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Official: PSP December 12, 19800 yen


SomeDude said:
Everyone at my gamestop is always trying to get people to choose Psp over Nintendo DS. I think the DS is going to bomb.

I enjoy your well thought out thesis.
human5892 said:
Now I believe it. The DS will utterly bomb.

I tried to warn you guys....I made the Virtual Boy comparisons and I was a proponent of PSP going gangbusters, and now this launch price confirms it. PSP will completely own DS. The handheld market will be nicely split between Sony and Nintendo.


SomeDude said:
Everyone at my gamestop is always trying to get people to choose Psp over Nintendo DS. I think the DS is going to bomb.
Wow.. that's retarded..
JasoNsider said:
Am I the only one confused with posts about DS having nothing left to compete with? I don't know about you guys, but I'm actually looking forward to a DS for interesting gameplay styles, not for the graphics.

And I know this probably sounds horrible, but I actually do find it kind of sad in a way that competition is now going to be dictated by who can bleed the most. Sony and Microsoft can really stand to muscle other people around, having other markets to sustain themselves. Even Nintendo decided to lower their price on the GameCube to a point where they are losing on every system sold. Do I have to worry about the industry collapsing in on itself because everyone's trying to bleed themselves more than the competitors?

It's like the people who purposely get in a car crash to claim money - sure they got cash in the end, but the method was really sad.
Yeah, I agree 100%
Being different doesn't mean better.
It does everything PSP does (gameplay wise), plus more. How is that worse?
Razoric said:
Ok wow... I wasn't going to buy any handhelds (NDS doesnt do anything for me and I thought PSP was going to be $300+)... but with this announcement, holy mind fuck I'm getting one when it's released in the U.S. Go Sony!

Okay when people say they won't spend $300, I just don't get that... Oh and now its within reach?

By the time PSP gets here Sony would have tricked you into buying the $250 delux box (with the extras) before you realize it you payed over $300. Why not just be real it is never about the COST you know you want one and they will find a way to make you want one :)


mrklaw said:
the price difference is really cold, calculating planning on the part of Sony.

Making such an apparantly big loss, they could price match. But by being only a few dollars more expensive, psychologically implies it is better. They've done that before in the past, inexorably matching competitors downward price spirals to remain competitive, while still being slightly more expensive, more 'premium'.

Its worked a treat for them so far, too.

Great post and I totally agree. Sony is extremely smart when it comes to price strategy.
Society said:
Wow you sure proved me wrong. I am going to order 4 PSPs now.

I'm not saying you have to buy it. Just that because its different doesn't make it automatically better. This isn't just a handheld thing, people like to bring it up with console games to..When a game is new a different people act like its automatically superior to anything else.


SomeDude said:
50/50? I think will see the whole Playstation/Nintendo 64 battle again, except in the handheld market.

Yeah now I think of it it's exactly the same. Why I've been so blind before?


SomeDude said:
50/50? I think will see the whole Playstation/Nintendo 64 battle again, except in the handheld market.

You mean with the one with more expensive media bumbling around and going downhill?


Miburou said:
Some people find ports and remakes of N64 games with touch-screen ability more interesting, others find PS2 games on the go to be more interesting. Different strokes and all that shit.
Weak dude... how many remakes/ports on the Japanese launch list? Different strokes? You're deluded.


RevenantKioku said:
You mean with the one with more expensive media bumbling around and going downhill?

Assuming you mean the PSP, UMDs are confirmed to be the same cost as DVDs..far cry from N64 carts.

Kon Tiki

SolidSnakex said:
I'm not saying you have to buy it. Just that because its different doesn't make it automatically better. This isn't just a handheld thing, people like to bring it up with console games to..When a game is new a different people act like its automatically superior to anything else.
I will be buying one I like handhelds. I am just confused why anyone who 'likes' videos games is not the least bit excited over the DS. The only thinkg I can think of is it is made by Nintendo. My phrasing on the other post was not clear. I meant I to say I was saddened that people, who claim to love the games (or maybe they do not love the games, but love companies) do not want a change.


LOL! $185 is fucking on the money baby! :D :D :D

I said I wouldn't even consider one at over $200. I wasn't really up for one for over $150 either. But $185 is incredible. That price is go for launch, baby! No more PSTwo until it drops to like $99. That can't be too far off. I said the price disparity between the PSP and PSTwo would force Sony to come in at a lower price. Looks like I was right. Given a choice between a $200+ PSP or a $100-120 PSTwo, I'd take the PSTwo. But at this price, the only thing I have to contemplate is GTA:SA. And that will probably be on the PC, so I can maybe pass that up. Hell, it might end up a PSP port eventually anyway.

Oh man, screw the battery life and screw all that other stuff. For that kind of price, I'm sold. 200k units for the end of the year? Unless they plan on trickling them out, then all those will be gone on Day1. It's gonna be a madhouse with price-gouging and eBaying galore. I think it's a mistake shipping that few. But they saw the way the PS2's demand gave them free marketing. They'll short us in the US at launch too, which means I'll probably wait a little bit for one. But man, that price kicks ass. DS done. :D :p What's MS gonna do now? At that price with the kind of brand clout Sony has, they might have just missed their chance at the handheld market. Now, if only Sony can give us the hope of one day seeing writeable UMDs, or at least cheap 2GB+ Memory Sticks. Man, this news just made my day. :) PEACE.


Actually, I do have a serious concern about the PSP. I mean come on, I've had Walkmans, CD-players, stereos, a PS1, PS2 and a laptop, and the only one that still works is a PS2 I've been pretty much been giving blowjobs too since the day I bought it. I am seriously concerned about buying a PSP and having a standard Sony issue of it just being a piece of shit that breaks down for no good reason. They have never pleased me with hardware, and most of my stuff, even the mobile stuff I never really moved around. The laptop was constanly plugged in because its battery life was not what was to be expected, and I loved the car stereo that actually ruined CDs. I hate to appear as a Nintendo fanboy, but I can't think of one issue with hardware, sans blowing into my NES carts. Can someone who isn't Panajev give me some comforting facts about my concerns?


Society said:
I will be buying one I like handhelds. I am just confused why anyone who 'likes' videos games is not the least bit excited over the DS. The only thinkg I can think of is it is made by Nintendo. My phrasing on the other post was not clear. I meant I to say I was saddened that people, who claim to love the games (or maybe they do not love the games, but love companies) do not want a change.

Because it just seems too gimmicky... from the touch screen to the two screens, it's just something that was never really needed and I never saw many people asking for. Not to mention the DS flagship title is a first gen N64 game. teh innovation!!!


john2kx said:
to everyone planning on getting a launch PSP: good luck.

it's as if the ps1 and 2 taught us nothing.

Although I am not going to get it right after launch (I will wait until they release the white version), my launch PS2 and PS1 had never caused me any problem. But rather they showed me the first batch Japanese made product quality.

edit: For one, I couldn't quite understand why there are so many over-reacting fans of a company, the issue in this thread is not alone. Looks like someone releasing something interesting will hurt their butt.


I'll definately be picking one up at launch for a price in that neighborhood. Kudos to Sony, they've put together a pretty sexy machine.

I am just confused why anyone who 'likes' videos games is not the least bit excited over the DS.

I'm still way excited for DS. Nintendo games + touchscreen makes me a happy gamer. I don't understand why people can't be excited for both.


Queen of Denmark
RevenantKioku said:
Can someone who isn't Panajev give me some comforting facts about my concerns?
I can't comfort you, only agree with you. :(

I would never, ever buy a Sony electronics product at launch. Especially not after what the bastards did to poor old DCharlie...


Jonnyram said:
Weak dude... how many remakes/ports on the Japanese launch list? Different strokes? You're deluded.

LOL, funny how you failed to notice that I called PSP games "PS2 games on the go". I was using the stereotypes people here associate with games of both handhelds.

The conclusion (different strokes) though, is valid, whether you like it or not.


Pimpwerx said:
Now, if only Sony can give us the hope of one day seeing writeable UMDs, or at least cheap 2GB+ Memory Sticks. Man, this news just made my day. :) PEACE.

I think Sandisk announced 2GB Memory Sticks, but they're kinda expensive right now. :)


RevenantKioku said:
You mean with the one with more expensive media bumbling around and going downhill?

Who is going to pass up the Psp when it only cost around 200 dollars? For 50 more dollars you can get a way better piece of hardware. I originally wasn't going to get one because I thought it was going to be priced around 300 dollars plus. I don't see many people passing this great deal up. This thing is sure to sell to the mainstream audience.

Kon Tiki

Razoric said:
Because it just seems too gimmicky... from the touch screen to the two screens, it's just something that was never really needed and I never saw many people asking for. Not to mention the DS flagship title is a first gen N64 game. teh innovation!!!

I have never saw people ask for a touchscreen specifically, I have seen people ask for new control methods. Just go into any console FPS thread.

First gen, n64... you are trying to make it sound bad, yet the game in question is of of the best in the genre.


Holy crap! Look what happens when I sleep in!!

Panajev2001a said:
Watch the Nintendo DS drop to 10,000 Yen when PSP launches in eithe rJapan or the U.S. (which means that I will have over-payed the console this Nivember :().

Both players are playing a nice game :).
Well, that 10,000 yen DS launch price was initially leaked from NCL's website before... they might drop to that price in response before launch even (a la N64). In fact at this point I'd say they need to. :)

This PSP price is a nice shock though, especially after Sony Germany leaked out the 33,000 yen price (right after the announced DS pricing, before SCEI could suppossedly have the conference delayed). It's been a good cat & mouse game so far. Good to see them finally muscle some tangible support out of Square Enix too... this battle might be closer than anyone expected. I'll probably be picking up Ridge Racer, Lumines, DarkStalkers, Hot Shots and Bust-A-Move myself around launch. :)

mashoutposse said:
Are you suggesting that Nintendo intended the GBA to have a "premier platform" life of only 3.5 years??? Make no mistake, there's something new coming out as a direct result of Sony's actions. GBA would have been another 7-10 year deal if not for PSP.
GBC had a 3 year lifespan. I suspect we'd have gotten "GameBoy 64" in 2005 if PSP had never materialized, but GBA certianly would've never had a 7-10 year lifespan. A N64 level GameBoy had been rumored since 2001, I think DS is certianly a reaction to PSP in part (added featureset mainly, rushed to 2004 release) but the core chipset and R&D definitely predates it.

Jonnyram said:
Exactly, so you might like to know that the NES sold nearly 62 million, while the Atari VCS sold 20 million.
Er, NES certainly sold more than that... I've seen figures as high as 80 million worldwide, it was 36 million in the USA alone.

Mr_Furious said:
Sony's been working on their portable strategy since before the PS2 released. I'm sure there've been multiple prototypes that existed before and the PSP was just the final result with their decided technology choices. It's called Research & Development ;)
Actually the 32bit PS1 level "PlayBoy" project was in development at Sony Electronics. PSP is all SCEI, and actually started right before they announced the machine at E3 2003.

Jonnyram said:
New Level 5 RPG (that makes use of PSP functionality - wireless?) - no date
Hmmm... wonder if Dark Cloud 3's been moved to PSP?

jiggle said:

Dragon Quest VI! haha:D

Popolocrois is a SCE title also.
And DQ4 isn't. ;)

Popolocrois is said to be a port of the first 2 PS1 games.. hopefully SCEA brings it over this time. :)

DarienA said:
When was the last time a hardware product launched in the US higher than it did in Japan?
Nintendo DS. :/

DarienA said:
Most of the games listed at ebgames.com are $39.99?
Place holder. Gamstop & TRU list $29.99 for most launch period games... and Nintendo themselves announced the $29.99 software price point (there was a nice big slide at their Gamer's Summit).


Queen of Denmark
SomeDude said:
For 50 more dollars you can get a way better piece of hardware.
BETTER HARDWARE?! Well why didn't you say so! No wonder the PSP will be so much more fun than the DS!



Razoric said:
Because it just seems too gimmicky... from the touch screen to the two screens, it's just something that was never really needed and I never saw many people asking for. Not to mention the DS flagship title is a first gen N64 game. teh innovation!!!
Haha, what? How are extra things a bad thing? With the DS we have all the standard buttons a gaming system has, but we ALSO have a touch screen, which can only enhance the quality of games. Your "arguments" are terrible.
Society said:
I will be buying one I like handhelds. I am just confused why anyone who 'likes' videos games is not the least bit excited over the DS.

I'm excited about the possiblities of it, i'm just not excited about any games that's been shown so far.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
human5892 said:
BETTER HARDWARE?! Well why didn't you say so! No wonder the PSP will be so much more fun than the DS!


Well, PlayStation 2 did beat the Dreamcast ;).

PSOne did beat the Saturn ;).

It is not only hardware power: multi-media features and games taking advantage of them will be interesting to see.

Better in this case can be surely in the beholders' eyes as we have not defined exactly what makes somethign good.

I already put down $95 for the DS and $5 for Super Mario 64 DS and with this kind of price (well below $300) the PSP (the more I hear about the PSP the more I want it) helps me save money for it.


SomeDude said:
Who is going to pass up the Psp when it only cost around 200 dollars? For 50 more dollars you can get a way better piece of hardware. I originally wasn't going to get one because I thought it was going to be priced around 300 dollars plus. I don't see many people passing this great deal up. This thing is sure to sell to the mainstream audience.

PSP is not going to be big with children, that I can almost guarentee.
And if Nintendo counters with a lower price on the DS, man, its gonna get ugly.


Society said:
I will be buying one I like handhelds. I am just confused why anyone who 'likes' videos games is not the least bit excited over the DS. The only thinkg I can think of is it is made by Nintendo. My phrasing on the other post was not clear. I meant I to say I was saddened that people, who claim to love the games (or maybe they do not love the games, but love companies) do not want a change.

I own a GC and GBA (and a N64 and SNES), so me not being excited about the DS has nothing to do it being made by Nintendo.

The thing is, what you find exciting, I don't necessarily find so. I like my GBA because it's cheap, small and the games are simple enough for pick-up and play sessions.

The ND on the other hand is bulky, more expensive and the I find the graphics to be pretty unappealing. What the ND does offer is touch-screen ability, but I'm not sold on it yet. I'm most likely have the chance to test it out, and if the touch-screen thing turns out to make a big positive impact on gameplay, then I'll get excited about it.


Queen of Denmark
Panajev2001a said:
Well, PlayStation 2 did beat the Dreamcast ;).

PSOne did beat the Saturn ;).

It is not only hardware power: multi-media features and games taking advantage of them will be interesting to see.

Better in this case can be surely in the beholders' eyes as we have not defined exactly what makes somethign good.

I already put down $95 for the DS and $5 for Super Mario 64 DS and with this kind of price (well below $300) the PSP (the more I hear about the PSP the more I want it) helps me save money for it.
Certainly there are examples for both sides, but to say that the PSP -- or any game system -- will be the victor because of "better hardware" is just ridiculous.


Grubdog said:
Haha, what? How are extra things a bad thing? With the DS we have all the standard buttons a gaming system has, but we ALSO have a touch screen, which can only enhance the quality of games. Your "arguments" are terrible.

Sorry I'd rather have one big screen and better graphics than features that some games might use for better or worse. PSP seems like a more logical evolution in handheld gaming.


Queen of Denmark
Razoric said:
Sorry I'd rather have one big screen and better graphics than features that some games might use for better or worse. PSP seems like a more logical evolution in handheld gaming.
And others might want to have new features and control schemes instead of the same games we've been playing with better graphics.

Myself, I'd like both. That's why I'm working on the PSP DS as we speak.

Kon Tiki

Miburou said:
I own a GC and GBA (and a N64 and SNES), so me not being excited about the DS has nothing to do it being made by Nintendo.

The thing is, what you find exciting, I don't necessarily find so. I like my GBA because it's cheap, small and the games are simple enough for pick-up and play sessions.

The ND on the other hand is bulky, more expensive and the I find the graphics to be pretty unappealing. What the ND does offer is touch-screen ability, but I'm not sold on it yet. I'm most likely have the chance to test it out, and if the touch-screen thing turns out to make a big positive impact on gameplay, then I'll get excited about it.
Well those same 'pick up and play' games can be played on DS. DS graphics are better than GBA, so I can not see your argument there. Comparing it to PSP, I can understand.

I do not know, maybe I have a better imagination than most people, I can see the potential for touch screen and an independent screen. I hope PSP2 has a touch screen too :p.


human5892 said:
And others might want to have new features and control schemes instead of the same games we've been playing with better graphics.

Myself, I'd like both. That's why I'm working on the PSP DS as we speak.

I personally don't want to concentrate on the outside of the machine... akward and cumbersome "new" "cool" ways to control a game mean nothing to me. I want the innovation to go in the game using control features that arent distracting. Trying to balance the DS on one hand while pointing at shit with a stylius with the other hand does not seem like my idea of "innovation".


SomeDude said:
Everyone at my gamestop is always trying to get people to choose Psp over Nintendo DS. I think the DS is going to bomb.

Oh boy, more rabble.

Anyway, I'm thrilled that the PSP is at some kind of reasonable price, but I'm still just as sold on it as I am the DS, that is to say, "not much." Both are interesting devices, and while Nintendo's has the gimmick, it at least makes the DS a bit more unique.

But right now, I think the edge still needs to be given to Nintendo. If there's one market they understand nearly flawlessly, it's portable gaming. Nevermind that the backwards compatibilty with the GBA will be a huge leg up with, well, everyone. Plus, the DS has just over double the battery life. Whether Sony can learn quickly remains to be seen, but my one worry:

PS2 games on the PSP, and I'm not talking about graphics. Maybe it's just me, but I do tend to notice a basic difference in gameplay, game time and game mechanics between console and portable games, and I'd like that difference to remain. Also: Sony has a very tough road ahead if they think they can magically break the dismal tie ratios that even Nintendo has to deal with. Watching the two systems duke it out will be interesting to see. I'll probably end up with both at some point, not just immediately.

And a very big "meh" to those who think that this will be the bonafide, new "Walkman" of the 21st century. Memory sticks are too expensive to make this even come close to the iPod and other HDD-based players for music storage, buying movies on UMD is a ridiculous notion unless you have money to burn (literally), and the unwriteable nature of the format just seals the deal. Sony's better off stripping out the movie-playing and passing the cost cut down to us. Nobody but the hard core is going to really take advantage of that.


Must... resist urge... to buy Sony product at launch...

Maybe the plan is for Sony to be making a profit on hardware when we all buy our replacement PSPs in 2008, thus making up for the initial financial hit?


The other day I was at gamestop and employees were talking about the 2 handhelds, and they were comparing the DS to the Nintendo 64, and that the launch lineup was weak. They also said given Sony past record that all the great 3rd party games will be for the system. Sony makes kickass first party software also, though IMO not as great as Nintendo's.
Like I was saying earlier, this whole thing about PSP > DS because of speed makes no sense to me. PSP does not use touch screens or voice recognition gameplay. Why does it feel like the people who are actually concerned about gameplay here are in the minority? This is Gaming Age - you would figure that there would be tons of gameplay enthusiasts here.

When I first saw this news I thought "wow, that is really awesome for the consumer." Then I read everyone's response saying that somehow PSP >>> DS now. This just doesn't compute. Is graphical technology really that important to all of you? For a crowd that is so focused on stretching the boundaries of the modern game, it seems those excited about new gameplay styles are really in the minority. I find this really sad, to be honest :(.
impirius said:
Maybe the plan is for Sony to be making a profit on hardware when we all buy our replacement PSPs in 2008, thus making up for the initial financial hit?

Well, that strategy worked for 'em on PS2!


Society said:
Well those same 'pick up and play' games can be played on DS. DS graphics are better than GBA, so I can not see your argument there. Comparing it to PSP, I can understand.

I already own a GBA, so the DS being backward compatible isn't enough for me. I don't find the DS's pixelated 3D graphics to be more attractive than the GBA's 2D, to be honest. Also, the DS is bulkier and more expensive than the GBA, so the GBA is still the more attractice system to me.

Society said:
I do not know, maybe I have a better imagination than most people, I can see the potential for touch screen and an independent screen.

Maybe you do. Like I mentioned, if I get the chance to try out the DS and there are games where I find the touch-screen to enhance the gameplay significantly, I might sell my GBA and get one.


TEH NOT AS EXPENSIVE AS I THOUGHT. No matter how Nintendo fanboys spin it, this spells doom for the Nintendo DS. No matter how Sony fanboys spin it, this spells financial suicide for Sony. :p

btrboyev said:
no, nintendo and sega pretty much split the market 50-50 worldwide throughtout their lifetimes.

Wrong. It was 50-50 in the USA(and even at the end of their lifetimes the SNES gained a slight edge in that market). Worldwide, Sega was always taking Nintendo's cock up the ass.


Sorry I'd rather have one big screen and better graphics than features that some games might use for better or worse. PSP seems like a more logical evolution in handheld gaming.

It isn't evolution though.. its what we already have on the go, in a sexy, sexy case with a sexy, sexy screen.


Queen of Denmark
SomeDude said:
The other day I was at gamestop and employees were talking about the 2 handhelds, and they were comparing the DS to the Nintendo 64, and that the launch lineup was weak. They also said given Sony past record that all the great 3rd party games will be for the system. Sony makes kickass first party software also, though IMO not as great as Nintendo's.
*puts head in hands*
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