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Official: Assassins Creed PC specs to make you cry for money


Mamesj said:
thought he meant the recommended specs. now i look brilliant :lol
lol, don't worry about it. Yeah, I meant that the overall requirements will easily handle a system from 2-3 years ago. They're excessive - probably the sign of a crappy port - but anyone who plays Crysis at decent settings will no doubt handle this game too.


strwrsxprt said:
2GB of good DDR2 is ~$40. There's no reason not to have that in a current machine. I put a minimum of 4GB in all of my machines anymore, so I see no reason not to put 3GB as a recommended amount. If devs are going to go crazy on one spec for PCs, I'd rather it be RAM, which is the cheapest and easiest to upgrade.

I'm not so sure we have the same definition of "Good RAM."
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