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Official "Free" NES/GBA games for 3DS thread of Nintendo's guilt

I feel a bit more justified in being an early adopter

Also, will this affect the price of the DSi XL I wonder? Have wanted that for some time now...
Gravijah said:
You'll need to connect it to the internet before... August 12th I think.

Ulairi said:
This doesn't make any sense. You bought the product because you wanted to play games that are on or will be on the platform. You are getting 20 free games. But now, you don't want to play any games on the product? And to correct things, you're going to do the SAME THING that you did with the 3DS with the PSP Vita which may end up with similar results. Please tell me you're not a voter.

Actually I would have waited. I fell into the hype of 3DS and developer announcements only to see half the dates pushed back and a couple cancelled (like MML). With the PSVita at least I KNOW that 2 or 3 games right out of the gate will be ones I want (hopefully, if not I won't get it). I also was using 3DS to play my DS games but if I knew the price would have dropped so drastically in the first 4 months along with dates being pushed and the launch being somewhat lacking in software with apparent 3rd party hesitation I would have just used my DSi XL to keep playing those.

It's really not that hard to understand. It always looks worse in hindsight and that's what's happening. I loved my DS, enjoyed the fuck out of it, and I would still have it if I knew that a 30% price cut was coming less than 4 months out of the gate.

"Please tell me you're not a voter" ... whatever, nice pathetic jab.

Zoramon089 said:
All products go through price drops! Stop this ridiculous drama over realizing this very apparent and obvious trend that's been the case in with all consumer products since forever

4 Months dude, I didn't expect that and I could have waited.

It's REALLY fucking simple. I mean ... like really fucking simple. I wish I would have waited because price drops of that magnitude and that soon after a launch are pretty unheard of ... but I guess everybody expects 30% price cuts 4 months after a launch of a new system because that's the "norm".

I blame myself, not the precious Nintendo you guys love and cherish.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
It's too bad they can only offer first party games for the free ambassador deal. If they managed to make final fantasy 6 one of the 5 unannounced GBA games, I'd be making the ourgodisanawesomegod.jpg face.


Man, I'm kind of cheesed right now. Last month I paid more for a used 3DS than a new 3DS will cost next month.

All will be right with the world if they give me Medabots: Metabee version for free though.



flyinpiranha said:
Actually I would have waited. I fell into the hype of 3DS and developer announcements only to see half the dates pushed back and a couple cancelled (like MML). With the PSVita at least I KNOW that 2 or 3 games right out of the gate will be ones I want (hopefully, if not I won't get it). I also was using 3DS to play my DS games but if I knew the price would have dropped so drastically in the first 4 months along with dates being pushed and the launch being somewhat lacking in software with apparent 3rd party hesitation I would have just used my DSi XL to keep playing those.

It's really not that hard to understand. It always looks worse in hindsight and that's what's happening. I loved my DS, enjoyed the fuck out of it, and I would still have it if I knew that a 40% price cut was coming less than 4 months out of the gate.

"Please tell me you're not a voter" ... whatever, nice pathetic jab.

But you didn't. And you don't know if the PSP Vita will feature a similar price drop. You buy something based on the utility when you buy it or you risk price drips like this. You do know it's not a 40% price drop? Did you think that is how much $80 is?

EDIT: Based on your other response yes, you did think it's a 40% drop. Back to hoping you're not a voter.


ConradCervantes said:
Goddamn this is awesome news. I've had no problem buying the 3DS for $250, so the fact I'm getting 20 free games from this deal makes the system so much sweeter.
Agreed! Also, hopefully this lower 3ds price will have a big impact on sales and it'll start seeing more software support soon.


Really curious to see what the next five NES and GBA games are. It looks like they're going to be region specific for those since the ones they've announced have have been games released in all regions. Mother 3 or Rhythm Tengoku GBA releases would heal my non-existent wounds.
Ulairi said:
But you didn't. And you don't know if the PSP Vita will feature a similar price drop. You buy something based on the utility when you buy it or you risk price drips like this. You do know it's not a 40% price drop? Did you think that is how much $80 is?

EDIT: Based on your other response yes, you did think it's a 40% drop. Back to hoping you're not a voter.

I just kept hitting 4, it's like a little over 30%, sorry for the typo. And fuck off with your voter comment, you're not coming off as being witty.

I expected a price drop, just not this soon. I'm only irritated at myself, well ... and you because you can't understand how somebody would be angry at being out $80.


flyinpiranha said:
I just kept hitting 4, it's like a little over 30%, sorry for the typo. And fuck off with your voter comment, you're not coming off as being witty.

If you were being reasonable I wouldn't be snarky.

I understand being bummed that you could have gotten the product for less money. But, when you bought it, $250 had to be a good value for you. If it's not then you wouldn't have bought it. You're getting 20 free games for a product you already wanted. This is simple stuff.
JetBlackPanda said:
This is exactly it, why would anyone buy a launch console if the games are not interesting to them? wait until the games you want to play come out. I don't understand this idea of buying a console because games are coming later and then being pissed when there are no games to play right now.

Bizzaro World.

normally don't drop in price this fast or this much

my line of thinking was: "well I want Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart and maybe Kid Icarus. It won't drop before those come out, so I might as well get it now."

I've made a huge mistake. The poor performance of the 3DS and pressure from the Vita forced Nintendo's hand early, less than half a year after the launch release, and before any noteworthy software releases.

Somnid said:
But even if you weren't planning on buying them but still wind up playing them it is an added value and an exclusive one at that. You could look at it monetarily or content-wise and either way you'd be hard pressed to say early adopters got a raw deal.

early adopters got a raw deal

it's perceived value. like when Sony gave out free games for stolen data, or Microsoft for Xbox Live downtime. I would have never bought those games, and I haven't played them because I have games I bought and want to play. But it was a cheap and easy way for those companies to make amends.

A better value would be like half-off coupons for 3DS software. Wouldn't be so bad if I could get Mario Land 3D and Mario Kart each for $20. But something like that would affect Nintendo more than virtual console games. Because really, on their own, how many people would buy Balloon Fight or Ice Climbers? It's a cheap and easy way to make amends with its audience.
The price the 3DS is dropping to in the UK is around the same amount it cost me to buy it as a moderately early adopter, so for me this is glorious!


I wonder if they drip the free games out throughout the year? Like during every week's e-shop update, the Ambassadors will get a free game?
Ulairi said:
If you were being reasonable I wouldn't be snarky.

I understand being bummed that you could have gotten the product for less money. But, when you bought it, $250 had to be a good value for you. If it's not then you wouldn't have bought it. You're getting 20 free games for a product you already wanted. This is simple stuff.

Yes, it is. But the entire post a couple up that you decided to call out my typos explains WHY I bought at that price.

I think we're done either way, it's too OT and there are people irritated at themselves (like me) and others who are happy with the freebies.

C'est la vie


Free games? I'll take it!
Docpan said:
This deal is BULL.SHIT.

10 free NES games? I'm sorry, but, who gives a flying fuck about those? Nostalgia aside, NES games are nothing more than five minute or less diversions that mean nothing to someone who spent $250 on the fucking hardware expecting it to be a worthwhile investment later on. Ice Climbers????? Give me a fucking break. Yeah, that sounds like a fair compromise! How about giving me my money back instead?

They need to give us the real shit for this. I'm talking unreleased games like Mother 3. And they need to lock it off forever to people who aren't Embassadors, not wait 3 months and make it available to everyone. Give us something of goddamn value, dude.

Is Gamestop still giving 150 in trade in credit for 3ds?
Classic Docpan.
I live in Sweden, which doesn't have any kind of Club Nintendo, so I'm probably fucked. So awesome.

EDIT: I guess it doesn't have anything to do with Club Nintendo. There needs to be more info added to the OP.


never left the stone age
AndyMoogle said:
I live in Sweden, which doesn't have any kind of Club Nintendo, so I'm probably fucked. So awesome.
You connect to the eShop, been stated several times :p


AndyMoogle said:
I live in Sweden, which doesn't have any kind of Club Nintendo, so I'm probably fucked. So awesome.
This has nothing to do with Club Nintendo. As long as you used the eShop before the drop you'll be fine.


Thank you Nintendo. I was pissed when I saw the price drop, but 20 games is a lot of games.

But my backlog is already HUGE.


When I heard the number of games they were giving out I thought for sure that meant I would get to pick a couple out of a selection of 20. :p
AndyMoogle said:
I live in Sweden, which doesn't have any kind of Club Nintendo, so I'm probably fucked. So awesome.
asdf It's not a Club Nintendo promotion. :p
flyinpiranha said:
I just kept hitting 4, it's like a little over 30%, sorry for the typo. And fuck off with your voter comment, you're not coming off as being witty.

I expected a price drop, just not this soon. I'm only irritated at myself, well ... and you because you can't understand how somebody would be angry at being out $80.

Enjoying the system for a longer period of time doesn't count for anything? It's just straight up $80 lost, there was absolutely zero value in owning a system for half a year?

If I bought a computer 5 years ago at a certain price and the same computer would now cost half as much as I paid, that's just money completely down the drain? Should've waited?


Futureman said:
I wonder if they drip the free games out throughout the year? Like during every week's e-shop update, the Ambassadors will get a free game?

I'd almost prefer it like this. Gives me time to work my way through the games.


Roto13 said:
Considering NES games are $5 on Wii and GBA games will most definitely be more than that, it's most likely cheaper to buy a 3DS now than to buy all of the games later.

I bought mine a month ago even though I kept telling myself $250 was too much for a handheld. It was kind of a moment of weakness. I'd be mad if there were no free games with this price drop, but I would be mad at myself for not waiting like I told myself I would (which, in fact, I was for the moments between reading about the price drop and reading about the freebies), not Nintendo.
Ok thanks, still not sure about buying one though; got tons of 360 games to buy (I've been abroad since Jan.), and a new lens for my DSLR, but that definitively makes it more interesting


I would bang a hot farmer!
Tadale said:
I'd almost prefer it like this. Gives me time to work my way through the games.
It would also allow me to resist paying Nintendo for any more VC games on the 3DS for a very long time if they didn't dump them all on us at the same time.


This is a win-win as far as I'm concerned. The early adopters are the ones who would be most likely to buy downloadable games anyway so I think it's quite the gesture. The game line up for the coming year is incredible and a price drop of this magnitude will definately increase sales which will just get more games released.

My wishlist for the other GBA games:

Either F-Zero
Either Advance Wars
Mario & Luigi
Either Zelda
Super Mario World - the best Mario game :p

Man, the GBA is like the pinnacle of what I want out of a handheld. Such an amazing library.


Mother 3, Mother 3, Mother 3 Nintendo :(

I know it won't happen theres 99.999% it won't come out here but god damn, the GBA VC would be the best way to release this game to america since it was like one of the last games to come out for the GBA at the time.

Other than that, maybe they'll translate the Rhythm heaven GBA game for kicks too, but thats unlikely.

Hopefully theres Minish cap too, I never did get the chance to beat that game.
Futureman said:
I wonder if they drip the free games out throughout the year? Like during every week's e-shop update, the Ambassadors will get a free game?
It seems to me that they will dump all 10 NES games on eShop at once on September 1st, and then later on they will release all 10 GBA games at once. At least that's what it sounds like in NoE's press release.

RetroGreg said:
This is a win-win as far as I'm concerned. The early adopters are the ones who would be most likely to buy downloadable games anyway so I think it's quite the gesture. The game line up for the coming year is incredible and a price drop of this magnitude will definately increase sales which will just get more games released.

My wishlist for the other GBA games:

Either F-Zero
Either Advance Wars
Mario & Luigi
Either Zelda
Super Mario World - the best Mario game :p

Man, the GBA is like the pinnacle of what I want out of a handheld. Such an amazing library.
Man... GBA had an insane library. 5 more games from Nintendo... Hm, I'd say that I would want Zero Mission, Mario & Luigi, kurukuru kururin, Minish Cap and one of the Fire Emblem games.
UncleSporky said:
Enjoying the system for a longer period of time doesn't count for anything? It's just straight up $80 lost, there was absolutely zero value in owning a system for half a year?

If I bought a computer 5 years ago at a certain price and the same computer would now cost half as much as I paid, that's just money completely down the drain? Should've waited?

5 years =! 4 months. It's been explained. I'm just angry I didn't wait. I honestly haven't played it that much in the past 4 months and while I appreciate the free games, 90% I have already played.

I'm just angry and venting about why I (me) didn't wait, there's no finger pointing at Nintendo, just my own stupid ass mistake buying a Nintendo product day 1.


Uh is there any 3DS eshop update today? Not that I would be very likely to buy anything considering we're getting TWENTY free games this year ha.


flyinpiranha said:
5 years =! 4 months. It's been explained. I'm just angry I didn't wait. I honestly haven't played it that much in the past 4 months and while I appreciate the free games, 90% I have already played.

I'm just angry and venting about why I (me) didn't wait, there's no finger pointing at Nintendo, just my own stupid ass mistake buying a Nintendo product day 1.
This is not something unique to Nintendo. You should never, ever buy a handheld or console unless there are enough games you want to play at that time to justify the cost. Buying a console or handheld for games that aren't out yet is a bad idea.


Futureman said:
Uh is there any 3DS eshop update today? Not that I would be very likely to buy anything considering we're getting TWENTY free games this year ha.

there was a 3DSware golf game added to the eshop.


UncleSporky said:
Enjoying the system for a longer period of time doesn't count for anything? It's just straight up $80 lost, there was absolutely zero value in owning a system for half a year?

If I bought a computer 5 years ago at a certain price and the same computer would now cost half as much as I paid, that's just money completely down the drain? Should've waited?

You're talking five years, if the computer had a 32% price decrease over 4 months I would be pretty mad. The games they are giving out are useless to Nintendo fans, the same ones who early adopted the 3ds.

I know it's my fault for purchasing before any good games were out, but after this I am for sure playing it safe by holding off on the Wii U at launch unless some good 1st party titles come out at the same time. Like Super Mario Bros/World/64 good.


Futureman said:
Uh is there any 3DS eshop update today? Not that I would be very likely to buy anything considering we're getting TWENTY free games this year ha.
Japan got video versions of the price drop announcement. Nothing but scrolling text.


Futureman said:
Uh is there any 3DS eshop update today? Not that I would be very likely to buy anything considering we're getting TWENTY free games this year ha.

I'm a big Nintendo fan and the only reason anyone would be happy about this is you're late to Nintendo and you haven't played these games. Well expect shit because most of them are shittier than the free games on the app store of your mobile phone of choice(not all of them though, but I own multiple iterations of the good ones already).


tengiants said:
I'm a big Nintendo fan and the only reason anyone would be happy about this is you're late to Nintendo and you haven't played these games. Well expect shit because most of them are shittier than the free games on the app store of your mobile phone of choice(not all of them though, but I own multiple iterations of the good ones already).
That's ridiculous. Every single one of these games is good or great. Every single one.


nods at old men
So any speculation as to why you can't transfer the Ambassador Games to a different 3DS should you decide to switch?
tengiants said:
I'm a big Nintendo fan and the only reason anyone would be happy about this is you're late to Nintendo and you haven't played these games. Well expect shit because most of them are shittier than the free games on the app store of your mobile phone of choice(not all of them though, but I own multiple iterations of the good ones already).

Hyperbole much? I'd take just about any GBA title over what's available on the App Store.


Roto13 said:
That's ridiculous. Every single one of these games is good or great. Every single one.

Surely this is subjective. I only realistically see myself playing 3 of them, and if I were to play them again I could play them on the multiple other platforms I own them for. Even then they are prioritized waaayy low on the backlog because I've played them already. This is a terrible way to compensate for me personally, as a loyal Nintendo fan.


dallow_bg said:
So any speculation as to why you can't transfer the Ambassador Games to a different 3DS should you decide to switch?
Who said anything like that?

tengiants said:
Surely this is subjective. I only realistically see myself playing 3 of them, and if I were to play them again I could play them on the multiple other platforms I own them for. Even then they are prioritized waaayy low on the backlog because I've played them already. This is a terrible way to compensate for me personally, as a loyal Nintendo fan.
Are you arguing that any of these games aren't classics? Congrats, you only play games once ever and then forget them forever. If you don't like classic Nintendo games, you've bought the wrong handheld.


my predictions for the other 10 games.

-Kid icarus
-Kirbys adventure
-Super mario bros. 2
-Clu clu land

-Minish cap
-Kirby and the amazing mirror
-Mario and Luigi superstar saga
-Metroid Zero mission
-Advance Wars/ Fire emblem*

*I highly doubt a pokemon game will appear because they'd have to waste 2 slots for the different versions, if they put in Fire red they'd need Leaf green, and if they released Emerald you'd need Ruby and Sapphire to get the pokemon you can't get in Emerald.
JazzmanZ said:
my predictions for the other 10 games.

-Kid icarus
-Kirbys adventure
-Super mario bros. 2
-Clu clu land

-Minish cap
-Kirby and the amazing mirror
-Mario and Luigi superstar saga
-Metroid Zero mission
-Advance Wars/ Fire emblem*

*I highly doubt a pokemon game will appear because they'd have to waste 2 slots for the different versions, if they put in Fire red they'd need Leaf green, and if they released Emerald you'd need Ruby and Sapphire to get the pokemon you can't get in Emerald.

Besides, unless they figure out a way to emulate link cable stuff you can't battle or trade, which kills like 50% of the reason to play Pokemon in the first place.
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