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Official: PSP December 12, 19800 yen



Did everyone just pass this news over? *shock* *awe*


JasoNsider said:
Like I was saying earlier, this whole thing about PSP > DS because of speed makes no sense to me. PSP does not use touch screens or voice recognition gameplay. Why does it feel like the people who are actually concerned about gameplay here are in the minority?

cause its no different from what Nintendo did with connectivity, they hyped it up as the next big thing but they didn't have any game that actually made good use of it until Pac-Man VS, maybe touch screen and voice recognition will become important to gameplay when Nintendo backs it up, but for now its mostly talk


Tabris said:

Did everyone just pass this news over? *shock* *awe*

No. But I'm not going to get too excited about it because it looks like it isn't coming out until 2006.

Hey, where is jarrod? I remember all the pining over FF3 for DS while all PSP is getting was the FF movie. :p
Yeah, nobody is arguing that innovation through purely software design is impossible. I'm certainly not arguing that. Games like Wario Ware and Katamari are amazing (and current) examples of new games that innovate with game design.

However, you certainly couldn't do Yoshi's Touch and Go or Wario Ware Touch on any existing game platform. Not even with a mouse on a computer could you play certain games (using a pen versus using a mouse is different - precise operations like writing characters are much easier with a touch screen or graphic tablet.) And the whole ease of use factor is something the established gaming community might gloss over entirely. I could actually have my grandmother playing Wario Ware Touch or Yoshi's Touch and Go. Getting her to learn 10 buttons and analog sticks? Not a chance.

The point is - DS is a system that can't be merely associated with processing power. The PSP news here is bloody great for gamers, but it seems to have also shown some people's true colors on these sorts of issues.


jett said:
Wrong. It was 50-50 in the USA(and even at the end of their lifetimes the SNES gained a slight edge in that market). Worldwide, Sega was always taking Nintendo's cock up the ass.
PAL regions were essentially split too (UK/Spain/Australia for Sega, France/Germany/Scandanavia for Nintendo). Really it was only Japan where Sega "took it up the ass". Worldwide all totaled around 30-35M for Genesis/MD and 50-55M for SNES/SFC, the 20M or so difference being Japan and post 1995 western sales pretty much.

drohne said:
you're right - it's more like a $150 ps1 vs. a $200 ps2.
Actually, a $150 PS1 vs a $200 DC would be closest in terms of 3D output from what we've seen. Direct N64 & PS2 ports don't seem possible on either platform according to developers, despite the spec sheets in PSP's case.

Razoric said:
I fully expect Twisted Metal (woot), some sort of GTA, a 3d portable Mortal Kombat (drool), etc.
Midway has no plans to support either DS or PSP for the foreseeable future they've said. It's GC/PS2/Xbox/PC/Xenon only for 2005 at least.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I find it amusing $199 is a low price now. I predicted it all along as well.
The amusing/amazing thing is that the price is actually less than that - $185 (I won't include the tax because tax is never included in the US prices either, so if PSP comes here with the same price as in Japan, that's what you are going to see advertised)
Link316 said:
cause its no different from what Nintendo did with connectivity, they hyped it up as the next big thing but they didn't have any game that actually made good use of it until Pac-Man VS, maybe touch screen and voice recognition will become important to gameplay when Nintendo backs it up, but for now its mostly talk

Connectivity was used primarily in three games
-Pacman Vs.
-Four Swords
-Crystal Chronicles

DS touch screen and mic are used in a wealth of games already, and more importantly, uses standard features on the hardware (i.e. not required to buy peripherals.) Your comparison doesn't fly.

How can you even quantify "backing it up" with examples? Does Wario Ware Touch not justify touch screen? Or how about Feel the Magic with both touching and voice recognition? It seems like the general attitude here is that people are not ever going to be impressed with gameplay ideas spawned by touch screen use. That's what I find both puzzling and worrisome.


JasoNsider said:
Connectivity was used primarily in three games
-Pacman Vs.
-Four Swords
-Crystal Chronicles

DS touch screen and mic are used in a wealth of games already, and more importantly, uses standard features on the hardware (i.e. not required to buy peripherals.) Your comparison doesn't fly.

How can you even quantify "backing it up" with examples? Does Wario Ware Touch not justify touch screen? Or how about Feel the Magic with both touching and voice recognition? It seems like the general attitude here is that people are not ever going to be impressed with gameplay ideas spawned by touch screen use.

Give me a good game to be impressed by and maybe I'll give it another look. Nintendo's connectivity comparison does fly because it's telling of how Nintendo comes up with these seemingly great hardware ideas on paper, but when implemented just aren't that fun or different.


Ok, great price! Now I may actually consider one. But lets keep things into perspective. The much larger PSTwo with network card and controller is Losing money right now at $150. A much smaller PS2 w/ wifi, umd drive, battery, bright screen has got to be atleast $250 to $300 to make. So they are losing approx. 80 bucks at best to sell these things. Which is about what Xbox has been losing. This thing has virtually no chance of making a profit at this price, especially if u factor in that the portable software sales to hardware sales is no where near what the tie ratio is for home consoles. But hey, I'm not complaining, sony's loss is our gain. :) and u know what they say, mindshare/marketshare is what's most important. They could use the PSP to leverage PS3 when it comes out.... I hope nintendo has something up its sleeve because Sony is giving it everything they have.


Marconelly said:
The amusing/amazing thing is that the price is actually less than that - $185 (I won't include the tax because tax is never included in the US prices either, so if PSP comes here with the same price as in Japan, that's what you are going to see advertised)

Depends what happens. US launch is still next year? I doubt they would be exactly the same.


Is no one but myself concerned with the batter life? I'm sure those 4-6 hours are esitmates based on average use (i.e. not all features turned on). That's worrisome.


Actually, Sony's probably making a $10-20 profit off PStwo. The biggest cost for PSP would be that huge, bright, deep color, new tech TFT screen... which they have to buy from Sharp. :/


Queen of Denmark
MrparisSM said:
The much larger PSTwo with network card and controller is Losing money right now at $150. A much smaller PS2 w/ wifi, umd drive, battery, bright screen has got to be atleast $250 to $300 to make.
Your PSP costs are pretty accurate, but Sony is no longer losing money on the base PS2 unit IIRC.
Razoric said:
Give me a good game to be impressed by and maybe I'll give it another look. Nintendo's connectivity comparison does fly because it's telling of how Nintendo comes up with these seemingly great hardware ideas on paper, but when implemented just aren't that fun or different.

Four Swords Adventure is probably my second favorite game this year. So I would say that these ideas can be fun, right off the bat. And they certainly are different. From a gamer's perspective, the DS has really taken me by surprise as something completely new and refreshing. I had not played anything like Wario Ware Touch or Yoshi's Touch and Go before it.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
jarrod said:
Actually, Sony's probably making a $10-20 profit off PStwo. The biggest cost for PSP would be that huge, bright, deep color, new tech TFT screen... which they have to buy from Sharp. :/

I was under the impression that screen was co-developed with Sharp? They still have to buy it from them of course...


JasoNsider said:
Four Swords Adventure is probably my second favorite game this year. So I would say that these ideas can be fun, right off the bat. And they certainly are different. From a gamer's perspective, the DS has really taken me by surprise as something completely new and refreshing. I haven't played anything like Wario Ware Touch or Yoshi's Touch and Go before it.

That's the difference, I have bought 4 Swords but I have yet to play it than taking a few screenshots on my GB Player. I bought 4 Swords only because of words of mouth.

It all depends on how you like the games and the fact is people have different tastes.
I woke up and found this news just a couple of hours ago. It compelled me to write up a littel piece for my personal forum I have with my friends, half drunk with sleep. I didn't get a chance to read this thread yet, so many point on it might be repeated, or already been debunked. Either way, I want you guys to take a look and comment:

For first time ever, a gaming portable to be sold at loss!

PSP is offcially sub $200 in Japan!

PSP 19800 Yen

PSP + MS Duo + remote headphone = 24800 yen

By this single stroke of ballsy gambit, the argument that DS and PSP is competing in different markets by Nintendo fans has been slashed into bloody chunks. Sony is going for the kill. Sony wants the "third pillar" demolished even before it has a chance to be erected and spoil the PSP until a proper GB Advance replacement arrives.

Never in history of gaming portables, was any hardware sold at a loss. Only the console business was set to the 'sell the handles at a loss, make money on the blades' model, since the software to console attachment rate was great enough to support such a plan. No gaming portable ever came close enough to such attachment rates for the manufacturer to feel comfortable enough with selling hardware at a loss to build up the market share (perhaps some of the Gameboy iterations came close to or exceeded such attachment rates, but since they always were the market leader, they weren't ever compelled to sell the hardware at a loss at any point).

This is A HUGE gamble for Sony. Will it pay off?

** Some possible reasons why Sony is compelled to sell PSP at a loss:

1. They are in it for the long haul with the PSP.

Unlike new Gameboy every 18 months plan like Nintendo's, Sony has already stated that the PSP is a 10 year hardware. You won't be seeing PSP 2 in 2 year's time (not counting the little improvements they'll make as they go), that's for sure, but you can count on a new Gameboy before 2 years is up (Nintendo has already stated that a real Gameboy Advance replacement that is not a "third pillar" is in the works, to be unveiled in a year or so).

By aiming for the long haul, they are willing to eat huge losses on the hardware for the first few years until manufacturing processes catches up on costs, while building a PSOne like iron glove stranglehold on the portable marketshare leadership.

2. PSP's technology is advanced enough to compete in the long haul.

Specs for the PSP is certainly well above the DS and anything else in the horizon. Just in polycount, PSP's 33 million per sec theoretical/8 million per sec practical just dwarfs the closest competitor in performance, which is the Tiger Telematic's Gizmondo (thanks to nVidia's GoForce 3D 4500 GPU), rated at 5 million per sec theoretical/sub 1 million per sec practical. DS's 120,000 polys per sec is not even in the same hemisphere.

I highly doubt PSP will compete anywhere near 10 years down the road, but for the next few years, it should compete handidly in 3D performance.

3. Nintendo's semi agressive pricing on the DS is forcing their hands.

$150 for DS is significantly lower than the $200 the anaylists and probably Sony were expecting. PSP's perceived value might eaily be 50% or so more over the DS to the consumers, but 100% more? Sony must have not thought so either. So their plans for $300 PSP went out the window with the Nintendo's TGS announcement (making for the unexpected silence on the PSP pricing plans back then).

Few months later, this is the reply by Sony. And the gloves are off.

** Possible wrenches in Sony's plans:

1. Even with the great value PSP now presents, PSP's poor battery performance could bring the early pro and consumer reviews down enough to slow down PSP adopation outside of hardcore gamers.

Negative vibe on the battery performance could be a spoiler for PSP's market build up until Sony solves the problem, which could be couple of years.

2. Competition could catch up in 3D performance quicker than expected.

nVidia and PowerVR has already shipped portable 3D chips to OEMs, and a Pocket PC with the PowerVR chip (essentially a slower but more feature filled version of the CLX graphics chip in the Dreamcast) has shipped in the form of the Dell Axim X50V. ATI will follow suit with their own 3D handheld chip in the coming months. Although they are only a fraction of the power (1/4~1/5 approximately) of the PSP's GPU, they do run cooler and drain less battery power.

And with the focus squarely on handheld 3D now, and all the potential uber cell phones and PDAs to be sold, the race is on in mobile 3D development. Next year should be intersting since even MS is making sure that the Pocket PC OS (Windows Mobile 2005) will have all the proper support for 3D with the inclusion of Diredt 3D mobile. IMG Tech (PowerVR), nVidia, and ATI, as well as others will be pouring on the money for the dominance of mobile 3D in the coming years. PSP could be superceded in 3D performance as quickly as 3~4 years, if PC 3D GPU development is anything to go by.

The question then becomes, would Sony would have gathered enough of the marketshare with the PSP by then to have enough command of the market and the dev support to twart the newcomers (one of them probably from Microsoft)?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Depends what happens. US launch is still next year? I doubt they would be exactly the same.
What are the chances really to lauch months later here and costs more? I doubt that has ever happened, especially because US gets lower prices on console hardware in 99% cases.


Marconelly said:
What are the chances really to lauch months later here and costs more? I doubt that has ever happened, especially because US gets lower prices on console hardware in 99% cases.

Not exactly 99% We'll see. Europe is away so i havent thought about either system.


DarienA said:
I was under the impression that screen was co-developed with Sharp? They still have to buy it from them of course...
I've never seen anything to that effect, only that Sharp makes the PSP screen. Perhaps you're thinking about the Sony/Samsung partnership, which was rumored to be for supplying PSP screens eariler on?


A few things:

Shogmaster said:
By this single stroke of ballsy gambit, the argument that DS and PSP is competing in different markets by Nintendo fans has been slashed into bloody chunks.

Sony's been making the claim right alongside Nintendo, sorry to burst your bubble.

Shogmaster said:
Unlike new Gameboy every 18 months plan like Nintendo's, Sony has already stated that the PSP is a 10 year hardware. You won't be seeing PSP 2 in 2 year's time (not counting the little improvements they'll make as they go), that's for sure, but you can count on a new Gameboy before 2 years is up (Nintendo has already stated that a real Gameboy Advance replacement that is not a "third pillar" is in the works, to be unveiled in a year or so).

It'll be interesting to see if the Hardcore Gamer Bitch and Moan Express will swing both ways. One of the core arguments against the Game Boy is precisely that Nintendo stuck with the "same old, same old" for so long before delivering a portable, slightly enhanced SNES a few years ago.


xsarien said:
Sony's been making the claim right alongside Nintendo, sorry to burst your bubble.

Not only that...but when they tallk about the new price, they don't refer to Nintendo; they refer to iPods. They refer to pricing themselves as a low cost iPod, not a lower end of the high end handheld.

Sony doesn't just have their eyes set on Nintendo; they have bigger proverbial fish to fry, in their minds.

DS ia launching with a Pokemon game. DS has two Pokemon games in the pipeline. It's a Nintendo system. It's shipping more in its first week than the PSP is in this calendar year. Even in Japan, short term sales will go to the DS.

Long term...how the fuck can ANYONE predict where this will go? This should be interesting.


xsarien said:
It'll be interesting to see if the Hardcore Gamer Bitch and Moan Express will swing both ways. One of the core arguments against the Game Boy is precisely that Nintendo stuck with the "same old, same old" for so long before delivering a portable, slightly enhanced SNES a few years ago.

Well you have to figure that for a system like PSP, it will probably be a few years until they've really got a perfect hang of the systems strengths and weaknesses and hit the limit visually. Then you look at the PS2 which has basically been maxed at this point but PS3 is still 1-2 years away.

So going by that model PSP should be able to last 5 years before they really get pinned down and say "Shit, we gotta release the next gen version". Also PSP's 10 years could be like the PS1's 10 years and in 5 years if they release a PSP2 and drop the PSP1 to barebones cheap they could repeat what their doing in the console market. At least I assume this is their train of thought at the moment.
xsarien said:
A few things:

Sony's been making the claim right alongside Nintendo, sorry to burst your bubble.

But wasn't that just a transparent excuse to charge $300 or more for the PSP? Preparing the consumers for the sticker shock? We all saw through it. Now Sony doesn't have to make such excuses anymore. I expect them to change their official tune soon.

It'll be interesting to see if the Hardcore Gamer Bitch and Moan Express will swing both ways. One of the core arguments against the Game Boy is precisely that Nintendo stuck with the "same old, same old" for so long before delivering a portable, slightly enhanced SNES a few years ago.

I think they'll be bitching more about Sony not letting devs push PSP more due to battery than anything else for the first few years.

I'll definitely be bitching along side with everyone if current tech PSP hangs around 6 or more years though.


I think its a sensible move as costs for handhelds are in freefall looking at whats in them. Nintendo are probably waiting for new tech for their next GB no doubt.

Memles said:
Not only that...but when they tallk about the new price, they don't refer to Nintendo; they refer to iPods. They refer to pricing themselves as a low cost iPod, not a lower end of the high end handheld.

Sony doesn't just have their eyes set on Nintendo; they have bigger proverbial fish to fry, in their minds.

DS ia launching with a Pokemon game. DS has two Pokemon games in the pipeline. It's a Nintendo system. It's shipping more in its first week than the PSP is in this calendar year. Even in Japan, short term sales will go to the DS.

Long term...how the fuck can ANYONE predict where this will go? This should be interesting.

PR = gospel ;) [sarcasm if you dont notice]


Fafracer forever
Shogmaster said:
"Negative vibe on the battery performance could be a spoiler for PSP's market build up until Sony solves the problem, which could be couple of years."

"nVidia and PowerVR has already shipped portable 3D chips to OEMs, and a Pocket PC with the PowerVR chip (essentially a slower but more feature filled version of the CLX graphics chip in the Dreamcast) has shipped in the form of the Dell Axim X50V."

"Although they are only a fraction of the power (1/4~1/5 approximately) of the PSP's GPU, they do run cooler and drain less battery power."
Heh, it may be that those chips are efficient on their own but the Dell Axim battery life is around that of the worst PSP predictions, and that's on benchmarks that didn't use any 3d acceleration.
Those chips will only make things worse - as long as the hw they are coupled with is already a showcase for crap battery life, before you start adding MORE power draining stuff to it.
It seems like the general attitude here is that people are not ever going to be impressed with gameplay ideas spawned by touch screen use.

I've used touchscreens for well on five years now, and while the results may be different, they don't in ANY way provide BETTER fun than traditional controls -- and if fact, I'd argue that they're pretty cumbersome and LESS fun, especially after the novelty has worn off. Some of us haven't tapped out the fun in traditional controls by any stretch yet, and the DS sacrificing hardware performnace for novelty controls doesn't sit well with us, especially with all the specious rhetoric about "innovation" spewing out of Nintendo's panicked corporate offices.


Drinky Crow said:
I've used touchscreens for well on five years now, and while the results may be different, they don't in ANY way provide BETTER fun than traditional controls -- and if fact, I'd argue that they're pretty cumbersome and LESS fun, especially after the novelty has worn off. Some of us haven't tapped out the fun in traditional controls by any stretch yet, and the DS sacrificing hardware performnace for novelty controls doesn't sit well with us, especially with all the specious rhetoric about "innovation" spewing out of Nintendo's panicked corporate offices.

Unfortunately for you Touch screen is here to stay. DS is bringing into games. We'll see how it goes. It'll likely be likened to a mouse and keyboard on the go kind of thing. Its a proven interface before Nintendo came in.


I maintain my demand for one, wide touchscreen. Therefore, the DS and PSP need to get an hourly motel room, STAT.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Shog, just a couple of points:

Battery life is now quoted for gaming at 4 hours (with maximum screen brightness, 180cd/m2) to 6 hours (low screen brightness, 80cd/m2) Keep in mind that even at 80, that screen is lit simillar or better than most PDAs at maximum. I'd say that battery life is pretty damn good, actually. I wish I had a PDA with that level of performance that could last half as long.

10 years life span, I read the same way I read PS2 10 year life span. PSP2 will be on the market in 5-6 years, but PSP will co-exist and be sold for couple more years at low price.


Fafracer forever
Drinky Crow said:
I've used touchscreens for well on five years now, and while the results may be different, they don't in ANY way provide BETTER fun than traditional controls -- and if fact, I'd argue that they're pretty cumbersome and LESS fun, especially after the novelty has worn off.
Depends on type of game no? Would you rather play MOM with a keypad or a touchscreen? :p
Marconelly said:
Shog, just a couple of points:

Battery life is now quoted for gaming at 4 hours (with maximum screen brightness, 180cd/m2) to 6 hours (low screen brightness, 80cd/m2) Keep in mind that even at 80, that screen is lit simillar or better than most PDAs at maximum. I'd say that battery life is pretty damn good, actually. I wish I had a PDA with that level of performance that could last half as long.

10 years life span, I read the same way I read PS2 10 year life span. PSP2 will be on the market in 5-6 years, but PSP will co-exist and be sold for couple more years at low price.

Man, I'm so eager to do a personal testing on the battery peformance. I'm sick of guessing based on marketing claims.

If Sony really did improve the PSP battery performance over the previous accounts, then power to them. This could be a big potential spoiler for their plans tho.
Neither? Selecting small icons with a touch screen given depth issues and the obfuscation of the actual contact point by your digit/stylus isn't exactly fun, either.


JasoNsider said:
It seems like the general attitude here is that people are not ever going to be impressed with gameplay ideas spawned by touch screen use. That's what I find both puzzling and worrisome.

no it seems that the general idea that some people have is that stylus based games never existed before the DS, I've been playing stylus based games on my PDA long before the DS and I've found it gameplay capabilities to be very limited


Deg said:
Unfortunately for you Touch screen is here to stay. DS is bringing into games. We'll see how it goes. It'll likely be likened to a mouse and keyboard on the go kind of thing. Its a proven interface before Nintendo came in.

Um, don't you actually need, uh, keys, to equate this to a keyboard and mouse?

Ninendo DS is like equating only the WASD keys on a keyboard and a mouse. A stylus which isn't even as responsive as a mouse.
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