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Official GAF The Last of Us Multiplayer Tournament


FINAL STANDINGS: http://challonge.com/TLOUGAF

You can catch some archives at all of these:

|||| Type of Tournament ||||
This will be a Double Elimination style tournament. That means if you lose twice, you're out. One "match" between teams will consist of one game of Supply Raid, one game of Survivors, and then a tie breaker game of Interrogation, should it come to that. Supply Raid will be played on the Lakeside map, Survivors will be played on High School, and Interrogation will be played on The Dam. All the maps are going to be the same across the tournament so we don't have to worry about voting or anything like that.

|||| Protocol ||||
The Maps for Round 4 and the Semi Finals will be
Supply Raid - University
Survivors- Capitol
Interrogation - Checkpoint

The Maps for the Finals will be
Supply Raid - Bill's Town
Survivors - Bookstore
Interrogation - Coal Mine.

1 | Get into a private match with your opponent
2 | Both teams set up your stream from the PS4-make sure archiving is set on Twitch-and post the links here in the thread (one person per team); name your stream GAF TOURNAMENT-[TEAM NAME]. I will update the OP with the stream link so everyone on GAF can watch
3 | First game is Supply Raid played on Lakeside unless you are past round 3, then consult above
4 | Switch hosts so that someone on the other team is hosting
5 | Second game is Survivors played on High School unless you are past round 3, then consult above
6 | If there is still a tie, switch hosts again and play Interrogation on Dam unless you are past round 3, then consult above
7 | If there is still a tie, switch hosts and play Supply Raid on Lakeside
8 | Celebrate or cry
9 | Report results in the thread

|||| What you will win||||
Everyone on the 3rd place team: $10 of PSN money
Everyone on the 2nd place team: $20 of PSN money
Everyone on the 1st place team: $30 of PSN money + a random chance to win a signed TLOU:R steelbook


*Picture courtesy of Exploratory, photoshop by VisceralBowl

First of all, I'd like to apologize for adding to the huge amount of Last of Us threads, but this is important! Let's get right to it, but know that this is my first time running one of these, so I am open to all help and reasonable suggestions!
1| Introduction

Naughty Dog was cool enough to add in a private match option into TLOU, so we're going to take advantage of it. Are you a bad enough dude
to beat out all the other gaffers? Battle other teams while all of GAF
watches you on Twitch. Down your enemies and execute a victory to claim some sweet prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

2| Down to Business

-Prizes will, at the very least, involve $60 worth of my own PSN vouchers divided between the winning team. It's pretty small for that amount of people, so I'm also taking donations for even more prizes for anyone, so feel free to donate! Unless you say otherwise, I will thank everyone who donates something to the prize pool at the bottom of the OT. Let's make this the greatest GAF tournament ever. Anything you put in you have a chance to win back!

-All games will be streamed and will be archived for those who can't watch live. Thanks to the beautiful next gen future, the PS4 makes it incredibly easy to stream, so every single epic match will be viewable by anyone who wants to. As far as I know, this is one of the first GAF tournaments that will have this audience aspect.

-You must form your own teams before registering. You cannot register by yourself. Use this thread to get a group together. Registration format is below.

-Once the match times are set, you have ten minutes after the match time to get your team together or you forfeit the game, barring PSN being down or TLOU servers being down. Scheduling is going to be a challenge on it's own, so unfortunately I'm not going to reschedule against both teams agree to it, sorry :(.

-This tournament, while still serious, is sort of a test run. I'd be down to run it again if there is still interest.

-Restrictions: I have decided to not bar any weapons, loadouts, or anything like that from the tournament. I don't think I'll be changing my mind on this.

-Game Modes: Survivors and Supply Raid

-Once we have entrants, I'll be posting the teams PSN ids and GAF ids so that everyone can be in contact with each other.

-You can have non GAF members on your team, but obviously I'd prefer it if they were made of all gaffers. Half of your team must be composed of gaffers

-I'm using the website called Challonge to keep track of everything. I'll post the link in a bit.​
3 | Sounds Good, What Do You Need From Me?

Register a team by posting in this format:

Team name (come up with something cool to name your team!)
Team Member 1 PSN/GAF ids
Team Member 2 PSN/GAF ids
Team Member 3 PSN/GAF ids
Team Member 4 PSN/GAF ids
General availability times (This will be just for my reference when I go through and begin talking to everyone and getting the schedules worked out.)

The Luca Goers
I have no life, so between 12am and 12am everyday

I will then get in contact with whoever is at the top of your list and begin working out the schedule.
Last notes:

(Deadline extended because of changes to tournament rules and meaty additions to the prize pool. I appreciate everyone who got in before the previous date.)
After that date, I will begin setting up the schedule. I'm shooting for most matches taking place over that next weekend, but we'll see depending on how much interest there is. But you'll have about a week to practice with your team beforehand.

I will also be competing. I don't really see any conflict of interest as all games will be streamed and requires no judging. If a lot of people have problems with that though, I won't hesitate to drop out.

Use this topic to help find a team. I'm sure some gaffers would love to team up.

Thanks for reading, and hopefully registering! I know I'm missing details, so as you remind me and as I remember them, they will be added to the OP.
Teams Registered:
-Team IFA
-The Comeback Kids
-Hot Schadenfreude
-Sangre Por Sangre
-The Guardians
-Shivver Me Timbers
-Cincinnati One Hitters
-Bed, Bricks, and Beyond
-The Best Friends Club
-The Left Behind
-Macaroni Champions
-Simply Surreal Modern Warfare
Free Agent (looking for a team):

Current Prize Pool:

Thanks to Gray matter for his $10 donation
Thanks to Naughty Dog/arne who will be donating one signed TLOU:R steelbook.
Thanks to arne who is also donating $50 in PSN vouchers.
Thanks to Gaffer and Naughty Dog developer BadData for donating $50 dollars more!
Thanks to Broadbandito to updating the free agent list while I was sleeping!
Thanks to gotstrangepowers for donating $10!
Thanks to Brickwalker0 for donating $10!


I remember when I played with GAF; that shit was free.

Too bad I don't have the game anymore, or even a ps4


If you are streaming, please set it up to archive streams, so they can be posted on here for those that can't watch live.
I made it into the OP pic :O.

FD_Reborn here, haven't played all day because I'm redownloading everything back to my new harddrive. Just upgraded to 1 TB.


There should be more tampons in gaming
I'm not sure if I'm doing this right but my PSN ID is; Travaughn and of course my GAF name is; Allonym. If anyone is looking for a free agent of sorts who's pretty good (in my personal opinion of course) feel free to PM me or quote me here so we can win this thing! My hours of play typically include early morning till early afternoon and late night until late morning, or in other words 9am-1pm & 11:30pm-3 or 4am. The time between is my work schedule so I won't be on during that interval however should that change I'll inform you.


There should be more tampons in gaming
Do we have a place allocated for people who are "free agents" looking to be picked up?
I'm looking for a team. My buddy and I are a very vocal team, we've been playing competitive and challenge-oriented co-operative games together for over 15 years so we are very in tune with each other and our team mates. Very coordinated.

He's not a member of GAF, but we do play regularly with other members of TLOUGAF.


I'm up for it if someone needs a player for their team. I've played MP with some of you guys before so if I'm already on your friends list I'm good to go!

PSN ID: Gav220886

I'm not much for team management so I'd rather join one than try to create/manage one.


Incredibly Naive
Team IFA
QU3N/ no gaf
Gsantos613/no gaf

Supply raid

Mostly Fridays, occasionaly saturday nights.


Well shit, I guess I have 3 days.

I'm a free agent if anyone wants me. Msharingan on PSN.

A free agents list might be a good idea.


And what's this about "What game mode you want". Bah!

Two rounds of Supply Raid and a tie-break round of Survivor I say. Best of 3.
Is there a spectating position in private matches? I'd like to serve as the camera person for them if you can't decide on one player to watch.


Is there a spectating position in private matches? I'd like to serve as the camera person for them if you can't decide on one player to watch.

I don't think so, but all the matches will be streamed.

I wish it had spectating though, then the spectator could just stream it


Incredibly Naive
And what's this about "What game mode you want". Bah!

Two rounds of Supply Raid and a tie-break round of Survivor I say. Best of 3.

I just say best of 3 supply raid, straight up, no shootouts, nothing like that just straight up best of 3.

You think? I'm down if no one has any objections. Was kind of feeling it out


It might a good idea if the tournament organizer stayed out of the tourny so he can remain neutral if needed.

disagree with this.


Updated the OP. People like their game modes separate, so I won't mix them, but in both brackets (Supply Raid and Survivors), but it will be best 2 out of 3.


I remember when I played with GAF; that shit was free.

Too bad I don't have the game anymore, or even a ps4
Yeah, I don't think I'll have my PS4 in time for this. Might miss out on this gamestop deal for the game too. Rent's not gonna pay itself.
Team Name: Simply Surreal Modern Warfare
Player 1: TimeEffect (PM for PSN ID plz)
Player 2: NITROWOLF_2
Player 3: KilgoreisDead/KilgoreTrout
Player 4: Fakehound/Non Gaffer


Gaz, you're not playing?

Edit: Ah Ok..I see you have chosen to make your own team... Too bad >:)


Oh, I am. And you should PM some of the free agents to fill those spots!

Team Name: The Comeback Kids
XFreaktionX/Gray matter
Supply Raid and Survivors


I'd love to participate as well. My PSN ID is TaggSte, and I'm located on the west coast (BC, Canada). Please send me a PM or quote this message if you're in the same timezone and looking for another teammate! I'm not really that good yet but I'm a team player.


Free agent in the Pacific Northwest! (PST Timezone)

I'll be playing late Friday and again on Saturday evening and streaming if you want to check out my skills. I'm a veteran for sure. Played to week 70+ on PS3 and am currently week 3 on ps4. Consistently the top guy on my team if not the room.

Not trying to claim I'm God-tier, but I do well most of the time. I have a mic as well.

PSN handle: Unoillnino
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