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ODDWORLD: NEW 'N' TASTY |OT| Save 99 Mudokons as The Stitch-Lipped One. Follow me!


I'm playing some desert level and everytime I hold R2+L2 to do that magic thing, animation gets stuck and I need to restart from the checkpoint. I'm not even holding triggers, yet abe is doing that magic thing over and over again. If I'm doing that
red magic explosion thing
, animation doesn't get stuck though.


Hey Stewart, look what I found up.


The originals, with New n Tasty (and a guest appearance by Sackboy!)

I hope it's been a good launch for you and everyone at JAW, hope the sales numbers are looking good!
Hey everyone,
I'm heading home for the day now :) it's been fun, more tomorrow.

Also hoping to have news on a new patch to fix these damned crashes.

I think we've found/fixed MOST of them, which is great, as a lot seem to be the same thing. Just very bummed we didn't find them, and for that matter Sony QA too..

Ces't La vie.




Hey everyone,
I'm heading home for the day now :) it's been fun, more tomorrow.

Also hoping to have news on a new patch to fix these damned crashes.

I think we've found/fixed MOST of them, which is great, as a lot seem to be the same thing. Just very bummed we didn't find them, and for that matter Sony QA too..

Ces't La vie.


Let's see if you can come soon with good news on sale numbers ^^

The remake is amazing and everyone can see how much love you and your team have put on it remaking it without losing the original essence.
Weirdly most have said it plays much faster than the original... SERIOUSLY.

I don't know. It feels like moving in molasses, that's why I don't think it's design choice, but maybe something wrong at my end. Maybe I am just having weird memories of the original game being faster.

Edit: Hmm... maybe it was the latter, getting used to it and it's actually not quite as hyperbolic as I was making out.
Guys a question: I'm currenty at the
Scrabanian temple
, but I want to select the first chapter again to find the mudokons I missed. Is that possible, without missing my progress, to improve my score?


Guys a question: I'm currenty at the
Scrabanian temple
, but I want to select the first chapter again to find the mudokons I missed. Is that possible, without missing my progress, to improve my score?

Should be, just go to Chapter Select and select the chapter. All future chapters that you have completed will still have their progress saved so it shouldn't be an issue.
Should be, just go to Chapter Select and select the chapter. All future chapters that you have completed will still have their progress saved so it shouldn't be an issue.

Will that give me a better ending at end?Or am I stuck with the bad one? I've heard of multiple endings.
This is fantastic. Played half an hour this afternoon (pre-patch), not a single crash or even a glitch, it sure does bring me back. Loving this new edition so far, adjusting to analog controls took me few minutes, but it's so much fun.


Has this particular bug/crash been logged? (recorded via twitch the PS4 dvr wouldn't work):

Yeah it has been addressed, there's going to be another patch that addresses a few more stuff;

Hey everyone,
I'm heading home for the day now :) it's been fun, more tomorrow.

Also hoping to have news on a new patch to fix these damned crashes.

I think we've found/fixed MOST of them, which is great, as a lot seem to be the same thing. Just very bummed we didn't find them, and for that matter Sony QA too..

Ces't La vie.


Has this particular bug/crash been logged? (recorded via twitch the PS4 dvr wouldn't work):


Where the recording cuts out is where it boots me to the PS4 home, it happens every time the scarabs start fighting so I'm kind of stuck until this gets fixed :/ Apologies if this has been posted already.

Yeah that happened to me last night and they said they had it fixed and were going to try to release a patch next week. I was able to get by that part today though. I can't remember exactly what I did to keep it from crashing though.

Edit: this guy got it to work too:

Mine is SCEA and yes I have the patch installed.
It happened to me twice (followed same path after quicksave) and it froze right as the two scrabs made contact.
I delayed my path the third time to see if I could avoid them colliding when they entered the screen, and yes it worked. I was able to continue playing.

So I guess try to make them fight offscreen
This is going to be one of the best games released this year, I'd gladly pay $50 for it the way I did in the 90s. The game is COMPLETELY redone, this is a new product.

Actually... There's a simple trick..

When you press X Abe starts to crouch for the jump, if you press the direction you're facing/jumping just before he completes the mini-crouch move, he will hop in that direction.

It takes a few minutes to get used to it, but once you do, sorted!

I hated the switch from X = Hop forward, to X = Jump up at first. but now I'm used to it :)

Honestly - That is way too much to think about for something that needs to be done frequently and with precision. it is my only complaint. Please bring back the hop button. I am playing on hard mode and the triangle button shows health that doesn't even matter for that mode when it should be giving me my hop.
Actually... There's a simple trick..

When you press X Abe starts to crouch for the jump, if you press the direction you're facing/jumping just before he completes the mini-crouch move, he will hop in that direction.

It takes a few minutes to get used to it, but once you do, sorted!

I hated the switch from X = Hop forward, to X = Jump up at first. but now I'm used to it :)

WONDERFUL. thank you


war of titties grampa
when am i getting a cool little abe toy to buy for my desk. It should also say "hello" and "follow me"!



is this worth playing if you didn't play the original or is it mostly a nostalgia thing?

It is worth playing if you never played it before, one of the reasons of this remake is to bring it to a new generation, which is why they included improvements from Exoddus (sequel) to make it more accessible and changed it slightly (such as adding QuikSaving, Difficulty settings on Easy and Normal add a Health bar), so it wasn't a nostalgic remake for only the fans of the originals. The puzzles are fun, the humour is solid and at least 15+ hours worth of story and being cross-buy with PS3 and Vita(buy this, get PS3/Vita versions free when they launch) and the DLC if you buy it within first 2 weeks of release makes it worth it even more.
is this worth playing if you didn't play the original or is it mostly a nostalgia thing?

The game is completely modernized, fairly long with lots of secret areas and replayability, and even the original still holds up today outside of controls and graphics (both completely overhauled from scratch here).


oh cool, thanks

i don't know anything about the oddworld games so i wasn't sure if they hold up today. it looks awesome but the complaints about the controls and stuff put me off a bit


Picked this up. So good. Haven't played these original Odd games since the good old days. Oddoworld really is something special.


Have any of the news sites brought any attention to how awesome Stewart is being? Get this man some press!


Enjoying this, they really done a nice job with it.. Apart for the audio mix, atleast the intro movie, the music drowns out the dialog... these brutal audio mixes are getting real annoying real fast.
So sad I cant play this right now due to waiting for my white PS4 :(

... in the meantime, I shall play the PSX version on my Vita to celebrate :)


Guys I'm scared of leaving the first area, I've saved 20 escapees and I'm up to the point where it says "If you leave you will kill everyone on this shift"

How do I know I've saved everyone I can?


Played this for a few hours and I'm really loving it.

I'm a huge fan of the original Oddworld Abe games and it's great to have this remade. It feels as though they took out mostly everything that would make the game feel dated by today's standards without compromising what made the game good back in the day.

If I only had one complaint, it's with the sound mix. At default the music over powers the voice acting. I was able to lower the music to make up for it but something about it still feels off (I'm running the sound in 5.1). Other than that, I really love it.

I'm glad that there's a quicksave/quickload option. It really helps old timers like me that want to play the game but don't want to get frustrated. The check pointing system is very generous regardless, but it's nice to auto save and try something that you normally wouldn't just to see if it works. :) I'm not sure if it's my memory escaping me, but I don't remember that being an option i the original.

Anyway good job JAW/Lorne Lanning. I REALLY hope this game is successful because I would love to see Abe's Exodus remade on PS4 as well! :)


I gotta respect your opinion, and this next bit isn't about you, I get annoyed however when there's a retail title for sale digitally and it's the same price as the retail version IE £49.99 + yet it only has 5hrs of gameplay.

We're confident first timers will be 8hrs + on this, or totally brand new people 15hrs +

It seems like a strange economy really.

As to why no PS+ Discount, and this is my PERSONAL opinion, I guess it's a perception thing, we now live in a society where people expect to pay as little as possible for something, E.G. Look at Steam, when there isn't a sale on then sales figures are quite low, because people KNOW there's going to be a sale so hold out.

We spent 30 months making NnT and you know $2m+ too, we're an indie we don't have millions and millions in the bank, we don't have an amazingly wealthy benefactor hiding away somewhere, we spent the revenue from previous titles on the new title, so we need to make that money back to be able to make the NEXT game or we're out of work.

So by giving a discount, and having people expect that, it feels like at times that they under value our work.

As I said, this is my personal opinion on this sort of stuff, would be interested in hearing a good counter if you have one.

Well said (and glad to see you here :). That "discount or bust" mentality is completely out of control today.

Robot Pants

Are the last three Mudokons tied to the Alf dlc or are all 299 in the game?

Or am I missin another entrance to
zulag 5

Edit: nm I found em ;)
There are some really, really annoying game-breaking bugs unfortunately.

Here's one I just ran into. At this part of the level (using this working walkthrough for reference):


The rock bag WOULD NOT drop a rock, no matter how many times I reset the checkpoint, quicksave, etc etc. Of course, this means that there is no way to exit the level and I had to restart the whole chapter over. The game has also eaten one of my quicksaves during an error/crash and had to start that chapter over again, too. Very frustrating.

Robot Pants

Number one on the global leaderboard for hard. I saved 299 but it says 296 I guess because my time is slightly better for 296 at 5:07:340.

Also #1 in time on paramite nests.

Psn: eatZeppelin

It also seems like the 299 club leaderboard is bugged cause there's no one in it and I definitely saved all of them. Got the trophy to prove it.

Just for fun though I'm gonna add a 299 Club to the OT and add everyone's name and GT/PSN when they get it if they want.
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