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Official "I need a new PC!!" 2009 Edition

ACE 1991 said:
Hey Brain Stew, do you have any comment on the gaming capabilities of the laptop I linked farther up this page? I'm trying to figure out what to expect for this rig. (Hint: Not a whole lot)

Don't expect any miracles. Source engine titles should be fine, anything modern is going to be iffy at best. Keep the resolution down and never turn on MSAA or your performance will completely disappear.

ACE 1991

brain_stew said:
Don't expect any miracles. Source engine titles should be fine, anything modern is going to be iffy at best. Keep the resolution down and never turn on MSAA.

Okay. I'm hoping to at least run World of Warcraft well, as MMO's are more CPU/ram hungry than graphics card hungry, and 4 gigs of ram and a dual core processor should handle the game.


brain_stew said:
The HDD is the single biggest bottlenck in a modern system, so yes you absolutely should not be using a media drive as your primary HDD. I'd recommend a Samsung F3 1TB, super cheap, super fast, and if the 3 Samsung F1s I've used are any indication then not particularly noisy either.
anyone reputable online that ships spinpoint f3s in Canada? newegg.ca lists them as a "deactivated item" and ncix doesn't have them either. i'd hit up a b&m store in downtown Toronto too, but nowhere i've checked has them...

you're doing a great thing here mr. stew. incredibly helpful.
I currently have a laptop with a Geforce 260M. I want to get into stereoscopic 3d gaming. It seems pretty cool. If it's really a gimmick, I'd like to here some feedback, but it sounds awesome to me.

I was looking at the Samsung Syncmaster 22 inch.

Should I be able to render the games on my laptop and have them displayed fine on this monitor?

It comes with glasses from what I'm seeing. Plus PS3 is getting this feature eventually so I figure that's a plus. What do you guys think?


relies on auto-aim
You are going to need a lot more power imo. Whatever FPS you get on your laptop is basically going to be cut in half, then even more for the resolution bump.

iirc the 260M is around a desktop 9600GT?

Also brain_stew, cheers on keeping this thread up. Certainly a lot to deal with.
shadowsdarknes said:
I currently have a laptop with a Geforce 260M. I want to get into stereoscopic 3d gaming. It seems pretty cool. If it's really a gimmick, I'd like to here some feedback, but it sounds awesome to me.

I was looking at the Samsung Syncmaster 22 inch.

Should I be able to render the games on my laptop and have them displayed fine on this monitor?

It comes with glasses from what I'm seeing. Plus PS3 is getting this feature eventually so I figure that's a plus. What do you guys think?

That's a desktop 9800GT, right? Not nearly enough for stereoscopic 3D as your framerates will cut in half.
brain_stew said:
That's a desktop 9800GT, right? Not nearly enough for stereoscopic 3D as your framerates will cut in half.


Well.. According to Nvidia's website, it says I'm above the recommended levels (not minimum) to run this. I'd be happy to run some MW2 or Oblivion or something.

But if my framerates are going to die, I'll be pretty upset. Guess I'll wait a few years for everything to get cheaper.
shadowsdarknes said:

Well.. According to Nvidia's website, it says I'm above the recommended levels (not minimum) to run this. I'd be happy to run some MW2 or Oblivion or something.

But if my framerates are going to die, I'll be pretty upset. Guess I'll wait a few years for everything to get cheaper.

They'll literally be cut in half (or worse), at 1680x1050 that aint going to be pretty.


brain_stew said:
Yeah.........no. £10 or £20 premium at most, if that.



£47, there you go, now quit your yapping!! :lol

You'd have to be out of your mind to go the DDR2 route at this point, it literally makes no sense at all.

i fucking love you sir

i've get everything sorted now. i found a case with a 450w power supply too which i assume will be ok.

the only think i need now is some cheap ram. what's the best value for money when it comes to DDR3? i want about 3 or 4 gigs for as cheap as possible
Sipowicz said:
i fucking love you sir

i've get everything sorted now. i found a case with a 450w power supply too which i assume will be ok.

the only think i need now is some cheap ram. what's the best value for money when it comes to DDR3? i want about 3 or 4 gigs for as cheap as possible

For a case/PSU on the cheap get this, can't be beat, PSU is solid whereas most bundled PSUs aren't:


You'll need a 2x2GB set. I'd get this pair:



samsung spinpoint f3 500GB is just a single-platter version of the 1TB i assume? i found somewhere that actually has the 500GB in stock. 16MB cache only though...


Looking to get some more out of my pc. I'm sure my cpu is holding back my system, but I'd also like to get a new gpu (once the 58xx drop back to launch prices)

7750 kuma @ 3.4
XFX 260 (690/1200/1444, though keep it stock)
Biostar 790GX A2+
Corsair 4gb 1066
23" 19X1080

Just looking at game performance, would you recommend X3 720, X4 620, maybe X2 550 or spend the extra cash and dump in a 945 (that highest Phenom II my mb support at the time). The first 3 options seem the best to me, as far a price/performance goes.
Rahnter said:
Looking to get some more out of my pc. I'm sure my cpu is holding back my system, but I'd also like to get a new gpu (once the 58xx drop back to launch prices)

7750 kuma @ 3.4
XFX 260 (690/1200/1444, though keep it stock)
Biostar 790GX A2+
Corsair 4gb 1066
23" 19X1080

Just looking at game performance, would you recommend X3 720, X4 620, maybe X2 550 or spend the extra cash and dump in a 945 (that highest Phenom II my mb support at the time). The first 3 options seem the best to me, as far a price/performance goes.

Your current processor isn't half bad, you'd only see the difference if you stepped up to a quad imo. I say go pick up an el cheapo Phenom ii X4 925 and clock the tits off it.


brain_stew said:
For a case/PSU on the cheap get this, can't be beat, PSU is solid whereas most bundled PSUs aren't:


You'll need a 2x2GB set. I'd get this pair:


that's WAY too rich for my blood. 80 quid for 4gb of ram and 55 quid for a case is way beyond me

i can get a case for about 20 quid with a 450w power supply. As for RAM i found the following. it's 6gb but i can sell 2gb of it to my little brother

Rendition 6GB DDR3 (3 x 2048MB) PC3-10660 (1333MHz) TRI Channel Kit
£88.95 inc. VA

# Each three module set is tested at 1333MHz
# 6144 Megabytes of DDR3 memory
# Three 2GB modules

do you reckon that will be alright?
Sipowicz said:
that's WAY too rich for my blood. 80 quid for 4gb of ram and 55 quid for a case is way beyond me

i can get a case for about 20 quid with a 450w power supply. As for RAM i found the following. it's 6gb but i can sell 2gb of it to my little brother

Rendition 6GB DDR3 (3 x 2048MB) PC3-10660 (1333MHz) TRI Channel Kit
£88.95 inc. VA

# Each three module set is tested at 1333MHz
# 6144 Megabytes of DDR3 memory
# Three 2GB modules

do you reckon that will be alright?

I've never heard of that brand name.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
I've never heard of that brand name.

it's from a proper shop. does it sound alright?

i found some DDR3 at 1866mhz on ebay as well. 8GB for 110 quid with lifetime warranty

does that sound alright

i've got no money man!
Sipowicz said:
it's from a proper shop. does it sound alright?

i found some DDR3 at 1866mhz on ebay as well. 8GB for 110 quid with lifetime warranty

does that sound alright

The biggest deal is if it's a decent brand. What frequency does your motherboard support? Why did you jump from 1333 to 1866?


Rendition looks like it's sold by crucial. Haven't been able to find the kit that Zaraki posted, but reviews for the sticks I've found look alright, and I've never had any problems with crucial RAM.

Meant Sipowicz, not Zaraki. Oops.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Where are you looking at for ram prices? How much more is it to get an actual good brand ram?

well. that ebay one is 8gb 1866 for 110 quid. the rendition one is 6gb 1333 for 90 quid.

i think the branded one was 4gb for 90 quid 1333 and fuck knows how much for more than that
Sipowicz said:
well. that ebay one is 8gb 1866 for 110 quid. the rendition one is 6gb 1333 for 90 quid.

i think the branded one was 4gb for 90 quid 1333 and fuck knows how much for more than that

What do you mean how much more than that? What brand was the 4gb for 90 quid? What are you using your computer for? You probably don't need more than 4gb.
Sipowicz said:
that's WAY too rich for my blood. 80 quid for 4gb of ram and 55 quid for a case is way beyond me

i can get a case for about 20 quid with a 450w power supply. As for RAM i found the following. it's 6gb but i can sell 2gb of it to my little brother

Rendition 6GB DDR3 (3 x 2048MB) PC3-10660 (1333MHz) TRI Channel Kit
£88.95 inc. VA

# Each three module set is tested at 1333MHz
# 6144 Megabytes of DDR3 memory
# Three 2GB modules

do you reckon that will be alright?

You'll also get free explosions as well, I mean we all like indoor explosion, right. That PSU/case combo is the absolute least you can get away with spending.


You do not want three RAM DIMMs either, as you should be running your RAM in dual channel mode. So just get the two sticks I linked you to, they're from a reliable quality brand, and cost less whilst being more suitable. You should not be buying RAM from an unknown brand, its a big no-no.

Cheaping out to extreme degrees like this only ends up costing you more in the long run, heed my warnings.

Sipowicz said:
well. that ebay one is 8gb 1866 for 110 quid. the rendition one is 6gb 1333 for 90 quid.

i think the branded one was 4gb for 90 quid 1333 and fuck knows how much for more than that

It was £80 for 4GB of quality Corsair RAM with free delivery from a very reputable etailer, very reasonable. You get what you pay for.


Aesius said:
How is the 4770?

Particularly, if paired with an AMD II X2 250.

TigerDirect has it for 89.99 AR (119.99-30). Should I pull the trigger?

Well, I ended up grabbing a 4850 on impulse from eBay for $85 shipped.

Looks like I can expect about 2-3 FPS more than the 4770 but higher temps and a larger power draw.

I honestly would have preferred the 4770 but I don't really like rebates - and I especially don't like waiting 8 weeks for one that may or may not arrive.


How can someone explain to me why the fuck do I get worse performance with every new driver ATI releases?

Fucking ATI.


brain_stew said:
You'll also get free explosions as well, I mean we all like indoor explosion, right. That PSU/case combo is the absolute least you can get away with spending.


You do not want three RAM DIMMs either, as you should be running your RAM in dual channel mode. So just get the two sticks I linked you to, they're from a reliable quality brand, and cost less whilst being more suitable. You should not be buying RAM from an unknown brand, its a big no-no.

still man, 80 quid for 4 gb of ram is ridiculous. that's like 20 quid per gb

as for case,why would something cheaper blow up? my little brothers been using one he got for under 35 quid and it's fine

i wanted to build a half decent gaming pc for about 200 quid but this is verging on 300 quid mark and i still need to get a half decent monitor!

I might just wait a bit to see if there's any special offers anywhere for cheaper stuff. at the moment this is going out of my budget

Metalic Sand

who is Emo-Beas?
Septimus said:
So the stock CPU clock speed on the Phenom II X3 720 BE is 2.8GHz. What is a safe voltage and clock speed to OC it to?

Ive got mine at 3.2 with the multiplier knocked up. been running smooth since March.

No other settings changed.


Has anyone played with a GT240 yet? I was thinking of getting one for my wife's shuttle PC as it doesnt require external power.


brain_stew said:
Your current processor isn't half bad, you'd only see the difference if you stepped up to a quad imo. I say go pick up an el cheapo Phenom ii X4 925 and clock the tits off it.

So I should be able to hit the some speeds on both the 720 and 925? Since I'm just looking at gaming, speed and L3 (to a much lesser extent) is what I'm most concerned with.

From what I've seen the 720 can hit 3.8 easily.


OK. I'm thinking about purchasing the parts for a core i5 system, and working through a few different sites I got the price down to about $850 with a mixture of combo deals and just taking the cheapest price.

Stats of what I have so far (haven't purchased anything yet)

-core i5
-hd 5770 vid card
-730watt PSU
-4gb ram
-22 inch 1080p monitor

rest of stuff is average, got it to about $850

I have a few questions I could hopefully find some answers to:

- Is this the cheapest I can make a core i5 build for?
- Is it wise to go AMD Phenom 955? I can make a build with that as well, but it's only about $100 cheaper in the end, since ram is so ridiculously expensive lately
- Is there some other system I can make, such as a Core2quad that will get me similar performance but at a cheaper price?


seems like i can shave another $50 bucks or so going HD 5750, and if i hunt around for a cheaper monitor i can probably get more... sub 800 would make this thing perfect for me


How up to date is this rig from the budget thread?


[Motherboard (MSI 770 DDR3) + Processor (Phenom ii X3 720) Combo]: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboD...t=Combo.272066 ($179 AR)
[GPU (Sapphire 5770 1GB DX11 GPU) ]: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16814102858 ($160)
[HDD (Samsung F3 500GB)]: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16822152181 ($55)
[DVD (Samsung 22X DVDRW)]: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16827151187 ($27)
[Case (Gigabyte Luxo X140)]: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16811233058 ($30)
[PSU (OCZ 500W Modular 80+)]: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16817341016 ($29 AR + discount code: OZSAVEOCT)
[RAM (OCZ 4GB DDR3 1333)]: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16820227495 ($59 AR)

My budget is $600 and I already have a pretty good monitor. Is there anything I could upgrade?

edit: total buider noob question, Would I see better performance with an i5?


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Sipowicz said:
wait, has anyone ever heard of a company called OCZ

their ram is proper cheap in some places

I have an OCZ power supply that is very nice. I don't have any experience with their ram. It is a reputable brand though.


Sipowicz said:
wait, has anyone ever heard of a company called OCZ

their ram is proper cheap in some places

I have OCZ ram, no problems and nice speeds, I think they are among the best in price/quality.
SundaySounds said:
What is a good CPU cooler for an AM3 socket? I'm looking to clock my 955 from 3.2 to at least 4.0.

I was looking at this one:

Seems like it would get the job done, and it's blue, which matches my setup.
Any thoughts?

Get this:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835207004&Tpk=sunbeam 120mm

4ghz is a little ambitious, don't be surprised if it craps out at 3.6ghz.
alternade said:
How up to date is this rig from the budget thread?

My budget is $600 and I already have a pretty good monitor. Is there anything I could upgrade?

edit: total buider noob question, Would I see better performance with an i5?

Can't improve on that rig much under $600. The best upgrade path is to get a better GPU but a 5850 takes you well over budget and is in short supply.

An i5 will give you better performance, but an i5 750 is $200 taking you over budget.

You can swap out the CPU for this if you want to go from 3 cores to 4:



he's Virgin Tight™
I found the overclock points for my motherboard so I can OC the CPU. Fuck yeah! Will buy a new PSU today, like Zaraki said in my previous thread, around 550W and good brand name.


thanks guys. i think i'll probably get the OCZ RAM. one question though

in the description it says that it's "designed specifically for the Intel® Core™ i7 processor / Intel® X58 Express Chipset. Optimized for the Core i7’s triple channel mode, these new 3GB, 6GB, and 12GB kits ensure optimal performance via an ideal combination of low voltage requirements, speed, and latency."

will it make any difference that i'm using a AMD processor?
Sipowicz said:
still man, 80 quid for 4 gb of ram is ridiculous. that's like 20 quid per gb

as for case,why would something cheaper blow up? my little brothers been using one he got for under 35 quid and it's fine

i wanted to build a half decent gaming pc for about 200 quid but this is verging on 300 quid mark and i still need to get a half decent monitor!

I might just wait a bit to see if there's any special offers anywhere for cheaper stuff. at the moment this is going out of my budget

The "case" won't blow up, but the PSU sure as hell will. You can build a nice system on a budget but you're doing no one a favour by buying shitty parts, £200 was never realistic. If you don't have the cash yet, then save up, it'll cost you less in the long run.

RAM prices have shot up in the last few months, that's just the way things are, nothing anyone can do about it.


brain_stew said:
The "case" won't blow up, but the PSU sure as hell will. You can build a nice system on a budget but you're doing no one a favour by buying shitty parts, £200 was never realistic. If you don't have the cash yet, then save up, it'll cost you less in the long run.

RAM prices have shot up in the last few months, that's just the way things are, nothing anyone can do about it.

yeah my little brother was saying the same thing

i think i'll be able to get that 50 quid case you said and it looks really good too. what i can also do is get the 6gb OCZ RAM for 80 quid and sell 2GB of it. assuming it wont be extra shit on AMD stuff because it's made for intel ones

that should put the cost of RAM and the case to about 100 quid which isn't too bad. i've got everything else sorted
Sipowicz said:
thanks guys. i think i'll probably get the OCZ RAM. one question though

in the description it says that it's "designed specifically for the Intel® Core™ i7 processor / Intel® X58 Express Chipset. Optimized for the Core i7’s triple channel mode, these new 3GB, 6GB, and 12GB kits ensure optimal performance via an ideal combination of low voltage requirements, speed, and latency."

will it make any difference that i'm using a AMD processor?

I use OCZ RAM its fine, be aware sometimes they expect you to pump a higher amount of voltage through their chips to get the advertised speeds.

By the looks of it you're buying a 3x2GB set. You only want two RAM DIMMs not three or you won't be running in dual channel mode.

Edit: Selling the spare DIMM is fine, where are you getting 6GB of DDR3 for £80 from?

That case has got really good airflow, I use it myself, I'd recommend getting an extra 120mm fan to fit in the front. The PSU in it is currently powering my brother's rig, its got all the necessary safety features and is very solid.
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