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Official Fable! (released tomorrow)


seismologist said:
ok thats cool. I can live with that.

I don't see the big deal. I actually like it a lot becuase, while it's done that way to avoid exploitation, it gives the player the option to save the items and experience received, even if the progress in the quest hasn't been saved.

Just know that once you start a quest, you have to finish that quest before saving it, or you'll have to restart.
op_ivy said:
i was just told by my local Best Buy that they wont price match Fry's... what kind of shit is that? lol

Understandably, no store would want to price match Fry's price seeing how the game cost the store $40.XX. But it's Best Buy's policy to price match ANY local competitor. Mind you, BB could argue a Fry's store isn't within X miles (generally 10) of the store, and therefore is not considered a local competitor.

The bottom line is they cannot add exceptions to their policies ad hoc, and if you get a mananger involved, I'm willing to bet you'll get the price match. The extra 10% of the difference technically requires you to purchase the product at BB's full price and then bring in the receipt with the ad later (one day, one hour, one minute?).

Store Price Guarantee
If, within 30 days* (14 days for computers, monitors, printers and notebooks, camcorders, digital cameras and radar detectors) of your purchase from Best Buy, you find a local competitor (excluding Internet competitors) offering a lower price on an available product of the same brand and model, we'll refund the difference plus another 10% of the difference. Just bring us a current ad or other verifiable written proof of the lower price, plus your original Best Buy sales receipt to claim your refund. This offer good only on all new in-the-box products of the same brand and model that are available in-store at any other local authorized retailer. It does not apply to competitor's one-of-a-kind or other limited quantity offer, or when a bonus or free offer (such as special financing program or manufacturer's rebate) is included in the purchase. Offer does not apply to BestBuy.com pricing. All returns exchanges and price adjustments must be made in the country of original purchase. Go to the customer service counter for details.
WOW! Playing Fable is so damn incredible! It was worth the 4 years wait.
Just got started and was just walking around and behind one of
the houses a couple fooling around with each other. I talk to the man and
he said if I shut-up about this I'll get a gold for it. So I thought about
it because the deed says something about rumors spreads fast in this town
or something. So I didn't want to be a rat in the town so I took his gold
and got a bad deed. I can't believe what 1 bad deed can do to you, Lots
of people says things to you like "he's a devil" etc. just bad things
about you. So I bump into the man wife and told her about where her
husband was and I got a good deed and she ran to where he was and I ran
with her to see what would happen and she was all pissed at him saying all
kind of things like what a wife would say when a man cheats on her. LMAO!

The ambience sounds, Music, Graphics, Controls, Cam just about everything is soild in Fable. GOTY! :D

Here's some screens in 480p wih my LCDtv.






IJoel said:
I don't see the big deal. I actually like it a lot becuase, while it's done that way to avoid exploitation, it gives the player the option to save the items and experience received, even if the progress in the quest hasn't been saved.

Just know that once you start a quest, you have to finish that quest before saving it, or you'll have to restart.

It's probably more of an issue at the start but think about it. You did these quests, however minor they may be, you've trained, you taked to people, you save, or think you do. Then you load up and the npcs know nothing about what you did. Continuity, I think it's important.


Sysgen said:
It's probably more of an issue at the start but think about it. You did these quests, however minor they may be, you've trained, you taked to people, you save, or think you do. Then you load up and the npcs know nothing about what you did. Continuity, I think it's important.

No. You did part of the quest. That's the main issue, I guess, since the initial quest is lengthy as people are starting to get familiar with the game. Afterwards, it's very clear that as the quests are very well defined.

Again, there's a reason for the quests not being saved in-progress. Otherwise, people would boast very hard-to-accomplish things and would go around it little by little using the saving trick.


I agree with Ijoel here, but there still should have been some calrification somewhere during the tutorial (unless I missed it?).

Get a water shot in their XBG :D


dark10x said:
I swear, when you get right down to it, technical issues are the one thing that holds it back for me...

I'm enjoying it a lot, but 60 fps with a seamless world would make a HUGE difference. It feels very choppy at times and you get the feeling that the HDD is cranking away (like a PC game running with low memory) and I don't like how the world is divided (though, to be fair, loading is much faster than I expected).

It just lacks the fine polish that makes a game feel really solid. I mean, if it were as open as Morrowind...I wouldn't have a problem with those issues, but since it is tightly woven together, I kind of expected something smoother.

Oh well, minor complaints. I'm still having a lot of fun here.

I completely agree, you save me alot of time... but the SHADOWS and LIGHTING SUCK!


Mine too. Says "Order being processed" on my account screen but it won't let me load the individual order. Should get it Monday then hopefully.

Better a little late at a kick ass price than never, though SOMEONE said Outpost was shipping this out yesterday for preorders. Hmmmm.....


I found the answer to my progressive scan problem (I think...we'll see when I get home). The trick is to go to the dashboard and hold L+R and click both analog sticks. This makes the dashboard run in 480p. Close the tray with the game in it and it should work. Apparently this is an issue for some but not all HDTVs. Consequently, this happened with my review copy of Galleon, but I wrote it off as a badly burned disc. Tried it again last night in 480i and it worked. *** Two games in two weeks with a 480p bug after years without any game being a problem?? Too weird. ***

While I'm here, I wanted to know if there's going to be a way to level up outside of quests. I'm only two quests and one town into adulthood, and I was just wondering if the only way to level up was to take a quest, Hero Save at some point before the end, and then reload/re-do the quest.

Also, when/how can you sleep at the guild and does it heal you? I took some injuries during my second quest and figured I could sleep myself to good health. Most of the beds were taken (night time), but even the beds that weren't said I couldn't use them (even the crappy futons in another building).

Fixed2BeBroken said:
what is the point? there is nothing to do as a kid...its not like u cant go anywhere except the one or two areas that are open to you...

I found quite a bit to do while I was a kid/teenager afraid that it wasn't going to be available when I became an adult. Off the top of my head, three skills challenges for better weapons, fetching apples, race to the door and back, gathering and reading books, killing bandits across the lake, and killing sparrows if you're evil.
Trav said:
While I'm here, I wanted to know if there's going to be a way to level up outside of quests. I'm only two quests and one town into adulthood, and I was just wondering if the only way to level up was to take a quest, Hero Save at some point before the end, and then reload/re-do the quest.

yea, just keep going back and forth to different parts of the forest that have enemies in them and kill them and u just get exp.

Trav said:
Also, when/how can you sleep at the guild and does it heal you? I took some injuries during my second quest and figured I could sleep myself to good health. Most of the beds were taken (night time), but even the beds that weren't said I couldn't use them (even the crappy futons in another building).

I dont think you can sleep at the guild after u become an apprentice hero....i think you have to goto the inn or something to sleep....and if u sleep in another persons bed in the towns you can get in trouble i believe.

Trav said:
I found quite a bit to do while I was a kid/teenager afraid that it wasn't going to be available when I became an adult. Off the top of my head, three skills challenges for better weapons, fetching apples, race to the door and back, gathering and reading books, killing bandits across the lake, and killing sparrows if you're evil.

i believe that was when you were a teenager tho, not a kid, and that still wasnt much.

and also you're still stuck in just 2 areas. Its also still considered part of the tutorial since they keep teaching you crap through that whole thing.

Either way, you can Save before doing those things such as the skill tests and what not and you can save after them too.

So I do not see what the big deal is here.....The Save system is just like Fricken GTA3 and Vice City. Everyone has played GTA3 and Vice City.....whats the big deal?



edit: Thanks for the answers F2BB.

Saving in the beginning wasn't an issue for me as I had a few hours blocked out yesterday to start the game. I can't even remember when the first World AutoSave happened. I guess it was before adulthood. Sleeping, alignment issues, saving....none of this would be a problem if the manual for such and "epic" game was bigger, or at least more informative, than say, for a fighting game.
Trav said:
edit: Thanks for the answers F2BB.

Saving in the beginning wasn't an issue for me as I had a few hours blocked out yesterday to start the game. I can't even remember when the first World AutoSave happened. I guess it was before adulthood. Sleeping, alignment issues, saving....none of this would be a problem if the manual for such and "epic" game was bigger, or at least more informative, than say, for a fighting game.

gotta agree on the manual....i looked at it and was like eH?....kinda skimp there...only good thing about it was that its in color.



I didn't have any problems with the savings either, but did anybody notice how big the kid's feet is? Freakin huge. Anyway, im really enjoying this game, it might be my GOTY but there is a game called Half Life 2 coming out. My only complaints are the loading, easy(still havnet came close to dieing) and the lack of side quests. I know BBB said they had ways of forcing the player onto the main quest but it's rather lame. Sometimes after a main quest i dont even have a side quest just the main quest to complete. And i swear to god i want to kill the guildmaster. YOU HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT QUEST CARD AT THE GUILD! one minute later YOU HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT QUEST CARD AT THE GUILD! one minute later YOU HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT QUEST CARD AT THE GUILD!


IJoel said:
No. You did part of the quest. That's the main issue, I guess, since the initial quest is lengthy as people are starting to get familiar with the game. Afterwards, it's very clear that as the quests are very well defined.

Again, there's a reason for the quests not being saved in-progress. Otherwise, people would boast very hard-to-accomplish things and would go around it little by little using the saving trick.

Yea I did part of the quest. Let's examine what I did. Did the 1st part and the game autosaved, fine. Then, as said you have to get to your adulthood for the game to save.

What I did in childhood and as a teen,
1) I was introduced to whisper and everyone else.
2) I did the fastest apprentice thing,
3) I did the find the apples for the lady,
4) I killed the beetles,
5) I started doing the kill the swallows (until I found out it was evil)
6) I found like 10 books and read them,
7) I did the weapon training
8) I did the ranged training
9) I did the magic training
10) I took the test for the weapon training A+
11) I took the test for the ranged training A+
12) I took the test for the magic training A+
13) I walked around and explored.
This took a while. The game lets you do alot before adulthood. Now the game world recognizes none of this. The stupid thing is I now possess rewards from the quests and books from the shelves though from the gameworld perspective now I have done none of the quests to earn them. Thebooks are now on the shelves and in my inventory. So now there are 2 copies in the gameworld (continuity issues abound). By separating the hero from the continuity of the game world you are fracturing the experience. I am not going to do this all over again. I don't know how better else to explain it but to say that I was looking for a pure roleplaying experience and that when I roleplay I expect the gameworld to recognize what I've done (unless I didn't save). To have to do all these things over again is unacceptable and for me (maybe not for others) runined the game already and I just started. There is plenty to do while you are a child and a teen. Gamefaqs is littered with "omg wtf is up with this save crap". There will be many who will lose a couple of hours of gameplay and this is unfortunate.


atomsk said:
xbox.com/retail needs to get this up soon. =(
Sucks working for a store that sells windows and office but not Xbox stuff. So I can to the PC training to win 2002 Xbox sport games (FUCK YEAH!) or coolers and tents, sweet!
SKluck said:
Sucks working for a store that sells windows and office but not Xbox stuff. So I can to the PC training to win 2002 Xbox sport games (FUCK YEAH!) or coolers and tents, sweet!

what the hell are you saying?
Sysgen said:
Yea I did part of the quest. Let's examine what I did. Did the 1st part and the game autosaved, fine. Then, as said you have to get to your adulthood for the game to save.

What I did in childhood and as a teen,
1) I was introduced to whisper and everyone else.
2) I did the fastest apprentice thing,
3) I did the find the apples for the lady,
4) I killed the beetles,
5) I started doing the kill the swallows (until I found out it was evil)
6) I found like 10 books and read them,
7) I did the weapon training
8) I did the ranged training
9) I did the magic training
10) I took the test for the weapon training A+
11) I took the test for the ranged training A+
12) I took the test for the magic training A+
13) I walked around and explored.
This took a while. The game lets you do alot before adulthood. Now the game world recognizes none of this. The stupid thing is I now possess rewards from the quests and books from the shelves though from the gameworld perspective now I have done none of the quests to earn them. Thebooks are now on the shelves and in my inventory. So now there are 2 copies in the gameworld (continuity issues abound). By separating the hero from the continuity of the game world you are fracturing the experience. I am not going to do this all over again. I don't know how better else to explain it but to say that I was looking for a pure roleplaying experience and that when I roleplay I expect the gameworld to recognize what I've done (unless I didn't save). To have to do all these things over again is unacceptable and for me (maybe not for others) runined the game already and I just started. There is plenty to do while you are a child and a teen. Gamefaqs is littered with "omg wtf is up with this save crap". There will be many who will lose a couple of hours of gameplay and this is unfortunate.


dude, about the books, they will always be back on the shelves like that.
thats just how the game is, it doesnt mean that your character didnt read the books, thats why they are in your inventory still.

if you saved after getting A+s on your training, then it saved that. The game lets you retake the test but u still got an A+ already.

all of that stuff should be saved if you saved after the fact....thats how it was for me. I dont know if you arent intelligent enough to realize this? or if your game is broken.

what is so hard to understand here?


A couple companies have 'training' sites for retail workers where you can take quizzes, earn points, and get random shit like golf balls, foot massagers, tents, coolers, random stuff like that.

Microsoft used to just give you software but they added the random shit a month ago.

Their XB training site has brand new xbox games. Their PC training site has XB games from 2002/2003.


Fixed2BeBroken said:

dude, about the books, they will always be back on the shelves like that.
thats just how the game is, it doesnt mean that your character didnt read the books, thats why they are in your inventory still.

if you saved after getting A+s on your training, then it saved that. The game lets you retake the test but u still got an A+ already.

all of that stuff should be saved if you saved after the fact....thats how it was for me. I dont know if you arent intelligent enough to realize this? or if your game is broken.

what is so hard to understand here?

Thanks for the compliment. I assume you have a certain level of intelligence also and can I understand my perspective because it aint that damn difficult. Lets look at an atomic example. After loading up the game again
the game no longer recognizes that I am the fastest apprentice
Sorry I know it's petty but I'm a purist and shit like that just ruins the experince. About the books, I took them off the shleves so why are they there again?. Say what you want but we all look for different things in the games we play.


I've put about 5-6ish hours in thus far, although I admit I haven't climbed the ladder much.

It's halfway between a typical, funish console adventure game and Morrowind. It's all polished up, and looks, feels and sounds quite nice.

It is fairly enclosed, FFX is a dead on compairison. But there's still plenty to tinker with, and explore. And it all feels rewarding, which is a plus, no chump items (I'm looking at the Zelda compairisons here), or worthless areas.

Good attention paid to the layouts. There's also a very large set of Silver Keys placed around the world in order to open special chests (some of which require a higher multiplyer of keys), which lead to greater rewards.

Towns are very interesting, and very detailed. At least the few I've seen, this made me happy. Plenty of mischief to cause, bookshelves/things of interest to raid. Back alleys to explore, etc.

I have to say that the good/evil layout is actually pretty solid. There are very much bonuses to siding with evil, but the moral hangups are moreso than I was led to believe. It genuinely makes you feel like an ass in some cases.

Character development, well. It's pretty simple, and I've been skimping. You raise your attributes by using them, in the basic three style seperation.

Melee, Will, Ranged. You also gain EXP from fallen enemies that you can manually distribute to a varitey of sub-stats within the Guild, but I've been skimping on that myself, got a solid hoard of EXP built up in waiting, bah.

Challenge so far has been fairly average, not too low, but certainly not high.

I'm fairly happy to also notice the weapon selection. Yay for Axes. Eat it, Sword pussies.

The summary thus far would be:

Solid, rewarding character development. Cool weapons, outfits, progession feels simplified, but also well done.

Fun combat engine with all three segments feeling fairly polished. (a large change of opinion from last set o' imressions)

Surprisingly quality world design and layout. Very, very cool.

The mischief/side bits/world AI stuffs are truly a novelty, but not as hollow or meaningless as I had expected in the least *coughAnimalCrossingcough*. (turning into a crazy person, and going survival mode on a pack of guards last night ala GTA was a blast).

I'll have to spend more time with quests, and I've also completely ignored a lot of side bits as well. So eventually I'd like to chime up a more massive set of impressions.

I don't get the 8-9 hours stuff. Are people ignoring chunks of the game? Power leveling, then rushing through? Fable's main campaign doesn't seem overly huge, but I expect at least 20+ish hours on the clock when all is said and done.

Pretty darn fun thus far. It's not revolutionary, it's not the best RPG ever, not by a mile, but it's a very cool addition into a damn near dead genre, in my playtime at least.

Oh, and some of you are just really, REALLY petty. There's some very valid complaints, but a lot of this is just wacky. I'm as jaded and elitest as RPG players come, and this is shit I'd never complain about. :p
Sysgen said:
Thanks for the compliment. I assume you have a certain level of intelligence also and can I understand my perspective because it aint that damn difficult. Lets look at an atomic example. After loading up the game again
the game no longer recognizes that I am the fastest apprentice
Sorry I know it's petty but I'm a purist and shit like that just ruins the experince. About the books, I took them off the shleves so why are they there again?. Say what you want but we all look for different things in the games we play.

why are they in your inventory? hmmm, dont know, maybe cause you took them? ever think the game makes it so that the books are always restocked? ever think about that? no that cant be it....in all other rpgs, once u take something its gone forever.



If someone wants to save every 3 steps let them, dont' worry about protecting me from me devs just let me do what I want.

It also gives average players a chance to make their own difficulty, i know there's been a few PC games that if i couldn't save mid-boss battle i wouldn't have been able to do it(doom 2 last boss comes to mind).

Poeple here are saying dumb things like it stops exploitation blah blah blah, who cares? Who is being exploited, the game i bought and is now my peoperty? I don't think my copy of the game will mind.


Fixed2BeBroken said:
why are they in your inventory? hmmm, dont know, maybe cause you took them?

I think it's more like, you read them and left the books up on the shelf.

Anyway, wow...you're selling the game after 2 hours of play? Crazy, but OK.

The save system is fine and, like others have said, is pretty much like GTAIII/VC's for a reason.

10 or so hours in and damn, this game is still fucking cool. Fable II must be on Xenon, damn it! Though, that possible expansion pack mentioned at Kikizo is now most definitely welcome, as well.


How do you get married in this game? I got this hairdresser to fall in love with me and I bought a wedding ring, but the bitch took it and I'm still not listed as married!


Rodriguez said:
How do you get married in this game? I got this hairdresser to fall in love with me and I bought a wedding ring, but the bitch took it and I'm still not listed as married!

kill her
Rodriguez said:
How do you get married in this game? I got this hairdresser to fall in love with me and I bought a wedding ring, but the bitch took it and I'm still not listed as married!

Keep flirting...a lot....and give gifts (roses, chocolates, jewels, etc.)...unti she says something to the effect of, 'we should get married'...and *then* give her the ring...preferably a real one, as I've not had any luck with the fake ones.


I've given her all that crap, but she hasn't said anything about getting married. All she said was that she wants to go to an inn. So WTF happened to my ring? Damn it, does Rodriguez have to choke a bitch?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
MightyHedgehog said:
Keep flirting...a lot....and give gifts (roses, chocolates, jewels, etc.)...unti she says something to the effect of, 'we should get married'...and *then* give her the ring...preferably a real one, as I've not had any luck with the fake ones.

stealing my hairdresser wife? man that's it. I'm calling it off :| Divorce time


Rodriguez said:
I've given her all that crap, but she hasn't said anything about getting married. All she said was that she wants to go to an inn. So WTF happened to my ring? Damn it, does Rodriguez have to choke a bitch?

You must have dropped ur Robbie pics when you were emptying out your pockets looking for her ring. Explains why she doesnt want to marry you. You noticed that her dad was checking you out?
The framerate problems are getting on my nerves. Its not a deal breaker, but I wish they would have optimized it better. Some points feel like I'm right back playing Deus Ex 2.
Rodriguez said:
How do you get married in this game? I got this hairdresser to fall in love with me and I bought a wedding ring, but the bitch took it and I'm still not listed as married!

how do you get laid in this game?

i had this girl all on my nuts, then i had her follow me to an inn and i used the bed thinking my guy would get laid but he didnt.


Fixed2BeBroken said:
how do you get laid in this game?

i had this girl all on my nuts, then i had her follow me to an inn and i used the bed thinking my guy would get laid but he didnt.

Same here. I got that hairdresser to an inn, but nothing happened. The next day, I had her follow me out to the picnic area and I killed her.

Prine said:
You noticed that her dad was checking you out?

It's funny you mention that. After I completed my 7th-8th quest, I went into town and noticed the heart icon over the heads of a couple men. But I ain't exploring that avenue.


Rodriguez said:
Same here. I got that hairdresser to an inn, but nothing happened. The next day, I had her follow me out to the picnic area and I killed her..


Thats rich man, thats rich. Awesome.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
when i first went into town, that was the first thing i did, but of course at first i accidently gave 5 beers to the bartender... it took a while for him to become sober again :p


LAMBO said:

If someone wants to save every 3 steps let them, dont' worry about protecting me from me devs just let me do what I want.

It also gives average players a chance to make their own difficulty, i know there's been a few PC games that if i couldn't save mid-boss battle i wouldn't have been able to do it(doom 2 last boss comes to mind).

Poeple here are saying dumb things like it stops exploitation blah blah blah, who cares? Who is being exploited, the game i bought and is now my peoperty? I don't think my copy of the game will mind.
Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny,
And in this judgement there is no partiality.
So arm in arms, with arms, we’ll fight this little struggle,
’cause that’s the only way we can overcome our little trouble.

Brother, you’re right, you’re right,
You’re right, you’re right, you’re so right!
We gon’ fight (we gon’ fight), we’ll have to fight (we gon’ fight),
We gonna fight (we gon’ fight), fight for our rights!


Well the game is not released in Europe till October 8th. And from this thread we can deduce that it is indeed an AAA title, which is great news. How did I come to this conclustion? The main complaint is how the game is saved. Now sometimes, just sometimes mind, you Americans are so funny (unlike that Friends shite you hoisted on us). Now how many days till October the 8th 1...2...3...........


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Trav said:
Also, when/how can you sleep at the guild and does it heal you? I took some injuries during my second quest and figured I could sleep myself to good health. Most of the beds were taken (night time), but even the beds that weren't said I couldn't use them (even the crappy futons in another building).

As far as sleep goes, I broke into that unoccupied house near the end of Browerstone and slept in one of it's beds for the night. This was after robbing every other house in the town blind and breaking on the shop-keeper's windows for spite.


siamesedreamer said:
Y'all need to go buy a bunch of beer and then drink it.

The graphical effect kicks ass. And I vomitted twice.........

haha, that was the first thing I did as well. Threw up at the bar.


Chili Con Carnage!
Just completed my first play through, managed to make it the whole way without doing anything evil, by the end i was so damn attractive every time i walked through any town another 4 women (and one man) fell in love with me, and if i sat down to play a game in the tavern, by the time i finished everyone in the whole town would be crammed into the tavern cheering for me, crazy stuff...also got some luvvin from the mayoress (she said i was a hero in more ways than one).

Few questions before i start my second play through though...

1. Has anyone managed to marry any of the other guild apprentices? I had one in love with me but she wouldnt marry me untill i had a place for us to live, i had a few spare houses in other towns so i figure you need a house in the zone you're in, and as you cant get one at the guild...no hero weddings.

2. How do you buy shops? do you have to kill the occupants first or something like that?

3. Did anyone find Treasure Clue 3 (and what does it say)?
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