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Official Madden '16 PS4 Online league thread #2: Blink Daggers and Backflips


In that case do one and snap the ball. Making your opponent endure 3-4 separate "hot routes" that are almost all dummy calls is pretty annoying. But whatevs... Glad to see Welli fully embracing Team FYIDM.

The ranks grow stronger by the day.

It's not always as it seems. Sometimes they were dummies because I wanted to see what you were going to counter with. Early in the game you were shifting in response to my calls. Later on you stopped so I curtailed it. It's all on tape friend.

There were a few times where I checked from one play to another then ended checking down to the run then did slide protection.

Lastly, best way to slow down a high powered offense is to not let them have the ball. You literally put points up at will after that fumble - it was almost as if there is a momentum mechanism in the game. Godgers went from ice cold (started 2/7) to can't miss after that. The only effective defense I had was my offense.

I do feel bad about the FB dives, but you're as much a part of team fyidm as anyone else.
It's not always as it seems. Sometimes they were dummies because I wanted to see what you were going to counter with. Early in the game you were shifting in response to my calls. Later on you stopped so I curtailed it. It's all on tape friend.

There were a few times where I checked from one play to another then ended checking down to the run then did slide protection.

Lastly, best way to slow down a high powered offense is to not let them have the ball. You literally put points up at will after that fumble - it was almost as if there is a momentum mechanism in the game. Godgers went from ice cold (started 2/7) to can't miss after that. The only effective defense I had was my offense.

I do feel bad about the FB dives, but you're as much a part of team fyidm as anyone else.


"Just keep running the ball!"


200 puzzles +8 or something like that. I have 7 beams. I spent all day yesterday dipping in and out of the tree tower. The puzzles themselves I got, the meta puzzle had me thrown. I could only play in like 20 minute chunks, I think that area should just be done all at once or you can get sort of lost.

Game is still awesome. I've stopped listening to audio logs altogether.


200 puzzles +8 or something like that. I have 7 beams. I spent all day yesterday dipping in and out of the tree tower. The puzzles themselves I got, the meta puzzle had me thrown. I could only play in like 20 minute chunks, I think that area should just be done all at once or you can get sort of lost.

Game is still awesome. I've stopped listening to audio logs altogether.

After the Buddha passed away not too long, about a couple of centuries - I can not tell the number of years exactly - his teachings were interpreted in many different ways which depended on each individual understanding of his disciples. Then it formed in two greatest systems: Theravada or it's often called Hinayana: the Small Vehicle, i.e. the small car only can carries one person to nirvana, it's ideal person is an Arahat (a perfect saint) and Mahayana or the Great Vehicle i.e., the big car that can carries many people at the same time to enlightenment, the ideal person is a Bodhisattva, a person who is on the way to the Supreme Enlightenment of the Buddha. Then about the first century of A. D., Nagarjuna, one of the greatest Buddhist masters of all times, his position is just after the Buddha himself, founded the Madhyamika (Middle Path) School with his Doctrine of Sunyata (Emptiness) and almost the aftermath Buddhist shools' teachings based on his Doctrine, including Zen school. And after him about 200 years, another of the greatest schools was founded by Maitreya then established by Ansanga and Vasubandhu: Vijnanavada (Mind-only) School. These two greatest Indian Buddhist schools have been remained and developed in many other countries such as China, Tibet, Japan, Korea, Vietnam... and now everywhere in the world, along with them is the Theravada system. So far, there are at least ten great sects in Mahayana Buddhism such as Pureland school with its main practice is praying the name of the Amida (i.e. Infinite Light or Infinite Longevity) Buddha who lives in the Western Paradise. Another school is San-lun (Three Treatises) school, or the Madhyamika school in China, Japan , Korea, and Tibet. This school actually no longer exists in China... but still exists in the Tibetan Buddhists and now is spreading strongly in the West, especially in America through many Tibetan Buddhist masters. (The present Dalai Lama actually does not belong to this school, he belong to the Yogachara school, Gelupa in Tibetan. The third one is Tien-ts'ai (Tendai, in Japanese) school which was founded by Chi-i, one of the greatest Chinese Buddhist masters, its doctrine was based on the Lotus-sutra and its main is samatha and samadhi, one of the Buddhist meditation methods. The fourth one is Ch'an in Chinese (or Zen in Japanese) school. Its founder was Bohdidharma, an Indian Buddhist master, came to China about the latter half of the fifth century and the first half of the sixth century. The main message which Bodhidharma sent to us runs like this: "Not relying on the words and letters, Teachings are transmitted outside the Scriptures; Pointing directly into one's mind, then one can see into his own nature and attains Buddhahood." To help people who like to do kensho (see into one's own nature), Zen masters have designed many different methods. The four main ones of them are: counting your breaths out and in, following your breaths with your mind's eye, shikantaza (or just sitting in your whole awareness), and koans. Actually, the practice of this school based on the Way of the Buddha: dhyana (or meditation) which the Buddha did at least for six years until he became the Enlightened One. Its teachings are based on the teachings of the Buddha in the Mahaprajnaparamita-sutra which the doctrine of emptiness of Nagarjuna based on and the teachings of the Buddha in the Lankavatara-sutra which the doctrine of Consciousness-only of Vasubandhu based on. And sometimes the teachings of the Buddha in the Avatamsaka-sutra can be seen in Zen, too. Therefore, it can be said that the teaching system of Zen Buddhism is an integrity of the whole Mahayana Buddhism. When the Yogachara school, the precedent of the Vijnanavada school, at first, was brought by Padmasambhava into Tibet, it adopted some features of the native cult had been there: the Bon of the Tibetan people and the mysticism was one of its characteristics. In Tibetan Buddhism, there is a school called Dozgchen has some characteristics which are somewhat similar to Zen. However, despite how different those schools seem to be, they all have the same ultimate goal: to help anyone who likes to learn and practice what the Buddha taught: to become enlightened, liberate oneself from his suffering caused by his greed, anger, and ignorance and then if he likes, he can help others do the same thing. What I have just said above are some simple words on some main ideas and I won't go into the other sects of Buddhism because I think it is enough for this time. If you want to go further into them, you might need to read some books on them such as "The Essentials of Buddhist Philosophy" by Junriro Takakusu. There are a couple of things here I like to make it clear: There are many and many different methods of meditation which are used in the different Buddhist schools, for example, the methods are used in the Tibetan Buddhist schools can be called "the methods of visualization", this means when a practitioner does one of these he needs something to rely on, usually an image. In Zen Buddhism, the methods are different. This means they do not need any image to rely on, especially in shikantaza. When someone, a Westerner in particular, who reads the teachings of the Buddha, for the first round, on the Four Noble Truth, usually sees that Buddhism shows us everything in this world is full of suffering, temporary, unreliable, deceitful ... oh! too passive and pessimistic... Yes, he is correct but this is just one step or the First Truth of the Four Noble Truth. If he stops right here, he already miss the three more steps that he needs to go and see the whole thing. Furthermore, all the teachings of the Buddha and Zen masters are for practicing and not only reading. If you like experience something for yourself you might want to practice one of them. Yes, the Buddha-Dharma which Thich Nhat Hanh and his followers are now practicing , I think, it is closer to the teachings of Indian Buddhism than Chinese Buddhism. He goes back to the original teachings of the Buddha, for example, he emphasizes the practice on breathing, on awareness to whatever we do in our everyday life. Another feature in Thich Nhat Hanh's Buddhism is his trend to get closer to Christianity. This is shown in some of his books.


I find it funny seeing people say CB and Wellie have done some cheese recently when they are two of the people (there are more) I've always felt like I've had good games with whether they were close or blowouts.


To be clear I ran I think 2 screens and 2 FB Dives, he has a reason to be upset. I admittedly was messing with him pre-snap but the only times it got down below 10 seconds was when I couldn't decide on a play on selection screen.

He told me in the stream to stop and I think my response was "I'll do what I want".

The reaction would have been worse if he lost but i ended up having worse luck in the game than he did.


intangibles, motherfucker
I find it funny seeing people say CB and Wellie have done some cheese recently when they are two of the people (there are more) I've always felt like I've had good games with whether they were close or blowouts.

Its not really people. Its just the same guy.


What game is that, crow?

It's an Arma 3 mod, I think Crow said he was playing Breaking Point in it but I'm not sure!

Yeah that the Breaking Point mod for ARMA 3. I've been enjoying it much more than Day Z since it's focuses on pvp with player classes. Finding guns isn't a problem. It just won't be a high powered sniper or assault rifle. But even an old enfield or 223 varmint can get kills. You just have less room for error.

Since the Epoch mod looks to be dying I might try out Exile since its really just Epoch without zombies and unlimited base building.

DJ Bowser

Its not really people. Its just the same guy.

1, I didn't accuse Welli of any cheese. I just said it was annoying. If people bitch about my hot routes which are usually not more than 1 per play that I do as quickly as possible, then I felt that 25 seconds of adjustments was boring to play against. I even stated that I have no idea how it could even be cheesy.

2. The complaint about you was mostly just trying to highlight that certain people abuse certain types of plays and it's kosher. I don't mind playing against whatever people do, I just wanted an even standard of what people are going to bitch about.

My reverse crusade fell on (mostly) deaf ears though, so it'll likely be the last of it other than in-stream salt.

Bowser doesn't deserve any more attention after I saw him refer to Wellie's fake audibles as a FYIDM move
While making your opponent sit through extra time rather than just chewing the clock like you intend is pretty FYIDM, the real FYIDM move was the FB dive on 4th and inches to take the lead in the 4th quarter.

Again, which I'm not complaining about. It wasn't a QB sneak. I could have stopped it and didn't. But to say it isn't full-blown FYIDM?


gg cola
that first half apparently happened during a football game! just too much wind to overcome. some of my best decisions sailed on me because of it.


GG Brent, that was such a struggle. Your defensive line was insane the first half, every time I dropped back, as soon as I saw my first read was covered I'd be hit by one of your linemen. Your coverage confused me pretty much every snap.

That 4th and 20 TD was crazy too. I found it funny also that every time you scrambled with Manziel, it seemed like something catastrophic would happen to you, whether it'd be an interception, fumble, or big sack.


GG Brent, that was such a struggle. Your defensive line was insane the first half, every time I dropped back, as soon as I saw my first read was covered I'd be hit by one of your linemen. Your coverage confused me pretty much every snap.

That 4th and 20 TD was crazy too. I found it funny also that every time you scrambled with Manziel, it seemed like something catastrophic would happen to you, whether it'd be an interception, fumble, or big sack.

Your DE is apparently like 5x faster than Manziel. I should have stopped rolling out left, but since you user DL, the pressure up mid is a real problem to stand pat...but yea, it didn't work out for me =\
Proud of my 2 user picks though. And I don't know what was up with my defensive line, they've never generated pressure like they did in that first half. That was actually crazy.
edit: i think putting Dansby back in as starting LB helped. #2 MLB still a young fast guy, but just can't play with two dumbasses in the middle
1, I didn't accuse Welli of any cheese. I just said it was annoying. If people bitch about my hot routes which are usually not more than 1 per play that I do as quickly as possible, then I felt that 25 seconds of adjustments was boring to play against. I even stated that I have no idea how it could even be cheesy.

2. The complaint about you was mostly just trying to highlight that certain people abuse certain types of plays and it's kosher. I don't mind playing against whatever people do, I just wanted an even standard of what people are going to bitch about.

My reverse crusade fell on (mostly) deaf ears though, so it'll likely be the last of it other than in-stream salt.

While making your opponent sit through extra time rather than just chewing the clock like you intend is pretty FYIDM, the real FYIDM move was the FB dive on 4th and inches to take the lead in the 4th quarter.

Again, which I'm not complaining about. It wasn't a QB sneak. I could have stopped it and didn't. But to say it isn't full-blown FYIDM?

Didn't you put McKay in slot after going like 2/11 with Rodgers mid game? Or were you just bullshitting us in chat?

DJ Bowser

Didn't you put McKay in slot after going like 2/11 with Rodgers mid game? Or were you just bullshitting us in chat?

Mckay was the #2 all game. There is one formation that either he or Dez is in the slot depending on whether the play is flipped. I don't recall any bullshitting in chat unless you were talking about me calling Terrance Williams the "slot machine" after he caught a ball at a weird angle and dove 4 yards backwards.

I'm struggling to see the relevance to your post and the part of mine you highlighted..

edit: i think putting Dansby back in as starting LB helped. #2 MLB still a young fast guy, but just can't play with two dumbasses in the middle

The awareness and play recognition seem huge for LBs. I assume they're why Sean Lee has been incredible and bailed me out of a lot of games.


Your DE is apparently like 5x faster than Manziel. I should have stopped rolling out left, but since you user DL, the pressure up mid is a real problem to stand pat...but yea, it didn't work out for me =\
Proud of my 2 user picks though. And I don't know what was up with my defensive line, they've never generated pressure like they did in that first half. That was actually crazy.
edit: i think putting Dansby back in as starting LB helped. #2 MLB still a young fast guy, but just can't play with two dumbasses in the middle

Dansby's still pretty fast considering he must be like 37 or 38 in game. I think he was matched up against my fastest WR running a vertical route when you got that user INT with him. I couldn't even be mad.
Mckay was the #2 all game. There is one formation that either he or Dez is in the slot depending on whether the play is flipped. I don't recall any bullshitting in chat unless you were talking about me calling Terrance Williams the "slot machine" after he caught a ball at a weird angle and dove 4 yards backwards.

I'm struggling to see the relevance to your post and the part of mine you highlighted..

idk, seemed silly to call FYIDM on Welli considering he was actually making a bunch of line adjustments. I mean, I don't particularly like waiting as people call a bunch of stuff, but it's hardly FYIDM.

DJ Bowser

idk, seemed silly to call FYIDM on Welli considering he was actually making a bunch of line adjustments. I mean, I don't particularly like waiting as people call a bunch of stuff, but it's hardly FYIDM.

Can you read? You quoted the post where I explained that wasn't what I was saying.

Sorry league for this becoming a page-long boring whine-fest. I think I had a couple-week stretch here of being too sensitive to the derisive and cutting Twitch-stream criticisms. I will try to avoid the subject henceforth and only talk about booty eating and wine drinking. And Rocket League.



Big play chances that miss (17mph tailwind)


Dansby pick


Gipson pick


The 4th and 20 that lands.

We had 0 points until the 2nd half. It was quite an offensive showing.

DJ Bowser

Definitely. Throw power negates it tho.

That's actually (if true) a pretty smart detail I wouldn't expect EA to incorporate.

Since all my home games are in a dome, seeing Romo and then Rodgers passes in the domes vs some of the windy outdoor games, there are several more passes thrown nowhere in the vicinity of the intended target in the windy games. Less with Rodgers than Romo, but he also has better stats across the board.


Congrats on the AFC East Cola, I will do my best to ensure there are two representatives from our division

Thanks, Rinse! I'm not sure if I've officially clinched it yet but getting to 10 allowed me to exhale. If you can get on a playoff run with EJ I'll be rooting for you.
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