Just got back, sorry shopping took longer than I thought. Back for Game 3.
Oh regarding that Game 2 I couldn't believe Frank Francisco pitches like real life. I decided to try and sit on a pattern I noticed after that, and rode it that inning.
another round of series are gonna expire tomorrow or 5/1, frank -- fyi.
duane, when you wana roll?
edit: or mariners owner, our series is open as well.
I can play 1 right now. Shiv been blue balling me for a week!
Edit: Meh, tomorrow evening works better if you can play
ok, i can wait till tomorrow -- unless duane shows up.
tontaku22 I'll be around late night all week. Anytime after 9. Let's get this shit done!
That's me! I'm going to the Jays game tonight so depending what time I get home we might be able to crank 1 out, otherwise I'm free the whole week so we can definitely finish this up fairly quickly.
Oh shit, I had no idea. Brewers are out west so I can start games as late as 12:30 EST or so for the rest of the week. Jays are at 7 so if you feel like it when you get home I'm sure I'd be down.
While Frankman and I are in intermission as I eat my dinner I'd just like for him to see how I felt at the end of game 2:
After the 2 run homer to tie it:
Ach let me know wen we can finish our series. Can play around 530 till 7.
Cant play after 7 Ach. Gotta do sum work for tomorrow.
when do you want to play our series? you don't have to finish your series against Ach before you can play ours you know!
i r here
duane or goldilion
edit: duane and i got it scheduled. goldilion, you wana get a game in today?
Yea, i can go in 15 if you can
sounds good
weird. I see him online a lot. I'll give him a heads up.I have been trying to get with the Pirates owner but he doesn't seem to be.around when we nail down a day to play. I finished the series with the Diamondbacks.
FMT may.be around to play tomorrow night.
Aight sounds good.
Finally put some runs on the board!
Unfortunately I also struck out 23 times in 9 innings.
God I'm so terrible at this game. Oh well at least I'm not getting shellacked.
You aren't too bad. You pick up on patterns fairly well, but your fielding needs a ton of work. Primarily from the first game.
Also, no throwing the ball to first from right!
That lag was unreal. That DP you turned while my runners were advancing against my wishes was hilarious though. On that dropped 3rd strike I couldn't concentrate afterwards as I was laughing too hard trying to imagine what happened.Good games, Fenix, but holy shit the lag. That attempted in park HR was nothing I asked for. I stopped advancing the runner en route to 2nd. In the 9th, there was a dropped strike three and I was jamming the stick toward first, but my catcher just sat there. And constantly my fielders were not moving in the outfield. Usually at midnight, the lag goes away.
To be clear, I'm not taking away from your performance, though... I'm sure it was the same on your end.