Correct, if you hadn't tried to cover up the massive passing yard padding, we would still have bitched about the massive passing yard padding.
I can't wait to fuck you up again this season, leading to your inevitable shitting of the bed.
Correct, if you hadn't tried to cover up the massive passing yard padding, we would still have bitched about the massive passing yard padding.
I can't wait to fuck you up again this season, leading to your inevitable shitting of the bed.
Let me check cbs gross punt average.
Wtf it's a positive number! How!
Just so it's out in the open, packers vs Seahawks is return to controller gate. It will either be played, simmed or bluemax can play the CPU but the choice is eznarks. In other words, if he can't play but doesn't agree to letting blue play the CPU then it gets simmed. Such is the punishment for plug pulling!
Ah the ol' last second 1 point "fucked you up" win.
Playoff wins for me: 2Divison titles for me: 2
For you: 0
Playoff wins for me: 2
Playoff wins for you: 0
Didn't Smokey put us both out?
God dammit, boobs.
eznark: Don't give it to him until we play our game!
Well that works out well for you. Convenient.
Let blue max play the CPU I'm the one who is unavailable.
Makes no difference to me but then if I say nothing there is the inevitable "why does the quitter get to play the CPU!"
I can't win!
To skew those number even further this includes 12 losses from two times I've played Thrasher.
Alright. I got other games to play so lets get this done quick! I'll be ready to play a little after 10 central.
Lets try this again. Rors, any chance we can play tonight? I'll have a small window tomorrow.
Sim it.
I'm fine with playing the cpu. Just let me know.
You're fine with simming it. Letting you know.
Wonder if we'll get to see the future at how shitty Madden still is.
Sim it.
I'm fine with playing the cpu. Just let me know.
You're fine with simming it. Letting you know.
Yeah... That's not going to happen. FYI
mcneily you suck at PMs
I coudla sworn I answered back a few hours ago... but the answer is no. I dont use it.
get drunk and stay up late tonight. Thursday's the new Friday.
Or can you play early tomorrow morning?
And heeeeeeereeeeeee we go!
Feb 20 seems so far away now. MS must have something planned soon too.
Edit: Annnnnnd confirmed:
Wonder if we'll get to see the future at how shitty Madden still is.
It's for the new Vita. This one comes with a hat!
That's more of a nintendo thing.
Seriously, Sony would probably remove something and then sell it
Is this Chivalry they're playing on TNT? Why aren't we playing this?!
Az, I'll be free tonight around 10:30 EST if you wanna rumble.
gg fern. your D was really good that game.... dominated my o-line when i passed and only later did i find any running lanes! too bad your QB is mark sanchez jr. missed a lot of wide open receivers
I gotta work tonight. Will you be around tomorrow?
rors, I'm just eating some mcdonalds so let me know when you want to play.
rors let the spirit of the updated niners guide you to victory
Yea, I could probably play at 5 EST?