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Official Madden '15 PS4 League Thread: We Know DOTA

Willingly put yourself in two madden leagues?

Might as well willingly throw yourself off a cliff.

(Which FMT does a ton in smash bros so i guess that makes sense)



GG bruh, CB said it in the stream, the difference was your user LB play. Those passes I was trying to connect on are usually completions against you or if it's AI it's an easy completion since the ball gets there before the AI reacts. That was the difference.

I am still fucking mad about all of those plays that I ha the right call and the guy in the right spot and your receiver catches the pass right through my guy.

And if that punt had been muffed and you got it I would have to replace my TV and a remote.

Either way GG, I literally threw the game away.
GG bruh, CB said it in the stream, the difference was your user LB play. Those passes I was trying to connect on are usually completions against you or if it's AI it's an easy completion since the ball gets there before the AI reacts. That was the difference.

I am still fucking mad about all of those plays that I ha the right call and the guy in the right spot and your receiver catches the pass right through my guy.

And if that punt had been muffed and you got it I would have to replace my TV and a remote.

Either way GG, I literally threw the game away.

yeah that was a great game brah and i would've said the same if i lost. on the punt i was actually just trying to angle it out of bounds.... i would've felt cheesy if i got that muffed punt.

i had a good game user controlling bowman... THIS game! i don't always make those good plays. one weird thing i saw is on the justin smith sack it didn't look like nassib actually went down? i don't know i'd have to go back and watch the stream but it looked he was down.

kap is again inaccurate on some easy throws. the first int was WAY behind LMJ right to the defender. 2nd int i was just a millisecond late from completing that to stevie johnson but rolle got there too fast. that missed fg at the end of the half was huge.... thought you hit that and you had 12 mph wind with you.

i lucked out big time on two throws: one to stevie johnson in the slot that should've been at least knocked down on 3rd down, and another on a slant to boldin that should've been picked or knocked down

anyways gg!


AAAAAH I FORGOT ABOUT THAT MISSED FG!!!! There was a fraction of a second lag that made it less than full power and I BARELY missed it. That was my whole angle, to get it within 60 yards so that I can use the wind but it didn't work out.

There were a number of things I did in this game that maybe would help out FMTs future opponents. I wanted to force FMT to throw the ball and hopefully make some mistakes so I started out the game selling out against the run from all different formations. Like I literally brought the kitchen sink. The result was that he started going to his favorite play, it's the PA roll out that is almost like a strong flood. What it does is that it positions the receivers right at the sideline at different levels and there is no particular zone defense that guards it and there's no D in this whole game that can cover man to man against VD. I started getting creative with my DEs, I would put Ayers into the zone the hover in the soft spot of a zone defense on the sideline and I would set JPP up as a spy. The thought being I would prevent Kap from running but would also sneak in underneath VD if he rolled all the way out.

The problem was that whenever I made these pre-snap adjustments, FMT did not run that play and would instead run something else. And as a result I would have just 2 linemen rushing and he would have all day. There is literally nothing I can do against that rollout PA play, it fucking sucks due to VDs speed. That's the play that you hit to put you into FG range and that's the play you kept getting on me all fucking game. When I anticipated it, you didn't run it. Every single time.

What a waste of a season. Top 3 D and top O and your boy makes the plays that I usually would be completing no problem. Bah. I should have stuck with the run, I was getting big time chunks out of you and I just needed to get to the 60. Worst case scenario was OT.

Lastly, congrats on being the first to run for over 100 yards against me as a team all season.


FMT is one of the better user controllers of LBs.
Most people are mildly effective at being better than the CPU with it. I think I make some stops it couldn't, along with whiffing on some pass blocks the CPU would get. FMT really makes some right moves in both being unpredictable with it and just covering a main target.

It's really annoying when you play as a LB, feel like you have great coverage on the passing target, and then your guy just won't get to the ball....and you know the CPU would do that shit for whatever reason.
It's really annoying when you play as a LB, feel like you have great coverage on the passing target, and then your guy just won't get to the ball....and you know the CPU would do that shit for whatever reason.

Or when you play as an LB, guess the right route your guarded receiver ran, but over-defend a certain side so he gets a catch by you anyways. (For instance if I know someone is running a TE drag going left, but I am too far left to make a play)


intangibles, motherfucker
FMT is one of the better user controllers of LBs.
Most people are mildly effective at being better than the CPU with it. I think I make some stops it couldn't, along with whiffing on some pass blocks the CPU would get. FMT really makes some right moves in both being unpredictable with it and just covering a main target.

I would strongly disagree. Id argue he is usually pretty inconsistent at LB (although its partially not his fault). Im not all that great either. I feel like the game kinda fights against you when you play user D. The AI can usually move around and react quicker than the game allows you to. The real benefit is being able to recognize a given play quickly and bait the route then jump it.

FMT did have a hell of a game today on the sticks, though.
AAAAAH I FORGOT ABOUT THAT MISSED FG!!!! There was a fraction of a second lag that made it less than full power and I BARELY missed it. That was my whole angle, to get it within 60 yards so that I can use the wind but it didn't work out.

There were a number of things I did in this game that maybe would help out FMTs future opponents. I wanted to force FMT to throw the ball and hopefully make some mistakes so I started out the game selling out against the run from all different formations. Like I literally brought the kitchen sink. The result was that he started going to his favorite play, it's the PA roll out that is almost like a strong flood. What it does is that it positions the receivers right at the sideline at different levels and there is no particular zone defense that guards it and there's no D in this whole game that can cover man to man against VD. I started getting creative with my DEs, I would put Ayers into the zone the hover in the soft spot of a zone defense on the sideline and I would set JPP up as a spy. The thought being I would prevent Kap from running but would also sneak in underneath VD if he rolled all the way out.

The problem was that whenever I made these pre-snap adjustments, FMT did not run that play and would instead run something else. And as a result I would have just 2 linemen rushing and he would have all day. There is literally nothing I can do against that rollout PA play, it fucking sucks due to VDs speed. That's the play that you hit to put you into FG range and that's the play you kept getting on me all fucking game. When I anticipated it, you didn't run it. Every single time.

What a waste of a season. Top 3 D and top O and your boy makes the plays that I usually would be completing no problem. Bah. I should have stuck with the run, I was getting big time chunks out of you and I just needed to get to the 60. Worst case scenario was OT.

Lastly, congrats on being the first to run for over 100 yards against me as a team all season.

the play i used to get into FG range was out of a trips formation and it was to stevie johnson, not VD!

but yes, it's no surprise if you watch any of my streams (and they are all on my page for you to see!) i like the play action to the strong side out of the iformation because i'm not a good passer and it gives me 3 good options: boldin across the middle, VD running an outside route and bruce miller with the "safe" throw into the flat. i ran that play 3 times in the game, and i got 1 completion to VD out of it! the other 2 were short completions to bruce miller. one for 2 yards, one ended up going for 10.

there was a play on my first drive of the game that i want to go back and look at which pissed me off. i was looking for VD on a quick pass where he flattens off the line towards the sideline. the play was there and goes for at least a first down, at best probably a gigantic gain because there is only 1 guy out there and i have a WR blocking if so. well, LITERALLY one step into my drop i get fucking sacked. i didn't even get half a second!

there was also a play like this a little later in the game where my O-line treated the play like a screen (all grouped to the left) but it wasn't a screen! on the 2nd pick where you blitzed your nickle CB, my RT completely blew his assignment to block and tried to double team whoever boone was already engaged with.

i didn't get a good average ypc but i felt like hyde got some hard yards on a lot of those shorter yardage plays. his trucking helps! almost broke one or two with LMJ but your lb's were too fast
FMT is one of the better user controllers of LBs.
Most people are mildly effective at being better than the CPU with it. I think I make some stops it couldn't, along with whiffing on some pass blocks the CPU would get. FMT really makes some right moves in both being unpredictable with it and just covering a main target.

It's really annoying when you play as a LB, feel like you have great coverage on the passing target, and then your guy just won't get to the ball....and you know the CPU would do that shit for whatever reason.

cb is right, i blow a lot of coverages and over/under anticipate things. i'm also awful against the run using LB's. in my case, i have a defense full of highly rated players to mitigate the damage i do but i'm not great but every now and again i have a really good game. now in the NFC championship i will blow it :(


i don't know, probably some point next week

cb is right, i blow a lot of coverages and over/under anticipate things. i'm also awful against the run using LB's. in my case, i have a defense full of highly rated players to mitigate the damage i do but i'm not great but every now and again i have a really good game. now in the NFC championship i will blow it :(
I guess my experience against you, more often than not, you play taken away my main targets with user control.


Now that the season is over I can finally get this off my chest:

The reason I have the top O in the league and all of a sudden can pass much better this year than ever before is that I noticed a pretty fun trend throughout the league. Everyone sits in cover 3 shells in crucial passing downs. It's pretty fucking absurd. All I did in the off-season was just practice how to beat the different base cover 3 plays and it paid dividends.

It got to a point where, and this hurt me in my game today and against CB, that I read the D, if it's cover 3 I have one read that gets me big chunks. I can wait on it as long as I want and then I have a bailout route that will always be open against the cover 3. Against a user defender in space who noticed my tendency it costs me.

I noticed in my game against Soka earlier that he was running a lot of cover 3 busters as well.

On the flip side, what has made me successful on defense is that in crucial plays I'll go away from Cover 3s and mix in hot zones as well as different play calls.

Beat cover 3 and you can score whenever you want.


The cover 3 buster is 4 verts and you throw it to the TE, just in case anyone is wondering.

It's interesting you were the first to reply. I mapped out the first half of your game against FMT on 12/6. Here is what your defensive calling looked like that day.

I would have done more but I had to run some errands. Notice the trend.

We should be matching up next season. I look forward to it.

Seahawks @ Niners 12/6/14


1st Quarter Defense:

1st & 10 against 21: 4-3 Free Fire 3

2nd & 3 against 12: 4-3 Weak Slant 3 Press

1st & 10 against 12: 4-3 Strong Snake 3

2nd & 7 against 13: 4-3 Free Fire 3

3rd & 2 against 12: 4-3 Weak Slant 3 Press

1st & 10 against 12: 4-3 Aggie Cloud Star (2 Deep)

2nd & 10 against 11: Nickel Overload 3 Seam

1st & 10 against 11: Nickel Blitz 2

2nd & 6 against 11: Nickel Cover 3 Buzz Press

3rd & 7 against 11: Nickel Overload 3 Seam

1st & 10 (SEA 11) against 13: 4-3 Weak Slant 3 Press

2nd & 9 (SEA 10) against 21: 4-3 Free Fire 3

3rd & 9 (SEA 10) against 11: Nickel Cover 3 sky press

2nd Quarter Defense:

1st & 10 (SF 15) against 21: 4-3 Aggie Cloud Star (2 Deep)

1st & 10 (SF 48) against 21: 4-3 Weak Slant 3 Press (Shifted LBs right)

1st & 10 (SEA 35) against 21: 4-3 Free Fire 3 (Pinched DL, shifted LBs left)

2nd & 3 (SEA 28) against 12: 4-3 Aggie Cloud start (Pinched DL shifted LBs left)

1st & 10 (SEA 25) against 12: 4-3 Free Fire 3 (shifted LBs left)

2nd & 7 (SEA 22) against 12: 4-3 Aggie Cloud Star (Shifted LBs right)

1st & 10 (SEA 11) against 21: 4-3 Cover 3 buzz press (Shifted LBs left)

2nd & 12 (SEA 13) against 11: Nickel Cover 3 Sky Press

3rd & 6 (SEA 7) against 11: Nickel Cover 1 hole press

1st & 10 (SF 20) against 11: Nickel Cover 3 Sky Press

2nd & 9 (SF 21) against 11: Nickel Cover 3 Sky Press

3rd & 12 (SF 18) against 11: Nickel Cover 3 Sky Press
Yo now THOSE are some goddamn notes, I've been wanting to take stuff like that but I'm too damn lazy.

Now that the season is over I can finally get this off my chest:

The reason I have the top O in the league and all of a sudden can pass much better this year than ever before is that I noticed a pretty fun trend throughout the league. Everyone sits in cover 3 shells in crucial passing downs. It's pretty fucking absurd. All I did in the off-season was just practice how to beat the different base cover 3 plays and it paid dividends.

It got to a point where, and this hurt me in my game today and against CB, that I read the D, if it's cover 3 I have one read that gets me big chunks. I can wait on it as long as I want and then I have a bailout route that will always be open against the cover 3. Against a user defender in space who noticed my tendency it costs me.

I noticed in my game against Soka earlier that he was running a lot of cover 3 busters as well.

On the flip side, what has made me successful on defense is that in crucial plays I'll go away from Cover 3s and mix in hot zones as well as different play calls.

Beat cover 3 and you can score whenever you want.

I noticed this too and kept doing dumb shit anyways. I simply didn't know how to beat cover 3 in this goddamn game even if I knew it was coming. Thanks AZ and Wellie!

I would like to play you again where I am aware of your blitzes and I am not getting sacked 12 times a game. I could do much better.


intangibles, motherfucker
Thats some real dedication.

You also might be fucking insane.

And dota might literally send you into a hospital so i see why you dont wanna play.
It's interesting you were the first to reply. I mapped out the first half of your game against FMT on 12/6. Here is what your defensive calling looked like that day.

I know what beats it because I run a base cover 3 a lot and I know what play abuses it. I normally blitz though so I hope your TE is fast.


The kind of commitment to studying the game is why playing Wellie scares me. I managed to eke out a 3-0 this year, but expect he'd have whalloped me in a rematch.


Thats some real dedication.

You also might be fucking insane.

And dota might literally send you into a hospital so i see why you dont wanna play.
Some dudes have seen that.

It's my personality. I can't help but be absolutely to the gnat's ass with every detail. It sucks.

Those are not really complex it's just a play log. My most complex notes are covering DM and LJ. The hardest part is when guys do hot routes, especially on defense, then it creates a lot of extra work for me.

Also, I do all that and no chips. So where is it getting me!?
ALSO! I forgot to mention the pi call against wellington. 1st and 10 at the Giants 42. He smartly holds LMJ coming out on a screen. PI called.

If I accept it's 1st down at the Giants 48 or decline 2nd down at giants 42. Lulz wtf. There is no defensive holding in the game, only PI which is a spot foul :(


ALSO! I forgot to mention the pi call against wellington. 1st and 10 at the Giants 42. He smartly holds LMJ coming out on a screen. PI called.

If I accept it's 1st down at the Giants 48 or decline 2nd down at giants 42. Lulz wtf. There is no defensive holding in the game, only PI which is a spot foul :(

Nah man it was a late hit on Kap. It was funny because on the INT that you got right before I said it was an uncalled PI because your guy interfered with my route (it was a cover 3 buster play that I blindly throw if I am in trouble). Next play I get slapped with that fucking call, I almost launched my remote right then.
Nah man it was a late hit on Kap. It was funny because on the INT that you got right before I said it was an uncalled PI because your guy interfered with my route (it was a cover 3 buster play that I blindly throw if I am in trouble). Next play I get slapped with that fucking call, I almost launched my remote right then.

No it wasnt. Watch the video on my page. DPI!

If it was roughing I would've had the option for the ball at your 27
cb is right, i blow a lot of coverages and over/under anticipate things. i'm also awful against the run using LB's. in my case, i have a defense full of highly rated players to mitigate the damage i do but i'm not great but every now and again i have a really good game. now in the NFC championship i will blow it :(

Most of my wins against you were when the game granted me turnovers and when I got you to over commit on some of my normal tendencies.

Then again running non "tendency" plays out out of formations I use a lot is how I beat most people, because I am trash at execution.


intangibles, motherfucker

You got the easy part. Trying to find your players in snow is fucking impossible. Cant see shit.
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