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Official Fable! (released tomorrow)


TekunoRobby said:
Originally Posted by DHL:
Current Status: In Transit
Est. Delivery Date: 9/21/04

The wait is agonizing!

Katamary Damacy, you will console me.

Hah. Mine is due to show up on the 20th! :p


ha ha I just finished the main quest



not really evil perse, but I went to the bar after finishing a quest and bought everyone in there 4 beers and I started running circles around everyone waving my trophies in the air. Then the whole bar proceeded to vomit.


with boasting means before you embark on a quest you stand before a crowd right outside the guild and say that you can not only beat the quest, but you're so good you can either, do it naked, kill everyone, kill only certain people, and these bets win you more money if you complete them after the quest is over.


Here's a hint. You can only buy bright plate mail in the arena quest. After the quest is over you can't by it again and you need it for a demon door so I suggest not doing the arena quest unless you have around 25k in cash.


hiryu can you go back to the arena and get it after you beat the main quest? cause that's the only armor that I don't have a full suit of... I think.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
turbos said:
hiryu can you go back to the arena and get it after you beat the main quest? cause that's the only armor that I don't have a full suit of... I think.

no but apparently you can get that armor off one of the wandering traders outside the arena or something.


Forgot about this thread until a few minutes ago, but I had a question about martial arts.

Melee weapons are expensive and I want to see how far I can get with my bare hands, but I don't know how to build up physical strength without levelling. Any help?

Seth C

Stories of evil, you say? Okay, how about this one....

On the afternoon of my sixth day I met an older gentlmean in the Browerstone Quay. He convinced me to get a puddin' hair cut, mutton chops, and a trader mustache with the promise of introducing me to his daughter. After satisfying his requests, he laughed at me and said he had no daughter, that it had all been a joke because he liked to make heroes look stupid. I proceeded to beat him with my bare fists for the rest of the evening, all night, and in to day 7. During that time I progressed from slightly evil to completely evil, grew massive horns, and lost my hair. Using his body as a punching bag I earned a combat multiplier of 25 and over 50,000 strength experience points. I wouldn't have stopped when I did but I needed to pee.

Edit: After going back to the game and unpausing it I was able to continue the beating. I'm now at a multiplier of 48 and over 102,000 experience. How much experience do I need to max out my strength attributes? Hmmm....

Edit 2: The beating continues on to the second night. 65 multiplier and over 200,000 strength experience.

Edit 3: 305,000 experience with a multiplier of 80. Yes, I'm getting 80 experience for each punch.


Bel, I think your STR raises naturally as you participate in melee combat. The EXP simply allows you to augment it further, or persue other things within each catagorey.

I have a question as well, what does the "Steal" expression do? I've tried using it on people, doors, bookshelves, I'm not getting it.

Seth C

Alex said:
Bel, I think your STR raises naturally as you participate in melee combat. The EXP simply allows you to augment it further, or persue other things within each catagorey.

I have a question as well, what does the "Steal" expression do? I've tried using it on people, doors, bookshelves, I'm not getting it.

Steal is fantastic. It lets you swipe any items shop keepers have on their counter/tables. You have to hold down the button though, while you wait for the steal bar to fill up. So long as the shopkeeper doesn't have line of sight on you, you'll be able to steal the item. If he sees you he'll call the guards. Luckily I have the "apologize" expression to get out of all minor crimes. Then I can try stealing it again. :) Guile level 6 or 7 also gives you the lock pick expression. Then you can break in at night and steal everything. The best part? The shop keepers will re-stock their counter each day.

Seth C

siamesedreamer said:
I can't get any woman to marry me. They're all scared of me.

Any tips?

Don't be an evil bastard? Or if you are, wear clothes/tats/hair that increase your attractiveness?


Ok, Fable stealing is quite cool. I got busted three times, but eventually got away with a pair of pants I wanted...yay? I suck at the timing. :(


Holy shit. I just love that game. Arena spoiler

That was one of the most epic battle I ever played in a videogame. The fight against Arachnox was pretty hardcore too.

But the ending was ever worse.

I killed Whisper. And for the first time in my life, I felt bad about doing something in a videogame. I think it was really well done how the camera was over you and her body, how it zoomed her and how the only thing you would hear was the screaming of the spectators and the announcer going crazy, while your character is looking down on her

I regret killing her for 10 000$. Oh well.

Now off to buy myself a house for my wife ;)


Second question, does the mid/upper sections of quests ever become any more complex/difficult?

At this point I'm completely ignoring any real influential stat raises through EXP earned in hopes of raising the difficulty, yet it's still probably the easiest game I've ever played, ugh...


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
shuri said:
Holy shit. I just love that game. Arena spoiler

That was one of the most epic battle I ever played in a videogame. The fight against Arachnox was pretty hardcore too.

But the ending was ever worse.

I killed Whisper. And for the first time in my life, I felt bad about doing something in a videogame. I think it was really well done how the camera was over you and her body, how it zoomed her and how the only thing you would hear was the screaming of the spectators and the announcer going crazy, while your character is looking down on her

I regret killing her for 10 000$. Oh well.

Now off to buy myself a house for my wife ;)

I thought the arena was a bit lackluster. Here I was surrounded by Heroes from around the world and all I did was battle the same old badguys. Heck one of the boast was "I will spare as many lives as possible" yet the only life you can spare is Whisper. In the end I made it the whole way without a break, spared Whisper, and got the 28k prize winning from Jack.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Alex said:
Second question, does the mid/upper sections of quests ever become any more complex/difficult?

At this point I'm completely ignoring any real influential stat raises through EXP earned in hopes of raising the difficulty, yet it's still probably the easiest game I've ever played, ugh...

The combat itself doesn't get much harder, but the objectives do. I had a hard time with a mission where you escort a convict to his execution. All throughout the mission you get attacked by bandits trying to free him, and every time they attack he tries to run away. So not only do you have to kill very large groups of bandits, but you have to keep targetting and threatening him to keep him from taking off. First mission I had to redo a few times to get through it.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
siamesedreamer said:
I can't get any woman to marry me. They're all scared of me.

Any tips?

I had the same problem. Whenever I walk around in my dark plate armor everyone cowers in fear. If I feel like flirting with anyone I switch to my dark villager outfit. They won't naturally flinch then.


Steroid Distributor
I'm about 2 hours into the game now. I'm really having a good time with it. I'm trying to play good, or as good as possible. I have encountered a couple of problems with that. The game doesn't let me choose to pick up an item, it just picks it up and I get bad points added to my character. I didn't even notice it at first. So I guess I just have to ignore all the shelves and stuff in the game if I want my good meter to stay as high as possible.


Screaming_Gremlin said:
I had the same problem. Whenever I walk around in my dark plate armor everyone cowers in fear. If I feel like flirting with anyone I switch to my dark villager outfit. They won't naturally flinch then.

It's all about recognition. Use those trophies, and make people respect you. ;)
distantmantra said:
I see. The one I talked to outside of Oakvale asked me to perform an evil feat in front of him, I assumed I had to kill an innocent or something.
That's what I assumed, but I brought one of my wives there and killed her right in front of the demon door and he didn't seem to care or notice. Little did I know you have to eat crunchy chicks in front of him. :lol
Schafer said:
The combat itself doesn't get much harder, but the objectives do. I had a hard time with a mission where you escort a convict to his execution. All throughout the mission you get attacked by bandits trying to free him, and every time they attack he tries to run away. So not only do you have to kill very large groups of bandits, but you have to keep targetting and threatening him to keep him from taking off. First mission I had to redo a few times to get through it.
It took me a couple tries before I realized that using Heal Life is highly beneficial in a party situation. :)
Ghost said:
Also just murdered a shop clerk, to answer my own question, yes that does put the shop up for sale (god knows how you make the guards calm down though, i worked up 14 grands worth of fines but they never stopped coming :lol).
Just leave the town and before you teleport back check the screen to see how much time is left before your fines are forgiven. Usually 3 minutes for petty crimes.

Right now I'm having a good time luring people out of Bowerstone to the benches at the lookout and slaughtering them by the barrelful. It's the only way to buy property in Bowerstone, as you aren't allowed to wield weapons there. Just watch out for Bowerstone North, the property is mad expensive there and it's not really worth killing people there unless you've got well over 100 grand.

I'm also trying to collect all the outfits, although reading this thread, it looks like I may have missed a piece at the Arena. Something to keep in mind next playthrough. I've walked around in a dress once or twice to see what the reaction from the townsfolk would be, but they seem to be pretty open-minded about the whole thing. :lol
Orderd Fable from GameStop two days ago...Should be here about Monday. I hope to explore more of the Windy level in Pikmin 2 before it gets here. But I'm so addicted to CS: Source, that it's hard to get myself away from a long time.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Ghost of Bill Gates said:
Is anyone else getting choppy frames at times during battle and entering and leaving a area?

sometimes it really chops, one time i teleported into an area, and it took 30 seconds to load all the textures, the world just started showing up texture by texture.

it's a beautiful game, but it's nowhere near coding perfection :p


Anyone know how to make decent money without killing all the time? I bought a house to rent but no one stays in it, and I killed a shop owner to buy his place but it costs 35000 just to step into the building now

And how the hell do you change alignment? I kill bad guys all day but my alignment doesn't budge, but if I blow an arrow shot and hit someone it gives me evil points fast


Chili Con Carnage!
You mean how do you get a good alignment? Killing bandits seems to work, also theres some good tattoos (think theres one called crimson monkey or something like that, found it in the Mayoress' old house) that give you plus alignment points, also "bright" clothing, some of which is behind demon doors, other bits you can find in stores.

As for making money, im not so sure myself, but im pretty sure if you rent a place out people do stay there you just have to go pick up the money yourself (like in GTA:SA) from outside the sign...other than that and killing trademen (which doesnt get you anywhere fast) ive got no idea how to make money, im sure theres some easy trade route somewhere though...


Not bitter, just unsweetened

looks like i need a new xbox :(

i will get DDEs at the menu, DDEs after loading, DDEs everywhere! GAR!

whoever programmed these DDE things is a twit. i know how PC drives work, and it will still load but slower. But Xbox was programmed to bail-out at the first sign of read problems. grrr


ok, I rented this game, but it didn't come with the manual so I've got a question.

In the HUD on the upper right of the screen, what are the numbers? In respect to the HUD itself, they're in the upper left corner. They go from like 1-5 or something.

ok, and i'm still at the training area. I'm trying to kill the sparrows for this guy, but I can't find anymore.

I've killed
2 on the roof above his head, one on a statue near the kid who wants you to beat his 50 second time, two on the roofs above that same kid.
I can't find anymre, but this guy is insisting that there's more somewhere.


I'm not a RPG fan, but I like this game a lot. Put in a good 4 hours into the game my first day, but I had to let my friend borrow it, because I would get addicted and not finish my school work.


Ecrofirt said:
ok, I rented this game, but it didn't come with the manual so I've got a question.

In the HUD on the upper right of the screen, what are the numbers? In respect to the HUD itself, they're in the upper left corner. They go from like 1-5 or something.

ok, and i'm still at the training area. I'm trying to kill the sparrows for this guy, but I can't find anymore.

I've killed
2 on the roof above his head, one on a statue near the kid who wants you to beat his 50 second time, two on the roofs above that same kid.
I can't find anymre, but this guy is insisting that there's more somewhere.

The numbers on top of the 'eye'? They mean the number of people that can see you. If you do something illegal in the town and you have someone looking at you, they run to the guards and tell them (unless it's the guards that see you, in which case, they just proceed to try to kick your ass.)

The number on top of the heart means the number of 'resurrection vials' you have. If you die in battle, then you'll be resurrected if you have any of these vials.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
IJoel said:
The numbers on top of the 'eye'? They mean the number of people that can see you. If you do something illegal in the town and you have someone looking at you, they run to the guards and tell them (unless it's the guards that see you, in which case, they just proceed to try to kick your ass.)

The number on top of the heart means the number of 'resurrection vials' you have. If you die in battle, then you'll be resurrected if you have any of these vials.

Actually, the number is how many people YOU can see, if the eye is OPEN that means they see you, if its CLOSED they dont.


Anyone know anything about Briar Rose? She is so horribly underused in the game and I wanted to know if there was any significance to her


Chili Con Carnage!
Nope, other than showing you how people will worship you when you are famous at the start of the game (bowerstone tavern) and her brief apperance at the end.


Ghost said:
Nope, other than showing you how people will worship you when you are famous at the start of the game (bowerstone tavern) and her brief apperance at the end.

Bah. That's kinda weak, seeing as how I wanted to know more about her as she's like the only character in the game that generally seems to dislike me without it being in a "rival" fashion


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
I don't know how anybody could rush through this game. There are the 25 silver keys(all leading to various good treasure), demon doors(some of which are very hard to open), fishing and digging for treasure(like wind waker), a 6 clue treasure map, owning and renting property, marriage, general messing around, all the side quests and the main story. Let alone the fact that being good/evil is really different gameplay expierence, and so are the classes. I am a pure melee character and barely touch the will. I look at the depth of the will and can't wait to dedicate a character to all those spells. Then you have the assasin/theif class, where you can pick locks, break into houses etc...

My character is pure good, with 100 attractive. Basically wherever I go, any woman I talk to asks for a marriage ring. Can't wait till I can kill people ;)

oh and shuri about the arena and killing whisper
I just walked out and still got all the money etc. When I walk around people say things like "I can't believe he won against whisper and then didn't kill her, what a great hero." I think it's cool they talk about that decision. BTW could whisper have been any less helpful in all that arena fighting, I partially wanted to kill her because she did nothing the whole time.


Chili Con Carnage!
The will is sickly over powered, chain together 2 or 3 spells and you become (for all intents and purposes) god (great fun).


Ghost said:
The will is sickly over powered, chain together 2 or 3 spells and you become (for all intents and purposes) god (great fun).

Actually it seems like everything is overpowered, since I'm like 25% done with the game and have an ebony crossbow, but I'm doing like 250-400 damage per max charged shot (everything I fight except bosses dies in two hits or less), and on the odd times that I decide to go Tekken on enemies they don't defend themselves against punches like they do sword hits. I kind of wish the game was harder but the enemy AI (usually) makes up for it

Seth C

GashPrex said:
I don't know how anybody could rush through this game. There are the 25 silver keys(all leading to various good treasure), demon doors(some of which are very hard to open), fishing and digging for treasure(like wind waker), a 6 clue treasure map, owning and renting property, marriage, general messing around, all the side quests and the main story. Let alone the fact that being good/evil is really different gameplay expierence, and so are the classes. I am a pure melee character and barely touch the will. I look at the depth of the will and can't wait to dedicate a character to all those spells. Then you have the assasin/theif class, where you can pick locks, break into houses etc...

My character is pure good, with 100 attractive. Basically wherever I go, any woman I talk to asks for a marriage ring. Can't wait till I can kill people ;)

oh and shuri about the arena and killing whisper
I just walked out and still got all the money etc. When I walk around people say things like "I can't believe he won against whisper and then didn't kill her, what a great hero." I think it's cool they talk about that decision. BTW could whisper have been any less helpful in all that arena fighting, I partially wanted to kill her because she did nothing the whole time.

I dunno about the differences in the classes, really. I mean, I've not finished the game and yet I've maxed out all my strength stats, skill stats, magic power, and know several spells. There's no point in going through as different classes when you can go through once and be jack (and master) of all trades.
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