem as the Vive. I couldn't play Eve Valkyrie for more than two matches before it became uncomfortable. I have tried Crescent Bay, but it was a short demo, so I am still not sure how the rift will be. It should arrive today so soon I will be able to comment.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Your point is invalid

PS4 and Wii launches didn't have these issues

People that pre ordered those units on day 1 of got them with in the first several weeks. It's people that wanted walk in units that waited months and months(plus those launches were around holiday season)

This is completely different, plus there is a direct competitor this time. If HTC can produce units fast enough it's bad news for Rift

It's only been 2 weeks since the Rift officially launched.


They were already shipping without motion controls, which was a serious misstep. Now this.. I have a feeling we won't be seeing much from Oculus in 2017. It's good they kickstarted VR, but now it's time for actual game and hardware companies to take command. The writing was on the wall the second they were purchased by Facebook of all companies.

There is literally not a single reason to buy an Oculus over a Vive at this point. Identical shipping time, identical headsets. only one of them is truly an immersive experience. The only way they could right this wrong and append the damage is by giving everyone who had an order in the first 10 minutes some proper compensation.

Early April to Early June is ridiculous. I wanted Oculus to succeed, but this is straight bananas. I bet Zuckerberg is pissed.

How about living in San Jose and not being wealthy enough to rent a place with the needed room for it to operate? :p

I'm probably just going to cancel my Rift order and forego VR for this generation. I still have a DK2 if I ever get the itch to try a new Oculus experience.



Oculus said:
The component shortage impacted our quantities more than we expected, and we’ve updated the shipment window to reflect these changes. We apologize for the delay.

We’re delivering Rifts to customers every day, and we’re focused on getting Rifts out the door as fast as we can. We’ve taken steps to address the component shortage, and we’ll continue shipping in higher volumes each week. We’ve also increased our manufacturing capacity to allow us to deliver in higher quantities, faster. Many Rifts will ship less than four weeks from original estimates, and we hope to beat the new estimates we’ve provided.

Hope they manage to beat the estimates. The Rift is awesome and I wish more people out there had headsets.
But they're saying the Vive gets too hot to use after 30 minutes? That seems like complete hyperbole. Literally no one else has had the same complaint. Sure reviews mention Oculus is more comfortable, but to say the Vive is unusable after 30 minutes is straight up fanboyism. Valve wouldn't ship a broken product.
The DK2 feels uncomfortable almost immediately for me. By 10 mins I'd rather take it off. And if I'm sim racing frantically, it does feel 'hot' to some extent by 15 mins. So I can understand that a headset with a better strap design but still fairly front-heavy could feel 'hot' after 30 mins depending on what you're doing, the room temperature, how tightly it is strapped, how well the facial interface conforms to your face, how sensitive your skin is to the material, etc. That's already double the time, so I could describe that twice as comfortable as DK2...

It's not necessarily hyperbole. The poster said they could persevere beyond 30 mins if they had to, in the same way that I've managed 1+ hour sessions with DK2, but whether you'd want to continue is another matter.
The DK2 feels uncomfortable almost immediately for me.

That reminds me of something. The DK2 has a particular smell, and after all my experiences with that headset, just the smell alone makes my stomach prepare for whatever may come, which is not a good thing. Does the CV eliminate the smell problem?
That reminds me of something. The DK2 has a particular smell, and after all my experiences with that headset, just the smell alone makes my stomach prepare for whatever may come, which is not a good thing. Does the CV eliminate the smell problem?
I had the same problem. I believe we can be confident that CV1 doesn't have a harsh chemical smell. :)


Well, I thought about it overnight like I said I would, and I'm gonna bounce on my order for now. It'd be arriving around the same time as my Vive when I was there an hour before the website even went up trying to get my Rift order in.

Hopefully I moved a GAFer up in line.

Hello everyone,
As there is quite a bit of confusion swirling around, I want to make sure that we clarify a few things about failed payment, order processing and shipping estimates in a single location. I've posted in a number of threads, and as the information isn't cascading well, I hope this centralized post will clear up some of that confusion.

Payment Failures
After reviewing the payment failures, a LARGE number of them are due to insufficient funds or blocks enabled by the banking institution tied to the payment instrument. These can lead to delays as this will result in your order being placed on a payment hold. We cannot ship your Rift until we auth and capture the full payment. Please make sure that you have sufficient funds available on either your credit card or PayPal, and reach out to the associated banking institution to make sure that there are no special fraud holds or other reasons why they may block the payment.

Order Processing
If your payment fails for any reason, your order will be placed on a payment hold. If you updated any of your order information, whether that be shipping or payment, your order will be placed on hold as there are a number of checks on the new information that must be completed before the hold can be released. If we tried to pull the funds and were unsuccessful, YOU DO NOT LOSE YOUR PLACE IN THE QUEUE. Once the information is updated and the holds are released, your order will attempt to be processed in the subsequent batch for your region. If it fails again, the same process applies. This said, if your payment fails, your order is skipped for the current batch as we must proceed with the successful orders. Each region does not ship every day as it is dependent on having stock in the warehouse. We are shipping globally, and ship as soon as product is kitted and ready to be assigned to orders.

Shipping Estimates for Processing Orders
If we have either already tried to pull the funds and were unsuccessful, or we authorized the full amount on your payment instrument and you are in processing, IGNORE YOUR SHIPPING ESTIMATE ON YOUR ORDER HISTORY. The shipping estimate on that page is not dynamic and will not change based on order status. We could be a bit ahead of schedule for your specific order.

I won't be answering specific order inquiries on this thread as I don't want this to turn into an AMA. If there is general confusion about anything above, I will work to clear that up.
We're as frustrated about the delays as all of you. Yes, I sincerely apologize for my initial comment on the 1-3 weeks email. Unfortunately the situation changed quickly and estimates were modified, hence the extra time we needed for the April 11th update (which was initially planned for the 12th). There was no intentional deception, and when I found out, I was heartbroken. Truth.

Thanks for hanging in there with us. For those that are upset, I can empathize, and while I can ask for more patience, I know that is a tall order. Everyone is really working around the clock here to make this right. The road to consumer VR has been long, but it is worth the wait. That I promise. Whatever headset you choose, just know that VR is real, it is here, and we're all working hard to bring quality VR experiences to the masses.
<3 ]-)


Well, I thought about it overnight like I said I would, and I'm gonna bounce on my order for now. It'd be arriving around the same time as my Vive when I was there an hour before the website even went up trying to get my Rift order in.

Hopefully I moved a GAFer up in line.

Hopefully :)

I've been thinking the same thing though. My :13 order is now mid May apparently and my Vive should be early May.

Oculus has done such a poor job executing this launch I'm starting to loose the faith I've had in them since DK1.

It it weren't for the more comfortable HMD and better screen I would have cancelled long ago.


Pffft, I was trying to load the pre-order page since before they opened up and I ended up at :31. :(

Wait, you're complaining about "Oculus fanboyism" and then make this sort of shitpost? Really?
I posted that right after I got my email, so I was a little butt hurt. I have both headsets on preorder but if this delay is any indicator we won't see the Touch controllers until December... And I feel that motion controls are an essential part of the VR experience. It was a shit post though, there's tons of stuff Oculus does better and I really like the design better.

I liked VR better when it was a pipe dream and everyone was friendly about possibilities. Now that it's arriving for the few the pessimism and fanboy shit posts are unavoidable. That's why I didn't push my silly argument and instead opted to discuss in PM.


if this delay is any indicator we won't see the Touch controllers until December

Depending on where the component issue is in the supply chain, this current issue may not necessarily affect Touch manufacturing. Not enough information to say either way.


Threw a vr open house on saturday inviting coworkers, family, and friends to try out the rift.
From 1pm to 9pm there was a steady stream of people it never stopped i was really exhausted by the end.

- No one left unimpressed. There was this one guy who was saying "what's the point of vr" but when he finally got to try it he was one of the most reactive! His favorite was probably lucky's tale even though he was one of the worst players. I've never seen lucky die so much.

- everyone lamented at the lack of legs more so than arms? It was probably because they wanted to see where they were standing in vr more than moving their arms around. When the 2nd generation vr comes around, they should have something like leapmotion integrated so they can map a basic model of their body.

- People took advantage to walk around and look in games and in the movie shorts. I had a 5x5' area they could freely walk around and many of them were almost at the edge half the time.

- best reception was the pinball game, lucky's tale, and elite dangerous. there were a couple of pinball fans so they really took to the game and played it for some time. for elite dangerous, i had people sit and just experience a launch which i piloted for them slowly.

- when people were waiting to try it on and were watching others go through the demos, they underestimated the immersion until they tried it themselves.

- one guy really wanted to play eve valk but i told him that i didn't have enough c: space to keep both it and elite dangerous.

- when people asked about vr i also told them about the vive and psvr just so they have slightly more rounded knowledge.

Overall it was great, we had a fire and deserts out in the patio so either people were playing inside or relaxing outside until their turns came.


Depending on where the component issue is in the supply chain, this current issue may not necessarily affect Touch manufacturing. Not enough information to say either way.
I think it's just the lack of transparency on the matter that really bugs me. Coupled with the fact that they waited until the last possible second to provide customers with an updated shipping date. It really seems like they knew about this issue 3 or more weeks ago, and they waited until Vive shipment estimates were August to bestow this news upon us. I knew there would be a delay, but I figured 1-2 weeks max. Not 2 months. It's kind of strange that they waited as long as they did to tell people what was going on, and now are keeping the details of what happened a secret. As a customer, it doesn't give me confidence in future products.

You can think what you want, but I dont even have my Rift yet. So we will see. The vive at its best produces an amazing experience that at least for now the Rift can't beat (based on my experience with CBay, and the lack of motion controllers and room scale). If that statement helps you feel better? I have a DK2 and it has the same problem as the Vive. I couldn't play Eve Valkyrie for more than two matches before it became uncomfortable. I have tried Crescent Bay, but it was a short demo, so I am still not sure how the rift will be. It should arrive today so soon I will be able to comment.
I think I'm beginning to get disappointed with this whole thing. The technology just doesn't seem ready yet, even as expensive as it is. Sorry about the hyperbole thing. Ive never tried VR for more than quick demos, so that 30 minutes to an hour thing really seemed hyperbolic, but maybe it really is just a shorter experience. I was planning on playing for hours on end, and VR reigniting a lost passion for gaming .. I guess that's just hyperbole too.
Threw a vr open house on saturday inviting coworkers, family, and friends to try out the rift.
From 1pm to 9pm there was a steady stream of people it never stopped i was really exhausted by the end.

- No one left unimpressed. There was this one guy who was saying "what's the point of vr" but when he finally got to try it he was one of the most reactive! His favorite was probably lucky's tale even though he was one of the worst players. I've never seen lucky die so much.

- everyone lamented at the lack of legs more so than arms? It was probably because they wanted to see where they were standing in vr more than moving their arms around. When the 2nd generation vr comes around, they should have something like leapmotion integrated so they can map a basic model of their body.

- People took advantage to walk around and look in games and in the movie shorts. I had a 5x5' area they could freely walk around and many of them were almost at the edge half the time.

- best reception was the pinball game, lucky's tale, and elite dangerous. there were a couple of pinball fans so they really took to the game and played it for some time. for elite dangerous, i had people sit and just experience a launch which i piloted for them slowly.

- when people were waiting to try it on and were watching others go through the demos, they underestimated the immersion until they tried it themselves.

- one guy really wanted to play eve valk but i told him that i didn't have enough c: space to keep both it and elite dangerous.

- when people asked about vr i also told them about the vive and psvr just so they have slightly more rounded knowledge.

Overall it was great, we had a fire and deserts out in the patio so either people were playing inside or relaxing outside until their turns came.

Doesn't sound like a social experience at all.

Good stuff!! Thanks for the impressions from others.


In regards to Touch, I'm ok with waiting. It "appears" to be the superior input and I'm fine with waiting as long as it works like it should. I'm honestly fine with the delay in the Rift launch. I'd really only be pissed if we had a red ring of death situation with the headsets.


Played a little bit of Chronos last night before bed. The atmosphere in that game is off the charts. Sometimes your position as the camera feels a little too far away from your character, but the sense of being in the space is crazy. Lot of good use of layered foreground/backgrounds as you play through. Being outside in that thunderstorm is awesome though. Very good audio too, the cracks of the thunder sent chills up my spine once or twice.

Lucky's Tale has been the most instantly pleasant and enjoyable experience so far though. Platformers are just so cool in VR. Love the underground segments especially, but they are way too short. It's sad knowing this game is only a couple hours long. There better be a Lucky's Tale 2!
How do I reset the orientation when in Oculus Home? I know in games you press the select button and it centers the view to your current position, but how do I do this for Oculus Home?


How do I reset the orientation when in Oculus Home? I know in games you press the select button and it centers the view to your current position, but how do I do this for Oculus Home?

The only way I could reset that was going through the full initial setup again. Kind of annoying but only takes a minute or two the second time around. It's in that initial scanning room where they tell you to face which direction you want to be permanently "forward" in Oculus Home.


Anyone know when VR covers for the Rift will go on sale? Has the owner mentioned anywhere? They only have Vive and GearVR ones as of now.


You really don't know what the word "literally" means.

Many reviews have mentioned that the Vive is less comfortable for long play sessions.

Do you know what the word "same" means? He was referring to vive being "too hot to use" after 30 minutes
There are some general things we've come to understand from impressions and reviews:

- The Rift is more comfortable for long gameplay sessions.
- The Vive is better for those that wear glasses.
- The Vive's controls provide a far more immersive VR experience out of the box.
- The Rift currently has the better selection of complete games.

Personal feelings on these sorts of impressions is going to vary from person to person. But the general vibe has remained the same on the above points.
Do you know what the word "same" means? He was referring to vive being "too hot to use" after 30 minutes

Sounds like you don't know what "literally" means either. :p

By saying "literally no one else had the same complaint", he's saying that not even a single other person on this planet has complained about that issue, without exaggeration. I'm pretty sure he can't back that up.

Semantics is fun.


There are some general things we've come to understand from impressions and reviews:

- The Rift is more comfortable for long gameplay sessions.
- The Vive is better for those that wear glasses.
- The Vive's controls provide a far more immersive VR experience out of the box.
- The Rift currently has the better selection of complete games.

Personal feelings on these sorts of impressions is going to vary from person to person. But the general vibe has remained the same on the above points.

As someone who owns both now, I can agree with all these points.


- The Rift currently has the better selection of complete games.

Personal feelings on these sorts of impressions is going to vary from person to person. But the general vibe has remained the same on the above points.

I think the ars comparison had a good expanded summary of this point

So far, we have to give the Vive the edge in this battle of the exclusives. The ability to reach into the environment with your hands and hold in-game objects is unique enough to make most Vive-exclusive games feel fresh, while none of the Rift’s exclusives really feel like can’t-miss killer apps at this point. More generally, however, the Rift’s library feels like a better-curated selection of complete, fully developed games. Many current titles made for the Vive feel like short “first episode” tastes of larger games, early access titles still in need of a little polish, or short prototype experiments without much in the way of depth.

At this point it seems like indie vs AAA style games


Sounds like you don't know what "literally" means either. :p

By saying "literally no one else had the same complaint", he's saying that not even a single other person on this planet has complained about that issue, without exaggeration. I'm pretty sure he can't back that up.

Semantics is fun.

That may be true but that is not what AgeEighty's post said. He said many reviews noted vive being less comfortable. That is completely different than being unusable after half an hour.
That may be true but that is not what AgeEighty's post said. He said many reviews noted vive being less comfortable. That is completely different than being unusable after half an hour.

Oh I'm not going to dive into that particular discussion. I don't have either headset at the moment (except the DK2), so my opinion would be rather useless.

I was just in it for the semantics. ;)
Sounds like you don't know what "literally" means either. :p

By saying "literally no one else had the same complaint", he's saying that not even a single other person on this planet has complained about that issue, without exaggeration. I'm pretty sure he can't back that up.

Semantics is fun.

The definition of "literally" was updated.

"used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true."


Based on what I have seen, even though the Vive may have things that seem more like tech demos, those tech demos are more fun than many of the games on the Rift, due to the controllers and roomscale. I got my Rift yesterday, and the only non-free exclusive that seems interesting to me is Chronos. The other games I already own on Gear VR or are better played with the Vive, like Windlands.
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