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Official "I need a new PC!!" 2009 Edition


Mo the Hawk said:
Umm... You're not trying to put that card in the PCI slot are you? Assuming that's the videocard that came w/the computer above those 2 PCI slots - remove that and take a picture of the slot underneath. Just remove the card above and put the new one in its place.
Mo the Hawk said:


Now that I'm thinking more clearly, the pin connectors probably do line up with the slots just fine. I just can't get the card in because:

- The slots on the mobo have the smaller segment on the right side
- The card's pins have the smaller segment on the left side

And as you can see from that mess of jagged metal to the left of my mobo, I cut that part of the case out by force just to make room. I thought I could get away with installing the card with the monitor connectors inside the case, but then I realized that the big metal hunk holding the monitor connectors extends downwards too far for the card's pins to ever fully sink into the slots anyway. Yeah - I'm a dumbass.

So I guess I need a card whose monitor connectors are next to the larger segment of its pin connectors. Do such cards exist, or is my mobo just ass-backwards?

If the 4350 fit in there, the 5750 will fit in there they'll have the same connection and fit in the same slot, I can't really make head nor tail of what's going on in thos pictures, sorry. But you can't just "decide" to have the monitor hookups inside your case, they go in the sma place regardless of the card.

Its shit like this why I always recommend going with a custom build though, knowing exactly what is in your case and knowing that its all 100% industry standard saves so many headaches.

You're probably going to have a pain hooking up the PCIe power connector from the card as well, as your Dell PSU likely doesn't have one nor any molex connectors for an easy conversion.

Edit: On reflection its pretty clear you're trying to jam it in a PCI slot, no wonder it doesn't fit, its not suppose to. You need to remove the 4350 first and then place it in the slot you took that out of. Now, powering the card is going to prove a bitch, what spare hookups does your PSU have?

You'll probably have to buy a couple of these and then use the adpater that came with your card:


Its not guaranteed to work after this either, its why I'd have said to just buy a 4670, sure its not as fast, but it'd save so many headaches.
brain_stew said:
Its shit like this why I always recommend going with a custom build though, knowing exactly what is in your case and knowing that its all 100% industry standard saves so many headaches.
But even then shit tends to creep up on you. Like the whole foxconn socket fiasco, I am still playing the roulette and didn't check my p55 motherboard. Sometimes you just don't see the problem comming.

Uncle AJ

Thank you SuperEnemyCrab and others for pointing out my stupidity... I can remove the 4350 and insert the 5750 into the mobo now. Progress!

Just one problem: what the hell do I do with this guy?


(That left-most hole is totally empty, which might be some cause for alarm of a faulty part? I don't know)

Actually, don't answer that first question. I know exactly what it's for, because this was on the packaging:


There just aren't any connectors coming out of my power supply that even remotely match that cable.

Thanks for the link to that molex adapter, brain_stew, but I feel like I'm better off buying a whole new PSU. I'm just now noticing that its max DC output is 300W, and I can't find a minimum wattage for the 5750 (EDIT: found on Newegg - needs at least 450W), but I highly doubt 300W will be enough. I should be good to go if I get one that includes a 4-pin connector, right? (Assuming that this cable that came with the card is supposed to have only three pins)

Things are moving quickly now... thank you to everyone who is tolerating my ignorance. :D

Uncle AJ

DMPrince said:
my stock PSU died ;\

Going to buy a new one + a new Surge Protector that actually works.

Any Recommendations?

My old PC burned through two PSUs before I finally broke down and bought a Universal Power Supply. No problems since. Mine's a Geek Squad. Look into them.
Mo the Hawk said:
My old PC burned through two PSUs before I finally broke down and bought a Universal Power Supply. No problems since. Mine's a Geek Squad. Look into them.

Well a decent PSU should survive a power surge just fine if it has the necessary protection. Not much of an issue here in the UK though, we actually have a decent electrical supply, unlike that third world shit you use in the states! Heh.

Your PSU absolutely can power that card. The "missing pin" thing is a non issue, its supose to be like that. That connector you showed me is called a molex, how many of them is their from the wire included with your GPU?

What spare hookups do you have coming from your PSU? A couple of SATA power cables (flat and probably black)? What you need to do is convert them SATA cables, to molex then to a PCIe 6 pin plug which goes into your GPU. If your GPU just needs the one molex hookup and your PSU has a couple SATA power cables just buy that adapter I linked, job done.

Now if its more than one you need to hookup or your PSU doesn't have any power cables spare, its probably time to buy a new PSU. However, not all Dells use standard ATX PSUs (though I believe most do these days), so you need to check up to see if your model can take a standard ATX PSU. If it does just buy that OCZ model I linked earlier for a previous poster. You can probably understand why I never recommend people buy off the shelf PCs now? :lol
brain_stew said:
No idea, its just a standard ATX PSU. If your case takes standard ATX PSUs you're fine, if it doesn't erm..........good luck.
okay. it does. Going to place an order now.

EDIT: done :D now i wait for it to come grr.

Uncle AJ

brain_stew said:
Well a decent PSU should survive a power surge just fine if it has the necessary protection. Not much of an issue here in the UK though, we actually have a decent electrical supply, unlike that third world shit you use in the states! Heh.

Your PSU absolutely can power that card. The "missing pin" thing is a non issue, its supose to be like that. That connector you showed me is called a molex, how many of them is their from the wire included with your GPU?

What spare hookups do you have coming from your PSU? A couple of SATA power cables (flat and probably black)? What you need to do is convert them SATA cables, to molex then to a PCIe 6 pin plug which goes into your GPU. If your GPU just needs the one molex hookup and your PSU has a couple SATA power cables just buy that adapter I linked, job done.

Now if its more than one you need to hookup or your PSU doesn't have any power cables spare, its probably time to buy a new PSU. However, not all Dells use standard ATX PSUs (though I believe most do these days), so you need to check up to see if your model can take a standard ATX PSU. If it does just buy that OCZ model I linked earlier for a previous poster. You can probably understand why I never recommend people buy off the shelf PCs now? :lol

Only one cable came with the GPU: PCIe 6-pin on one end (goes into the card just fine), and the 4-pin (molex you say?) on the other. And I have exactly one spare flat-and-black (SATA?) connector coming out of the PSU for free use.

But before I go buying that adapter, let me reiterate:

- PSU's max DC output is 300W
- The 5750 requires 450W or greater

So are you absolutely positive that my PSU will power this card? Or won't cause overheating or anything? If not, that's fantastic, but you'll understand if I'm skeptical...
Mo the Hawk said:
Only one cable came with the GPU: PCIe 6-pin on one end (goes into the card just fine), and the 4-pin (molex you say?) on the other. And I have exactly one spare flat-and-black (SATA?) connector coming out of the PSU for free use.

But before I go buying that adapter, let me reiterate:

- PSU's max DC output is 300W
- The 5750 requires 450W or greater

So are you absolutely positive that my PSU will power this card? Or won't cause overheating or anything? If not, that's fantastic, but you'll understand if I'm skeptical...

Yes, those figures mean sweet F all. Your rig probably won't draw much more than 200w at absolute max load, a proper 300w PSU, which is what Dell ship, will manage that just fine. Those figures are for the crappy PSUs that ship with inflated figures.

Double check that the adapter has the two connections you need, the pictures should tell you all you need to know.


Core i7 Rig is sold that I built last Jan/Feb.

Come spring time, I'm going to need your guys' help on getting me a good gaming laptop on a budget of $1k most likely.

Hope to still be able to play TF2 every now and then on my Mac via bootcamp.
Mo the Hawk said:
Well then I'll try my luck with the adapter. Not a bad risk for $6. Much love and thanks!

You've checked its the right one, right? As in the two cables you've got will fit in either end?

I'm pretty sure its the one you're after but without the cables infront of me its easy to make a a mistake.


relies on auto-aim
DMPrince said:
okay. it does. Going to place an order now.

EDIT: done :D now i wait for it to come grr.
That's a nice deal for sure.

I'm very happy with my Corsair HX520w that I bought when it came out.

Has survived 6 power outages I think :lol


Ok my mini upgrade to go into 2010 is almost complete.

Have my ram upgrade done, and got my GTX260 ordered. Now I'm looking at possibly finishing this off with a CPU upgrade.

I have my e2160 hovering at 2.9ghz, between the Ram and video card I have 50 dollars in rebate money coming so I'll probably put it towards a cpu. I was gonna go with an e8400, but I dont think its price to performance will be worthwhile from what I have right now.

So, E5200 versus e7500. I can basically get an e5200 for free with my rebates coming or an e7500 for about 60 bucks. E7500 stock speed is what my e2160 is running at right now, and I could push it further. E5200 stock speed is 2.5ghz, so I'm thinking the E7500 should have a little more head room. What would you choose between the two chips?
okay. i figured out the problem. my PSU is fine (Paid for a new one anyways lol). It was due to my stupid move installing ram.

the ram is suppose to work with my PC which i don't know what i'm doing wrong. i put it in and turn PC on it beeps. it takes DIMM DDR2 RAM. It fits in there but IDK. Okay. there's 4 Slots. 2 white and 2 black. I put the new ram parallel to the other ram. Nothing. Placed them one slot after the other. Didn't work. Placed them into the white Slot. Nothing. Is it possible that I can't use DIMM Ram with Dual Channel Ram?

But when I replaced the stock Ram. power goes out half of my room. :lol. I Need something to manage power or start taking things out of my room.
Mrbob said:
Ok my mini upgrade to go into 2010 is almost complete.

Have my ram upgrade done, and got my GTX260 ordered. Now I'm looking at possibly finishing this off with a CPU upgrade.

I have my e2160 hovering at 2.9ghz, between the Ram and video card I have 50 dollars in rebate money coming so I'll probably put it towards a cpu. I was gonna go with an e8400, but I dont think its price to performance will be worthwhile from what I have right now.

So, E5200 versus e7500. I can basically get an e5200 for free with my rebates coming or an e7500 for about 60 bucks. E7500 stock speed is what my e2160 is running at right now, and I could push it further. E5200 stock speed is 2.5ghz, so I'm thinking the E7500 should have a little more head room. What would you choose between the two chips?

You won't see any benefit from them upgrades. Maybe try and get a better clock out of your E2160 is the best I can suggest. Quad core or bust.
DMPrince said:
okay. i figured out the problem. my PSU is fine (Paid for a new one anyways lol). It was due to my stupid move installing ram.

the ram is suppose to work with my PC which i don't know what i'm doing wrong. i put it in and turn PC on it beeps. it takes DIMM DDR2 RAM. It fits in there but IDK. Okay. there's 4 Slots. 2 white and 2 black. I put the new ram parallel to the other ram. Nothing. Placed them one slot after the other. Didn't work. Placed them into the white Slot. Nothing. Is it possible that I can't use DIMM Ram with Dual Channel Ram?

But when I replaced the stock Ram. power goes out half of my room. :lol. I Need something to manage power or start taking things out of my room.

Try with just one stick and then up the voltage to your memory controller (MCH) in your BIOS by one notch, then reboot with 4 sticks. Many boards can be finicky with 4 sticks, and sometimes they need the extra voltage.

Failing that, try booting with each stick individually and running memtest on each one, you might have a faulty stick.


Alright I'll pocket the money and perhaps spend it on some games on steam. I do want torchlight.

My memory timings are tighter than the ram I'm currently using, and doesn't require as much voltage to run. Maybe I can get a stable overclock a little higher that would be great. If I knew I could hit 3.5 ghz on the E5200 I would grab it right now...but if I can only push it to 3.0ghz or 3.2 ghz it isn't much better than what I have at the moment.

So quad core has come around for gaming? I might have to look into that again.
Mrbob said:
Alright I'll pocket the money and perhaps spend it on some games on steam. I do want torchlight.

My memory timings are tighter than the ram I'm currently using, and doesn't require as much voltage to run. Maybe I can get a stable overclock a little higher that would be great. If I knew I could hit 3.5 ghz on the E5200 I would grab it right now...but if I can only push it to 3.0ghz or 3.2 ghz it isn't much better than what I have at the moment.

So quad core has come around for gaming? I might have to look into that again.

Well I'm running mine at 3.6ghz but it was a bitch to get there. The FSB craps out pretty early on the E5xx chips. If you do decide to get one, go for the E5300, its only $3 more and the higher multi will come in handy.


relies on auto-aim
DMPrince said:
okay. i figured out the problem. my PSU is fine (Paid for a new one anyways lol). It was due to my stupid move installing ram.

the ram is suppose to work with my PC which i don't know what i'm doing wrong. i put it in and turn PC on it beeps. it takes DIMM DDR2 RAM. It fits in there but IDK. Okay. there's 4 Slots. 2 white and 2 black. I put the new ram parallel to the other ram. Nothing. Placed them one slot after the other. Didn't work. Placed them into the white Slot. Nothing. Is it possible that I can't use DIMM Ram with Dual Channel Ram?

But when I replaced the stock Ram. power goes out half of my room. :lol. I Need something to manage power or start taking things out of my room.
Please make sure the power switch on the back of the PSU is off when you are swapping RAM. Also waiting a few seconds before doing anything + holding down the power button to cycle the remaining power.
·feist· said:
My current motherboard seems to be failing and I'm looking for a 775 Micro ATX replacement. The new mobo will be home to an E4500 and possibly an E8400 in the near future. Mandatory features that I'm looking for include:

- DVI and/or HDMI
- 1333 bus
- Supports 1066 for memory
- 4 memory slots with at least 8GB
- In the neighborhood of $100

Optical/Coaxial in/out would be great but it's not an absolute must.

I know Best Buy isn't exactly the best kind of source for such matters but they have one board that met a lot of my criteria (but falls short on memory and eSATA).




As for the CPU, I'm looking at getting an E8400, but I haven't ruled out going quad core. The thing is, would it make sense to get something along the lines of a Q9550/9650 at this point or would it be better to hold onto something like an E8400 (maybe Q8400?) for now and then move onto an i5/i7 sometime next year or in 2011? Not sure if spending ~$300, give or take, on a 775 socket is such a good idea at this point. This system would see constant multi-tasking with high definition media playback, image editing, compression, extraction, 3 multi tabbed browsers open at once, possible video editing in the near future and various other simultaneous tasks. I may also want to do some gaming as well. Keep in mind, I still don't know if I plan on over-clocking, though a 3.4-3.6GHz or higher E8400 may keep me happy until I move to an i7 down the line.
Hazaro said:
Please make sure the power switch on the back of the PSU is off when you are swapping RAM. Also waiting a few seconds before doing anything + holding down the power button to cycle the remaining power.
stock PSU doesn't have a power switch. Well i guess i'm glad i kept the order of a a psu from newegg.

In other news. I put back in teh stock rams and currently stuck at 3GB. In good news. I installed the HD 4770. My Index Score went up to 5.3.

I REALLY need to get W7 Because Processor and Ram were in the 7 but right now it's at a 5 ;\

EDIT: I'm going to try and install the ram tomorrow.


relies on auto-aim
DMPrince said:
stock PSU doesn't have a power switch. Well i guess i'm glad i kept the order of a a psu from newegg.
Then please unplug it :D

Also stock PSU with no switch doesn't sound too good.
DMPrince said:
stock PSU doesn't have a power switch. Well i guess i'm glad i kept the order of a a psu from newegg.

In other news. I put back in teh stock rams and currently stuck at 3GB. In good news. I installed the HD 4770. My Index Score went up to 5.3.

I REALLY need to get W7 Because Processor and Ram were in the 7 but right now it's at a 5 ;\

EDIT: I'm going to try and install the ram tomorrow.

There's literally no i/o switch anywhere on it? They were on power supplies 15 yrs ago. Thats doesn't sound right at all... Is it just a hamster on a wheel?
Just posting to say thanks again to brain_stew, SapientWolf, and MoFuzz. The video card's working in my PC finally, without the new PSU even. The problem was... frustratingly basic, but I have an excuse.

Kulock said:
MoFuzz said:
The Sony listing does not seem to show the motherboard specs. The thing with alot of these pre-built towers is that it is hard to determine compatibility when you are trying to upgrade, since they aren't specific on what parts they are using. It may even be semi-propietary stuff that only plays nice with parts that Sony sells directly. My aunt had an eMachines tower a couple of years ago that was like this. Couldn't even do a fresh install of Windows on it either.
That's possible, but they advertised it as upgradable, and never really pushed Sony parts on me.

And that was true, except there was a BIOS update released a long time ago that I never installed, because it just had two tiny fixes, and it caused my BIOS video to flicker on my old card. Now what did that update do?


This utility updates the BIOS to version 2004 and resolves the following issues:
  • Compatibility issue with certain non Sony PCI-Express video cards.
  • Hardware monitor error during startup.

And since my video card way back when was fine at the time, and it caused problems instead of fixing them for me... needless to say, head was met with desk. It's working fine now, I first tested it with TF2, and everything's ridiculously shiny.

So thanks again for all the help, I do appreciate it.


So I pulled the trigger on a build i've been working on for that last week or so.

Big thanks to Firestorm for all his help!

Everything was purchased at ncix.com because of their price matching policy and they were recommended by almost everyone I talked to. All price matches below were approved.


lowlylowlycook said:
For $300 you could get an i5 750 and a nice mATX board.

At this point that has to make more sense than spending $250 or more on a C2D or a C2Q.
I figured as much as far as dumping money into an upper end Qxxxx. Thanks for the reply.

I'm still open to any other suggestions.
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
There's literally no i/o switch anywhere on it? They were on power supplies 15 yrs ago. Thats doesn't sound right at all... Is it just a hamster on a wheel?

There's nothing. I think they did it on purpose so I can fry my computer and send it in for repair.

Oh well. I'll try not to kill my PC before the new PSU comes in.

I also have a question about the Ram. I have 2 DDR2 Ram. Which way am I suppose to put it in? I See notches but both sides are the same. And the where the gold connector are the notch is perfectly in the middle. One side has the chip. the other doesn't.
I'm looking at this computer at the moment, i do game a bit.. i enjoy civ4, wow from time to time, I will play diablo 3 etc.. so i figured it's time to upgrade my 4 year old system. Here are the specs.. Some feedback would be great. I can get this machine without a monitor because mine is pretty good already for about $1500

I'm not familiar with the CPU, anyone care to elaborate on the i7 series? thanks :)

Intel® Core™ i7-920 processor(8MB L3 Cache, 2.66GHz)
Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium, 64bit, English
12GB Tri-Channel DDR3 SDRAM at 1066MHz - 6 DIMMs
1TB 7200 RPM SATA Hard Drive
nVidia GeForce GTX 260 1792MB
Sound card is a top of the line sound blaster card forget it's name..
Blu-ray Disc reader
I got the ram installed. :D All that's left is to get W7 installed :lol.

EDIT: Installed (partially) a SATA DVD Drive. installing W7 64Bit now. It sucks that it doesn't read my IDE drive so I had to spend 50 dollars for something that works at BB.


edwardslane said:
I'm looking at this computer at the moment, i do game a bit.. i enjoy civ4, wow from time to time, I will play diablo 3 etc.. so i figured it's time to upgrade my 4 year old system. Here are the specs.. Some feedback would be great. I can get this machine without a monitor because mine is pretty good already for about $1500

I'm not familiar with the CPU, anyone care to elaborate on the i7 series? thanks :)

Intel® Core™ i7-920 processor(8MB L3 Cache, 2.66GHz)
Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium, 64bit, English
12GB Tri-Channel DDR3 SDRAM at 1066MHz - 6 DIMMs
1TB 7200 RPM SATA Hard Drive
nVidia GeForce GTX 260 1792MB
Sound card is a top of the line sound blaster card forget it's name..
Blu-ray Disc reader
Umm 12gb of ram is a bit much maybe?


Trucker Sexologist
edwardslane said:
I'm looking at this computer at the moment, i do game a bit.. i enjoy civ4, wow from time to time, I will play diablo 3 etc.. so i figured it's time to upgrade my 4 year old system. Here are the specs.. Some feedback would be great. I can get this machine without a monitor because mine is pretty good already for about $1500

I'm not familiar with the CPU, anyone care to elaborate on the i7 series? thanks :)

Intel® Core™ i7-920 processor(8MB L3 Cache, 2.66GHz)
Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium, 64bit, English
12GB Tri-Channel DDR3 SDRAM at 1066MHz - 6 DIMMs
1TB 7200 RPM SATA Hard Drive
nVidia GeForce GTX 260 1792MB
Sound card is a top of the line sound blaster card forget it's name..
Blu-ray Disc reader
I would replace the GTX 260 with a 5850/5870, but you probably can't find one anyway, so this will do fine for D3. 12GB of RAM is also a little excessive. I would cut that down and use the difference on an SSD drive.


Hey GAF, I'm planning on building a new PC soon since my 3 year old PC is getting kinda dated and noisy.
The PC will mainly be used for HTPC purposes (Playing MKVs, import DVDs and FLAC files) with 1 or 2 games in the mix (Diablo 3 is really the only thing I can think of) and if possible for guitar recording and editing.
I'm looking for something that is as silent as possible and my budget is around 1000€.
For the graphics card I've pretty much decided that a ATI 5850 is a good choice but haven't made my mind about the rest of the components so I turn to GAF for advice.

Edit: I've also looked at building a mini-ITX based HTPC but the computer I'm looking for would be connected to a Samsung T220(1680x1050 res) and to a Pioneer Kuro 1080p(I hope)
and I'm not sure if those mini-ITX solutions are able to decode MKVs properly and pass them through HDMI.
Got Windows 7 installed. my index from recently changed. from 5.3 to 5.9. RAM sucks but that's okay for now. :D it also made my graphics score go from 5 to 7.


edwardslane said:
I'm looking at this computer at the moment, i do game a bit.. i enjoy civ4, wow from time to time, I will play diablo 3 etc.. so i figured it's time to upgrade my 4 year old system. Here are the specs.. Some feedback would be great. I can get this machine without a monitor because mine is pretty good already for about $1500

I'm not familiar with the CPU, anyone care to elaborate on the i7 series? thanks :)

Intel® Core™ i7-920 processor(8MB L3 Cache, 2.66GHz)
Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium, 64bit, English
12GB Tri-Channel DDR3 SDRAM at 1066MHz - 6 DIMMs
1TB 7200 RPM SATA Hard Drive
nVidia GeForce GTX 260 1792MB
Sound card is a top of the line sound blaster card forget it's name..
Blu-ray Disc reader
I can tell you're getting a Dell from those specs. If you want the computer for gaming, You could get much better bang for buck by getting NCIX to build + ship it to you. You'd see better gaming performance for less by going with an i5 + Radeon 5850. Or even 5870 if you're so inclined. I can put up the exact links to what you need to buy.
edwardslane said:
I'm looking at this computer at the moment, i do game a bit.. i enjoy civ4, wow from time to time, I will play diablo 3 etc.. so i figured it's time to upgrade my 4 year old system. Here are the specs.. Some feedback would be great. I can get this machine without a monitor because mine is pretty good already for about $1500

I'm not familiar with the CPU, anyone care to elaborate on the i7 series? thanks :)

Intel® Core™ i7-920 processor(8MB L3 Cache, 2.66GHz)
Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium, 64bit, English
12GB Tri-Channel DDR3 SDRAM at 1066MHz - 6 DIMMs
1TB 7200 RPM SATA Hard Drive
nVidia GeForce GTX 260 1792MB
Sound card is a top of the line sound blaster card forget it's name..
Blu-ray Disc reader

Well its a really nice rig and all but you're paying nearly $500 too much in my eyes. You can actually spec up a better gaming rig for $500 less, and what exactly do you need 12GB of RAM for? If you don't have a specific use for it, then you don't need it, trust me. 6GB is a heck of a lot of RAM.
DMPrince said:
I got the ram installed. :D All that's left is to get W7 installed :lol.

EDIT: Installed (partially) a SATA DVD Drive. installing W7 64Bit now. It sucks that it doesn't read my IDE drive so I had to spend 50 dollars for something that works at BB.

You really don't want to be using an old IDE drive for your system drive, think of this as a favour. HDDs have increased in speed a huge amount since IDE drives were ditched. Pick up a 500GB Samsung F3 if they stock them.
Thanks for the replies guys regarding my system.. What is it a dell, it was on sale.. i saved 400+ according to them lol..

yea i figured i could get a PC built for cheaper if i went with the ideal website etc.. But i was buying a computer for my daughter as well so i just financed the systems.. i ordered them a few hours ago.

Thanks for the input guys!! 12 gigs of ram is def excessive but at least in a year or 2 i should still be able to run the top of the line games with that much.

Anyone know much about the CPU i'm getting? is that the newest on the market? well semi newest from intel


edwardslane said:
Thanks for the replies guys regarding my system.. What is it a dell, it was on sale.. i saved 400+ according to them lol..

yea i figured i could get a PC built for cheaper if i went with the ideal website etc.. But i was buying a computer for my daughter as well so i just financed the systems.. i ordered them a few hours ago.

Thanks for the input guys!! 12 gigs of ram is def excessive but at least in a year or 2 i should still be able to run the top of the line games with that much.

Anyone know much about the CPU i'm getting? is that the newest on the market? well semi newest from intel
The most important part for games is the video card which is why I wouldn't have recommended $1500 on a computer with a mid-range card from 2008. Well as long as you're happy. The i7 is one of the top range processors.

Edit: Did you mean you bought a second computer + that one? Or that the one computer was for both people? You're basically paying $500 for financing which is like 33% interest.


design in progress:

i5 750
ati 5750
4Gb 1333 DDR3 from... someone...
Antec SOLO case
NEC Multisync IPS EA231WMi

p55 mobo recommend? ("p55" is too short to search here:( I don't need much fancy and don't anticipate playing with overclocking anytime soon. I'm looking to keep things as quiet as possible, and I've got one pci card that's going in. Any advantage to a micro atx (Gigabyte P55 Ud2 perhaps?) if I'm going to probably use a full-sized case anyway?

anything glaringly problematic? any impressions from gaming on this monitor?

fine thread, this.


Intel® Core™ i7 920 Processor (4x 2.66GHz/8MB L3 Cache)
Processor Cooling
Thermaltake V1 CPU Cooling Fan System Kit-Silent & Overclocking Proof
6 GB [2 GB X3] DDR3-1333 Triple Memory Module-Corsair Value or Major Brand
Video Card
ATI Radeon HD 5750 - 1GB-CrossFire Mode (Dual Cards)
GIGABYTE GA-EX58-UD3R -- Intel X58 Chipset CrossFire and SLI Supported w/7.1 Sound, Triple-Channel DDR3, Gb LAN, S-ATA Raid, USB 2.0, PCI-E MB
Power Supply
700 Watt -- Power Supply-SLI Ready
Primary Hard Drive
500 GB HARD DRIVE -- 16M Cache, 7200 RPM, 3.0Gb/s-Single Drive

Windows 7 Upgrade
is this an ok computer for 13
Also how good will Crysis run??????????
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