Some Snow Leopard quirks I've noticed:
- not sure how to change the icon size in my stacks. They look huge and ugly when I open my apps folder. I had to change to list. That said, when I changed to list, and the go to options, there's an option for 'fan', but that just takes you back to automatic (I'm guessing because fan is not an option for a vertical dock).
- When changing spaces, there's no longer an arrow, but the highlighted screen moves to the next space.
Some things I LOVE:
- Setting the minimise to dock to minimise to application. It's like a hide window!
- Spell correction and grammar check.
- Expose in dock, new dock menus
- new color profile handling
- four finger gestures (although I activated them anyway on 10.5)
Things I'm undecided about:
- date in menu bar. Was seconds always an option for the clock?
Things I don't like so far:
- purple border around expose windows
- expose in dock, when i hold to quit, it exposes, which is disconcerting for me. For now anyway
- Battery indicator in menu now tells me I should replace it soon.