Ninja Scooter said:
:lol thats true. Thats my theory as to why Mike Lupica is such a prick. Just look at him. He's such a little nerd he probably got picked on by all the jocks in high school for being a dork and now has it in for athletes.
:lol Lupica's a complete and utter choad...seeing the way he went from blowing up the "great home run chase of '98" andsucking Big Mac's cock in the process to thrasing McGwuire for ruining his memories is simply hilarious. That's what you get for overlooking the fucking obvious you dumb scrot.
bionic77 said:
The hell it doesn't. Kobexology works regardless of circumstances as long as Konex believes it.
If he believes in it, it will go to straight to shit.
:lol You can almost hear the bitterness...
Gotta say though, I agree with the Carlisle pick for coach of the year. The Pacers had every reason to go into the toilet this year, and instead they've not only made the playoffs, but put a pretty good streak together in the process to ride themselves into it. Batigol's pick for McMillan is an equally solid choice.
And I think Shaq or Duncan should win the MVP. Why? Cause no one's really listing the Suns as a title favourite even with Nash in the lineup, though everyone recognizes they're a lot worse off without him. Whereas the Spurs have been western conference favourites from day one, and the Heat moved into that position in the east in early December. Yet as soon as those guys went down with injuries last month, people were acting like they could lose in the first round (well, the Spurs anyway). And while both teams held their heads above water, the aura of complete and utter ownage you see when you face them with the big guys in there simply isn't there. I think those factors are pretty telling.
Having said that, it would rock if Nash won the MVP, being a Canuck and all. And Dirk deserves heavy consideration as well.