Just got invaded for the first time at the nightmare frontier. This fucking werewolf wouldn't leave me alone but i still managed to kill him.
Yea, that asshole killed the only person I was able to save.
I had two other people, but I sent them tothe clinic, and apparently the doctor is a fucking cunt cause I went to the clinic to say hi to my new friends and the bitch handed me two sets of numbing shit, with nobody to be found
Once I saw that dude and told him about the church, I looked over and saw a dead kid, man and women, so I kinda knew I might have made a mistake.
Then I go and say hi to him and the poor old lady is nowhere to be found, with just an item and blood on her seat.
After that I kinda knew he was not what he seemed to be, and I stabbed him in the face, and then he turned into a beast.
Let's all meet with Ferny and no sell his moves.
Dolphins @ Saints
Seahawks @ Redskins
Bears @ Packers - FMT GAME OF THE YEAR
Raiders @ Patriots
Titans @ Bengals
Texans @ Colts
Panthers @ Jets
Falcons @ Vikings
Steelers @ Lions
Bucs @ Bills
Rams @ Cowboys
Giants (CPU ON AP) @ Cards
Jags @ 49ers
Eagles @ Chargers (CPU, NIGHTZ BAILED ON YOU CB!)
Ravens @ Browns
Chiefs @ Broncos
Same. Thought he was great in Zodiac. Just love that movie and I think Nightcrawler might hit on some of those same levels.
Who are the steelers now?
BigBoss, I can play if we can get it in within the next hour.
I think I'm still drunk from last nightDrizz where the fuck you at? You've just been sitting on PSN for 2 days now.
too big of a hole - pass-only offense is not for me
couldn't have played a better game on D, QB missed the few chances I had early to stay in it
yeah, I thought I had you when I rolled out and manually sent that guy up... I wanted pass heavy that first drive and then switch up to runs, but that went out the window too fast
I didn't mean to be a dick there with the punt block - I've never been in a situation to try it backed up that far and wanted to see if it was more effective
Game was a perfect display on how fucking garbage it truly is. Fumbles, ridiculous ints (for both sides), rolling over bodies for first downs after being stopped 5 yards shy.
Honestly, if I would have spammed off tackle all game would I have been a bad dude? I mean there was nothing I could do against user controlled Melton. It's my fault thought, I didn't do enough to get two guys on Melton.
With regards to the delay of game glitch, I've got no fucking clue if you're trying to change routes or whatever the fuck, at least it can be mitigated with T/O. You know how many times my guys have gone offsides when I moved my DL because they decided to walk around, no one spared my ass. I always let shit go, I'm just not sure what you wanted me to do in that spot though, hard for me to know.
EA has less motivation than ever to turn this fucking franchise around now that they have their version of pokemon. Dudes shelling 100 bucks to get a 99 rated player > Gameplay.
I wasn't trying to trick you on the onside kick, I just didn't give a shit at that point, so I said what's the point in wasting more time. You called the timeout when you didn't see the onside so then I said fuck it, let me give it a try. when your onside unit wasn't on i called a timeout and let you get your unit it on. I did a terrible job at tricking you if that was my intent. There are times when I'm a dick, not that game.
Why does everybody keep letting the CPU Chargers beat them?!
Yeah, wtf?
CPU Chargers are going to waltz into the playoffs.
if the chargers make the playoffs, my boy greg will man them for that playoff run!
24 hour advances!
Did Splat quit? Should I play the CPU?
Sometimes you just have to run at them.
Dota? What's that?Pretty much the only way splat knows how to play dota
Stream it so I can watch while I'm at work. Are you still in the cathedral ward area?Need to knock off this exam then hopefully and entire day of Bloodborne!
Not sure where I should be going next though.
Stream it so I can watch while I'm at work. Are you still in the cathedral ward area?
The ok' "run at them." Guess it's better than the "walk at them."Pretty much the only way splat knows how to play dota
Nice. I haven't touched any of the chalice dungeons. Might just skip them entirely.I dance around in this game. Last thing I did was beat that 3 Guy Boss in the Forest. Then I went and did some dungeons.
Nice. I haven't touched any of the chalice dungeons. Might just skip them entirely.
Still haven't gone back to fight the second boss. Spent most of the night grappling with OOTP FTP issues and even worse, AZ in dota issues. Bloodborne would have been a nice easy palette cleanser in comparison but I was fucking drained after hours of those two nightmares.
Think we got OOTP figured out! AZ will never get figured out.