You overestimate ATI's performance on Crysis. I might be too demanding with the fps, but even a 4870 1GB doesn't offer me a decent fps on Crysis on high/gamer @ 16080x1050. I heard the 8.12 CCC fixed this, but I would be cautious.
Anyway, so I replaced my 4870x2 with a GTX295+. For all those who called me an ATI fanboy, well, what now? The new card will arrive most likely on Monday. I mostly game, at 1680x1050, so I opted for the change (the GTX295 is superior at this resolution), however, I found out the GTX295 chuckles at high resolutions due to its limited video memory in comparison to the 4870x2. So most likely I will hold up on a monitor upgrade until the next generation, when I have a fast dual card that can handle high resolutions.
Aso, I got a EVGA branded one, so I guess I have the option to step up for 90 days. If Nvidia hurries with the 300 series, I might be able to nag one at an unbeatable price.
edit: I think I fucked up. I've been reading 750W isn't enough to power this card. If I have to buy a new PSU, I am fucked.