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Official NeoGAF US Mid-term Elections 2006 Thread

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Honorary Canadian.
TheIkariWarrior said:
I believe the Democrat side of the New World Order elite will gain control of the Senate. but it matters not.

neither congress nor the president has the true power. they're pupets or bought off. anyone who disbelieves this is a fool, and this not a conspiracy theory, its pretty well accepted worldwide.

the new speaker of the House, Nancy, will NOT go after Bush on anything. no impeachment proceedings, no investigation. that speaks VOLUMES.
the la li lu le lo?!
ferrarimanf355 said:
The Hammer doesn't know when to STFU...
:lol :lol :lol
I was reading that earlier but accidentally closed the link (grr firefox 2 and it's X's on every tab). My favorite:
DELAY: The Foley factor was the last straw. It’s a double standard. The Democrats had plenty of corruption problems, too. I mean, Harry Reid, Alan Mollohan—you have William Jefferson, but it’s a double standard. Democrats re-elect their corrupt members. The Republicans throw ours out.
Damn you Democrats! why didn't you get rid of Jefferson when you had the chance?! :lol :lol


Senator-Elect Jim Webb currently leads by 7046 votes with 99.84% precincts reporting.

The SBE website has the following outstanding precincts:

1. James City County Absentee (C003)
2. One of two precincts in James City County called "Roberts B (0502)"
3. Raynor in Isle of Wight County.
4. Fairfax City Central Absentee Precinct (C011)

Now, I just spoke with the James City County registrars office. I was told there are no voters left to count in their county. Long story short, all of the voters in James City County live in Virginia's first district. The uncounted "precincts" of that county that are in VA-03 are part of the James River. There are no more votes for anybody outstanding here.

The last two districts will - at best for Allen- add only a few dozen votes for him. Based on '04 turnout numbers, Raynor only had 170 total voters (+17 for the GOP) and Fairfax City absentees went heavily for the Dems. Most likely, Webb's lead will grow slightly.

Expect Sen.-Elect Webb's current lead to remain largely unchanged - he will be certified the winner of this Senate seat. After that, Allen will be allowed to call for a recount.

I don't see either race turning around. On to the recount!


bune duggy said:
I was reading that earlier but accidentally closed the link (grr firefox 2 and it's X's on every tab). My favorite:Damn you Democrats! why didn't you get rid of Jefferson when you had the chance?! :lol :lol

Because it's Louisiana, and Louisiana voters in his district are clearly mentally retarded.
Apparently there is a 'significant announcement' coming from Bush in about 20 minutes.

If it has something to do with Rumsfeld being shuffled off this is officially the best day ever.

no kidding. They probably won't call that once since there will be a recount.

I don't get why so many of you are certain there will be a recount. I think that would be a horrible miscalculation on Allen's part. It wouldn't be good for him at all.
echoshifting said:
Apparently there is a 'significant announcement' coming from Bush in about 20 minutes.

If it has something to do with Rumsfeld being shuffled off this is officially the best day ever.

That could be it


Setec Astronomer
the new speaker of the House, Nancy, will NOT go after Bush on anything. no impeachment proceedings, no investigation. that speaks VOLUMES.
Barack Obama also recommended this earlier... that instead of wasting time being over-vindictive, they should focus on getting stuff done. Personally, as good as nailing their asses to the wall would feel, repairing the damage they've done is more important and promotes a lasting majority(ok, lasting minority for the GOP).

DELAY: The Foley factor was the last straw. It’s a double standard. The Democrats had plenty of corruption problems, too. I mean, Harry Reid, Alan Mollohan—you have William Jefferson, but it’s a double standard. Democrats re-elect their corrupt members. The Republicans throw ours out.
Ah, back to that old line of bullshit. They were only thrown out because they were FORCED to and placed the party in the position of supporting their now visibily corrupt members and getting slaughtered in the voting booth. This year, they did a little of both. :p

wave dial

Completely unable to understand satire
GhaleonEB said:
so, I just woke up. the way things were trending I thought Tester would be behind. wooooo

and I get Gears of War today.

what a great ****ing day.
went to sleep with webb and mccaskill losing and feeling cruddy. woke up, went to the gym, and saw mccaskill giving a speech, read up on the news, felt good
Yamauchi said:
I just saw the new Montana numbers. There's not going to be a recount there, right? The lead is more than .5%.
Doubtful. It would have to be at Burn's expense and a judge would have to find sufficient reason for a recount.


echoshifting said:
Apparently there is a 'significant announcement' coming from Bush in about 20 minutes.

If it has something to do with Rumsfeld being shuffled off this is officially the best day ever.

I don't get why so many of you are certain there will be a recount. I think that would be a horrible miscalculation on Allen's part. It wouldn't be good for him at all.

Bush's press conference has been scheduled since it was apparent the Dems were taking the House yesterday. I don't think Rumsfeld getting the boot would be "significant" since he'll probably decide to "spend time with his family" within the month. However, what would be "significant" would be Bush declaring himself Emperor.
I know the press conference has been scheduled for awhile, but I believe this is the first we've heard of some sort of announcement figuring into it. I don't think simply congratulating the Democrats or encouraging good bipartisan relations would qualify as an announcement.


echoshifting said:
Apparently there is a 'significant announcement' coming from Bush in about 20 minutes.

If it has something to do with Rumsfeld being shuffled off this is officially the best day ever.

I don't get why so many of you are certain there will be a recount. I think that would be a horrible miscalculation on Allen's part. It wouldn't be good for him at all.
I agree about the recount, but I thought Allen had already said he was going to request one? (thought I read that in the blur that is last night)
GhaleonEB said:
I agree about the recount, but I thought Allen had already said he was going to request one? (thought I read that in the blur that is last night)

Nah, he just said it wasn't over yet. There's been no official request for a recount yet.


GhaleonEB said:
I agree about the recount, but I thought Allen had already said he was going to request one? (thought I read that in the blur that is last night)

When Allen sent his supporters home and he himself left the party the Webb lead was only approximately 1k or so, and at the time he just said, 'Go home, the votes are still being counted, etc.'. Webb's lead has grown and waned and grown again since then. The chances of him making up 8k or so votes in a recount is practically non-existent, so does he want to further ruin his presidential prospects (though they're already gone for '08 at least), by protracting a possibly long recount process and seeming like a sore loser in a contest that will get national coverage because it will prolong the uncertainty of which party controls the Senate?
It feels good to wake up knowing the house AND senate will be dem controlled, and we'll finally have some checks. With this, I wouldn't mind if there's a Republican president in 2008 or not. Well, unless Obama is running. I feel like Celine Dion, because a ****in' NEW DAY HAS COME!!! :lol :lol


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
MSNBC is saying Rumsfeld is stepping down.

because four times wasn't enough.
All Hail C-Webb said:
AP: Rumsfeld stepping down!

I really want to shoot an AK-47 in the air to celebrate haha

Sadly I don't think I can get one of those in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada :p

Boom! The hits keep on coming. Can anyone else not stop smiling today? I went for my usual iced coffee at the neighborhood cafe and everyone was talking about the election. The barista even gave me my drink for free in celebration :D
DarienA said:
Where is this rumsfeld news coming from? I don't see any news item yet?!?!

It's all coming from 'sources' - check out Drudge, CNN, etc. I'm sure it will be made official when Bush speaks in a couple minutes here.
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