It's not 1987 anymore. Axl isn't down and dirty living the strip anymore.
Appetite was a incredible record, but it was made by a group of young guys scraping the bottom of the barrel living for sex, drugs, and trying to make it in rock n' roll. Those days are gone and will never return. It would be dishonest to be something he's not. He's writing songs that he is okay with, that he believes in. Some may not like it, but he's not appealing to the lowest common denominator, he's not making an album for cheap pops.
That being said, "Scraped" is a pretty rockin' track. But it follows the direction of the Axl these days: mature, reflective, complex, moody. And as far as inspirations there are many: CITR and Madagascar have a Queen vibe to it with the latter carrying Tom Waits-esque vocals, the title track is like NIN meets Nirvana, Sorry could be compared to Pink Floyd with a tinge of Metallica, and Riad N' The Bedouins is like Praxis and Zeppelin had an illegitimate pissed off child, and Prostitute is like Guns N' Roses by the way of U2's Achtung Baby and the best Genesis track.
But all these inspirations are irrelevant, it sounds fresh and distinctly Guns N' Roses. While there ARE influences like the ones listed above, it doesn't ever sound like a rip-off or Axl trying to be someone else he's not. Some guitar may be more on the technical and a bit on the industrial side but to me it seems like Axl is dipping his toe in uncharted waters.
That's one reason I really like this record: it says "oh you want this.....fuck you and fuck your expectations" there's this air of "I do the fuck I want, either support it or don't" to it. So regardless that half of the album are these epic/ballad type songs, it's dangerous, very rock n' roll. That's something that's been missing for far too long.